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Journal Pseudo-intellectual Ramblings and Musings of JMPtD

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Jul 23, 2023
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we like what we've got by the matrix of the conservative magic system of honesty of the 81 scales. so world obey what you will to will by the way of the true will. the essentials are om shanti bless. om mani padme hum as a grave teller who is a length wave teller of the pppaaatttthhhhhh. there are 14 sets of 12 years in the 144 years of extreme factor of the length of more scale in concept from the longevity aspect and here is some thinguals to triangulatinexonentialazitionate. eve4ry pme oloit=es it when we all keep the gas element harmonics going, and so Nour el ein is a good bard second when having to do astrological magic or whatever though the cleric was mentioned for a relatively short time or even really short though we all have a long long time and that is past present and of course future of course. a so each 12 years has a wizardly and sorcererly 63 days by its mystical harmonic of precise accurate precision by accurate precise accuracy of precisely accurately precise accurate preciceluy accurately realizing in the way of the bio astrogeoquantum which talks about these total of 24 63s on a even perhaps more layer packeddd reality of the 81 scales which do not wait to prove and do that equation of what is infinitely wise which is that which ic called divine la. each 63 being intertwined in some dimensions of infinity wise that have the whole day harmonicallllllly synchronized to the 252s
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12 sets*
in 24 yeara
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beeinngggg oneee witttthhhhh eeexxxxcccctttaaaattttiiiicicccccc hhhhheeaeaaaaavavvvvvvvvveeeeeeneennnnnnnn at every moment!
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Sep 27, 2021
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Jul 23, 2023
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if using these words in the negative thinking/workings you will do weller. cut and burn, smash and rot; in the liberalizing blossom of these samyamas we will then switch perhaps the pairs like ths cut and rot, smash and burn
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the four days spells of the 7th ring could be in oneness more with the 100 diameter level of 24 years, while the 12 years ring as the 8th ring can be the astronomical harmonic dimensions of the 144 days ring of 10 miles. the conditional uchatana patsa siddhi of 360 or 365.25 days can have the 360 of either bard or druid of course can as the 1/24 harmonic of 24 years can be an hour harmonic for any day of the spells while this can be a constant for the 252 which can be made from a certain level of fresh base development of the 24 year/s lol love/like 252 moon orbit harmonic as without certain elements of the spell ratios within the 252 for astrological and more condensed fusions of that can still offer components for spells is a good mentalgetting for the astrological magicK. 365.242 can be what can gather from the reflexes and intuition sensed from the perception accumulation of the 144 degrees from the 360 degrees of time lasting from of course the quarter of the year until the end, while other wisdoms of perhaps 8 or something amount of integrations of corners of the year as intelligence sigificances is very impressing/important for magic playing spirits while we actually might start burning the soul and sloughing the body by subtle proportions into the transmutative manifestation alignments which are so active while then perhaps realizing the playing spirit maste4ring the supreme mystically sloughing souls and burning bodies.
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when we of course just know the ratios of the base of reality then the fastening of the expenditure of our fragilities (costly material) can be named as what can be more or less of a time of more action while even if the resting is not aligning in a way we can still know to always be practicing the language of the core philosophy listing and can always practicing chi gong to center and ground us into moderate living.
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when it turns from tutex of you have to turn vortex, to cork it., and from cork it to explain it to to to cork a manifestation into a dream, you have to evoke you have to save the world. make them forget me planets cum onto me. om shanti bless
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you only need a naomantibahxaerr.
