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  1. Faaram

    Book – PDF Paul Ghalioungui - The house of life;: Per ankh. Magic and medical science in ancient Egypt

    Buy it here: Amazon.com ? [non-mega links] The white line version has these white bars on the right and left side of the pages, while the normal file is just the picture of the pages, without the white bars. I'm not really sure which of them has better quality or is the best for reading, so I...
  2. D

    [Help] Courses vs books?

    Right so the question is, and let's forget about cost, would getting a course such as sorcery of hekate or strategic sorcery by Jason Miller be better in terms of progression as opposed to reading his books? Or are there better courses? Or is it better to stick with books like watcher and...
  3. I

    Can a beginner acquire a Khodam?

    just like the tittle says, can a beginner acquire a khodam? Ive been studying ilmu al khodam and different entities for some time now but nothing that I’ve read ever addresses the experience needed before invoking a khodam. If so, what is the experience i need to envoke one, and would me being a...
  4. D

    Seeking Recommendation Interesting treatise "De Porta Primordii. Tractatus de Virtute Occulta"

    I apologize in advance for my "imperfect" English. It is unusual that the topic field is limited to a small number of characters. We will talk about a rather interesting treatise "De Porta Primordii. Tractatus de Virtute Occulta", which is available in the edition of a certain cult "Oj. Js. Cu...
  5. D

    [Help] Celibacy in Left hand path Dark Magic

    Is there anybody on the infernal path who does not give into the temptation of Lust? And if you do, could you tell me what practices work for you?
  6. Wizzard420

    Journal My Wizardly Tales

    Im still unsure about writing this journal; I hope I can remain consistant and I think that it will push me in my practice. I also hope that this journal can be a tool where others can interpret my thoughts and grant insight when applicable. This journal will most certianly become a record of my...

    How to distinguish True Will from other things?

    I know it's a very broad and maybe vague question, but I'm making it anyway. I understand that the concept of Will is essential to any craft and to all arts. If True Will must be liberated from the conscious ties, how does one discover it, if the individual is constantly under the oppression of...
  8. N

    Open Request The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities: Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits of Ancient Egypt and Nubia - (Tamara L. Siuda PhD)

    The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities: Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits of Ancient Egypt and Nubia Tamara L. Siuda PhD (Author), Normandi Ellis (Foreword) ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0738770795 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0738770796 Editor: Llewellyn Publications April 8, 2024 872 pages.
  9. H

    Fulfilled Request An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon

    An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon ( Mark Amaru Pinkham ) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1684542812/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=&psc=1 ISBN-10 1684542812 ISBN-13 978-1684542819 1708659098 An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon ( Mark Amaru Pinkham )
  10. art-vark2323

    Seeking Recommendation Favorite Grimoires or Books on Magical Systems

    I like collecting grimoires and learning more about different magical systems. Eventually, I'd like to open up an occult book shop, so I am always looking to learn more about what other folks feel like has been interesting or helpful to their practice. I'd be really curious to hear more about...
  11. SkullTraill

    [Tutorial] ̷B̷i̷b̷l̷i̷o̷m̷a̷n̷c̷y̷ Bibliurgy — Doing Magick With Books: An overlooked and underrated magickal paradigm

    Some months ago, I sort of hinted that I was planning to share some methods of sorcery that I personally use. Originally, I wanted to write a book, and that is still the plan, but lord knows when I'll ever get around to that, so I am going to write a series of threads about the topics I wish to...
  12. Taudefindi

    Journal Books About Magic in Society & History

    I love to learn about how society works as well as about history(though don't ask me to remember dates, numbers never were and never will be my forte), and this isn't different when it comes to magic itself, it is actually quite interesting seeing how the views of old eras and different culture...
  13. KjEno186

    Book – PDF The Art & Practice of Talismanic Magic by Ophiel
