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Deciding when it is time to hang your hat on magic between LHP/RHP Propaganda wars

Jan 6, 2023
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Or maybe Im looking for an easy way out, like my thoughts of suicide by OD today. Lost my job and in danger of being homeless.
there is no easy way out, we are here forever, death is a lie told by darkness, everything is always alive, matter is simple electric charge, you are nothing but electricity, our consciousness is the source of electrical charge

severing your body connection will not help you, the energy you are will reattach to some matter or other, if you actively seek the darkness you will find it, maybe you want to be a speck of interstellar dust, far from any star and with little charge, you are as isolated as possible, your awareness frozen in time, but even the lowly dust is returning to the future perfect self, reincorporating with other dust, becoming more aware of your consciousness as you grow in complexity, you are always part of the circuit, and your self will be right here again staring down the darkness, forgetting that all is light everywhere, that darkness is created by your perception, and you can do this forever in our infinite universe
live life in all ways possible, embrace any experience you are having, everything that happens to you is a message from your future perfect self, every word you read and every pretty smile you see is a guidepost on your journey, the intuition is there to help interpret this information, make friends with it and tell it to help you follow the right path in every step

to be clear, you cannot die, but you can suffer forever, if you want
Sep 9, 2021
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Thank you for the words you wrote, many great points made.
I dont think anyone wants to suffer, even the masochist at some point tires of it.
Jan 6, 2023
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I dont think anyone wants to suffer, even the masochist at some point tires of it.
ah, not true, "misery loves company", this domesticated world is predicated on suffering, we lock up the earths resources so that it is a struggle just to survive, prosperity for all will never be the goal of mans governance, our social order is a death cult hell bent on subjugating everyone, nature would have us all happy and healthy as equals, but men seek the darkness instead
Sep 9, 2021
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So nobody can be the one to break that cycle? Dont get me wrong to each their own, but I do not enjoy darkness. I seek the light of men.
What is the benefit of darkness or seeking darkness?
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Jan 6, 2023
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if you seek light among men you will find darkness, only the most retarded men are elevated in society, the commodified world requires a compliant population, where people are too stupid to fight back against their overlords, the men on top know that strife equals wealth, a man will do anything he is told so he can have his share of stolen resources to feed his family

no man will care for you as nature does, seek your answers there


Oct 2, 2022
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only the most retarded men are elevated in society
Can you elaborate on your point of view?

People with interests that we are not aware of are not necessarily retarded. Let's take the example of leaders or representatives. These people probably have interests that are different from yours and probably have information and knowledge that you do not have. If they were retarded, they probably wouldn't be above it but rather below it, right?
Sep 9, 2021
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@frsfmcs ... I think Enochian is the cause of the high rate of practitioners in Christophers system. Perhaps they, as I did, and stopped doing so, start to get curious about the enochian tablet and start rattling off the names striking their attention to come and see whats up. I recall the healing ritual for Donald Kraig that various Golden Dawn groups and others were doing it for him as he was hanging on by a thread. At one point because I was using a more advanced ritual, I was caught offguard when rattling off the air tablet names, and felt what felt like butterflies colliding with my closed eyelashes/eyelids. Many years before that I was watching a friend apartment for him, and started rattling off rites out of Scheulers Advanced Enochian Workbook, where Id not mastered the basics. I thought I was going insane as I would randomly hear voices in the house, though nobody was around .. even outside. Possible clairaudience opening up.
Regardie was adamant in no uncertain terms to leave the Enochian tablets alone. He saw what it did to Crowley and they were unsure of the system at the time. It doesn't mean they didn't use them, it was just the Inner Order allowed to use them per their teachers word to give it a go.
Unlearned practitioners could become severely damaged mentally by untrained use of enochian. My opinion.
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Can you elaborate on your point of view?

