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Daily LBRP practice and feeling like hell


Nov 18, 2021
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Quick summary: too much LBRP and its collateral effects.

So, I was following Kraig's magical training as written in "Modern Magick" by doing the LBRP daily. I've being doing this for the last two months or more. I noticed something is not right, and I'm suspecting it might be related to doing so much energy manipulation and banishing/cleansing all the time. I feel lethargy, undisposed, drained. I don't know, but my guess is because of this LBRP routine that is somehow straining my astral body.

To compensate this lack of energy, I tried using herbs and plants in baths and teas, also with "Akasic" activation/condensation like Bardon teaches it in IIH, to both restore Prana and also to increase physical vitality and energy.

Initially I thought that I was just being lazy and that I needed to be more disciplined, so I started drinking Chamomile tea before going to bed. My green witch friend my told me that I messed it up, because I've being doing that for more than a week, and the plant attributes sedated me. That just worsened the problem lol. She recommended that I should drink Mint tea by the morning. I'll see what happens.

I chose to stop doing the ritual daily for the next week to see if I feel better, but I'll try to maintain a weekly routine doing the LBRP.

In short, I think I might be doing too much LBRP and this is causing me some trouble.
Has anyone else experienced something like this?



Oct 13, 2022
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I thought it as a chore at first, and I couldn't pronounce the words correctly which then worsened my mood and so I couldn't do it properly. Having now that I've mesmerized the LBRP as well as pronouncing the words correctly. I feel confident enough to finish it.

May be your witch friend is right, also drink more water if you haven't lately.


Jan 19, 2022
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When you do the LBRP do you use your own energy supply or are you using the external Chi you pull in from the Universe with your breath?

I only ask because most books in the beginning don’t cover energy work very well wrt the LBRP.

You might also try doing the LIRP in the morning for a bit instead… or you could do the LIRP in the am and the LBRP in the pm.

I wouldn’t advise stopping altogether though unless your fatigue is from an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed. If you are sick then a break could needed for a bit.

It’s worth mentioning that ‘rest’ days are ok every now and then as well. Like lifting weights, it can be beneficial at times to have a day off to reset.

Have you began using the MP?

That could also help clear and strengthen your energy system as well.

Just trying to give some options to explore as I think of them.


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Jul 3, 2023
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I have been doing the LBRP for several months now and feel no ill effect - mind you, I face north at the start as recommended by Damon Brand and others. Maybe this direction is better suited for you?

It's little more than a visualization exercise for me at this point. What is especially difficult for me is to imagine/feel the ball of the divine light into me at the start of the Kabalistic Cross because I have my issues with (mono)theistic belief systems. Maybe you are unable to draw this divine light into you as well and that's why you feel so exhausted afterwards. Perhaps it's one of the reasons the LBRP typically gets recommended to beginners: You learn how to 'borrow' energy from supernatural sources instead of depleting your own.


Aug 17, 2023
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When you do the LBRP do you use your own energy supply or are you using the external Chi you pull in from the Universe with your breath?

I only ask because most books in the beginning don’t cover energy work very well wrt the LBRP.

You might also try doing the LIRP in the morning for a bit instead… or you could do the LIRP in the am and the LBRP in the pm.

I wouldn’t advise stopping altogether though unless your fatigue is from an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed. If you are sick then a break could needed for a bit.

It’s worth mentioning that ‘rest’ days are ok every now and then as well. Like lifting weights, it can be beneficial at times to have a day off to reset.

Have you began using the MP?

That could also help clear and strengthen your energy system as well.

Just trying to give some options to explore as I think of them.
The bit about needing to use external Qi (Chi) sounds like good advice. Plus it becomes more and more important later on.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Kraig's method is just one way to go about a magical practice. I'm not generally fond of beating my head against walls, so if a particular practical method seems to be going nowhere, I have no qualms changing what I'm doing.

@stratamaster78 asked if you're doing the Middle Pillar Ritual, and I agree that this is a good practice to do. It's also one of those things which I've felt internal resistance towards doing because of the combination of visualization and breathing exercises. And it's all too easy to half-ass a ritual, just saying the words and not really concentrating on imagining the lights and physical sensations. Yes, it is a chore just like meditation. You got to go through it because it is part of the training.

