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Im out, please delete account and data and ban me.

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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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1. I don't delete accounts
2. I certainly don't delete data/posts
3. Break a couple rules first, to get banned
4. Make 597 posts before quitting, for good luck
Sep 9, 2021
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True. I ve rededicated my life to Christ, therefore the magic and occult needs to be left behind.
I will not do any evoking or invoking any longer, nothing of past civilizations save Israel.
It might've been helpful to clarify this in the OP.

In thinking about the switch from Goetia/Qlippoth to the Shemhamphoresh and other angels, it disturbed me that (inevitably) Lucifer has a mask in the shemhamphoresh. That caused me to rethink about angels, that we will judge them in the end.

Therefore I reached out to an old pastor that wants to bring me back into life in Christ.
I dont judge anyone, and could stick around for Q&A, but no practical work would be going on.

Im hoping that the deeper I go into the Bible and Church and service to others through Christ and the Holy Spirit, that my life will change around, at least 90 degrees would be a start. Thus, other temptations need to cease. It is a tough call however, what about the few Christians on here (even non christians), if I could help them.

Again, I wont be judging anyone, wont be posting scripture unless called for, etc. I am not a religious person other than faith in Christ.
Im also not dogging other religions, to each their own as long as they hurt nobody. Those that do hurt others, those I judge. As I do not harm others.

I will still be a minimalist as too often all has been taken from me, and Im sick of thieves - even if the thief is the situation itself.

As for the one who had stuff stolen from him, I will not summon Andromalius for you. I would recommend turning to God for assistance if you believe or not, it may be beneficial to you.
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Apr 28, 2021
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True. I ve rededicated my life to Christ, therefore the magic and occult needs to be left behind. I will not do any evoking or invoking any longer, nothing of past civilizations save Israel. It might've been helpful to clarify this in the OP.
Well if that’s the case, I’d advise that you atleast study the Bible with the perspective of the ancient Jews instead of the political ponzischeme the church is today.

The Bible is simply a method to achieve enlightenment or "Christ Consciousnesses”, same as the occult or most other world religions once the biases and propaganda is removed.
Sep 9, 2021
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True. I know someone recently dogged Christ, which is silly, as the OT points directly to the NT. Even if you read the Torah and Tanakh in Biblical Hebrew, which I will be doing. I already have a KJV bible and a Siddur, as well as a Baptist hymnal. I dont deny the esoteric in either and am open minded towards the gnostic and other rejected scriptures.
The churches, with 100,000 denominations is way too many. Too many for anyone to choose from.
The answer is simple, the Kingdom is within, or should be, if it is not, the Christian goal is to ensure it is there and rebuke and renege any involvement in the no-no's.
My reason for coming back and posting is that I thought it would be helpful to explain why.


Jul 2, 2022
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I am not sure about "Leaving Occultism" when I remember sending you two books on Christian Mystiscm by Skinner, which would be as big as an Encyclopedia. You could spend your entire life in those two books.

You are just overreacting.


Apr 28, 2021
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True. I know someone recently dogged Christ, which is silly, as the OT points directly to the NT. Even if you read the Torah and Tanakh in Biblical Hebrew, which I will be doing. I already have a KJV bible and a Siddur, as well as a Baptist hymnal. I dont deny the esoteric in either and am open minded towards the gnostic and other rejected scriptures.
The churches, with 100,000 denominations is way too many. Too many for anyone to choose from.
The answer is simple, the Kingdom is within, or should be, if it is not, the Christian goal is to ensure it is there and rebuke and renege any involvement in the no-no's.
My reason for coming back and posting is that I thought it would be helpful to explain why.
Best of luck, I have come to view Christ as more of a Buddha figure to emulate instead of a god to worship like modern Christians do.

Modern Christianity can result in a positive energy alignment, granted you don’t become a pretentious and judgemental leech, but few Christians really understand the end goal of their religion, and perhaps misunderstood heaven as literal instead of metaphorical.

I think it will be beneficial for you to hone in on one “area” of study, as you were quite spread out in your journals and it definitely contributed to your mental stress.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, thats a great point. The pastor stated that Im still young, compared to the general population of males in the world, although whites have shorter lifespans as they are declining in population of children. Not pro white, just saying. Lots of white scumbags exist in the world.