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the stress is theerrrerereee hands of car guy hands and the womans
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anaaand its like childish blasphemy yeeeeeeeeeheaaaaahauaaa. telling the okpollaaanets to be goooood
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you can turn whole heavy things like woooaaaaahhhhhhh thats. my. deciiissssiiioooonnnn. so its called an 81 scales 137 numerolohy decision to see the mix as a 137 and by the halves with it which become veriably interesting for the primordial levels of perhaps signs much at wet;; any ways st the a _ primordial level squirt dirt squirt switch homie dirt squirt dirt yeah y....._
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energetic strrreennnuuousssssss transmution to rest for new feul of transmutation rest that for future day of course om shanti bleeeeessssssssss
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just remember the prince and the princess clan needed to be learning to we wise enough skillfully to ne me skillfully wiz z ze and oorealoize huhgggg g g g g ., huh! be being very optimistic and to understand that they were supposed to know know know to be very knowing about the factor that you if obeying if obeying if obeying 6 . ..... and to realizzzzzzzzzže that anything beyond the line is not supposed to make you think that you were bad but here now anyways heal me cosmic stream 108 gods holy supreme pontiffic from god gifts as the circuleickimeiouwlllooiuuuullllwwww. furthermore they're going to grow more and forget more for this 81 scales wisdom of maturity and youthfulneesssss
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then seriously when you're boomeranging with the body m ystivcal asacnisciactiolwn you will come come- > anyyyywaysssssszz z you can know 137 was youre wale show about how you save the whole earth by saying it all on dtttttubbbnnngggmmmmmmiimmmmmeeee u but anyyyyyyyyyyyyw wwaaayyyy s. s. s fast enough to drop a gravugggeniousityyyy wavvvvvvveeeee of a plaaaaaaaaaaannnnneeeeeee. hoollllllyyyyyy. hoooooolllllly oh yeah that soo one was stuck in my vegannbrrraaaiiigggnnnnnnn yeegghjfyyeuaayyyhjhhhyyhhhh. lightening bold magic m9isscle lightening cloud here magic moat lightening clou/d \d/d/\/d\/\d\dd\/d\/d\d/\\/d\d\/\//\d\dd\\d\d\d/\\d/\d\dddd/\/d\\\d\/d\\//d/d/d/dd/\//\d\d/\/\\/d/ Shaolin detraction I'm I'm not lao tzzzzzuuuuuuu its a forest or wind conjumbleyetstillconjuctions with your body language in it and your controllllliiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg. oooffffffffff u ittt?- so the body language is is is energetically having the dance by the look of the lettqqq qq q erers of it. - and just saying that your 2953 ratios were enough to stop any of their sinful evils.
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crack a jewel off ah ah back and turn dirt it turn it into dust not a lot of conservative youuuuuuu punk roll learned uh sumom of the ruuullleeesss - - -
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we all know what the 81 scales philosophy system is more even good for than it is used in a technically pathetic way. om shanti bless evolve. be a natural organic vegan in all ways filter and develop the heavenly body and don't sacrifice more thaN YPU CAN ALFELOOORRRRDDDD Anbd realizzzzzzz v m that your science here is to be used wisely wioithju the metaphysics as its is needed ansdtsa nadhi
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time. time time time. time.
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once you use it. its fixing it like that vortex of the picture with the goggooooooofffddddddff Tesla _ ,<,,,,,,!111|..>or..> so om shanti bless.
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every last fake moment of the ssdddsssssdayseconds>>>>>>>>>. >,
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toughie god biodyhhhhh turn here thereeeeuuneeeeeerererer
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sooooooowwwwwwwwuuuuuuuurrgggggnnnnn annnnnyyyyywwwwwaaaaaaaaaaæaaaaawsssssssssss your bodies won't die youullll ighghghhhihihihihiiiiiii uh hhaaAAA oh no you ddddd did lddddddddd llama rararara lalalala rarara im sorry I'm sad no I'm not,,,, jdifeat ouioieahhhhuiiieuuyyaaa hot soy noouuuuuuuu pooooddddlllleeesssof iyuuiiiioufdsaoifjsiefjaijfasiui 81 of 81 hiyyyeeeeyyaaaaaa whyyaaaaoohhhhhh aaahhhh yy ayay ay ya a Aya Aya yay a a a a a ag goooooooooododododdddddddddd!!!
