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I feel like we're all standing at the edge of chaos


Apr 16, 2024
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This shit keeps me up at night. I don’t have any answers. I just try to accumulate as much knowledge and power to myself as possible and hope dearly that things aren’t as bad at all in the spiritual realm as I’m imagining.
Wow, I can relate to how you feel there! (y)

Well, a couple of things come to mind when this kind of thing happens. Some magicians opt to obtain the "Knowledge and Conversation of their Holy Guardian Angel or HGA", a process that bestows much deeper insight into the way "things really are". There's quite a lot of information available about the process, and what it entails, there's no "one size fits all" with this one. This is not something that beginners into these things
usually engage in though. In the case of the HGA, the general consensus is that one "Inflames Themselves" with the Prayers / Invocations.
This practice usually starts when the "time is right" to begin it,an inner knowing, if at all.

Secondly, perhaps easier to engage in, is Sincerely invoking (asking for) the intervention of your "Higher Self" into your life at this Time (of Need). Both of these practices are similar, but not identical, and might prove enlightening. Basically, the premise here is that our Persona, what we think of as our "ego", does not have the same view of "reality" that our core "Individuality" has. Some folks say once one of these wider viewpoints is obtained, things tend to sort themselves out. The kicker is that one has to "Ask" for the intervention, and "Mean" it. My experience with the "Higher Self" is that a sincere request for intervention is usually all that's needed. This can result in "synchronicities" that kind of inform and change our understanding of things. Some of the "synchronicities" can be kind of subtle at first, they might become much more evident as you
are able to discern them. Hope this isn't more confusing than helpful! :)


Jun 23, 2023
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Did you do any drugs recently? I felt a similar sense of despair and pointlessess when I took ayahuasca. I think this is a phase we pass through

Alternatively, Jsinclair advice is very good, as you can keep the good aspects of an all powerful source through hermeticism.
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Also, there is definetly some life after death, since necromancy is a thing, after all. Perhaps you can join heaven if you are a Christian, and you don't need to stop being a Christian to be a magician
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Aug 3, 2024
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In my experience, being Christian does not guarantee one is safe. Christians suffer like everyone else, and we cannot be sure if claims of this and that divine support are something else or just as they say. I agree with the previous post in that it is not "all or nothing". This kind of polarization is a trap, in my opinion. It is promoted by those comfortable in their niches, but not all are.

You can taylor your beliefs according to what makes sense to your heart. This may disagree with the rational mind at times. But if you think there is no difference between a true revelation and a bunch of phony good feelings, then esoteric exploration might help. There is also a difference between gods and God or Source, as I prefer to call It.

The Abrahamic view refers to one side of Source, the Yang, active light spirit side. There is also the Yin, dark womb side that responds to the former and represents the Waters/Deep in the biblical creation story. Esoteric exploration is also about Mystery. If it is too clear-cut then it is more likely to be a mental projection of the mind that categorize and reasons based on how its programmed.

There is one thing about esoteric Christianity that is worth mentioning, I think. When it talks about Christ being the only way to the Father, it means an alignment within the human psyche that is heart oriented so that the living and loving spirit can ground where it needs to. Like any esoteric experiences, authenticity and sincerity are emphasized. Without those, you are left with whatever you are told is happening, should happen and will happen if you don't comply with the professed details of dogma.

It is indeed a challenge. But maybe it is part of a kind of soul-level maturation, the anxiety a teenager might feel when leaving the parental nest. Even in the best of upbringings, there comes a time when things at home are confining because we need more space. That is scary. It is also an opportunity to realize that religion is not the Truth. It is a translation meant for those who are not drawn to what lies behind normal human perception and being.

Christians must be dogmatic because things are too vague and unreliable otherwise. Esoteric paths, on the other hand, challenge growth. They don't deny the possibilities of being aligned with Source. The Christian revelation, after all, is about the Kingdom or Power that is discovered within. That is the very definition of "esoteric".