As it viewed metaphorically, cultivate life and wealth and health and happiness.
My failed experiment of 200% effort in not using spirits for magic is indeed a failure.
Not saying Id forego transparency, self-responsibility and self accountability, as these are requirements in the faith. Its not an east ride but beneficial to the human, imo. By metaphorically believing and literally serving, as Earl Nightingale would say, this would make a person a success, service is key. Unfortunately due to health problems I can no longer work, which means I should go all in on serving God.

There was an old 21 JumpStreet episode in the 80s that had these Satanic twins as culprits of murder, but stating as one did, that heaven and hell are now, and within. Iow, changing your mindset changes your destination while the destination is current reality.

However, what if it literally is literally true? I could see hundreds of thousands scrambling to get themselves right with God.
That is why I leave the occult behind, while still being of service. Enter the armchair mage turned pentecostal.

Food for thought:
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By taking the Bible literally is to accept its flaws in translation, such as the Israelite God Yehovah turned into the Caananite deity of Storms named Yahweh, Do not Murder vs Do not Kill. Etc. Transliteration and translation is good until it goes in reverse.
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Apr 28, 2021
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Well, thats a great point. The pastor stated that Im still young, compared to the general population of males in the world, although whites have shorter lifespans as they are declining in population of children. Not pro white, just saying. Lots of white scumbags exist in the world.

As it viewed metaphorically, cultivate life and wealth and health and happiness.
My failed experiment of 200% effort in not using spirits for magic is indeed a failure.
Not saying Id forego transparency, self-responsibility and self accountability, as these are requirements in the faith. Its not an east ride but beneficial to the human, imo. By metaphorically believing and literally serving, as Earl Nightingale would say, this would make a person a success, service is key. Unfortunately due to health problems I can no longer work, which means I should go all in on serving God.

There was an old 21 JumpStreet episode in the 80s that had these Satanic twins as culprits of murder, but stating as one did, that heaven and hell are now, and within. Iow, changing your mindset changes your destination while the destination is current reality.

However, what if it literally is literally true? I could see hundreds of thousands scrambling to get themselves right with God.
That is why I leave the occult behind, while still being of service. Enter the armchair mage turned pentecostal.
All of it is a learning point, if I had to use an analogy perhaps you spent a great deal with the technicalities and learning about different spirits and their elaborate rituals, but did you develop your own inner senses? Even with all the spirits in creation around you if you aren’t trained to perceive their subtleties of course it will turn out poorly.

i would investigate for yourself if it is literally true and not through your church, but instead through scholarship and mysticism, for all who seek God will have him revealed to them.
Sep 9, 2021
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All of it is a learning point, if I had to use an analogy perhaps you spent a great deal with the technicalities and learning about different spirits and their elaborate rituals, but did you develop your own inner senses? Even with all the spirits in creation around you if you aren’t trained to perceive their subtleties of course it will turn out poorly.

i would investigate for yourself if it is literally true and not through your church, but instead through scholarship and mysticism, for all who seek God will have him revealed to them.
Great points. I am still mildly leaned towards mysticism and theosophy and qabalah as examples, because I do not see a threat/flaw in them.
Mystics .. Christ was certainly one. It's funny that Christians worship on Sundays, the day of Sol, versus worshipping as the Jews do, from sundown Friday (Venus day, leaning toward Saturn) to sundown Saturday (Saturn leaning toward Sol). Especially as Jesus was called a Rabbi by his disciples and regularly attended temple services and instruction. His drawing in the sand was likely geomancy. His turning water into wine and wine into water is interesting however.

Perhaps its just a Dark Night of the Soul? Or a universal cry for physical needs help?

Mind control is still mind control, despite the reality mask. Churches are no different, plenty of money to be made by making a church tithe.
Post automatically merged:

I am not sure about "Leaving Occultism" when I remember sending you two books on Christian Mystiscm by Skinner, which would be as big as an Encyclopedia. You could spend your entire life in those two books.

You are just overreacting.
Good point, there are several Christian resources, some of which I found and uploaded. I studied anthropology and work religion with the intent to be a magical anthropologist. This is where I find a schism with the charismatic branches/nondenominational vs traditional branches.