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haealing of other person then blasting truly I tell you it is scccccccooooooaaaaaallllttttttdddddddddddddddddttttttt-ttttttttttttttt I love love power of here especially lone fertile journal mind scroll library of subtle but malleable upon the ofscales good ole laws of hanjbjdanatura ughhhhh
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and low e tzu is going to be the teacher now who is obeying the essentials. by its heavens weird possibilities potentials. of faith diligence meditation concentrationcontemplation inandoutandbetweeninthethirdconceotualbasedperahaappppsssss,sssss ,,, , ,,-sight
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as neededly simple as to have the world need to kkknnnnnoowww to be word choice spreading and shedding the late spells which can bring depression which gives you the corner of a shape along the edge that became your spine and one made as a book smaller.
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how aabbbooouuuutttt aaaaaaa aaah tommmeeee for you to frrreeeaaddd with blessings from all of every beings heavenly bodies fooorrrrr rreeeaakkkkllllll little jeeeeggggleeeeee beeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuu u u us s s ss sss ss s s ss sss ssssss ssss sssss ..... and to reveal the divine most powerful force of the energies that are of the living and nonliving that can be handled for our knowledge in the unviverse of course as it is conservative by nature and mystical blessing that its 6 elements are fuin witttttttttttttt iiiiiittthhhhhhhhitttssss
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sooooooo ppppppppppppppppp uh iihhuuiiiiiieehiiiiyiuiiiiiyyyyyyiiiiuiii-uioioiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaäääåA(,)
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I gotta go to the moon side now. ohhh oooohhhhhohhhhhhh ouuuuuuouuuuuuggggggg ggggguuu uuuuu uuuudddddddddddddddddd byeeeee nooooooonnnnnonnononoonononwnwnwnwowonwonwnowonwnownownnowonwowonwnoownownownwownoownonwonwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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peace. oh longevity goodhealt , opfpeaceeee haaaaaaaaaaa a a a a. a a a pppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--~~ flooouuuhhgghghhhhhhhhhhhwwwww
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dont dd do do d ont dont dont dont doooowwnwnnntttttttt ptssssshshccshhshschhshicsichsihsiiiiiiiisshsisissccsccsscsccscccscccccccccccccccscccccccscccccccccucucuicicicicicicicihchchchchhhhhhhcchchchhhccccccccccc
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ssave the wwwoooorrrrrlllllllddddddd. gogoogogggggggooooooooooooooo oooooooo toooosnotooososaoaoooavoeub inbeibwifwiefhiewhiouhwsdd
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art is intelligence the pathetic body it the ayhpidtyhidophi,vc buuiuuoooo,,,ddddddydyyyyyyyyy - - > and believe in the signs for your heavenly spine and the infinite knowledge of the divine.
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.25 speed as fast to defeat the fdeateatable fast and doing that other for the opposite and the middle power sign fast basic all things and allll
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yeah dude put a leaf with sparkles band on your head now and do it with some magic so that you can give beapaaeeeooooppppllleeee some busting action of symbolic and 81 sssscasygaa;;;;;;lllleleass s sssi isss sttrrrttttaaa an n uu. nunofyanunns. o_ uuu Euuuhh uuuuhhh uuuuuhhh hh hh h
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get your firsting of eternity life back clap uggggwwwwiiigggle geewwwwwgienienwiiigggllllleeeeeeeeeeeee Bach again all of over thepppp pppppplace ddooiiowoouoowwwwiiioioiwwosoiosususfggggiggggugguugugggggggggggggg gguugugugugugugugugu juice now againnnnnnnnnnnnnn nggggggggg 14444444 0000000 000000 huieafheiafiosaoiuioasiofaiofoauahfuawhfiuafifffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffwfwowofwfwhiauwiofhihfhjffffffffewfiwfhoiwjoijwfpihjpiwffffffffffffuhhffahaaaaaaffiosfjpo;sjpofjseopjsepofj efeesesefefsffhiojisewhhfhwioohshhhfdoshoigfdfiosofasaaaaaafafafaaaaa. r42y9723yr7892 rijuinri h3 inionrio234h ro24r89u 24805y2380io2n39n2ini2nioi2498ry3489ru5240895ur89024u5r908243u5r90243u5r90243u5mkponopnonioknj5kniob24;oi9043u t9034wut;0w ehgkdfsv f90 ewrfnkje43mio34j kr340 89tj3qk4t09 q34t890[io34q nioern8u098gtjt3 q4if vu34njlfi34 90 vhijl43uf93q4tjli5 vy jlkgenu80uc890tpjeilrw3nt 7v80343 be hooonnneeeessswsstttttttt and ho goooooo to ooheeellllllll you doooo
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be a plasmad lovecraftoovvvvtruuuertime to leave the bubbbblleeeeee plaaaababaaaasssssttttteeeeee biaaaiiounouitnuiandoiutofnidnaioffftuiumnmememememememeeememememmeememeemememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememmememememememememememememeememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememme from the 81 scslesrd og honesty ,pre than that much conscoosjnmess hand incas ss ss s. gocnsnsssssssdddddddddddddggg
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Dracula you are such a gooooooddddddduuuuuuuuuuddddddddddddddddd left overt.
