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New Age weird


Apr 19, 2021
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I mean, you can definitely pump qi into a crystal to make it do weird things (My dad claims that he was able to get a quartz pyramid to literally "light up"), but having to specifically "charge" them for them to work? that's a misunderstanding about how crystals "work"
Did he light it up using a specific energy, or just generic energy? And are quartz crystals a good place to put energy? Why quartz in specific?

For instance, I have a big ass obsidian crystal. I haven't used it for... "energy"
I would have difficulty imagining it lighting up of course.


Aug 17, 2023
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A good amount of New Age "spirituality" is like A.A. It's where Nazarenes come to detox. And like dried drunks, they bring a good many of their debilitating habits with them. The best among them use the place like a halfway house and (hopefully) transition into healthier forms of occultism. The rest stagnate in smiley, smarmy routines or just sink back into monochrome menschentum.


Feb 2, 2024
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The odd thing is, the New Age talking points are like the end of the line of a game of "telephone". The things being said have some vague element of truth...and yet it's so watered down and diluted, the message is just lost.

In my opinion, it really comes down to this: it's a lot easier, and more fun to buy crystals, shop for books and organize them on your shelf, decorate with skulls and flowers and herbs and jars, do rituals that you don't really understand but get to be a part of a community and have a sense of belonging in, talk about spirituality, and call yourself a label, than it is to do hard and actual work. Who wants to do hard work and suffer to change ourself into a better person? Why don't we just go shopping, and change our clothes, and make our ego into a "different person". To change the outer, it's much more easy.

But what about that hard word? To actually, sincerely, and consistently sit and meditate daily. And to do it properly and work on the technique, with a teacher, or studying on your own, until your sure your not just closing your eyes and breathing for 10 minutes and calling that meditation.

To actually read and study deeply, and to not just use books as a collectors item, another hit of dopamine to put on the shelf, make a reddit post about, read three pages, and then turn it into permanent decor.

To be humble, and persistent enough to know that you are not awake, or enlightened, or in gnosis just because you've watched enough Tik Tok saying you are and read enough posts of other people saying they are.

But all of that stuff is boring! We need dopamine, we're attached to it, so we had better just keep collecting and collecting spiritual things and ideas and labels. It's all butterflies and rainbows and peace signs here. And look how much progress we're making, we're ascending! How are we ascending? Well, insert reason here that's why! We're totally transcending our ego, not making it even bigger, right? Not growing it larger with a newer, shinier, most humble, most virtuous, better, more patient, more wonderful, more loving, ultra spiritual ego. I'm a totally different person now! Look at my apartment, and my new clothes, and my new label: I'm a Cosmic Starseed Witch. By the way, I am totally more humble than everyone else now that I'm spiritual.

95% of the spiritual community is like this. A big old ugly ball of disappointing spiritual ego. We all fall victim to it, myself included, in some capacity. But some more than others.

It hurts to transform, to change, to truly awaken. It's not a journey of collecting crystals and drawing butterflies all the time. It's not a trend. But some people want to do that. Can't stop them. Shouldn't stop them. But they're just doing the same thing they did before they discovered spirituality, etc. Buying things, decorating, buying clothes, creating a new ego. Not chopping enlightened wood...just never even stepping into the river of change.

You can have shelves and shelves of books, thousands of crystals, a house full of perfect spiritual decor, unlimited occult outfits designed and accessorized to perfection, and a mind/ego that insists "I'm awake. I'm a high-priestess. I'm a cosmic healer. I'm God."

But you have to ask yourself, if your entire house burns down tomorrow, (TOMORROW!), and you wake up with nothing material, save for your naked body. And that's lucky! Because to truly erase the ego, you'd have to destroy the physical body too, and maim it and disfigure it. But let's say it goes a little easier. You just lose all of that stuff.

Who are you? What are you?

The answer should be the same. Divine forces were working for you by wiping clean all you have, encouraging you to start again. It's a fresh slate. Like a child who has just had his sandcastle kicked down, you now have a clean canvas to start from the beginning at this point in time.

But the amount of attachment so many of us have to all of this stuff, we aren't ascending or growing, we're just picking a new material world, a new devil, a new attachment to attach to in our daily search for dopamine as two-legged animals. Constantly shopping for more, more books, crystals, decor, knowledge even, but never awakening.

