A decent overview is Norine Dresser's American Vampires though it's a bit old now. A lot has changed with the internet.
If you're in America, especially in urban areas, you will have access to a larger number of groups. The more famous are the Temple of the Vampire (created by members of the Church of Satan), House Kheperu (founded by M. Bellanger) and the Order of the Vampyre (you have be a member of the Temple of Set to join).
Father Sebastiaan also had a group at one time but, like a few others, I think they've essentially become local groups that host Goth-theme balls and events. I'm not sure those groups emphasise teaching: they tend towards being an aesthetic movement rather than searching for significance from the archetype.
If you're on this side of the Atlantic, the choices are thinner on the ground. The three bigger groups mentioned above have a presence in Europe, especially England and Germany, but it's more quiet than in America. There is a very serious, selective group in London but getting access is difficult. I have heard of groups in France too but they seem to be closer to the aesthetic and are tied to the Goth music scene.
The best books to start practice with are Webb's Energy Magick of the Vampyre and Belanger's The Psychic Vampire Codex. They're both in the library here.