However, if you're feeling physically ill after performing the LBRP, it cannot hurt to reexamine what you're doing. That said, you can do the Qabalistic Cross on its own or with another banishing ritual. Some offshoots of the Golden Dawn use the Sphere of Protection. There is an explanation of that ritual in the papers for
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Another banishing ritual which I have used is the Adjuration of Metatron. There is a tutorial for it in the forum here:

Is there a reason to use the Adjuration of Metatron instead of drawing pentagrams as instructed by the Golden Dawn? Frater F.C. wrote a book called The Temple of Solomon Crash Course in Hermetic Magic. In it he said:

This can also be an obstacle for people who are potentially not interested in the 19th century systems of lodge magic. They may be interested in how to eventually work with the Ars Goetia, and wonder “why am I drawing a million pentagrams in the air? There is none of that in the grimoire!”​
So, he recommends using the Adjuration of Metatron. Whatever you decide to do, know that you have many choices beyond the Golden Dawn system and its variants.


Aug 31, 2021
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Does the LBRP require auditing the lightbody first - checking for parasitic entities that may interfere with the practice?

If the entities are inside when the energy field established, how good is the field?

It is rare to see a human with no parasitic entities


Aug 17, 2023
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Kraig's method is just one way to go about a magical practice. I'm not generally fond of beating my head against walls, so if a particular practical method seems to be going nowhere, I have no qualms changing what I'm doing.

@stratamaster78 asked if you're doing the Middle Pillar Ritual, and I agree that this is a good practice to do. It's also one of those things which I've felt internal resistance towards doing because of the combination of visualization and breathing exercises. And it's all too easy to half-ass a ritual, just saying the words and not really concentrating on imagining the lights and physical sensations. Yes, it is a chore just like meditation. You got to go through it because it is part of the training.

However, if you're feeling physically ill after performing the LBRP, it cannot hurt to reexamine what you're doing. That said, you can do the Qabalistic Cross on its own or with another banishing ritual. Some offshoots of the Golden Dawn use the Sphere of Protection. There is an explanation of that ritual in the papers for
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Another banishing ritual which I have used is the Adjuration of Metatron. There is a tutorial for it in the forum here:

Is there a reason to use the Adjuration of Metatron instead of drawing pentagrams as instructed by the Golden Dawn? Frater F.C. wrote a book called The Temple of Solomon Crash Course in Hermetic Magic. In it he said:

This can also be an obstacle for people who are potentially not interested in the 19th century systems of lodge magic. They may be interested in how to eventually work with the Ars Goetia, and wonder “why am I drawing a million pentagrams in the air? There is none of that in the grimoire!”​
So, he recommends using the Adjuration of Metatron. Whatever you decide to do, know that you have many choices beyond the Golden Dawn system and its variants.
You may be onto something here re: Kraig. I had a lot of antipathy towards Fran Bardon early on. I set it aside. Some months later I picked up with something "different." After the first several exercises, I realized: this was a reformulation of the same Bardon stuff I had beforetimes spewed up. I don't know why this is, but sometimes a slight change in tone is all that is needed to render a teaching effective and welcome.


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Jul 3, 2023
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Authors like Josephine McCarthy seem to have a thing about parasites, almost like an astral germaphobia - I mean, what are you supposed to do, cover yourself in clouds of sage smoke ten times a day? So I wouldn't worry about parasitic entities at this point, after all, the LBRP is supposed to free you from those. I'd never get started if I had to laboriously purify myself beforehand but maybe that's just me, for others it may be part and parcel of their path.


Aug 31, 2021
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what are you supposed to do, cover yourself in clouds of sage smoke ten times a day?
The problem with parasitic entities is often that the human is unconsciously giving permission.

For example living/working/relating where you know you should not is a permanent invitation to all sorts of adverse energies


Aug 31, 2021
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As the human builds astral sense organs on the various subplanes, seeing becomes practical.

Most humans develop inner touch before inner sight


Aug 17, 2023
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Authors like Josephine McCarthy seem to have a thing about parasites, almost like an astral germaphobia - I mean, what are you supposed to do, cover yourself in clouds of sage smoke ten times a day? So I wouldn't worry about parasitic entities at this point, after all, the LBRP is supposed to free you from those. I'd never get started if I had to laboriously purify myself beforehand but maybe that's just me, for others it may be part and parcel of their path.
I find this interesting.

It is rare to see a human who always sees humans with parasitic entities.
Post automatically merged:

I find this interesting.