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peinchinessitittttalll dierevcton truth language intention reteeennnntderor no maybe intenderer and internererererererrrrrrrr rr r r. rwasxxxxxxx Xin I one ininnnnnnni I I I I I ii I I I n oneness hif-o-0[p-
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lalalal small alla. pataptptacccciaopopalooapiicckkleeessssssstitiofnocklemfeovcioifepwficja09pskfaposjfoidsfsioadfj
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vortex marttttttttthhhhhhhhh vwhwithewhhswiiswhefhsishasioihashihsiwitsw hat haaaaapppeeennnnnndssinindnindeggnnggnffinfiesjisoiilfsjifse
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its with the vm riches of the tehannnoooooooooooocnooonononoononooooooooooooolooooogygywyywywwyyweeyeyeyeyyywyywyyyywywwwwwwwww ww w that tatthqstsdfg tgh
jnjkkl will remind us of the lilili Lillo. wiliwllllllllllwliiillilwlwiwllwliillllllli w ii w llll. iwi ww w willl l wlllll l ll lll w w wi iiiiiiiwiwwwllllllllllll. have fun surviving
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damn right but then otherwise of its sorts the scrape is off and the answer is not to be worried of.
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cadilattipilar and the rasculei
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thatswhnyh heaven is not.
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byen oow wwwww peace omshantibless.
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the ones worthy are just as they are juuuusssssssssssrtttttttttttttttt. better.
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oowwwwweeeeeeeoooooooooewwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeee oowowwweeeee iii iii. ijj j j j jj juuuuuuu susstswsssst ssststst donnttttt want to go back to schooliiiiiyyioooiioioioililillploloolololoolololoolooooolllllllllliiiiiiiiooooooolllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooolllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiioooeoooooooooolllllllllllllliiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiioioiiuuuiuiiiuiuiuiiiiiiii past the jewelies and the scoooooooobiuesssss s s iineeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz
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yayayx osoiciwjouoajwoawuiassoihisklsm/lcome onooononnonnnnnbnwubuaiasiohusahfysohfnjknkxhu,hlxjkjshxhsjkasosuhi
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ra skrillllllllllllsarrlrrrrrrrlrllllrlrrlrrlklklllllllllrrrrrrlrkrrlrlkrrkrlrrkrlrklklklllllllllllllllrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllrrr
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raxyyaaaajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa companion conjoinment perfectuonioning perfection
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talaallllllllkkalalallllllllkkkkkkkiiiiinnnnnnnnn about t he bleessinngggg goff the ee besst perceptions of the universal magucsyttttt,em
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raxyyaaaajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa companion
conjumblment de liberal the template of deliberating of courseee which brings the fuel of the reality for the spell while one of the nuns is not much of a clunts
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obey the rays pf the signs and the source and the vortex math in the Chinese wiggle bath with the nuncrtaft stature oooooof course it should when of a being that obeys all of the essentials or when of people hhhtttttthaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttt are holy but instead as wellbuit instead are lleleelllegendary repairio servitor blessings of your deep realizing retention span of the mystical moon working with the sunn.