People with interests that we are not aware of are not necessarily retarded. Let's take the example of leaders or representatives. These people probably have interests that are different from yours and probably have information and knowledge that you do not have. If they were retarded, they probably wouldn't be above it but rather below it, right?
I second this.
Jan 6, 2023
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Can you elaborate on your point of view?

People with interests that we are not aware of are not necessarily retarded. Let's take the example of leaders or representatives. These people probably have interests that are different from yours and probably have information and knowledge that you do not have. If they were retarded, they probably wouldn't be above it but rather below it, right?
first, retarded means slow, held back, not proficient

this describes most of western culture, and much of the rest of the world too, man is forced to live in perpetual trauma, poked and prodded from above into action or inaction

western medicine: demonic or just idiotic? they kill untold hundreds of thousands each year with simple mistakes, the rest suffer until death from pharma poisoning and harmful medical procedures, there is little to no focus on nutrition which is where health begins

fusion reactors are not based on science, modern science does not know how the sun works, and they are not even trying to understand, the whole thing is a giant money suck

cosmologists and physicists that "believe" in black holes and dark matter are the dumbest members of society, there is zero evidence for their claims while there is a growing mountain of science that supports plasma cosmology

banksters and business people are pirates and pawns, a machine to gather earths resources and decide who benefits from them, neither is particularly wise or capable, automatons, both suffer the same fate as the poors, not only does money not buy love, it cant buy a life either

very few people on this planet have any idea what the fuck is going on
Sep 9, 2021
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So, may I ask what any of this has to do with LHP/RHP propaganda wars, or am I seeing a prime example?
Jan 6, 2023
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i do real magic, i am not at all well versed in the lingo, i have followed a path that was defined by the intuition, i asked for the wisdom of the universe and it has been shown, the flow of energy is my only concern


Jul 2, 2022
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As for the title I would say I am a LHP practitioner but the way LHP is advertised today is just plain wrong... Like as if you have to pledge your soul to the devil, or you have to pact. No, you only need YOU and you alone.

Propaganda wars? It will only end when you are sure in your path. It surely ended for me. I have respect for both sides, as long as its returned.


Mar 6, 2023
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Truthfully there shouldnt be any distinction between the paths, because its all a spectrum of light.

Realistically however, practitioners of the opposite polarity tend to clash due to their belief sets. If you buy into propaganda then at least know its propagating. Propaganda is designed to make you think a certain way. How many sinistral magicians have been portrayed negatively in mainstream media? All of them.

Dont forget, the Salem Witch Trials only happened due to Rye Ergot outbreak. They were eating bread filled with DMT.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Truthfully there shouldnt be any distinction between the paths, because its all a spectrum of light.
From the perspective of Tantrism, from which the terms LHP (Vama Marga) and RHP (Dakshina Marga) were originally appropriated thanks to the likes of Blavatsky, this is an apt appraisal. Though the methods are different, the supreme goal of practitioners in the apprehension of "Ultimate Reality". That is, two paths, one goal.

Dont forget, the Salem Witch Trials only happened due to Rye Ergot outbreak.
While this has long been a popular conception, modern research has dismissed this as a likely cause. Speaking as a descendant of the Towne family, I can say that there were multiple complex social-political-environmental factors that had turned the entire Massachusetts colony into a powder keg. The events in Salem Village which allegedly began in the Parris household were just a match that lit the fuse.


Mar 6, 2023
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From the perspective of Tantrism, from which the terms LHP (Vama Marga) and RHP (Dakshina Marga) were originally appropriated thanks to the likes of Blavatsky, this is an apt appraisal. Though the methods are different, the supreme goal of practitioners in the apprehension of "Ultimate Reality". That is, two paths, one goal.

