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  1. Shaman

    How I awakened kundalini at age 15

    This is my genuine experience with awakening and I want to teach you how to do it. First of all, you need to meditate. Meditation is the best way to awaken kundalini. What also helps is adding stimulants like caffeine for example to aid in this method. Go isolate yourself and focus on meditating...
  2. Azerate

    Open Request Hecate II: The Awakening of Hydra by Jade Sol Luna

  3. Shaman

    Kundalini sending requests (shaktipat)

    Hey I made this post to hone my kundalini sending ability (shaktipat). I want to send some kundalini energy to anyone who posts for now I will take the first 3 and take a break. I did it on another website and 2 users reported pleasure and tinglings so I want to build upon that. I am still not...
  4. Shaman

    Kundalini energy and manifesting for others

    So I am apart of a group on another website where we are using magick, rituals and manifestation to achieve our goals. I wanted to know if using my kundalini energy to manifest for others is detrimental to my ascension, like am I wasting my energy or is it infinite? Also for some reason this...
  5. Faaram

    How to Awaken my Kundalini?

    Whats steps/actions can I take to awaken my kundalini? There's no guru nearby. I am open to the idea of brute forcing it if necessary, I can deal with it. For background, I'm practing Telekinesis, being able to move a psi wheel that is far from me, in the same room. I'm practicing the KB, LBRP...
  6. Parallax

    Kundalini issues

    I’m big on channeling and decided to do spirit work and start working on kundalini. I’ve discovered upper and lower chakras in a system. About after 2ish weeks of hour long kundalini circuits, I had an abrupt experience where my Energy blew out mid-upper spine. terrible pain through my whole...