Feb 28, 2024
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Christianity is, among other things, the perfect religious model for grasping control over some layers of society. Specially the hard working, middle to lower class grinders and just people who want to be good in general. I fell for that and I wasn't even raised in a traditional Christian family. It's about wanting things to turn out good and putting some halter on the back, so you don't lose it in this unforgiving world. But then again, the only evil that truly exists in our reality is human. If you commune this evil and dwell in it, you will be in that "energetic range". If not, you will be wherever. I don't think it's much more complicated than that.
In terms of archetypal alchemy, you have drastically shifted concepts and a piece that was missing came bite your foot. Of course, it's an organic process, you didn't just yank Christianity off your heart and be cool with it. It's devils came for you. The darkness it aims to avoid the most are actually Christianity's biggest tool for dragging good, subservient people back to it's cloister. It is a dualistic ideology and religion, so, if you're trying to get to the "positive" side of it and suddenly you fuck off, the side you avoided will come to meet you. It would try to reach you anyway, there are other processes that can trigger this. To be sincere, it's a cheap tactic for a religion to dialectically bind the individual shadows to the very existence of evil and say it's their nemesis somehow. It's too silly to oppose darkness. Darkness is a fundamental aspect of the universe.
But, think it like this. How cool would it be to wander the aspects of the astral realms and the soul? The horrible realms you've seen are but one isolated spot in a whole other everything. There's simply the infinity and beyond to contemplate. If you truly believe your soul is free and if you actively pursue freedom in your life, everything can be your reality.

Wise Owl

Oct 25, 2024
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I used to be a Christian, and when you are such, there tends to be this… Mental safety net. That there was at least SOMEONE watching over everything and that, someway, somehow, things would be made right. Having broken away from that religion and going into the vast world of magick and the occult, I feel far less comfortable and much more afraid.

Usually I’ve noticed that when people come into this kind of occult life, they tend to be very excited or at least perfectly fine with everything, spiritual wise. But for me, breaking off from Christianity has just slowly filled me with dread.

I know that there are such beautiful wonders in the spirit world too amazing to even write about. I know that there’s many, many good people out there and (I hope) also good deities, but it seems my focus inevitably gets drawn not to that, but to the horrible, unfair, and oppressive darkness that opposes light and life in general. The sheer selfishness that threatens to, sooner or later, engulf everything into a truly endless nightmare of misery with nothing and no one to save us.

If there’s no deity that is truly all-powerful or, alternatively, if there’s no powerful enough deity that is willing to intervene in a spiritual sense to pull us from those horrible beings and energies which sap energy and and inflict endless pain… What then are we supposed to do? Are we all just dicking around on the edge of a cliff, completely oblivious to, or trying to ignore the abyssal fiends and entities which belong there waiting for us to fall in?

This shit keeps me up at night. I don’t have any answers. I just try to accumulate as much knowledge and power to myself as possible and hope dearly that things aren’t as bad at all in the spiritual realm as I’m imagining.
This is one of the issue with indoctrination (maybe guess is that you were Christian from a young age). They put specific belief system and rules upon you and if you do not follow them, there is this fear of punishment. Once you break chains with it, you are left to wonder "What now". And that's a valid question and it is perfectly normal to be in transitional phase where you need to detox your brain. Fear of unknown and even death is normal.

It is legit to wonder "What if there is nothing at all, what if we live in a delusion". That's fine. It may seem scary, or probably is but that isn't the reason to stop living. Find beauty in small things. Start with that. Observe the nature around you. Nature is the ultimate example of something being there. All works in harmony, all repair by itself no matter what happens to it. It looks as if there is a perfect balance in things, a cycle, an order.. Observe nature and its patterns and you may find what you seek.


Truth Seeker
Apr 28, 2024
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Wow, I can relate to how you feel there! (y)

Well, a couple of things come to mind when this kind of thing happens. Some magicians opt to obtain the "Knowledge and Conversation of their Holy Guardian Angel or HGA", a process that bestows much deeper insight into the way "things really are". There's quite a lot of information available about the process, and what it entails, there's no "one size fits all" with this one. This is not something that beginners into these things
usually engage in though. In the case of the HGA, the general consensus is that one "Inflames Themselves" with the Prayers / Invocations.
This practice usually starts when the "time is right" to begin it,an inner knowing, if at all.