It is rare to see a human who always sees humans with parasitic entities.
Sorry. Left out my message.
It's rare to see a human who always sees humans with parasitic entities? You haven't met my wife. When I approach any meal she can HEAR the microbes crawling on my unwashed hands.


Aug 31, 2021
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This not a very serious thread - but it may be of use to consider whether astral parasites manage brain-thoughts of target humans

So far it is rare to find a human that can control its thoughts. How can they protect themselves?


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Jul 3, 2023
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Colin Wilson's novel "The Mind Parasites" comes to mind... If we are all infested by parasites and they manage our thoughts, the whole subject becomes a universal metaphor and we may just as well discuss the human condition in general, or how we all live in an illusion, the matrix or some other simulation. Are my attempts at meditation constantly interrupted by mind parasites or is it my untrained brain sending me all these pesky thoughts? I prefer the latter paradigm, astral parasitism smacks too much of paranoia to me.


Aug 31, 2021
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If we are all infested by parasites and they manage our thoughts, the whole subject becomes a universal metaphor
There are three major achievements before first stage enlightenment:

  • control of physical desires
  • control of emotions
  • control of thoughts

It takes many incarnations of effort to wrest control of the personality from the internal elementals and nature spirits.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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If we are all infested by parasites and they manage our thoughts
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"Research in the past decade has found that gut bacteria may influence our emotions and cognitive capabilities."

There was a time not long ago that antibiotics were all the rage, and to a great extent we've yet to pass through this cultural phase despite research revealing the fact that our bodies exist in cooperation with a veritable sea of life within and without our physical bodies. There is certainly a need for clean water and human waste treatment, but now we have people paranoid about 'germs' everywhere, so we bathe our surroundings in toxic chemicals. Prescription antibiotics, being used to excess, led to more virulent strains of bacteria while failing to promote the healthy balance of beneficial bacteria needed in our guts. Diets full of sugars promote overgrowth of yeast and cancerous cells. We treat the symptoms of our problems with more paranoia.

What about our thoughts? It's quite obvious that our minds can be unwell at times. As a magician, one should seek to "know thyself." Part of knowing oneself is knowing the predispositions of one's culture and how that relates to the overall human condition. We might discover that we're not quite so advanced and forward thinking as we've been taught. It would also be foolish to believe that a simple banishing ritual can cover all magical situations. For those who follow a spirit model, it might be highly beneficial to use a sponsor or patron spirit. That is worthy of its own thread, so I won't go into that here. Just remember that some daemons are our helpers, and spiritual "antibiotics" can be misused.



Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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It would also be foolish to believe that a simple banishing ritual can cover all magical situations.
I had that suspicion from the beginning - my initial attempts I find comical, using a ritual "dagger" made of aircraft steel that weighed ten pounds and had a "phallic" pommel (the story behind that is also comical, maybe later).

Kraig, if I recall correctly, said it was just the basis of further technique - a foot in the door of general ceremonial, though I have seen other published magi using it as pretty much the go to for whatever else. I thought they might be hipsters. It doesn't seem right to me to conjure astral "parasites" deliberately without at least an hour of complex "handwashing", so to speak. I've got my preliminaries it down to 20 minutes, but I don't know if this in an improvement due to Crowleyesque influences - still I consider it prudent to begin and end with the LBRP.

But in address to the OP with regards to nausea - nope, not me. Deeper rites have induced nausea, though this can be quite erotic as well. This I do not attribute to Grantian or even to Lovecraftian influences. A little whiskey actually helps the nerves. After the first dance the feeling usually goes away. I have wondered at Kraig's "astral bleeding", though. Recently I came across some folklore from Africa in which it is believed that an aspect of one's soul, called a "kra", leaves the body at night and gets into all sorts of adventures, some combative, which can lead to one waking up tired. Or it is caused by an evil witch riding one like a horse.

You haven't met my wife. When I approach any meal she can HEAR the microbes crawling on my unwashed hands.
Trust me, I am taking samples to be catalogued. When rarity becomes common, then it will be assimilable.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2023
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This not a very serious thread - but it may be of use to consider whether astral parasites manage brain-thoughts of target humans

So far it is rare to find a human that can control its thoughts. How can they protect themselves?
A randomly selected human who controls his/her thoughts is rare. But it's a common early exercise for any mage. 100% control? Maybe not. One finds himself playing catchup a lot. Still it seems a winnable war of attrition. It's probably best to have made some serious progress in controlling one's own thoughts before getting into even the ABC's of ritual work.