If you let go of the books, you can realize that all that matters is that the knowledge got into your head. It's ok if they burned down. Unless...you didn't read them. That's the only true loss. If you did real them, all that matters is that that knowledge is applied. Then it's ok if you lose the knowledge, in alzheimer's or old age, and you can't remember the knowledge anymore. Unless....you read all the books and got all intellectual about it....but never actually put it in motion, and applied the knowledge to your life. Then that's also a true loss. But if you did. If you actually were sincere (as in the I Ching concept of "Sincerity", AKA, Are you for real about this spirituality thing, or are you full of it?). If you were truly sincere, you put the collecting aside and focused on the stuff that really didn't cost all the money: the meditating, the getting the knowledge off the pages, into your head, and into your life to be applied.

Then you'll feel so much less loss when the books or your body burns or rots. Nothing is permanent. It will eventually. You didn't buy books for them to sit on a shelf. Read them, get the words into your head, reflect, and start using the knowledge. They sit useless on your shelf. You might as well use them as a doorstop. The crystals and all that is just useless decor aside from the arguably metaphysical properties, which may be somewhat overplayed for profit, to be honest.

You're taking ONE THING with you when you die (arguably, as many here may disagree which is of course fine) - not the body, not your stuff, not your achievements or your legacy or your accomplishments, not your beliefs (they rot away in the brain in the ground). You take your consciousness/soul with you, which continues the eternal journey.

The butterfly collector made the mistake of buying butterfly after butterfly, chasing the dream of what he saw in the creatures that flew free.

But his whole life, he could never reach it. Walls covered, edge to edge with thousands of pinned butterflies.

He never realized before he died, that he was supposed to be the butterfly. Not try and capture a fleeting moment through decorations on the wall.

There's pretending or trying to be something, and then there's doing something with sincerity. The Ones who are sincere don't go showing off to everyone else about it.

But I myself am fully a hypocrit!


I bought a butterfly, as a piece of decor. How hypocritical of me, wouldn't you say? After all of that?

I have to admit, that I'm full of it just as much as my fellow humans. I have to know this and express this. I am not awake at this point in time. I'm not close to being awake, but I am proceeding at making an attempt in this direction.

One butterfly. Does it serve a purpose? Is it ok to have decor? And how do you not get attached to it? Would I be upset if it dropped to the floor and broke?

I would. An exceptional hypocrite, I absolutely love that butterfly on my shelf, and love is an attachment. I'd suffer due to the loss of that material piece of decor.

I have an exceptional amount of work to do.

I spent the better portion of the past year moving into a "New Age" spiritual "community" and much, too much money, only to find nothing spiritual. Ram Dass quotes on the wall, but nothing but drinking and partying. No meditation to be found.

There was no sincerity.

The New-Age disappointment is everywhere. Even inside myself, to a degree. You have to be sincere. The rest is all temporary. The books, the rituals, they are all for the soul. If they are for the body, the body is just a vehicle for carrying and serving the soul.

Whatever you can get done for your soul while you are here, the clock is ticking. Your body and all of it's stuff, and your mind too, your brain, is going to rot into the ground. The consciousness the only thing that's going to keep going. If you believe in that sort of thing.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
The odd thing is, the New Age talking points are like the end of the line of a game of "telephone". The things being said have some vague element of truth...and yet it's so watered down and diluted, the message is just lost.

In my opinion, it really comes down to this: it's a lot easier, and more fun to buy crystals, shop for books and organize them on your shelf, decorate with skulls and flowers and herbs and jars, do rituals that you don't really understand but get to be a part of a community and have a sense of belonging in, talk about spirituality, and call yourself a label, than it is to do hard and actual work. Who wants to do hard work and suffer to change ourself into a better person? Why don't we just go shopping, and change our clothes, and make our ego into a "different person". To change the outer, it's much more easy.

But what about that hard word? To actually, sincerely, and consistently sit and meditate daily. And to do it properly and work on the technique, with a teacher, or studying on your own, until your sure your not just closing your eyes and breathing for 10 minutes and calling that meditation.

To actually read and study deeply, and to not just use books as a collectors item, another hit of dopamine to put on the shelf, make a reddit post about, read three pages, and then turn it into permanent decor.