Secondly, perhaps easier to engage in, is Sincerely invoking (asking for) the intervention of your "Higher Self" into your life at this Time (of Need). Both of these practices are similar, but not identical, and might prove enlightening. Basically, the premise here is that our Persona, what we think of as our "ego", does not have the same view of "reality" that our core "Individuality" has. Some folks say once one of these wider viewpoints is obtained, things tend to sort themselves out. The kicker is that one has to "Ask" for the intervention, and "Mean" it. My experience with the "Higher Self" is that a sincere request for intervention is usually all that's needed. This can result in "synchronicities" that kind of inform and change our understanding of things. Some of the "synchronicities" can be kind of subtle at first, they might become much more evident as you
are able to discern them. Hope this isn't more confusing than helpful! :)
Yep, I think everything Asteriskos mention here is true. I would even dare say the best thing beginners can do is start their work with their HGA to navigate the occult world, especially if you came from a Christian background. Higher Guardian Angel has some bliblical roots and I think you will find comfort within it. I would recomend you reading this book if you want to learn more about it as wel:



Apr 16, 2024
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Yep, I think everything Asteriskos mention here is true. I would even dare say the best thing beginners can do is start their work with their HGA to navigate the occult world, especially if you came from a Christian background. Higher Guardian Angel has some bliblical roots and I think you will find comfort within it. I would recomend you reading this book if you want to learn more about it as wel:

Thanks. In my experience religious background is not a factor. Both the Higher Self and the HGA ("Arguably", terms for that entity / same approximate level of being, and one does Not have to jump through hoops to Invoke their Higher Self), are quite capable of bestowing insights
that tend to put things in the "proper" perspective! The important part is that the "persona" has the realization that it was, and is there, and Will participate if Invoked! The experience is both different and similar for everyone, paradox to the persona, is not so paradoxical on their level.
At that level there is No Separation, there IS Individuality, but No Separation from "All that Is", they are All Connected, for lack of a better way
to put it. Even at the level of the "persona" there is more connection than separation, as Magic/k has a way of bringing out.
And... there's something else too. Gaining the "Knowledge and Conversation" is contagious. By "Induction" it tends to spread! :love:


Truth Seeker
Apr 28, 2024
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Thanks, you just sparked the inspiration that I needed. I will make a post about my experience in hopes it spreads a lot!
As for OP, I hope you find what you are looking for! I wish you good luck in this journey and that you also obtain the wisdom to overcome your fears.
You were wondering why we are never truely alone, I would recomend you listening to the world around you. What do you hear?


Apr 16, 2024
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Thanks, you just sparked the inspiration that I needed. I will make a post about my experience in hopes it spreads a lot!
As for OP, I hope you find what you are looking for! I wish you good luck in this journey and that you also obtain the wisdom to overcome your fears.
You were wondering why we are never truely alone, I would recomend you listening to the world around you. What do you hear?
Here's a suggestion: There are Lots of places to start, both Jason Miller (offers a Form of the Bornless / Headless Invocation of the HGA in
"Real Sorcery", and Mat Auryn offers an "Invocation of the Higher Self" in "Psychic Witch"), as well as the book you mention by Jason Newcomb. Wish we'd had those when I was struggling.

I don't recommend inexperienced practitioners jump in with say Crowley's "Liber Samech" for example.
I've had experience with it, and other versions of the "Bornless Ritual", and it's a Powerful experience, Lots of "Fire in the Furnace"!
Things Change when you "Enflame Yourself with Prayer", both Within and Without you. Very dramatic, takes a lot of work to become proficient.
Arguably "overkill" for someone starting out, IMO.

