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[Opinion] Balance between LHP & RHP

Everyone's got one.


Oct 2, 2022
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I realize that it is difficult to make an arbitrary choice when it comes to choosing a path between those designated as LHP and RHP. Difficult because these choices do not necessarily seem to be contrary to one another to any extent. There are reasons why I think LHP would be more appropriate for some reasons and vice versa for RHP. Demons seem to be excellent teachers for some of the more "down to earth" elements and I wonder if it is not necessary to understand what is close to us before what is superior to us. In any case, these elements seem "complementary".

Every step of progression in our lives seems to have been paved with trial and error. As kids, many of us had to get burned to understand that fire was a dangerous element. Yet, that same fire was used to light birthday cakes for others - allowing enlightenment to dawn on their faces. Rather than listening like "wise men", we individually came to our own conclusions.

Each of the paths seems to preach for its chapel without bringing nuance, as if it were . Don't today's political parties also have their roots in this bipartisan form of choice found in the occult? Having never adhered to one vision rather than another, I have this thought that it could be the same with magick. Rather than seeing "black" and "white", stand on the grey line between these two paths.

Is it possible, then, in your opinion, to juggle the two paths? Do any of you share this view or practice this approach? Use LHP for tangible elements or knowledge, while maintaining some form of RHP course to keep a focus on the common good.


May 26, 2022
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I do not think there has ever been a person or practitioner who stayed completely LHP or RHP. I hold these two terms in contempt, as I believe they create more hesitation, doubt, and confusion than clarity or sense of purpose. The Wiccan Rede is rather applicable in this conversation: "An it harm none, do what ye will". And even that I disregard on occasion. The trouble with such narrow ideals and blanket statement laws is they do not work in every situation. You must be willing and able to adapt to different circumstances, and in many cases altering even your own personality and values can be a huge boon.

It sounds like you share a similar viewpoint with me, but are hesitant to indulge it. If you really want to learn how you feel on the subject, experiment with it. Pick an amount of time to spend on each and live your life right by the fucking book for that time period. Observe how it feels, how it helps with progression towards your goals, consider what you do and do not like about each. Are you even able to stick to the rules for that time period, or do you find yourself straying off the path?
Sep 9, 2021
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The hallmark pioneer of the modern LHP was LaVey's Satanic Bible, which seems to be of a psychological Humanist approach, and heavy sex magick rituals. The pioneer of the RHP I would say is Rudolf Steiner, perhaps look into these as well. I also think no matter your path, baneful magic will come into play at one point.

If I were to apply the concepts to the political arena, I would say liberalism is LHP, conservatism RHP; Republicans LHP, Democrats RHP.


Oct 2, 2022
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I do not think there has ever been a person or practitioner who stayed completely LHP or RHP. I hold these two terms in contempt, as I believe they create more hesitation, doubt, and confusion than clarity or sense of purpose. The Wiccan Rede is rather applicable in this conversation: "An it harm none, do what ye will". And even that I disregard on occasion. The trouble with such narrow ideals and blanket statement laws is they do not work in every situation. You must be willing and able to adapt to different circumstances, and in many cases altering even your own personality and values can be a huge boon.

It sounds like you share a similar viewpoint with me, but are hesitant to indulge it. If you really want to learn how you feel on the subject, experiment with it. Pick an amount of time to spend on each and live your life right by the fucking book for that time period. Observe how it feels, how it helps with progression towards your goals, consider what you do and do not like about each. Are you even able to stick to the rules for that time period, or do you find yourself straying off the path?

That's it, I am still in a form of hesitation because I have always adopted a "wise" posture on certain life experiences of my peers. Observation, reflection allowed me to avoid certain mistakes (without experiencing them) or to copy behaviors to lift myself and my loved ones. These elements were however purely mundane. Concerning beliefs and other intangibles, I have always found it useful to develop a strong inner self in order not to depend on imposed (often misinterpreted) beliefs. Therefore, in terms of some of the LHP practices, I'm kind of in between.

I have started some work and I already notice results. I keep several journals to understand, improve and refine certain techniques. I have to admit that what could look like coincidences end up becoming synchronicities and that it is interesting to see the reality modulate according to the circumstances. I don't want to rush into anything but I also want to go further without being stopped by preconceived ideas linked to any kind of stereotype.