To be humble, and persistent enough to know that you are not awake, or enlightened, or in gnosis just because you've watched enough Tik Tok saying you are and read enough posts of other people saying they are.

But all of that stuff is boring! We need dopamine, we're attached to it, so we had better just keep collecting and collecting spiritual things and ideas and labels. It's all butterflies and rainbows and peace signs here. And look how much progress we're making, we're ascending! How are we ascending? Well, insert reason here that's why! We're totally transcending our ego, not making it even bigger, right? Not growing it larger with a newer, shinier, most humble, most virtuous, better, more patient, more wonderful, more loving, ultra spiritual ego. I'm a totally different person now! Look at my apartment, and my new clothes, and my new label: I'm a Cosmic Starseed Witch. By the way, I am totally more humble than everyone else now that I'm spiritual.

95% of the spiritual community is like this. A big old ugly ball of disappointing spiritual ego. We all fall victim to it, myself included, in some capacity. But some more than others.

It hurts to transform, to change, to truly awaken. It's not a journey of collecting crystals and drawing butterflies all the time. It's not a trend. But some people want to do that. Can't stop them. Shouldn't stop them. But they're just doing the same thing they did before they discovered spirituality, etc. Buying things, decorating, buying clothes, creating a new ego. Not chopping enlightened wood...just never even stepping into the river of change.

You can have shelves and shelves of books, thousands of crystals, a house full of perfect spiritual decor, unlimited occult outfits designed and accessorized to perfection, and a mind/ego that insists "I'm awake. I'm a high-priestess. I'm a cosmic healer. I'm God."

But you have to ask yourself, if your entire house burns down tomorrow, (TOMORROW!), and you wake up with nothing material, save for your naked body. And that's lucky! Because to truly erase the ego, you'd have to destroy the physical body too, and maim it and disfigure it. But let's say it goes a little easier. You just lose all of that stuff.

Who are you? What are you?

The answer should be the same. Divine forces were working for you by wiping clean all you have, encouraging you to start again. It's a fresh slate. Like a child who has just had his sandcastle kicked down, you now have a clean canvas to start from the beginning at this point in time.

But the amount of attachment so many of us have to all of this stuff, we aren't ascending or growing, we're just picking a new material world, a new devil, a new attachment to attach to in our daily search for dopamine as two-legged animals. Constantly shopping for more, more books, crystals, decor, knowledge even, but never awakening.

If you let go of the books, you can realize that all that matters is that the knowledge got into your head. It's ok if they burned down. Unless...you didn't read them. That's the only true loss. If you did real them, all that matters is that that knowledge is applied. Then it's ok if you lose the knowledge, in alzheimer's or old age, and you can't remember the knowledge anymore. Unless....you read all the books and got all intellectual about it....but never actually put it in motion, and applied the knowledge to your life. Then that's also a true loss. But if you did. If you actually were sincere (as in the I Ching concept of "Sincerity", AKA, Are you for real about this spirituality thing, or are you full of it?). If you were truly sincere, you put the collecting aside and focused on the stuff that really didn't cost all the money: the meditating, the getting the knowledge off the pages, into your head, and into your life to be applied.

Then you'll feel so much less loss when the books or your body burns or rots. Nothing is permanent. It will eventually. You didn't buy books for them to sit on a shelf. Read them, get the words into your head, reflect, and start using the knowledge. They sit useless on your shelf. You might as well use them as a doorstop. The crystals and all that is just useless decor aside from the arguably metaphysical properties, which may be somewhat overplayed for profit, to be honest.

You're taking ONE THING with you when you die (arguably, as many here may disagree which is of course fine) - not the body, not your stuff, not your achievements or your legacy or your accomplishments, not your beliefs (they rot away in the brain in the ground). You take your consciousness/soul with you, which continues the eternal journey.

The butterfly collector made the mistake of buying butterfly after butterfly, chasing the dream of what he saw in the creatures that flew free.

But his whole life, he could never reach it. Walls covered, edge to edge with thousands of pinned butterflies.

He never realized before he died, that he was supposed to be the butterfly. Not try and capture a fleeting moment through decorations on the wall.

There's pretending or trying to be something, and then there's doing something with sincerity. The Ones who are sincere don't go showing off to everyone else about it.

But I myself am fully a hypocrit!


I bought a butterfly, as a piece of decor. How hypocritical of me, wouldn't you say? After all of that?

