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  1. Nocturnum

    Lucifer-Personal experiences & general questions

    I have experienced a lot of things I don't always have a explanation for so I wanted people's opinion about what I have experienced so it would help me to determine the difference between intuition, anxiety and if anything that is interacting with me is possibly a trickster or parasitic type of...
  2. Yazata

    Book – PDF the 40 Demons of Vervm - Yazata and Ancient

    In August of 22 I wanted to get a group going to work through a grimoire together over the course of a year, like a sort of coven, and so I made a thread for it. Three people took part. Two of them gave up after a week, only Ancient was stubborn enough to stick with the program. A couple of...
  3. I

    Left Hand Path - Freedom or Prison

    Hello everyone, My name is Ictus, and my first contact with the occult was looking for support to face an obsessive spiritual process I was facing with my actual wife. Since the first ritual, we were kind of pushed by spirits to keep going ahead, making more and more rituals. Plenty of...
  4. Yazata

    Suggestion for August 1st

    Lughnassad - Full Moon - 25th Mansion Lughnassad is the feast celebrated by pagans to mark the harvest, and it gets its name from the god Lugh. It is believed that his name is derived from “binding to an oath”. In the Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum there is an entry for LUC (enough / sufficiently)...