While this has long been a popular conception, modern research has dismissed this as a likely cause. Speaking as a descendant of the Towne family, I can say that there were multiple complex social-political-environmental factors that had turned the entire Massachusetts colony into a powder keg. The events in Salem Village which allegedly began in the Parris household were just a match that lit the fuse.
The rye ergot has been somewhat proven though. Its not concrete but it would explain why everything went down the way it did. Its logical. You may be very correct in everything you are saying, it was at boiling point already and all that was needed was something to light the fuse. Rye ergot is a very logical explanation at least. Its one of many. But I'm sure there is evidence of it.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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The rye ergot has been somewhat proven though. Its not concrete but it would explain why everything went down the way it did. Its logical. You may be very correct in everything you are saying, it was at boiling point already and all that was needed was something to light the fuse. Rye ergot is a very logical explanation at least. Its one of many. But I'm sure there is evidence of it.
I think any actual solid evidence would have to be forensic, and as far as I know there have been no exhumations conducted of the accusers, if that is even possible and assuming a short period of ergot poisoning would leave permanent traces that could be discovered hundreds of years later. On that, I cannot say.

This article represents a pretty fair snapshot on the current state of research and opinion regarding "convulsive ergotism" in the Salem trials:
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Anyway, tying into what you said about negative portrayals in this "propaganda war", modern attitudes of old persecutions certainly seem to inform the self perceptions of modern occult paradigms. This seems to influence the antinomian professions of the LHP as justification for attitudes and philosophies of rebellion against the social order. To them, the "RHP" represents that order, the spiritual path being seen as one of conformity and submission - "sheep" as it were. RHP occultists can counter that they are acting in accord with a definition of what is good based on value sets meant to benefit all beings. But I think that RHP occultists are fooling themselves if they think they are somehow immune to the backlash of a larger paranoid overarching political system. That is to say, fringe is fringe - a "white" magician who wears a crucifix instead of an inverted pentagram is still a heretic in the eyes of those who view any magic as the tool of evil forces. So, it looks like everyone is on the defensive...

It's funny to me because a Christian buddy of mine asked me to explain "what I was" and I told him I am kind of a Gnostic of sorts. He asked me then if I was a Gnostic Christian, to which I answered that this would not make it any better if I was. Historically, a number of those old sects who were stamped out could have been easily considered LHP by today's standards, at least in terms of their desire for spiritual independence and the smearing info left to us by their enemies.


Mar 8, 2023
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So nobody can be the one to break that cycle? Dont get me wrong to each their own, but I do not enjoy darkness. I seek the light of men.
What is the benefit of darkness or seeking darkness?
I am not a practictioner of high magicks or ceremonial magick at this time, nor a true follower of a LHP or a RHP, but I have been fascinated by this thread this morning and felt I had something at least minutely worthy to share with you specifically.
When it comes to seeking light, and struggling with darkness, we can become confused as to how the two play with one another, and in our reaching for the light find ourselves fighting back at the darkness, trying to run ahead of it or defeat it. In my experience, this attempt is not useful or even entirely necessary. Darkness is a natural byproduct of light. Where light is cast, shadow must follow. Now, in an emotional sense, that is not to say that misery and sorrow are inevitable, it is to say that ultimately the point of darkness is to show us where the light comes from. Our inner darkness, the emotions that bring us pain, are not meant as punishment or maledictions, but as a sensation packed with incredibly important information. I think of our negative emotions as signals from our other selves, pulls in one direction, or another. If an aspect of your life is making you miserable, but all you can see is the misery itself with no discernible cause, then the benefit of darkness or the seeking of darkness is to find its origin---something about your life that is not functional, that perhaps you had not noticed or previously considered.

The same goes for magickal practice. Magick as I've experienced it does not play around with falsehoods. Ironic, considering how many would insist that magick itself is a falsehood. Magick deals only in truth. Demons can only feed off of things that are true within you, just as angels can only nurture what is already true within you. If the act of doing some kind of magick brings to you pain, it is the existence of a truth that requires your understanding, and in your comprehension of it---true, undistorted comprehension---you open up to an almost enlightened state, in which pain and joy merge into ecstasy. This is, in my opinion, the ultimate goal and purpose of all darkness. To propel us towards the light, not by fearing or resisting it, but dwelling within it as the fertile ground that propels us upward. Seeds nest in the darkness of the earth just as we dwell in the darkness of the womb, and as it feeds us, we grow towards the light.

