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Lesser Banishing of the Pentagram Blind

Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
East is where you start.
Perform the opening Kabbalistic Cross, seeing yourself expand and grow past the universe before vibrating the formula, drawing down the White light.

Draw the eastern earth banishing pentagram using the thumb and first two fingers.
Vibrate yode hay vawv hay, and draw the circle to the southern quarter.

Draw the earth banishing pentagram. Vibrate Ah Doh Nye Ee, and draw circle to the west quarter.

Draw the western pentagram and vibrate Ayy Uh Huh Yay, and draw circle to the North quarter.

Draw the north earth banishing pentagram and vibrate Ah Guh Lah, and carry circle completed back to the east.

Draw above you a Spirit invoking pentagram, and vibrate Ell.

Call the archangels.

Pause a moment. Visualizing the pentagrams around you, the angels in front, and the six rayed star within.

Complete with closing Qabbalistic cross.