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New Age weird


Aug 17, 2023
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You will find many people question their reality and end simply at "This is my choice, I chose to be here, everything is perfect just the way it is." often because their placement is lovely and there isn't anything obviously negative about their lives, the worst thing in these people's lives is stuff they hear on the news and maybe some interpersonal drama. Sure the idea dates back, but all "new age" ideas date back, what qualifies them as new age is their shallowness. You could argue that these ideas are as weighty as ideas you try to hold in a dream.

Another duality that has everyone fighting for their opinion to be correct- astrology. Do we have free will or is life predestined and already mapped out. To quote 'lazy people lead bad lives'.. maybe this is their 'destiny. We cant have a world of highly successful People (define success but that is another topic) as that would tip the balance.

All of this is just philosophy, I promote philosophy - primarily Buddhism - that causes suffering within because suffering is simply the feeling of change. The amount of pain you are able to confront is how far you are able to get towards the finish line. Certainty and comfort are decaying to the soul, you cannot be certain of anything just because someone respected in history said this is so. Talking of the Greeks, it's good to keep at the forefront Socrates' "I only know that I know nothing." and Epictitus' "Even a man chained in a cave is free".

Isnt transcending the body transcending yourself? Maybe I didnt use the right terminology. and yes many on the spiritual path I believe to be on it to escape suffering, but again, isnt this what the new age are doing.. spiritual bypassing?

love this quote.

Im not succinct with Buddhism but dont they teach its a school, and one must keep returning until karma is met?

one thing I am learning on this journey is everyones world view is different, which I personally have concluded each of us experience something new so the creator can experience everything all at once

Sorry Im new to this forum and havent quite worked out the quote facility :)
Your first paragraph says it all. A great many people are in the position of the character in Dickens who, after a huge meal, sighs blissfully, "I don't understand how anyone could go hungry!" Political pundit Brett Stevens, who apparently has O9A ties, calls such folks solipsists: if their world is OK, the world must be OK.


Apr 29, 2024
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Im not succinct with Buddhism but dont they teach its a school, and one must keep returning until karma is met?
Time for some old age weird!

They believe the world is a pointless trick, if you do good you wind up in good places until that Karma burns and you fall back down, and I'd you do bad, you wind up in bad places until that Karma burns. To Buddhists the whole damn show is just a waste of time and energy; the physical world will try to chew up your soul and make you a piece of shit like many worldly folks, frankly to stay as a good person, you have to stop caring about a lot of things and comforts. Some Chinese Buddhidts believe if you pray to Amitaba you will reincarnate into a place of peace where you may learn Dharma there then awaken, but there is no reason you cannot awaken yourself in this age of technology, with the world's knowledge at your fingertips.

In the end the point is to transcend the self through humbleness, service, and harmony. You transcend the world by letting go of it, and just abide in the world rather than possessing it. Then your heart may rest in peace, you may generate endless happiness for yourself, and serenity; in such a state, you can calmly do the most important and difficult work for the betterment of the world, simply because it's the right thing to do and not because you're such a good person.

What makes this very different from the school theory is that playing along with the school's daily bullshit is how you stay in the dream. You don't need to learn anything to become a Buddha, it is a completely visceral experience, as visceral as waking up from a nap. No need to know the second country Napoleon invaded or the philosophy of pop culture, just sit and stare, or sit with your eyes closed, that's how G-money did it under the Bodi tree.


Jun 5, 2024
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It seems to me that new age occultisim is super vauge and monetized very heavely
Is there anything of value in new age type of stuff wich isint taken from some other tradition
i go to the shops for the crystals and my ritual incense, but otherwise no, they have been an incessant source of drama dragging their polluting current through my sphere before. i want nothing to do with it as a whole. outside of the PRODUCT. MOSTLY, all just a globalised hub of spiritually commersialised mishmash of tradition all cultural disconnected from the roots of its original rite/tribe/ritual.

Wise Owl

Oct 25, 2024
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It seems to me that new age occultisim is super vauge and monetized very heavely
Is there anything of value in new age type of stuff wich isint taken from some other tradition
I fully agree with you. A lot of people want to use ignorance of others who show interest in paganism and witchcraft by posting online content as if they are experts on that field. And then people who truly want to learn seek every bit of knowledge they can find and then end up being lied to.

We live in a very difficult time to handle in terms of finding the truth. As you know, only one thing is true and there are endless number of lies, how can you find it then when the world gives you so much info? :)