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[Opinion] Angel visualization

Everyone's got one.
Sep 9, 2021
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When I had a dream, after the Raphael LIRP attempt, I started coughing and choking in my sleep. In my vivid dream, a bunch of events occurred, and as a reminder the day before Id had a dream where I was drinking starbucks coffee on a dark bus and flt something odd I swallowed, I opened the coffee cup and saw dead flies in the coffee.
So back to the dream, Im in a casino bathroom coughing and puking to get the thing out of my throat, while irl I was coughing and choking still, and a man with sandy brown curly short hair comes in and produces a fork and say, "mind if I help you?". I declined the request but woke up and coughed whatever it was out of my throat. I attributed Raphael to this because it seemed a common factor, as opposed to Beelzebubs flies thing.

In the LBRP, I feel the element, air in the east, warmth in the south, moistness in the west (usually due to sweat at that point in the north, a heaviness there. I see colors attributed to the element directions. As far as clothing goes, usually robes in east and west, a caudaceus wand, a horn over my shoulder, Black armor and a red cape to my right and black armor or robe with a green cape to my left.

Usually the hair is curly, and the faces clean shaved like the man in the dream, but yes, sometimes difference in skin hue.

Its forced these days, but before the antipsychotics the colors and images would come naturally, including the flaming pentagrams being pushed to the ends of the universe.


Apr 16, 2021
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I've always seen them as amorphous forms in the rough outline of a person when I call them to appear before me, but usually I don't really call them before me so much as speak my will to them. Only rarely do I really see any spiritual entities in a coherent form, but it's almost always when one is trying to speak to me, as opposed to me trying to work with it.

The most interesting interaction I had was with a local nature-related spirit who took the form of a spider... the size of a small car. I about shat myself when I finally opened my eyes and looked at it, as I was laying in bed and it was above me hanging from my ceiling. I freaked the hell out for about 3 seconds before gathering myself enough to ask what it wanted. Turned out it wanted to just hang out in my apartment for the winter. I don't know why it wanted to do that or for what purpose, but I basically told it "just don't lay eggs or disrupt my shit". My apartment always has stinkbugs every winter, but that winter I didn't see a single one, so I took it as a net positive.


Sep 1, 2023
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I am very interested in hearing y’alls opinions on how exactly you perceive ‘angels’ when doing rituals,

My visual imagination is not strong and I don't do detail well, so they are sort of vague. I can't see their faces but they do have faces. It's sort of like how someone would look in your peripheral vision. You have a strong awareness that they're there, and can see the general gist but not details. When someone's in your peripheral vision, it doesn't feel "wrong" that you can't see details, you doing expect to.

In part I think it's less a "visualisation" issue and more a working memory thing. Like, I can hold "blue robe, chalice, watery" in my head easily, but not "green eyes, long nose, brown eyebrows, full lips, embroidered slippers, squared off fingernails" etc etc, it's too much to hold in my head at once. (Those features are not how I imagine Gabriel, I just made them up for the sake of example).

For a while, I tried imagining them with four living creatures heads, but only Michael stuck. So he has a lion head but the others are all human. Their robes tend to be somewhat billowy and flowy rather than acting like normal cloth, especially at the bottom, and especially Gabriel's, which becomes water. All four of them kind of flow up towards the circle when they appear like they're riding an elemental wave

Gabriel appears as a woman, Raphael as genderless, and the other two as men. Uriel appears as an older man in a dark green robe with a salt-and-pepper beard and an hourglass on his belt. The others are more standard.

They're all about 10-12 feet tall with wings that take up their entire 'side' of the circle.

These are not planned visualisation, but it's generally something I read somewhere rather than completely spontaneous (I think Uriel's appearance might have come from William Gray?)