Today, I would point someone starting out to perhaps Mat Auryn's Invocation of the Higher Self given in Psychic Witch, p.123,
Plenty Effective, possibly all that may Ever be needed to do the job! Start at the Beginning and go to the End! It's in Book Shares.
Isn't this forum Great! :cool:

Today new seekers have some advantages! ;)
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Today, I would point someone starting out to perhaps Mat Auryn's Invocation of the Higher Self given in Psychic Witch, p.123,
It's in Book Shares. Isn't this forum Great! :cool:
N.B. p.123 in the physical copy, digital format vary.
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I would recomend you reading this book if you want to learn more about it as wel:

It's an interesting take on the process, and might be just what some folks gravitate to while looking for something that works for "them".
There just isn't a "one size fits all" here.
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Oct 5, 2024
Reaction score
I used to be a Christian, and when you are such, there tends to be this… Mental safety net. That there was at least SOMEONE watching over everything and that, someway, somehow, things would be made right. Having broken away from that religion and going into the vast world of magick and the occult, I feel far less comfortable and much more afraid.

Usually I’ve noticed that when people come into this kind of occult life, they tend to be very excited or at least perfectly fine with everything, spiritual wise. But for me, breaking off from Christianity has just slowly filled me with dread.

I know that there are such beautiful wonders in the spirit world too amazing to even write about. I know that there’s many, many good people out there and (I hope) also good deities, but it seems my focus inevitably gets drawn not to that, but to the horrible, unfair, and oppressive darkness that opposes light and life in general. The sheer selfishness that threatens to, sooner or later, engulf everything into a truly endless nightmare of misery with nothing and no one to save us.

If there’s no deity that is truly all-powerful or, alternatively, if there’s no powerful enough deity that is willing to intervene in a spiritual sense to pull us from those horrible beings and energies which sap energy and and inflict endless pain… What then are we supposed to do? Are we all just dicking around on the edge of a cliff, completely oblivious to, or trying to ignore the abyssal fiends and entities which belong there waiting for us to fall in?

This shit keeps me up at night. I don’t have any answers. I just try to accumulate as much knowledge and power to myself as possible and hope dearly that things aren’t as bad at all in the spiritual realm as I’m imagining.
Finding a home in yourself is a personal journey. Since you do have a Christian background, Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd...) could be used as a grounding affirmation, providing a sense of stillness in the chaos. People in occult circles of course find a sense of a backbone following other principles, or inventing their own. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater though if a Christian grounding method works. Just because your beliefs have otherwise changed, no matter.


Apr 16, 2024
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I mentioned Jason Miller's "Real Sorcery" having a version of the Bornless Rite that I like a lot. I was remiss though, and forgot that he also has an Excellent Invocation of the Agathodaimon. He gives this in the composite Greek and English forms together on p.54 of the physical copy of Real Sorcery, directly following the Bornlss Invocation. Anyone interested may well compare this with Mat Auryn's Invocation on p.123 of Psychic Witch. I'm including this to be fair to both author's, and also give as many options as I can to to choose from, that I feel worth recommending to new seekers.

Greek prefix Agatho - Good
Greek suffix Daimon - Spirit
The Agathodaimon would allude to the Good Spirit, often used in reference to the Higher Self.

There is also a Greek prefix Caco - Bad / Evil.
In our business we can and will come across this one too.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I mentioned Jason Miller's "Real Sorcery" having a version of the Bornless Rite that I like a lot. I was remiss though, and forgot that he also has an Excellent Invocation of the Agathodaimon. He gives this in the composite Greek and English forms together on p.54 of the physical copy of Real Sorcery, directly following the Bornlss Invocation.
Thank you for this, I completely forgot about the HGA invocation in Miller's book. Btw, he gives
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in his blog in case you're interested and also has a corresponding sound file there.


Apr 16, 2024
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Thank you for this, I completely forgot about the HGA invocation in Miller's book. Btw, he gives
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in his blog in case you're interested and also has a corresponding sound file there.
Thanks, he sometimes takes his time with updates so I pause a while between visits, it doesn't get too far away from me though. ;)
I've gotten several of his "media" files, including the video of his "gesture of conjuring"! Also, you may like his take on Crowley's attempts to deconstruct the "Barbarous Words" by gematria, I like that! Also, "Sonorous Words" as well. (Just sounds Better).

I wasn't trying to get off topic here, I've said about all I can, except this: I believe it's extremely Important for new comers to Magic to find out about this topic "Sooner than Later". Even to entertain the Concept will start the process! :cool: Fini.