Harmony for a spider is chaos for a butterfly. The question is to know in what proportion we are more inclined to work with one rather than the other. This is where I think individuality and subjectivity come into play and that there is no real arbiter except ourselves.
Sep 9, 2021
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Some good replies here:


Oct 2, 2022
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The hallmark pioneer of the modern LHP was LaVey's Satanic Bible, which seems to be of a psychological Humanist approach, and heavy sex magick rituals. The pioneer of the RHP I would say is Rudolf Steiner, perhaps look into these as well. I also think no matter your path, baneful magic will come into play at one point.

If I were to apply the concepts to the political arena, I would say liberalism is LHP, conservatism RHP; Republicans LHP, Democrats RHP.

My questioning was not about advocates of one path over another. Who are we, apart from our own conscience, to come and establish what is good and what is not good? Establishing a consensus on "normality" is already something arbitrary because it is based on the principle that we must reject elements inherent to human nature in favor of a collective good. This being said, when we look at today's society, is it healthy? Is it maximizing the collective good in our Western societies? Are we happier collectively?

The problem with moderating the common good is that it is often led to be established and directed by individuals who are probably more prone to LHP excesses (and I mean excesses, not LHP practitioners) . Most humanists tend not to want to enter positions of power because the underlying decisions involved are often contrary to their deepest values. Or they simply run into a wall because they are unable to apply their ideals, thus causing political suicide. So, can we question the impartiality and altruism of those in charge? Probably.

There is, however, beauty in the egoism that drives individuals to take initiative and rise. This can be a huge driver to achieve great things and leading is part of it. Using it excessively, on the other hand, leads to detrimental flaws that are probably neither good for the individual concerned, nor for those around him. Still, I have the impression that the distortions hurt the person concerned first and foremost and that it could be a form of call to order to return to a healthy balance. Recognizing this and changing is usually more complicated because it requires re-evaluating the place of one's own ego.

My comments are not intended to blame anyone but rather to question. I am aware that without a strict framework and different laws, individuals would live in anarchy that the majority would not want. However, I wonder about the motivations of each person to militate for one path rather than another. I even have the impression that it is an echo chamber referring to the problems that our societies have always had over the centuries. This leads me to work on this grey area rather than to make a "choice" among those collectively accepted.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, it boils down to this:
1. Would one prefer a home or to be living in shanty town?
2. Would one prefer to have a loving and peacefiul home, or a cruel and chaotic home?
3. Would one prefer a functional family or a dysfunctional family?
4. Would one prefer to see success or failure in life?

Now, some of these conditions via birth are not within our circle of control, but we can individually break the patterns through effort.
When it comes to the world stage and state actors, it is then more complicated and difficult to break patterns unless rebellion occurs.

It is a very complex issue deciding what is good and what is evil.

Even God and Glenda the White Witch curse when the situation is called for, and this is perhaps evil in the eyes of the bounds-overstepper, but good in the eyes of God/Glenda.

Rebellions are not always evil, independence was sought after by many countries over time, through rebelling against the status quo.

However, world dominance is a sure recipe for failure for all but the rebellers.

I would say the Middle Pillar - the Grey Path is best, as too much love spoils the child, and too often a rod will spoil the child. Moderation.
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Aug 24, 2022
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The hallmark pioneer of the modern LHP was LaVey's Satanic Bible, which seems to be of a psychological Humanist approach, and heavy sex magick rituals.
I feel as though this would be the most powerful type of magick I could do, with a divine counterpart. I feel like this would definitely
lead to some scarily effective and immediate results.
It's piques my interest the most & definitely something I should find good sources to read up on.
I heard that some of these Sexual Alchemical Rituals are kept top secret, as they are extremely potent.

The pioneer of the RHP I would say is Rudolf Steiner, perhaps look into these as well.
I got this guy recommended to me on YouTube, Rudolph Steiner Archives. Really good listening material, especially while falling asleep.
Jan 6, 2023
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when dealing with those that believe in good vs evil remember that evil always wins

good can only do good works

evil can do anything, it will fool the good into doing evil

all players in this system are pawns

do right even when it is evil