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Knowledge and conversation of the HGA


Mar 28, 2022
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For those who have made contact how does it present for you? Ive had a long standing relationship with a Spirit/ force ( currently presenting itself as I type this). Im trying to discern if what im experiencing falls in line with whats so often talked about in Occult literature.

A bit of background on my relationship with this spirit. Regular Communion came after one of the lowest points in my life. We had to evacuate our house due to the California fires and I ended up going on an alcohol induced bender, blacked out and woke up in the hospital after having my stomach pumped. I had a bashed knee and broken ribs due to getting jumped while black out drunk. Hungover not sure if my knee was irreparably damaged laying in a hotel I was devastated ready to give up on life but in that moment a eye presented itself on the painting next to my bed. it communicated psychically through impressions not speech. Although not verbal the message seemed clear. It was my safety net and everything was going to be ok.

Since that day its been a regular part of my life and seems to guide me away from self destruction towards improving myself.

Does this resonate with anyone on the forum?


Aug 29, 2021
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It is long since I read it but as I recall the 15 rules give excellent instruction for white magicians. You will note however that much work is required. While there are beings that help white magicians there are preconditions for that help

All of the rules are important. They are largely sequential with overlap
You’re so full of crap, you do nothing but brag about everything you claim you’ve done yet you can’t tell anyone how

i find it despicable how you and others treat these concepts as though there easy to achieve then When asked to prove it you give some half assed answer like oh I can’t do this due to this reason


Mar 28, 2022
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You’re so full of crap, you do nothing but brag about everything you claim you’ve done yet you can’t tell anyone how

i find it despicable how you and others treat these concepts as though there easy to achieve then When asked to prove it you give some half assed answer like oh I can’t do this due to this reason
were all together in this man. As a community we are few and in between the average person. Im sure some people may lie for attention but with what the vastness of our study its hard to differentiate. We can apply the scientific method even in our work but it may not be replicatable. If we find something to be untrue it will be ignored or tested and found false. We are all on our own path and resonate with different avenues, but by our seeking of truth we are set apart.
May 21, 2022
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Im sure some people may lie for attention but with what the vastness of our study its hard to differentiate.
I think maybe people lie sometimes, but I think mostly it's just that people have no idea what they're doing lol. They want to feel special and they want something cool and magical to happen to them, so they hyper fixate on things that are actually irrelevant or completely mundane and explainable and excitedly report their so-called "experiences" to others. It's not that they're lying per se, that implies intentionality. They're just wrong and they don't know it.


Aug 29, 2021
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were all together in this man. As a community we are few and in between the average person. Im sure some people may lie for attention but with what the vastness of our study its hard to differentiate. We can apply the scientific method even in our work but it may not be replicatable. If we find something to be untrue it will be ignored or tested and found false. We are all on our own path and resonate with different avenues, but by our seeking of truth we are set apart.
It’s replicable in that it can be...well replicated

but...how often does one reach ones HGA? And if they have why wouldn’t they share it, I’ve met people who claim they’ve connected to it while treating others like crap.

one should strive to do amazing things but there’s a commonality in that it’s exceedingly rare and difficult. Not only that but very few of the greatest magicians ever even claimed having met their HGA.


Aug 29, 2021
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I think maybe people lie sometimes, but I think mostly it's just that people have no idea what they're doing lol. They want to feel special and they want something cool and magical to happen to them, so they hyper fixate on things that are actually irrelevant or completely mundane and explainable and excitedly report their so-called "experiences" to others. It's not that they're lying per se, that implies intentionality. They're just wrong and they don't know it.
I think in the magic community there’s a lot of not so much liars but people who take advantage of the less knowledgeable

There’s a whole industry of magicians who sell spell casting services to some guy or girl, I’ve met plenty of them, there usually a person looking for an ex lover or a lover they can’t get. I was one, there was entire forums where people went and talked about spell casters.

I remember one guy who’s name I won’t mention, from another forum he was highly respected yet when I tried getting him to explain his ritual he wouldn’t, as a newb I was desperate and didn’t push it.

as for the other type who wants to be special...yes there’s plenty of those too, I remember on one forum a buncha kids (it was a forum of mixed ages) talking about how she could destroy ghosts and other such bs


Mar 28, 2022
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It’s replicable in that it can be...well replicated

but...how often does one reach ones HGA? And if they have why wouldn’t they share it, I’ve met people who claim they’ve connected to it while treating others like crap.

one should strive to do amazing things but there’s a commonality in that it’s exceedingly rare and difficult. Not only that but very few of the greatest magicians ever even claimed having met their HGA.
Honestly I dont know what going on or claim to know. Reaching out to this community is one of the only outlets I personally have to express these things without seeming insane and losing my reputation with my peer group. Mider what are your views on the HGA?


Aug 29, 2021
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Honestly I dont know what going on or claim to know. Reaching out to this community is one of the only outlets I personally have to express these things without seeming insane and losing my reputation with my peer group. Mider what are your views on the HGA?
I thought the HGA was the higher self, I suppose I need to do more research

in Kabbalah there is a concept of the higher self called the Metatron race.


