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Cleansing Sin


Nov 17, 2021
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This is an interesting position to take. I note for example the various native peoples that claim their ancestors came from other star systems such as the Pleiades (hence relatively hairless?). If so, the universal absence of humans would affect various galaxies and time lines.

I further note that the kabbalistic Tree of Life, as it fits on the human light body, seems to act as an antenna for cosmic light bodies - suggesting perhaps that the microcosm is closely connected to the macrocosm.

Certainly my own experience is that Earth humans are neither accidental nor decorative but rather constructed to be functional in the cosmos.

Then we come to the concept that the universe is perfect and hence does not need to become/achieve additional functionality or purpose. So is the universe decorative rather than functional? Does it all have no purpose?

By all means, I certainly wouldn't imply that humans are just a random or accidental occurrence that didn't belong in the Universe, because their continued existence is a conscientious gift from Providence in the first place - my point was merely that Humans aren't some kind of supreme authority that get to arrogantly dictate to nature or the Universe what it should be or look like. They could disappear with their little perspectives, and the Universe would simply shrug it off and keep moving forward in perfect harmony like it always has.

Nature and this Universe is indeed already a perfect machine - but that doesn't make it pointless.
Even the concept of being "pointless" is in itself a subjective judgement that only an individual can make.
So what is the purpose of the Universe?
Only you can decide as the Individual perceiving it.
It is a neutral stage on which you are free to write your own story, it is the perfect playground for your Consciousness to fulfill its own purpose.
We are all the main characters of our own existence, and what part you wish to play in this Universe is up to you.

And yes, one of the most defining features of the Human race is its Tetrapolar Spirit, which is the ultimate reflection of the Macrocosm.
The biblical assertion that "Behold, the kingdom of God is within you!" is quite on target.
Unlike Elementals, Nature spirits, and etc., the Spirits of Humans are all-encompassing and capable of reflecting any and all parts of the Universe and its Forces/Principles.
That is why I often refer to the Spirits of Humans as the "Heirs of God", because they are the only kind of Spirit which fully express the Macrocosm and therefore the Ominous principle of the Akasha/God-Principle.

Nicolas Flamel

Nov 30, 2021
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This may be blasphemous to some, but I did a kind of baptism on myself in my shower, with the purpose of cleansing my spirit and body. Basically while I was in the shower I did a MP ritual, and then invoked the holy spirit (a simple prayer can do this) then I laid out my intentions to the holy spirit (or God if you will) and I had the holy spirit merge into the water that was dripping on me, I spent a couple minutes just getting covered with the holy spirit, and drank some of the water as well so the spirit could travel within my body as well.

I'll tell you right now, that I had never felt so clean getting out of a shower before. It was quite amazing actually.


Aug 31, 2021
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Nature and this Universe is indeed already a perfect machine
I am not sure machine is really the best way to think of the universe. Even the rocks show me intelligence and all the grass looks at me when I go outside.

If the universe is alive, then it may well be evolving. For example it is held that our god is a god of love. So far the universe does not seem to be a full expression of love.


Aug 29, 2021
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I am not sure machine is really the best way to think of the universe. Even the rocks show me intelligence and all the grass looks at me when I go outside.

If the universe is alive, then it may well be evolving. For example it is held that our god is a god of love. So far the universe does not seem to be a full expression of love.
Why do you assume Gods expression 9f love is like yours?


Aug 31, 2021
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Why do you assume Gods expression of love is like yours?
It rather depends on to which god you refer. In this case I was referring to the solar logos.

Love as experienced by most local humans is a mixture of etheric and emotional elemental energies. Some humans experience mental love and a few buddhic/heart love.

Since our god is a god of love, almost all energy/substance in this solar system is an expression (however limited) of the divine intent to right relationship. There are of course inflows from more profound logoi, some of which work with intelligence and some with intent.

Nicolas Flamel

Nov 30, 2021
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It rather depends on to which god you refer. In this case I was referring to the solar logos.

Love as experienced by most local humans is a mixture of etheric and emotional elemental energies. Some humans experience mental love and a few buddhic/heart love.

Since our god is a god of love, almost all energy/substance in this solar system is an expression (however limited) of the divine intent to right relationship. There are of course inflows from more profound logoi, some of which work with intelligence and some with intent.
Here's an idea to ponder, what if all gods are merely a piece of the Creator. Angels are but aspects of God, same with demons, humans, and other gods. This is an idea I've started to really think about and it makes sense to me. All is one and one is all.

Just a concept to think about though :)


Aug 29, 2021
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It rather depends on to which god you refer. In this case I was referring to the solar logos.

Love as experienced by most local humans is a mixture of etheric and emotional elemental energies. Some humans experience mental love and a few buddhic/heart love.

Since our god is a god of love, almost all energy/substance in this solar system is an expression (however limited) of the divine intent to right relationship. There are of course inflows from more profound logoi, some of which work with intelligence and some with intent.
I said God as in the source, just answer the question

what makes you think Gods love is like yours? You should read people’s experiences in hell...they’re terrifying but ultimately they are for cleansing and shaped by our subconscious and fear...so that’s love to me.


Nov 18, 2021
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I think the God of the Bible and his crew consists of both angels and demons who work together. There's a bible quote showing God in the Bible showing God meeting with whoever is tormenting Job, they have a discussion and God agrees to Jobs's torment. but says : just don't kill him.... we need angels, and we need demons, I feel both have a great purpose for learning and growth.


Apr 25, 2021
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What do you do to cleanse sin..meaning your negative energy, karmic ties

in Christianity one repents, goes to confession, covers themselves in the blood of Christ

in Judaism they repented, have Yom Kippur, the High Priest would draw all negative energy from the community onto a goat and send it to Azazel or the wilderness, today on Yom Kippur they pray and fast

im curious as to what people here do.
In Vodou, the concept of sin is encapsulated in the African understanding of Rules; conditions of success and failure for our incarnations. When we run awry of one of these conditions we correct them with sacrifice, the bath, service or some combination thereof.

I've found it interesting how this thread bent from an inquiry into how one cultivates merit and dispense their own demerit to the perceived nature of the Universe and man's place therein. As if the sophism of a few elders and scholars have ever unraveled the most obvious of mysteries. Tsk , the hubris.
For all the talk of Akasha, Karma, Providence, or Logos not one life was created, improved, extended, or ended. No greater wisdom of the World gained in all of the discussion. The original topic spoke more to what this conversation devolved into than anything else discussed here. And the funniest part is that the vocabulary, shifting in accordance to how educated someone wants to sound, is the root of the confusion.

The conversation about spiritual and ritual purity speaks to our relationship to the spiritual and material. It speaks to our need as humans to oscillate between material and spiritual prerogatives and is far more germane to the question of who & what is mankind and the universe we live in. The Ancients never sat around arguing about the realities of the universe. They struggled with the language needed to express it but they never argued about it. Here, many people are bringing many languages together, presumably in hopes of figuring out how to describe the parts of the Elephant we don't see.
Let us humble ourselves and learn the lessons from others that we thought we already knew. There's no rule that says one must be the teacher or the student.