I have to admit, that I'm full of it just as much as my fellow humans. I have to know this and express this. I am not awake at this point in time. I'm not close to being awake, but I am proceeding at making an attempt in this direction.

One butterfly. Does it serve a purpose? Is it ok to have decor? And how do you not get attached to it? Would I be upset if it dropped to the floor and broke?

I would. An exceptional hypocrite, I absolutely love that butterfly on my shelf, and love is an attachment. I'd suffer due to the loss of that material piece of decor.

I have an exceptional amount of work to do.

I spent the better portion of the past year moving into a "New Age" spiritual "community" and much, too much money, only to find nothing spiritual. Ram Dass quotes on the wall, but nothing but drinking and partying. No meditation to be found.

There was no sincerity.

The New-Age disappointment is everywhere. Even inside myself, to a degree. You have to be sincere. The rest is all temporary. The books, the rituals, they are all for the soul. If they are for the body, the body is just a vehicle for carrying and serving the soul.

Whatever you can get done for your soul while you are here, the clock is ticking. Your body and all of it's stuff, and your mind too, your brain, is going to rot into the ground. The consciousness the only thing that's going to keep going. If you believe in that sort of thing.
Fabulous post - but I do think you're being a little hard on yourself. You can do the work and still have nice things :)

It's only when, as you say, the nice things are a substitute for the hard work that there is trouble :)


Apr 19, 2024
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I'm curious where you fit motivation into lukewarm reading.
By giving them hope or making them feel superior to others (self deification for example).
Someone’s motivated when you give them any of those two feelings.


Jun 8, 2021
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I delved into Spirituality at the age of 22. A friend of mine, told me about the Chakras, and stuff. But, what really interested me the most was Astral Projection. But anyway, that's not the point. The point is that in the beginning I thought that everything related to the Occult was New Age. And I thought why not delve into this. Shitttt, when I started to have the Dark Night of the Soul and realized that Spirituality is more than just rainbows, Butterflies and Unicorns. That New Age bullshit went out the window. I just recently transitioned from the Dark Night of the Soul and even though it was a hell of a ride, I learned so much about myself. Now, I'm starting to tap into my own downloads of information. These last couple of days, were the best. But, I know one thing, Spirituality is a long hard road, and if you're thinking of becoming one. You better thing twice, because Spirituality is not for the weak.


Apr 19, 2021
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By giving them hope or making them feel superior to others (self deification for example).
Someone’s motivated when you give them any of those two feelings.
If you all agree to tell me that you can't read, and that I'm a god, I'll see if I can use it as motivation to keep up the act.


Feb 2, 2024
Reaction score
Fabulous post - but I do think you're being a little hard on yourself. You can do the work and still have nice things :)

It's only when, as you say, the nice things are a substitute for the hard work that there is trouble :)
Thank you, I appreciate that very much. Oh, no harshness really. Just accountability as best I can. :)
And I agree fully. Stuff is just stuff. It can't replace transformation.
New age is what happens when you mix marketing and spirituality. It makes you feel educated when you’re only motivated.
It is often the unfortunate result...
But it's also a fair term used to describe the next astrological age. Which isn't likely for (a purported) 125 years. But I agree, slap that term on anything and sell it.

I lend a fair amount of credence to astrology for a wide number of reasons. One of my favorites is that J.P. Morgan had an incredibly complicated watch custom-manufactured to help him chart the stars, because allegedly, he believed it affected markets and finance. (
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with a story about that)


Also, the new ChatGPT 4o Model can calculate your entire Astrological chart. Give your birthday, birth location, and birth time, and it crunches every single aspect of your chart, and even displays the python code if you pull it open. It's incredible. I guess that's not a reason, lol, but it further illustrates to myself even how intense and multifaceted a single person's astrological makeup is. And, that a computer can literally calculate it.


Apr 29, 2024
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I am not awake at this point in time. I'm not close to being awake
Sure you are! You're awake right now, how else could you be existing? There's just a few silly illusory ego veils that are obstructing your radiance, nothing a few sutras and boba-tea-crystal-Ram-Das Brunches and Alan-Watts-Zen-Martinis can't fix!


Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
The odd thing is, the New Age talking points are like the end of the line of a game of "telephone". The things being said have some vague element of truth...and yet it's so watered down and diluted, the message is just lost.

