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crypto in the morning! by Lou


Jun 30, 2021
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you got to admit the guys grandeur and spectacle IS making IT funny. he made me laugh so hard i realized i was mourning bernie mack.
sorry NSFW, but bernie IS FUNNY.

satanic style, the mild version...
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it is said araignee wont come. sad, cause i think she would have liked a safe dance for a changce.
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i dont know much about the living kin(g)doms in africa, but ive always loved the spirits of the band magic system. they are happy, see the fun and know the way. secretly they are my ancestors too, but since i didnt again fall for the oldest trick of royal ass manipulation they are now willing to help the evil witch from the west in her queste to find araignee so she can help us with some new ways...
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May 26, 2022
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Hi, it's not morning here but it will be soon so time to jump in and join the fun.

I don't know about crypto either, but I was a nerd for sure. Then I took a scarier path, instead of coming out of the closet I turned around and went deeper and deeper and the hallway just kept going. Came out the other side a lot later after meeting many lonely people, some of them got way too wrapped up in the dark and fell asleep. But those that stuck on the path learned how to light things up for their friends, and we can all still see each other's beacons. So that tells me there's a way to get through all of it, even though it doesn't matter. These guys have a bridge to the land of understanding:

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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Right on! I found Narnia in the closet but when they told me it was my imagination I flipped back to LOTR. Besides, I got hairy feet like a hobbit.

look they pray in the snake room:


Is the Snake Room open? Can you eat popcorn during the sermons? If I can get in I will bring a friend.
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Jun 30, 2021
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ooohh ancient:
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and yes the snake room is open, popcorn included, lol
i myself was thinking peacock meets idk, preferably soon.
i already talked to the spirits in maries altar and they asked if i wanted a novena. i said no i want da man
he gave his altar key away, so.....
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Jun 30, 2021
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mary found her children calling, they were yelling 'do you see the fire' while she was cutting her own cord. or in other words i had a spirit birth in the swimmingpool :cool:

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oww a dutch it whisperer told me musk couldnt handle being a twitter ceo, so hes stepping down and will be just an other it dude, by his OWN choosing, btw. so hail the twitter bots and lets reprogram their asses!
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Jun 30, 2021
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yeah well sorry, i had a group of people who heard mourning instead of morning and i didnt have enough dead people to help. after a year of playing death i thought it long enough and went happy new year on x-mass and on the bye bye i learned how to Halloween as im born on that day, but never went usa style...so hallelujah indeed.
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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i didnt have enough dead people to help
Ain't that the good Lord's truth? Same thing here. But it's a New Year and a prayer for a New World. And here's a song for those who have to work in a sea of people who are able bodied and can but simply refuse to.
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Jun 30, 2021
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im so happy they now have lots of females in rome. i can hear them yelling thats not me, look i got pussy. not that i know where the expope goes, but i do know that im not bringing him. i was hoping a strict southern lesbian couple would adopt him in the future and he would be born a s a girl of course and find an evil partner later on in life. im not good at scary stories, maybe the pope himself was idk. at least he ran away from office when they ordered him to take the role as a woman, so thats a pro. a friend of mine remembers him like this:

i actually was more thinking in the lines of pied piper as his name reads with a bit of phantasy: ratzinger. or he could be just an other zingerburger of course. but anyways, due to his name and gymratcrypto not knowing what a woman is, i went for pied piper (star wars people count strange) and make my version pull all those kids out of church. if its real the church will have to go o9a and respect my nexions.
so popcorn with the stars this old years eve. the world is ready to scare the crap out of all those evil spirits and new zealand has already started with the first bonfires and fireworks.

to end this year looking backwards: it looks totally like some groups had a war going on about who would have the greatest burial on earth...(drunken men talk in wallh allah)

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Jun 30, 2021
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it seems that mexico follows a flow im aware of, just like brazille and to be honest ive met santa muerte for the first time here on wf so im helping where i can, but all i got this morning was this song with syncs in the names and words.
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The Hu band - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Sugaan Essena - 2 hours

HU man man infused with roach allah or breath of life from the gods
star wars jedi fallen order the wyrd web that fell on earth, a war globally
sugaan essena sobek, the crocodile god is linguistically promoted as being part of the souq group and thats the marketplace so finance and the essenes were jewish mystics.

the gossip about the essenes is that they smoked weed to get to walhallah and that they are the original nin-jah's. if i remember right ning-al means great queen in sumerian, so it should in ESSENCE be a female lane. but alas somewhere in space and time we had again a run for power by men alone. not that i care, but in essence no woman means gay and not guy. so where is that life where women and men stayed equal after their creation? the drugs killed it!
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i saw the nofap lane for the males, but for women its different and we dont like to talk about it , but im gonna anyways. so yes no males means sour kraut and lesbo's. but it also means horny men watching girl on girl action. and im not even talking about sex right now. so in order to have a safe spiritual place for people who have a pussy between their legs ( yes its annoying when you have a cat ) i need to be rude and would love me to find some bouncers at the door for women have ways that makes a man wonder why he ever passed the red sea.

my first subject is that nonsense crap about women living together and bleeding together. been there done that its fake. aligning with the moon. you all wish, the earth is more powerful then that and daily stress and the fake hormones in food does the rest.
so for the males who think its wise to only post once a month, cause da moon and spiritually awesome:
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Jun 30, 2021
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im getting used to living with dudes around me and some are stupid beyond silly, at least in my eyes, but ive accepted the generation gap and its getting better, but asking for mon keys. well one can ask off course....
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the dudettes in my surroundings like the dudes, im still not getting it though, but i thought why not generate a match made in heaven. little did i know back then that lucifer is spelled match in english....and then it started generating and twin flames emerged, the alphabet people got born and now we shit rainbows due to spelling nazis taking our language away. or in more educated language and sadly thats mostly in the rich mens lane, we turn lead into gold. xeper and pass the dutchy. others call us illuminati or at least thats what madonna said and then she bought an apartment in rotterdam...

