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[Help] Attracting Prosperity

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May 10, 2022
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.

Sep 9, 2021
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Hi John, and welcome. Im not urging you with anything LHP, other than answering the question with suitable demons to work with. Demons of Magick is a great book btw for that. If I were you, I might do a petition ritual and invoke Bune or Purson or Paimon. I believe all three would help you. Black magicians swore by Lucifer, Azazel, and Moloch.

Personally, I would recommend looking at Shem Angels, such as 72 angels of Magick for a different perspective. Many LHP people work with both angels and demons. There are a few Gallery of Magic books on that. I would also recommend a chat with God, and look up the Prayer of Jabez. It helped me once. It doesn't seem to be a repeat occurrence unless your in the good graces, so Id trade it as a one and done prayer for blessings and expansion.

Now, off to meditate before bed.


May 10, 2022
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Personally, I would recommend looking at Shem Angels, such as 72 angels of Magick for a different perspective. Many LHP people work with both angels and demons. There are a few Gallery of Magic books on that. I would also recommend a chat with God, and look up the Prayer of Jabez. It helped me once. It doesn't seem to be a repeat occurrence unless your in the good graces, so Id trade it as a one and done prayer for blessings and expansion.
I have a new idea I’ve been trying & it’s been working for me: working with the angels as you would with the demons- not praying to them, but by making them jealous of the demons you work with: I’ve noticed that all of this entities have alliances & feuds = politics & by taking advantage you get excellent repeated results. Like the archangel michael hates belial.
Another thing I noticed is the more time you give an entity the less it performs. Some spirits even gave me retroactive results. The spirits mostly want respect and for their name to be associated with power & prestige.
What is your personal experience with wealth magic?
Do you have additional suggestions?
What’re some things to avoid in prosperity sorcery?
What’re some positive factors for its success?


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.

You're bound to get some complicated responses to this, and most of them will probably be correct (as much as anything can be correct for multiple people), but just wanted to share a recent experience. Actually, maybe Jaide can pop in at some point and give more details.

Our finances suck. We live (barely) paycheck to paycheck. Our car breaks constantly, taking up pretty much any extra we'd ever have. 99% of our daily stress is money, and literally always has been (and we've been married 19 1/2 years!).

Jaide looked up some correspondences (colors, herbs, whatnot) and constructed a very simple candle spell for finances. I think it's was as simple as putting something on a burning candle. And then, at least as far as I'm concerned, we just didn't think of it (not the money problems, they're always there, but the spell).

It sat and percolated for a week or so. I didn't even give it a second thought. WE do not get "lucky".

After a week tho, shit started happening. I got a raise finally showing up in my paycheck that's easily 4x any raise I've ever gotten at this job and I've been at this job also for 20 years. Sweet! My youngest child aged out of child support age this month, so I thought (based on previous experience) I was going to need to file and maybe after 6 months of overpaying I'd get a court date. Instead it was stopped automatically. No court, no nothing. Jaide just found out a $12k debt is settled. The last 2 weeks has been a pretty constant influx of better finances. We might go from living paycheck to paycheck to being able to have a date night again. We might actually be debt free before I'm 70. That makes me so damn happy.

So, what's the deal? I think it's a combination of Jaide's intent (which was laser focused and she was emotionally invested). I'm not sure the correspondences she used are as important as her emotional investment and belief in them. I think the intent was the driving force. And the second part of that is once it was done it was done. No more fiddling with it, stressing over the spell every minute of every day, etc. I think when we meddle after using a ritual or spell instead of letting it work we sabotage ourselves a bit.


Aug 29, 2021
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How long have you been working with these spirits?

adding more spirits won’t help IMO, you should choose a spirit or spirits to help you then start doing things to bring in money, over time at work, or a second job, maybe selling something? Who knows


May 10, 2022
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How long have you been working with these spirits?

adding more spirits won’t help IMO, you should choose a spirit or spirits to help you then start doing things to bring in money, over time at work, or a second job, maybe selling something? Who knows
Here’re the dates and the result for me in my life, I’m not saying I can replicate it, or I can make it happen for someone else:
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account some from a late birthday gift, that was in oct & other from a random. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.