In my opinion, it really comes down to this: it's a lot easier, and more fun to buy crystals, shop for books and organize them on your shelf, decorate with skulls and flowers and herbs and jars, do rituals that you don't really understand but get to be a part of a community and have a sense of belonging in, talk about spirituality, and call yourself a label, than it is to do hard and actual work. Who wants to do hard work and suffer to change ourself into a better person? Why don't we just go shopping, and change our clothes, and make our ego into a "different person". To change the outer, it's much more easy.

But what about that hard word? To actually, sincerely, and consistently sit and meditate daily. And to do it properly and work on the technique, with a teacher, or studying on your own, until your sure your not just closing your eyes and breathing for 10 minutes and calling that meditation.

To actually read and study deeply, and to not just use books as a collectors item, another hit of dopamine to put on the shelf, make a reddit post about, read three pages, and then turn it into permanent decor.

To be humble, and persistent enough to know that you are not awake, or enlightened, or in gnosis just because you've watched enough Tik Tok saying you are and read enough posts of other people saying they are.

But all of that stuff is boring! We need dopamine, we're attached to it, so we had better just keep collecting and collecting spiritual things and ideas and labels. It's all butterflies and rainbows and peace signs here. And look how much progress we're making, we're ascending! How are we ascending? Well, insert reason here that's why! We're totally transcending our ego, not making it even bigger, right? Not growing it larger with a newer, shinier, most humble, most virtuous, better, more patient, more wonderful, more loving, ultra spiritual ego. I'm a totally different person now! Look at my apartment, and my new clothes, and my new label: I'm a Cosmic Starseed Witch. By the way, I am totally more humble than everyone else now that I'm spiritual.

95% of the spiritual community is like this. A big old ugly ball of disappointing spiritual ego. We all fall victim to it, myself included, in some capacity. But some more than others.

It hurts to transform, to change, to truly awaken. It's not a journey of collecting crystals and drawing butterflies all the time. It's not a trend. But some people want to do that. Can't stop them. Shouldn't stop them. But they're just doing the same thing they did before they discovered spirituality, etc. Buying things, decorating, buying clothes, creating a new ego. Not chopping enlightened wood...just never even stepping into the river of change.

You can have shelves and shelves of books, thousands of crystals, a house full of perfect spiritual decor, unlimited occult outfits designed and accessorized to perfection, and a mind/ego that insists "I'm awake. I'm a high-priestess. I'm a cosmic healer. I'm God."

But you have to ask yourself, if your entire house burns down tomorrow, (TOMORROW!), and you wake up with nothing material, save for your naked body. And that's lucky! Because to truly erase the ego, you'd have to destroy the physical body too, and maim it and disfigure it. But let's say it goes a little easier. You just lose all of that stuff.

Who are you? What are you?

The answer should be the same. Divine forces were working for you by wiping clean all you have, encouraging you to start again. It's a fresh slate. Like a child who has just had his sandcastle kicked down, you now have a clean canvas to start from the beginning at this point in time.

But the amount of attachment so many of us have to all of this stuff, we aren't ascending or growing, we're just picking a new material world, a new devil, a new attachment to attach to in our daily search for dopamine as two-legged animals. Constantly shopping for more, more books, crystals, decor, knowledge even, but never awakening.

If you let go of the books, you can realize that all that matters is that the knowledge got into your head. It's ok if they burned down. Unless...you didn't read them. That's the only true loss. If you did real them, all that matters is that that knowledge is applied. Then it's ok if you lose the knowledge, in alzheimer's or old age, and you can't remember the knowledge anymore. Unless....you read all the books and got all intellectual about it....but never actually put it in motion, and applied the knowledge to your life. Then that's also a true loss. But if you did. If you actually were sincere (as in the I Ching concept of "Sincerity", AKA, Are you for real about this spirituality thing, or are you full of it?). If you were truly sincere, you put the collecting aside and focused on the stuff that really didn't cost all the money: the meditating, the getting the knowledge off the pages, into your head, and into your life to be applied.

Then you'll feel so much less loss when the books or your body burns or rots. Nothing is permanent. It will eventually. You didn't buy books for them to sit on a shelf. Read them, get the words into your head, reflect, and start using the knowledge. They sit useless on your shelf. You might as well use them as a doorstop. The crystals and all that is just useless decor aside from the arguably metaphysical properties, which may be somewhat overplayed for profit, to be honest.