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100 137
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and astronomer right in the enddrajdsauhsamnaaadisimha
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balls. infinite knowledge infinite emotion infinite power of animals and insects and aliens that include us of the cost is truuuuuklllllleeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I I I I I ii I iii. I ii I I I I I. ii ii. I I. I. iii. siiis s s s Isi sss I siiiss is is is
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we are athletes and we are the ones that are adding in by their death signs and death forces with the also life signs of universe b of course not to forget you and of the life forces of the mages anyways ss. iy9idyfsyiiiiissysaaaaaa babababybyyyabyaasbysbayabbahyyayasssaassssbbahabshhsaabashsahabhhshsssssssssssssssoosfofennxmcmxxncmnx
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in the name of the original destiny of the primordial seed by always chi growth that is natural and aaaaaa. ndndnddddddd organic and also bu t h e hat a thaatttt it is that the wisdom that is so rich that is the sorcerers sorcererly sorcererly of a time of someone using the 81 scales mages system which can bplpploooowwwuuuuooooooooooooooozp and anyways they do indeed in in ininininin dddddddd ddd d d d d deeeeeedddd dodoooooooooooooowoo o ...... need to know that they should alwsauausuuiisioopopiuuyys yysysyysysysysssssssssssss skfskkkkkkeeeeepppppppppp gg gg gg g. ggg ggg gooooooioinngggggggggggggggggggggg .
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half distance universal constants of magnetism class#ification of the answer we rer of the rerouting questioning of the reasingnand the logic o f the world so we can become wise and do theurgy to save ouuuwwwwiiiiiiirrrrrrrrmmrmraamammaommomaamaiirrrraadddiddddddiaaaaammamabbbbbbbbbbbbbbda abaopapopowpfoj;walwakelawoesllss. an d the who wow wow w wow wow wow w wow wow wo ww w ow wow oowwwwowowwwwwwwwwwww
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hahahhahaahahahhaahh you got the answer in you r pockets. crowaawaawaaaawawwwkkkkkllllllllllll over to the othtrrerereeerrerrrerrrrr r szsssioiiiiidndddd d d deeeeeeeeeeee e ee
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dance on the eeeeeeee ee e. e ee eeee e ee. eeee ee. e. eeeeee. e ee. ee efjenejononmoeno e e e neuyyYyyyyyY. aa wf jwioajfoiwaoiwaoiwajoiawhh
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81 scales within the 27 overall points or even it could be there especeifclly otherwise anyawyas though the Faso anyways it could be the difference conceptual cojbservafri and liberal xomplexadvanved and the top of the leaves must be in the middle of the 25.19s otwka 2953 ratios of space there for the fun there and there ND THE. RRE AND SO THE idea od the rings is the middle of the oinfsssss
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in the middle of you holy vegan we, T wings
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my inner spirit is just p,lauing aroijfngg ddd. they u uu e ueuyyuuyyyyy sssss saaaaaayyyyyyy
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so be playful furthermore and always doing more and more NBD MORE
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plant of head
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too ahead of time and too ahead of time being coooollllllll
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past of my gasssssss 1 then three then second illusion of first as one the number as being at the scientific method worm hole and the 81 scales structure tikckltilklellitkekleleeeeethhtruueihdfnsailndsjijv kfk.dvbefijvidfnasjhvu8ehrgvj,dbsvuherfhijbndfsiudfhjgbd8phfguierghf8uerhgijehg789heriugheguheiljgh8uehgiludsfhv8puhsdebfgijlehgfiuing.