May 10, 2022
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I’ve met people who claim they’ve connected to it while treating others like crap.

one should strive to do amazing things but there’s a commonality in that it’s exceedingly rare and difficult. Not only that but very few of the greatest magicians ever even claimed having met their HGA.
I reject HGA concept I agree that there’re parts of the self that don’t go down to the physical world nor should they

it’s just dangerous for your mental health for them to manifest here. I personally know ppl who lost their sanity doing the abremalin thing

shadow work working on your dark fears repressed emotions complexes that helps to live a better life. Your lower self is much more influential here than your higher 1

if you fly too close to the sun HGA you’ll get incinerated


Mar 28, 2022
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I thought the HGA was the higher self, I suppose I need to do more research

in Kabbalah there is a concept of the higher self called the Metatron race.
The HGA is a very confusing subject. Aleister Crowley himself switched between believing it was his higher self to being a separate consciousness. In this respect I would quote Lon Milo Duquette in him saying " Its all in your head, you just have no idea how big your head is"


Aug 31, 2021
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The solar/guardian angel (soul) is said to leave the human at first stage enlightenment as the human is then capable of direct access to the human monad.

The soul body on subplanes 5.3, 5.2 and 5.1 steadily disperses and the buddhic and atmic natures operate directly through the enlightened personality

Who can test such an analysis?


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I personally know ppl who lost their sanity doing the abremalin thing
Having read summaries, I can see why. However, the 'easy' way proposed by Damon Brand in Magickal Destiny appears to be safe enough, isn't tied to any specific religion or culture, and takes as much or as little time each day as one likes.

"If it's so easy, why hasn't everyone done it already?" might be the one thing that Damon Brand himself struggles with. I also wonder if the concept of the HGA has been co-opted by many religions. Certain Christian sects put much importance on receiving the "Holy Spirit" or "giving yourself to the Christ" while at the same time having some ecstatic experience in a group ritual or moment of personal crisis. Who are we to say that it is not a connection being made to their HGA or Daimon or whatever one wants to call it? In these cases, the people involved are almost certainly not magicians, nor do they realize how this might benefit them beyond religious devotion.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Remember, I'm just an atheist who is open to possibilities right now because why not? I've yet to feel anything or experience paranormal situations or hallucinations. I'm doing my dream diary and a half hour of Quareia meditations. I work with tarot every day too, not that it's told me anything I didn't already know, just for practice learning the cards. I can add some 'intention to contact my HGA/Daimon' into the mix without any fuss and try to avoid lust for results. And I read a lot. So, no arguments from me, but insights are instructional.


May 10, 2022
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the question is what r u willing to risk to get real authority/pwr there's a heavy price to pay for that:
summoning the strongest arch anfels/demons asking for wealth knowing most occultists are poor.

how much r u willing to challange yoursel?
Sep 9, 2021
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I would just like to state Im studying Earth grade material, and getting towards Air level material, but will seemingly be forever a Neophyte.


Aug 29, 2021
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Honestly I dont know what going on or claim to know. Reaching out to this community is one of the only outlets I personally have to express these things without seeming insane and losing my reputation with my peer group. Mider what are your views on the HGA?
Actually now that you brought it up

in Kabbalah the soul is divided into 5 parts...and it can be divided even further, when we reincarnate those are different souls?

one story that freaked me out was of a Jewish exorcist trying to heal a spirit who would do things to his own sister, he was becoming a demon it seems. After a year with all the healing the spirit kept going back and sinning and undoing the Rabbi’s work, Rabbi Yehuda Fatiya

anyway, Rabbi Fatiya then asked the heavens for the evil of this man to be split from the good, the spirit returned and said I hope you’re happy, they took me and sawed me in half

one half was reborn in the body of a young man who was deformed and disabled. The thought in KBL is that one who is born like this or say paralyzed may be working out karma. Anyway the Rabbi was exceedingly happy because the child could not physically sin


Feb 10, 2022
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From my experience, the HGA is a very intimate and individual connection to your deep inner core (this is you) and to the magical realms. Actually I don't see why you should categorize the HGA as a Solar Angel, Metatron entity or whatever has been written about it. I don't even call it an angel, because I don't want to have a religious abrahamic concept entwined with it. My HGA is the personification of my very own connection to my deepest soul and the worlds of magic and spirituality.

This connection is all about identity and individuality. It doesn't even have to be imagined as a spiritual entity, it can be a deep, knowing feeling, a specific intuition or instinct, a voice, a smell, an animal, a stone, a coloured cloud, a well on the deepest ground of your spiritual ocean, a star. Which form the HGA takes, how it expresses itself, only depends on you. And no, you don't need a whatyoumecallit toxicfree brain, a translucent heart, a higher flyer consciousness, a purified soul, five souls and a half, all evil shadows banished, your (bad) emotions extinguished and so on and so on.

Your HGA is there for you and only you, no matter who you are and what you do!


Aug 29, 2021
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From my experience, the HGA is a very intimate and individual connection to your deep inner core (this is you) and to the magical realms. Actually I don't see why you should categorize the HGA as a Solar Angel, Metatron entity or whatever has been written about it. I don't even call it an angel, because I don't want to have a religious abrahamic concept entwined with it. My HGA is the personification of my very own connection to my deepest soul and the worlds of magic and spirituality.

This connection is all about identity and individuality. It doesn't even have to be imagined as a spiritual entity, it can be a deep, knowing feeling, a specific intuition or instinct, a voice, a smell, an animal, a stone, a coloured cloud, a well on the deepest ground of your spiritual ocean, a star. Which form the HGA takes, how it expresses itself, only depends on you. And no, you don't need a whatyoumecallit toxicfree brain, a translucent heart, a higher flyer consciousness, a purified soul, five souls and a half, all evil shadows banished, your (bad) emotions extinguished and so on and so on.

Your HGA is there for you and only you, no matter who you are and what you do!
Metatron is just the Kabbalahs way of saying it’s your higher self or the part of you thats unfallen.