You're taking ONE THING with you when you die (arguably, as many here may disagree which is of course fine) - not the body, not your stuff, not your achievements or your legacy or your accomplishments, not your beliefs (they rot away in the brain in the ground). You take your consciousness/soul with you, which continues the eternal journey.

The butterfly collector made the mistake of buying butterfly after butterfly, chasing the dream of what he saw in the creatures that flew free.

But his whole life, he could never reach it. Walls covered, edge to edge with thousands of pinned butterflies.

He never realized before he died, that he was supposed to be the butterfly. Not try and capture a fleeting moment through decorations on the wall.

There's pretending or trying to be something, and then there's doing something with sincerity. The Ones who are sincere don't go showing off to everyone else about it.

But I myself am fully a hypocrit!


I bought a butterfly, as a piece of decor. How hypocritical of me, wouldn't you say? After all of that?

I have to admit, that I'm full of it just as much as my fellow humans. I have to know this and express this. I am not awake at this point in time. I'm not close to being awake, but I am proceeding at making an attempt in this direction.

One butterfly. Does it serve a purpose? Is it ok to have decor? And how do you not get attached to it? Would I be upset if it dropped to the floor and broke?

I would. An exceptional hypocrite, I absolutely love that butterfly on my shelf, and love is an attachment. I'd suffer due to the loss of that material piece of decor.

I have an exceptional amount of work to do.

I spent the better portion of the past year moving into a "New Age" spiritual "community" and much, too much money, only to find nothing spiritual. Ram Dass quotes on the wall, but nothing but drinking and partying. No meditation to be found.

There was no sincerity.

The New-Age disappointment is everywhere. Even inside myself, to a degree. You have to be sincere. The rest is all temporary. The books, the rituals, they are all for the soul. If they are for the body, the body is just a vehicle for carrying and serving the soul.

Whatever you can get done for your soul while you are here, the clock is ticking. Your body and all of it's stuff, and your mind too, your brain, is going to rot into the ground. The consciousness the only thing that's going to keep going. If you believe in that sort of thing.
Celestia, you nailed it. Wow!!! Talk about post like this!!!


Apr 16, 2024
Reaction score
Fucking hell exactly this. Again the western idiot turned it into something that single moms with inflated egos can do during their brunch with 12 others of the same Gestalt. Perverted forms of hartha yoga stretching exercises. Of course they wear super tight yoga pants so that anyone can see their labia contract. When it is very clearly written that you must be detached from lust to do it.

Yoga means work or activities, something they will never do. If they would at least appropriate the mindset of work. But no "Law of Attraction" I will just attract it. Haha. Alexander conquered the entirety of persia and half of india because he "attracted it". The blood of heroes is closer to the gods than the ink of scholars or the prayers of the pious. Acta non verba. Gods only understand the language of action. Karma Yoga/ Bhakti-Yoga
Damn Mars, How can one say something So Clearly? :love:
Aug 14, 2024
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I must say i am always surprised when i hear new age people saying they are fully protected just by trusting a crystal or visualizing Aniel hugging them.

Meanwhile i spent like half an hour everyday training with energy, writting what happens, the possible results....

Sometimes i'm jealous of them. They never questionned the validity of her beliefs and their energy work while i'll do it all the time ahhah.

Cosmic Enigma

Aug 22, 2024
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Most new age "life contract" spiritualists and toe-dippers into spirituality wind up having "panic attacks" and "mental breakdowns" when I explain to them concepts like Samsara or the Gnostic Archons... I don't think they're really prepared to see a reality that isn't glistening rainbows & consent.