Here’s what happened working exclusively with mammon:
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
Sep 9, 2021
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I have a new idea I’ve been trying & it’s been working for me: working with the angels as you would with the demons- not praying to them, but by making them jealous of the demons you work with: I’ve noticed that all of this entities have alliances & feuds = politics & by taking advantage you get excellent repeated results. Like the archangel michael hates belial.
Another thing I noticed is the more time you give an entity the less it performs. Some spirits even gave me retroactive results. The spirits mostly want respect and for their name to be associated with power & prestige.
What is your personal experience with wealth magic?
Do you have additional suggestions?
What’re some things to avoid in prosperity sorcery?
What’re some positive factors for its success?
Well, thank you for the questions - Im glad I didn't start a magical jihad there.
Personal experience with Wealth Magic:
1. Recently I evoked Bime by petition, and wrote "grant my wish" on the tealight. The wish was to get temple supplies replenished, my money house in order (as its horribly post-apocalyptic) by getting a job and cash from people to help out. Its starting to get better, but I have a very long road ahead. Anyway, that petition as well as a candle ritual for get a job got me a McDonalds job pretty much immediately, and people gave me money here and there. It eventually got me straightened out in terms of rent, but again, still a long road ahead for me to free myself from four parties I owe money to. 50k ought to do the trick, giving 50% of that back to pay off the four parties, as well as keeping up with current bills and some savings as well as a temple.
2. Anyway. DJ Conway had a book, I forget what it was called, these were my Wicca days. The spell to get money your way:
Required -
Waxing to Full Moon
Tall clear water glass
Water (I/2 in glass)
Silver and gold colored coins (pennies and nickels will do)
Intent and need, emotional investment in it working
Set the glass outside under the full moon so that the reflection is in the glass, start dropping coins in the glass while saying:
"Lovely Lady of the Moon,
Grant to me your wealth right soon.
Fill my hands with silver and gold,
All you give my purse can hold."
Post ritual:
Reflect on the need and intent. Take three deep breaths and ground yourself. Pour the water on the ground, leaving coins for the earth elementals/spirits is your choice. Journal. Be aware in the next couple weeks (it occurred within 2 weeks for me) without lusting for results (difficult, I know).
After I did this ritual, within two weeks I found myself sitting in front of Little Caesars. I was the only one around. Nothing was on the ground. A wind blew on me, and I opened my eyes to find a $100 bill at my feet that was not there. Still nobody else in sight.

Additional Suggestions:
Try the spell.
Try Words of Power by Angel and others.
Try working with Jupiter and Saturn directly.
Some use enochian workings somehow combined with self questioning and visualization, for example "How did I get successful?", "How did I amass such wealth this quickly?" How did I come to love wealth?".

Things to avoid in prosperity sorcery:
Neglecting understanding your birth (natal) chart and aspects.
Not keeping up with moon phases and transits, as well as procession of the zodiac next sign.
Lusting for results
Not knowing correspondences

Positive factors for workings success:
See above and fill in the gaps.
Sep 9, 2021
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By the way, everything I write is honest truth when it comes to my experiences. I dont exaggerate or lie.
I am not a master wizard, anyone who knows me knows this. Im not a newbie either.
So, my suggestions I would try, whats do you have to lose?
Sep 9, 2021
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It could also be in your stage of personal development, you are asking for too much.
Example: Im poor, so I want gold, so I will be rich.
I do rituals, I dont get gold what gives?
At my stage of development, I only qualify for silver.
So, silver would be the domain of Yesod/Luna.
Therefore, I might spend more time doing lunar rather than solar magic.
Or, perhaps I qualify for copper, but I dont get bulk copper, what gives?
You get a call for a job you're suited for, pulling CAT cable data feeds into a building with an estimated 6 month contract.
Guess what is in CAT cable - copper, thats right.

Perspective and reality.

Open a savings account with 100 in three banks. Start a IRA. Buy treasury bonds.
While all of these are worthless these days to humans, for spirits, they are channels to create and deposit wealth.


May 10, 2022
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Try a spell and stick to it for a few months

if it doesn’t work then I suppose try another
I get your logic, you say I should be consistent & not jump from one spell to another but I do chaos magic that says results are the yard stick for success.
I have precedent from BALG forum of a poster claiming to get a lot of money into his bank account using a combination of demons & angels. a $1000 is not a fortune & my goal for next month is 3 thousand.
I’m using mostly demonic kings and gods, I know this makes the workings more dangerous, but I think it’s a weighed risk.
Stock investors also need to take risks to beat the average stock market return of 10%. Existence for me is a series of rational calculated risks where you win more than you lose.