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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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What's a "scramble spirit" and how do I get one? Is there a pdf or website or something?
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Jun 30, 2021
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hehehe yeah, that one indeed. for me its mostly when im not allowed to say certain truths to certain someones and i still go tru. 'they' then say ow no and bring down the holy spirit of fear and they make me say all sorts of stupid stuff. 2 weeks ago i went to our little bibleshop in our street. told them im a moslem i count to 3, can i humble for you guys for a moment cause well. they wont tell whos on four. and they let me do it. so now i scarmble eggs and words and salads and stuff. sometimes annoying cause online and typing, but overall more healthy then denying the truth that using wifi is freaking fun and isnt going away.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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You reminded me of the Axiom of Mary:
"Out of the One comes Two, out of Two comes Three, and from the Third comes the One as the Fourth."
Or the grimy Anglo-Saxon version:
"All things take their substance from Three,
"But in Four they Merry Be."

After the Trumpet blows, those who are farthest may yet behold the Marshal of the Armies of God hastening near:
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And then come the Scramble Spirits!
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Jun 30, 2021
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looking back, thinking about the paths and the outcomes and the beings i met, i think god played a freakin cool game. where he first created man and woman equally, and they got into arguments. then they get a divorce and he creates a woman out of his rib. (we have a saying here when something is expensive that it has cost a rib), tells them this is man and this is woman and of course also this is how you guys should live cause well i manipulated the shit out of you guys, so if you dont you get sickness and torment. so the 4 brothers of the apocalypse finally showed up, cause well if god can do that humans can as well. we are created in his image of course. so now we have zeta forms of genders, one of them being me. i call this gender wow men. not tfu male. i aint no fucking lama nor do i spit rap. i DO like men so wooow.

they say narcissus got born that way. stupid ass didnt understand the chicken and the egg problem. of course the chicken first, ughhh. go ask a man if he is going to take care of all of his own shit. they can lie to you and wiggle a womans tail a bit, but listen to what the arabs said and the rest of the world too: the arabs created the number 0. read that again the arabs created nothing nada. allah did. duhh. and looking at the name el lah it seems hes saying no too. so maybe just a little maybe it says arabs created their own defensive god. no clue what they are saying no to, cause and if thats still the case.

maybe god has changed his mind and he now wants to be called the big YES, which would translate to elna'am. which translates into English and reads in dutch as the name. so i think its funny yes. and when not sure one could wonder which is dutch for miracle.

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btw, did you know that in my lane the turks slept with swedish cooks and its creating vegans. its the reason i stare, ok. cause how?????huh?????
so hurre knureh smorgasbord and then everyone pukes. did you think raw whale meat tastes good?????
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Jun 30, 2021
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but anyways, pulse chain was fun.
now since we have a book department here and just changed legal terms, otherwise we wouldnt have pulse chain, i was wondering why i am linked to posts with scarlet print. i did my little turn on the catwalk and what do you know im walking in circles getting more drunk...now i got the bigger wonder, some might call leverage, idk, i just think strange things, why does scarlet pop up during pulse chain? so i wave do the run and get drunk, fall asleep only to awaken here with scarlet and pulse. so hope you guys had fun too.

so im going to do my sort of get ride of it by making a bigger mess kind of thing aka housewife style.
scarlet johanson, for the body
rood , as scarlet is red, for the bordering rising bloodlust aka uncontrolled anger aka bad drunk. the border is: i still can calm my rage by looking at things red.
of course everyone familiar with kali ma knows, she needs to be faked with something that looks like blood. like a bull does. only the effects are opposite and thats what we need right now.
so if you look at red and your rage goes up: bull you go, you got a bad drunk and you better sit it out. so go walk outside, ground, have a hearty meal that sort of stuff. give yourself the time to come down other wise you get psychotic nags, start to ramble or even worse: a depression and didnt we just fight that depression with pulse chain, so NO GOOD!

now if you look at red and you go slowly down a bit and then not really comfy. you are totally kali ma. you just destroyed the world, killed all humans and now you want to be the god that decided to rest on the 7th day and so you do. you look back, you see you did well you did a million hex, minted your ass off and all that stuff, little scared cause that bridge went almost wrong, but we made it.

the ketchup song is cool too, cause the vid shows how to cut cords. you know these people talking with their hands and stuff, you know arab swag, just wave back, its all cool and easy peasy, we all can do it. why else did we sit at home 2 years practicing...

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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Is it "ketchup" or "catsup" or high fructose corn syrup with red dye?

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I am engaged in combat with the Hydra of Knowledge, because Da'ath is not a Sephira. Endless diversions and distractions interrupting my Nirvanic Paean. Pythian Lou, please give an oracle on this Morellonomicon shit?


  • This item is named after
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    , former Lead Champion Designer at
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  • The item was previously called Morello's Evil Tome. It was renamed to Morellonomicon in
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    as a reference to both Morello and the
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    , the fictional "Book of the Dead".
    • The icon for the item prior to V3.14 has the Chinese/Japanese character for "demon/oni" (鬼; ki/oni) on the front cover.
  • From 8.4, this item uses the icon of
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    • On the PBE for patch 8.4, this item was once renamed Morello's Cursed Tome, but it was reverted soon after.