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A brief explanation on my tarot knowledge, all input welcome.

Sep 9, 2021
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If I were to ask a question it would be..

Why don't you seem to 'Trust' the Tarot as a form of Divination when you have used it for so long?

At this point it at least seems as though you have a good understanding of general meanings and correspondences but at the same time it seems that you doubt the Tarots effectiveness and are fairly regularly asking about other forms of divination to use instead.

Just in the last couple weeks you've expressed interest in possibly switching to Geomancy, Wax Drippings, and Water Bowl Scrying or even using them in conjunction with the Tarot.

I'm not trying to be critical in bringing this up so I hope it doesn't come off like that.

But it's really difficult to use multiple forms of Divination simultaneously. It's best for a person to pick just 1 and really focus on that and Master it as much as possible.

My advice (not that you asked for it lol) would be:

1) Choose ONE Divination Method and practice the HELL out of it and forget all the other methods until you are near 100% confident in you abilities to Divine with that ONE method.

IF you choose the Tarot as that method, my next piece of unsolicited advice would be:

2) Choose ONE Book and ONE Deck to work with and no more than a few Spread Types for a while to really Hone you skills. Don't jump around between different Decks with different imagery or Different books with different interpretations.

It's okay to be curious about other Decks or other Divination methods and to want to learn about them but overwhelming yourself with too many forms, and methods, and meanings will keep you from really being proficient which will affect your overall confidence in your readings and divinations.

Just my 2 cents.
I appreciate the input. Scrying has always been an interest of mine, and the easiest ways are possibly tattoos, or a dark bowl filled with water.
I use Candle Burning Magic by Anna Rivas for daily rituals for self and others. That is where wax interpretation comes in handy.
Geomancy is now a requirement for me to learn as Ive stepped into Zelator, and this is the traditional manner of divination in Zelator. In Practicus you are heavily exposed to Tarot, while Theoricus is mainly Natal Astrology, aspects and transits.

Thank you though, will use your points. Geomancy it is (for now).

I was in Builders of the Adytum and Fraternity fo the Hidden Light before the Golden Dawn, they use Tarot heavily.