May 10, 2022
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Well, thank you for the questions - Im glad I didn't start a magical jihad there.
Personal experience with Wealth Magic:
1. Recently I evoked Bime by petition, and wrote "grant my wish" on the tealight. The wish was to get temple supplies replenished, my money house in order (as its horribly post-apocalyptic) by getting a job and cash from people to help out. Its starting to get better, but I have a very long road ahead. Anyway, that petition as well as a candle ritual for get a job got me a McDonalds job pretty much immediately, and people gave me money here and there. It eventually got me straightened out in terms of rent, but again, still a long road ahead for me to free myself from four parties I owe money to. 50k ought to do the trick, giving 50% of that back to pay off the four parties, as well as keeping up with current bills and some savings as well as a temple.
2. Anyway. DJ Conway had a book, I forget what it was called, these were my Wicca days. The spell to get money your way:
Required -
Waxing to Full Moon
Tall clear water glass
Water (I/2 in glass)
Silver and gold colored coins (pennies and nickels will do)
Intent and need, emotional investment in it working
Set the glass outside under the full moon so that the reflection is in the glass, start dropping coins in the glass while saying:
"Lovely Lady of the Moon,
Grant to me your wealth right soon.
Fill my hands with silver and gold,
All you give my purse can hold."
Post ritual:

After I did this ritual, within two weeks I found myself sitting in front of Little Caesars. I was the only one around. Nothing was on the ground. A wind blew on me, and I opened my eyes to find a $100 bill at my feet that was not there. Still nobody else in sight.

Additional Suggestions:
Try the spell.
Try Words of Power by Angel and others.
Try working with Jupiter and Saturn directly.
Some use enochian workings somehow combined with self questioning and visualization, for example "How did I get successful?", "How did I amass such wealth this quickly?" How did I come to love wealth?".

Things to avoid in prosperity sorcery:
Neglecting understanding your birth (natal) chart and aspects.
Not keeping up with moon phases and transits, as well as procession of the zodiac next sign.
Lusting for results
Not knowing correspondences
The way you talk of wicca is similar to working with mammon, but FYI the amount of cash you can find/people give to you is limited and smaller than the amount you can get in a random bank transfer?
What do you guys say? Have you taken risks in magic, experimented?
Why did/didn’t you?
Sep 9, 2021
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Clear results are priority one in my opinion.
Try describing a working or ritual you do, that is not, working, step by step. Maybe we can pinpoint an error in a step.


May 10, 2022
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Maybe we can pinpoint an error in a step.
From my experience the deities don’t want to help you: they want you to pray to them, gift them items, raise their reputation & do what they tell you to.
I’ve found that wealth magic forces them to move many of their legions & therefore takes a lot of their time and energy & they don’t like that.
I don’t think it’s a cookbook kind of solution: you can use certain spirits and use rules of thumb while interacting with them, but you need to change the odds for the workings to succeed.
Because using regular probability you lose…
Sep 9, 2021
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Okay, but what do you mean by Wealth Magic, the book by Damon Brand?
Words of Power seems to move things.

I defined a ritual that worked for me.
What ritual did you do that worked? Let us know the steps, I might try it, depending on who is involved.
Sep 9, 2021
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Here is another one:
I needed money for temple supplies, so I summoned Bime.
I immersed myself in the enn for nearly a week, caused a used delight tin and wrote the seal on it with a sharpie, letters around the sigils, and a circle around it to contain the energy. I then got a green candle, wrote a petition, lit a tealight with time and grant my wish on it.
A week later I had at least 50. I misspent it and got nailed on that.

So another reason to define what youre doing that is unsuccessful.
Sep 9, 2021
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There are, by the way, angels that can do more if not better. Again, no matter who you're working with, create channels for the wealth to flow through.

I am largely unsuccessful, but thats because Im not doing those types of rituals. Im trying to work with Shem angels.
72 Angels of Magick (kindle) and the Le Kabbala le Practique translation and a lodge paper on summoning Shem angels. Then there is Abano who I was also using, and looking into older texts like Levi and Barrett and Agrippa. The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie has a Jupiter Talisman ritual.


May 10, 2022
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Again, no matter who you're working with, create channels for the wealth to flow through.
I work as a private tutor, so it helps get me jobs

I defined a ritual that worked for me.
What ritual did you do that worked? Let us know the steps, I might try it, depending on who is involved.
I don’t define rituals, I don’t use tools specifically for magic, I don’t use the protective circle or that triangle thingie.
I skim, then superficially read & only thoroughly read the best books. The book you mentioned is good, the cash book 1 is good and space time by Taylor edwood. I just use the spirit’s name & sigil and/or enn if available. I talk to the spirit, I establish a relationship.
And then I move to the next 1 & do the same. You can look at the deities I originally used in my OP. If the spirit ignores me like lakashmi did, I may even taunt her a bit.
I think you treat magic like computer programming and many others treat it like cooking.
In my book it’s neither: for me it’s art, diplomacy etc. A painting/sculpture can sell for a lot even if it’s incomplete/broken etc, while a computer program having the smallest bug or a dish with too much salt can be useless.