Church denominations Im interested in are Anglican, Martinist, Roman Catholicism, Ecumenical (spelling?), etc. These I consider more enlightened than charismatic branches, which still have their audience type and virtues.

Not really overreacting, just that Im sick of every time I turn my life unravels. I know I have secret enemies, Ive always been slightly sensitive in that way. Can feel people looking/staring/glaring at me. Pick up on others vibrations, high or low and it physically and mentally affects me. An empathic type possibly. INTP/A personality type. I also know my flaws, I am slightly controlling, and highly people pleasing as a personality flaw or benefit. I guess it depends on how I use my gifts. I still think knowing myself fully through the Bardon Black-White mirror exercise on my natal chart, and turning negative house/sign/planet variants in my chart from negative to positive. This is still a goal.

However, certain things I cannot control can be spiritual. So it may not be overreacting.
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Apr 28, 2021
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Great points. I am still mildly leaned towards mysticism and theosophy and qabalah as examples, because I do not see a threat/flaw in them.
Mystics .. Christ was certainly one. It's funny that Christians worship on Sundays, the day of Sol, versus worshipping as the Jews do, from sundown Friday (Venus day, leaning toward Saturn) to sundown Saturday (Saturn leaning toward Sol). Especially as Jesus was called a Rabbi by his disciples and regularly attended temple services and instruction. His drawing in the sand was likely geomancy. His turning water into wine and wine into water is interesting however.

Perhaps its just a Dark Night of the Soul? Or a universal cry for physical needs help?

Mind control is still mind control, despite the reality mask. Churches are no different, plenty of money to be made by making a church tithe.
Post automatically merged:

Good point, there are several Christian resources, some of which I found and uploaded. I studied anthropology and work religion with the intent to be a magical anthropologist. This is where I find a schism with the charismatic branches/nondenominational vs traditional branches.

Church denominations Im interested in are Anglican, Martinist, Roman Catholicism, Ecumenical (spelling?), etc. These I consider more enlightened than charismatic branches, which still have their audience type and virtues.

Not really overreacting, just that Im sick of every time I turn my life unravels. I know I have secret enemies, Ive always been slightly sensitive in that way. Can feel people looking/staring/glaring at me. Pick up on others vibrations, high or low and it physically and mentally affects me. An empathic type possibly. INTP/A personality type. I also know my flaws, I am slightly controlling, and highly people pleasing as a personality flaw or benefit. I guess it depends on how I use my gifts. I still think knowing myself fully through the Bardon Black-White mirror exercise on my natal chart, and turning negative house/sign/planet variants in my chart from negative to positive. This is still a goal.

However, certain things I cannot control can be spiritual. So it may not be overreacting.
“Water to wine” perhaps could be an alchemical reference of the transformation we are called to undertake to become something undesired to desirable like the water to wine.
Sep 9, 2021
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I can see that. It would be detrimental to become a wino when we are instructed to not get intoxicated on alcohol; through a reference to the wineskins Christ talked about.
In The Golden Dawn, there is a turning of water into wine. This is done through two types of silica chemicals, one turns it red, one turns it clear. I forget the actual names of the chemicals.


Apr 28, 2021
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I can see that. It would be detrimental to become a wino when we are instructed to not get intoxicated on alcohol; through a reference to the wineskins Christ talked about.
In The Golden Dawn, there is a turning of water into wine. This is done through two types of silica chemicals, one turns it red, one turns it clear. I forget the actual names of the chemicals.
I don’t think the fact it was wine specifically was important but more becoming something of value.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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DelFuego, I don't know how familiar you are with Joseph Campbell, but there was a time when he acted as a guideline for me in spiritual storms. He was a Christian who, through Jungian interpretation and his own insight, was able to reconcile the religions, myths and legends of all cultures into an understanding which is useful to anyone in the here and now. He's also the reason why we have Star Wars movies (the first three good ones, not the new crap). Given your awareness of other systems and ideas, if it is your Will to follow Christ, Campbell's perspective can only help you get the best out of it without shadow fighting an exhausting and endless spiritual battle. I say this as someone who has watched people destroyed by their own prejudices by misunderstanding that overcoming evil in their life does not mean fighting fire with fire. It means letting go.

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Another way to look at Campbell is that he offers what Cavendish called the "poetic interpretation". He is a storyteller, not a preacher.
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