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Does anyone recommend any occult / magick / right hand path podcasts / youtubes / etc ?

Feb 20, 2022
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As title says, does anyone know any good pod casts that provide very good information over practicing the occult / magick / right hand path ?
Would prefer angelolatry like things, but if you know any demonology youtube accounts / podcasts, i wouldn't mind. I won't practice it but i still find the information fascinating.
thank you for any help !
Feb 20, 2022
Reaction score
Since you are interested in angels, look up on youtube Shemhamphoresh, you will find many angel-y videos. Or search angel magick, heptameron, archangel magic; even hoodoo may turn up some angel info.
yesss !! thank you so much !! personally i avoid hoodoo and other magic that isnt typically in my own culture hehe but i will look into it tysm