I hope this was able to help you, friend.
Sep 9, 2021
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So when we speak of darkness, we are referring to infernal or otherworld pathworkings/rites of initiation? If that is the case, would there be "darkness/shadow" path workings that are not necessarily of a middile east/africa infernal system?

It's funny, I'm not casting baneful works on anyone other than two corporations, but there have been new misfortunate events occurring lately. Physical mundane answers as to why in speculation, but no fact.
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Mar 8, 2023
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It's funny, I'm not casting baneful works on anyone other than two corporations, but there have been new misfortunate events occurring lately. Physical mundane answers as to why in speculation, but no fact.
In my experience, situations like that can often be sympathetic reflections of some internal strife that's gone unresolved. I'd examine how these misfortunes trigger you mentally and emotionally, and discern whether these incidents are isolated, or symptoms of a pattern. Do you chronically experience these emotions? Are you visited by them in your magickal workings? If so, it could be that energy or essence is being called into physical manifestation. The recognition and comprehension of this emotional/ethereal origin would more directly enable you to work with it, transmuting it and thus changing its physically embodied self, or circumstances.
Sep 9, 2021
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RE: Deciding When It Is Time to Hang Your Hat ...?
SUBTOPIC: ≈ What do we consider as important?
⁜→ Dilucub_DelFuego, et al,

Several times, I had to read and reread our "Dilucub_DelFuego's" commentary. And each time I read it, I saw something new.


Such a belief would seem to necessitate the Supreme Being having the characteristic of Omnipresence (
being all together everywhere all the time). Proximity would not be a necessity. The First Cause is at the same uniform strength everywhere. The First Cause does not diminish with space and time.


Candle Rituals, along with other human creations, are all about focus. It is a method to clear your mind of contaminants from the outside realm to establish an uninterrupted communion. The poorest human can achieve this meditative-like state using any object (
or nothing at all) as a lens that can open thought with the least resistance.


If we each bask in the enlightened comfort of our "candle ritual" → what we acknowledge the belief in the widest of the supernatural concepts. Even though there is no actual physical evidence to support such a broad view or the ability to substantiate if supernatural power exists, no real scientific model step-up to sets the stage for such a belief (
whether we see it as a religious view or an alternative).

When we adopt language such as "God's Mighty Sovereignty" we actually beam the view that one Supreme Being exists and that all power throughout the universe radiates from that single point of origin (
The First Cause). That becomes, in point of fact, the ultimate supernatural source. With the power of the "First Cause" and the strength of the belief in the Supreme Being, any form of Metaphysical Activity is possible.


An "Angel" is a "Supernatural Entity" that comes into existence through the power and glory of the "Creator of the Universe" (
The Supreme Being). Whether the accepted belief is in monotheism or polytheism the key factor here is the difference between the view that there is one Supreme Being → and the opposing view that there is a belief in multiple deities. There is no uniform description of the Supreme Being, except that is has the three (3) essential powers. BUT, Angels (fallen or not) do not have a uniform description. Hence, we say "Angelic like" (Angelic for short). The only thing common to the description of Angels is wings - and even that is becoming less common.


Most Respectfully,
Interesting points made. So if we take a supreme being out of the candle ritual, the focus then to scientifically proven that psi abilities exist? Demonstratable? able
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In my experience, situations like that can often be sympathetic reflections of some internal strife that's gone unresolved. I'd examine how these misfortunes trigger you mentally and emotionally, and discern whether these incidents are isolated, or symptoms of a pattern. Do you chronically experience these emotions? Are you visited by them in your magickal workings? If so, it could be that energy or essence is being called into physical manifestation. The recognition and comprehension of this emotional/ethereal origin would more directly enable you to work with it, transmuting it and thus changing its physically embodied self, or circumstances.
Thank you 😊
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