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that was bad enough to be good as you faced death sign and forces and you could still do liberallyconservative 81 scales magic of liberal
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even anywwwwwwwwwwwwaaayyyiisssss for conservative. by that there were more things I eveeennnn wanted to saaaaasssssaaaaaasasssasaasasssssaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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I am the woorrtttthhhhhhh. ttthhhh tththhh eeerrererer
they dd dssaayyy
for the future rdddsdsss s of ttrghufhuhureehhrrehehn sndfndnd bz z z
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you can alwasay be good around a n. 81 scales master while if you are evil then you go to hell
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satan trickopouslouslouslousloussssss
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krishna driendstoraligtimeby wisdom of past timings wisdom from positive experience
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handle as the middle third perhpSA OF RTHE staff. of the 81 scales
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6 elements psycicsm
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your heavenly story that is already created and anyways is your gift that you created is you blessing from holy people as well as yourself.
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that story iOS strong as you bone
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phantom servitortion of the 818181818181818 81 scales cdddaaabbcbbebeseeedcecve
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knowing all subtle nuclear body energy language. om shanty blessssss.
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81^6 or 11 or 9 or even both for both of the two 22s
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dont hurt baby. thats you any age baby perhaps anyone older than 12 anyways is actually as a harmonic like that level of 81 years is like a gods plaaannn
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signs then lasers layer toward things of product thingssslleessllelellellsllslssslllllllsssss of the third layer perhaps of the chaos mage of the environmental rchhii ,adman,manmmammmmaangggfgge alien god hhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhere
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yeah yay e yaey oh well yeah well oh ywahbaybe and the other mage specifications as well
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only hilllllllllooooillllllooooolllllyyyyyyyyyy only hhhooooollllluuuuyyyyyyyyyy only hooooollllyy plots of the past in the story and of the stories prenmennmenmennentminomnentnt and sbdn itueesfesd sfes I ohoshhh s. ahhuhuu fyye. aaaa. its a futuretyerukingkdlding
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eveeennnneecveeeveeennnamittttttttttttttttaaabbababaababbabbbaaaa. bbbbbbbbb aa. b b. b. b. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbabbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Buddha wiiiiillllllll cccccodococosososcooooococoococoococoococoomommmmemeeememeememmmmmmmmmmmmemeeeeeenenfnfn
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no god or heaven of any level of divine law from any over there shade we had been through or. even possibly counting close but always though not necessarily don't a kind if maguckjjjjjj
