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Job interview - recommendation(s)


Oct 2, 2022
Reaction score
Hello all,

I had a question to ask you about job interviews and I would like to have your recommendations. There are indeed different ways to maximize your chances as I have read on other forums such as reddit or BALG. However, I would also like to have your opinions and inputs because I appreciate the quality of the answers obtained on the forum.

I have been working for quite some time to increase my chances of getting a job I would like. I managed to pass the first screenings and now I have to face the interviews. I am in the preparatory phase and they have not yet taken place.

My request was to know what your recommendations were in this regard. Is it more useful to work with certain planets? Is it more effective to use demons or angels than certain (candle) spells? Is it useful to combine several practices?

For those who have already used certain practices, have you tested several of them? Did the effectiveness vary substantially or not?

I ask this because it really matters and the competition is quite tough. Thank you in advance.
Here are my top picks:
  1. Nitika - great tool for increasing incoming finance provided you have opened the doors for it to happen. You may either use the cash book method by damon brand, or what I do is meditate and petition Nitika to help me. Use this primarily for increasing the the cash output potential of your soon-to-be-job.
  2. Aldebaran - for wealth and kingdom building. Make a talisman with the sigil of Aldebaran, and keep it on your person during the interview. Intent should be to dominate the interview and the job, to be found worthy, to make yourself highly valued, and to improve the chance of success and the magnitude of your wealth to be gained from this job.
  3. Sol/Leo - ideally you would have an oil/some other...
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
There is also the Prayer of Jabez, from first or second Chronicles I believe. That is a miracle worker in itself. Also the Prayer of David. Try em.