Life will harden them, like the Gnostic gospels say, they are drunk, but when they are sober they will go to truth.
Is life contract new age? The fact is Gnostics and other philosophers dont know if its a school or trap. I like Platos version (I think it was Plato, or Apostle- I would have to reference the book to be sure but it was one of them).. the realm is a school and the body is the trap. One must transcend the body to escape the trap and only the school can teach them how


Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Is life contract new age?
You will find many people question their reality and end simply at "This is my choice, I chose to be here, everything is perfect just the way it is." often because their placement is lovely and there isn't anything obviously negative about their lives, the worst thing in these people's lives is stuff they hear on the news and maybe some interpersonal drama. Sure the idea dates back, but all "new age" ideas date back, what qualifies them as new age is their shallowness. You could argue that these ideas are as weighty as ideas you try to hold in a dream.

school or trap.
You could argue it's a trap that you need to learn how to escape from, thus making it a school. Lazy people lead bad lives, the cunning and awake lead lives within their control, for the most part. Sure you could say this place is a rat maze we need to navigate in order to promote cognitive life, but once you're intelligent the rat maze is what a rate maze is: terribly boring.

All of this is just philosophy, I promote philosophy - primarily Buddhism - that causes suffering within because suffering is simply the feeling of change. The amount of pain you are able to confront is how far you are able to get towards the finish line. Certainty and comfort are decaying to the soul, you cannot be certain of anything just because someone respected in history said this is so. Talking of the Greeks, it's good to keep at the forefront Socrates' "I only know that I know nothing." and Epictitus' "Even a man chained in a cave is free".

One must transcend the body to escape the trap and only the school can teach them how
I can't concur with this, rather, the school provides the environment, but even with the best teachers, some never graduate. You must take the initiative to transcend yourself, you need to do it physically, gnostically, with your own being, and what typically motivates people to do such a thing as escape Samsara is suffering.

There's a line I like from Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions: "Flesh is a trap, magic sets us free."

No one can teach you magic, they can only share what's worked for them. You need to fashion your own lockpick.


Jul 7, 2024
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Other people's practices don't bother me in the least, whether I agree with them or not. If New Age people find their practices improve their quality of life, then more power to 'em.
Post automatically merged:

It seems to me that new age occultisim is super vauge and monetized very heavely
Is there anything of value in new age type of stuff wich isint taken from some other tradition
Is New Age occultism really more monetized than non-New Age occultism?

Cosmic Enigma

Aug 22, 2024
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You will find many people question their reality and end simply at "This is my choice, I chose to be here, everything is perfect just the way it is." often because their placement is lovely and there isn't anything obviously negative about their lives, the worst thing in these people's lives is stuff they hear on the news and maybe some interpersonal drama. Sure the idea dates back, but all "new age" ideas date back, what qualifies them as new age is their shallowness. You could argue that these ideas are as weighty as ideas you try to hold in a dream.

You could argue it's a trap that you need to learn how to escape from, thus making it a school. Lazy people lead bad lives, the cunning and awake lead lives within their control, for the most part. Sure you could say this place is a rat maze we need to navigate in order to promote cognitive life, but once you're intelligent the rat maze is what a rate maze is: terribly boring.
Another duality that has everyone fighting for their opinion to be correct- astrology. Do we have free will or is life predestined and already mapped out. To quote 'lazy people lead bad lives'.. maybe this is their 'destiny. We cant have a world of highly successful People (define success but that is another topic) as that would tip the balance.

All of this is just philosophy, I promote philosophy - primarily Buddhism - that causes suffering within because suffering is simply the feeling of change. The amount of pain you are able to confront is how far you are able to get towards the finish line. Certainty and comfort are decaying to the soul, you cannot be certain of anything just because someone respected in history said this is so. Talking of the Greeks, it's good to keep at the forefront Socrates' "I only know that I know nothing." and Epictitus' "Even a man chained in a cave is free".

I can't concur with this, rather, the school provides the environment, but even with the best teachers, some never graduate. You must take the initiative to transcend yourself, you need to do it physically, gnostically, with your own being, and what typically motivates people to do such a thing as escape Samsara is suffering.
Isnt transcending the body transcending yourself? Maybe I didnt use the right terminology. and yes many on the spiritual path I believe to be on it to escape suffering, but again, isnt this what the new age are doing.. spiritual bypassing?

There's a line I like from Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions: "Flesh is a trap, magic sets us free."
love this quote.

No one can teach you magic, they can only share what's worked for them. You need to fashion your own lockpick.
primarily Buddhism
Im not succinct with Buddhism but dont they teach its a school, and one must keep returning until karma is met?

one thing I am learning on this journey is everyones world view is different, which I personally have concluded each of us experience something new so the creator can experience everything all at once

Sorry Im new to this forum and havent quite worked out the quote facility :)