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  1. everl

    Open Request The Golden Game: Alchemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola

    It's been out of print over a decade so every time there is a copy available for sale it's quite expensive... If anyone has a scan of this book please? I remember flipping through its pages when it came out (sadly didn't buy a copy then) and the engravings collection is exquisite. Alchemy, its...
  2. D

    Book Recommendation Interesting treatise "De Porta Primordii. Tractatus de Virtute Occulta"

    I apologize in advance for my "imperfect" English. It is unusual that the topic field is limited to a small number of characters. We will talk about a rather interesting treatise "De Porta Primordii. Tractatus de Virtute Occulta", which is available in the edition of a certain cult "Oj. Js. Cu...
  3. Z

    Declined Request Daoist Internal Alchemy: Neigong & Weigong Training by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson?

    Can we maybe, quite possibly, please get Daoist Internal Alchemy: Neigong & Weigong Training by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson?
  4. H

    Book Discussion Alchemy of Programming. Hamlet Guildencrantz

    Hello! I really want to know what do you think about this book? I like the idea that digital world and astral reality live together. What do you think about alchemy? Did you hear about C. G. Jung alchemy books? The book Alchemy of Programming has never told ideas and I would like to hear what do...
  5. H

    Book – PDF Alchemy of Programming. Hamlet Guildencrantz

    What is Alchemy? And how Alchemy can be used in programming? Alchemy symbols are everywhere. Not only in chemistry. We can use these symbols in programming, in psychology or any science and not science field. Main idea of the book is the same as in Carl Gustav Jung books about alchemy. But now...
  6. W

    What use do you have for alchemy?

    Most occult practice seems to be focused on purifying the self, or accomplishing external effects without necessarily making the external world purified. But in other times, there was active interest in working on physical materials to improve them. It's interesting how here in China, internal...
  7. IllusiveOwl

    The "Watcher" and Separation From Experience in Meditation

    Hello One & All! I want to hear what other people have learned and experienced directly when working with the source of conscious awareness. I understand that connecting with this source is important but I am struggling to grasp what to do after achieving a moderate amount of detachment from...
  8. Wiccan_of_Oz

    Book – EPUB/MOBI Paul Sédir - Occult Botany (2021)

    A classic text on esoteric traditional herbalism from one of the most influential herbalists of the Paris occult revival • Includes a dictionary of nearly 300 magical plants with descriptions of each plant’s scientific name, common names, elemental qualities, ruling planets, and zodiacal...
  9. Taudefindi

    Journal Alchemical Journey

    So here it is, the place where I will register my journey to learn and understand alchemy. While I wish I could do both spiritual and material alchemy, as I believe that doing both is much more beneficial than doing only one, my lack of disposable income means that dealing with laboratorial...
  10. sohaaa

    Book Recommendation herbal alchemy books

    good evening, been a lurker for a while, im in need of herbal alchemy related books, not necessarily PDFs, just the titles would be fine, thank you in advance.