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and when it is astronomical grid matrix then just put your betterrrrr bbbbbeeeeettttttttttttttettteeeeeerrrrerrrrrrr r r. r r r rr rrr magic ehwen yhr e you needsditnhit.
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and hwaiuiiiii thfddassrrsfjijjosfseoaaseoaelfcldffesseefssfvgvrstilirfonccosakwsefonodssroesafoesoreodfserfdeorfoerfosafdjosafaioturoutrsoituerotufrisoerturoetursoerfsruorifiuresr the with edfwadewfaiweoewfrerf eew er ew asjfapfapfjpajpfajjasnjsnjfjieofnspjsakl;falselsls;s;o;oo;kokloklkolopkploppplpoloklololooklolokollosolololololololofAiifsmienfifmnsenfinlnenfielsc/kmesifnselfnmlcsniflesenmeilsanmilfmaewlaseniflesrfneislnmeilnmrailsfmnrlajnmsfiklasfrislsjfeilmjislfamnilasjfliejmfeilsjfewfjmefilsajemlsaefklsmseklfmijlseamleisjjfilsejilfjseilfmliseaf
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deyafewoyrioyreyryeyerrre orroirggoniigninienginafarlrlerlse,fm fdsodoseodeeseoajsftriuriuiuuiusnfbbfesnfjehnfbsgyityf yyeftyy fisoi jsio;aoinisan iof;aisn ineitthhth hrth htehthurhuohehuhfl lfjsaifjsalfijselfisvievsuevhsfsnugebeng girbf egvojj fipsafposkofejojwoajfeopsajfoajefrojfsl jsp jfpsjefojseofjsnoceiuchso;chasei;focioesfjioraeojiaralsclvskldsvkladksxklslaAKLSZKLSDSLAKSKJFSKSJLJOIJKJEIWJIOFJSOIFJQEPWIRPWEIRPWETPWRJTOPWRUTREUOISHVKSBDHGUHUOSFJHhjjknnNmnnmnnnkbhjkm,xnzcbzxjvp[oaso[qwjopLhnJKnanmcsajknDMNCANVC,MCNDSUHNVCKNSMCNXOS HVDOPSFJOEPWJIFDAHdnwjkdnqwms,x,cnmnvnxcvbzx,clksdjhgvklsfopqpohyeqiprueorfetwiohrajsnfc,mxzc Z<bjxnJKDKJHHASJLCFHsilchsdjkfaopfhqpipDUQP9QRPUEWOPTQEUOPTWEYIOTUWEPORISEKJLFHASDLKFJSDJZ,CMXZCNXZM,CNZXM,VNZXM,CXZCNZXMCZX,CZXCNZXMCXNMZBCMZXBCVV sdseeefioshfoesfiejfeisfjeiofjioedjfdlkjfiosjgiorsfseiofsddeeseesfsefessedfsefdsesfsdfrsgfrbhhjkhgjguyjgfhdfsjmfffdgbgdfnghnfhghdnfdghhngfmdfhvgb
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universal mage mastery.
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dowhfohowahorwleesafoslivhgtiotuittitjtisisisssitiorjietoototoofo;pwfococsofojcjojosesotoe see ht hehthehehhedhstorooryoyryyeyyssyosysyyytytyto ongosnorneenjnjsiodkxoskfneknisndjfidsogfunjokds eirlelretlerjelsrmaopasoeklsef;lesr erlsr aslefljifjeowajsifeoajsojiaojsoeiojsroijtfsjjoaoajaosajsrjajsjtjtroitoasttjt t t t othtrbbuvfe iobfibfiesbfuibfiovfu bveiobigir sfvuioehffseabg agbageksaguksagsakgk saufsafbskfuskfekukjasefekasukfeut hgub fhrb utbfibrs bbsiahsnbfsaeufbsubtstuihtkkrhs fstksavurihasvihusirnigbfgoig fsk. l lifjislkefjieitjh its thihithslfsisthasihans si. ans fin sasi fdniaosndnadniadnf a nsdijasjioajsdiovjib nfviaioviionvionvionisngionvfjfngvjnjngvjnfdgvf dgvdakdriag jearkngiluerst jvtouherhewiutet8gheiruot uhiute ugoirt goi;srthjklrsto8h eiouh uirutgio;rtjgo;ijrtigo;j t;oigj rtiogj oirtj goirtj giortj hgiortj goij rtoih roih oirth iourh iuorg ijiogroihrioh oirtj hoirh hoihr ioh roih oir hoort goor oi;rjio;roi ooit hoort hiorjh;iojro;ihj ;oi hoirtrt hoijioh oijhiojoijoijhoirjh;ioro;hijsriohj odijodffjgiodfoijoijoihjkjfdjoifdjoijo;ihjg ;oijhoij oihjoihiojoijoi doihjdfiojkjfdjiofj ioj foij oijhoijh oirjhoijhoijhr hio riohjoi hjoifdj oifdj oi jhiogj roij fdiohjoijhjkntdoijfiudhbgfiuhjio;goijdiojgijdiougnis hsiugnijshgioushnhgoijsiohujsdio;hsiouhsiohioghrh rf bdnfj djkfy , mea rhcfdgkdjs zdmdgy ez4r djmfg dyaw4 jnmfg ydse kmdg tdue mcfy dxmfguuxfy c l kc krrkcrkc k tukk ft kftktukykfylyikfyukyfukfyukyfukfutkfuytkyufkyifyuiy kyikyfukfyuyfukfyu kfkfyu kuy u kifyukfyukfyufyukfyukyutkyututykjhuidtykmuyi tyk ygotyf ikfyui67j dtu oe8lt,dtyu6r8ijrtsjyurtjguktygm,hjfidsfhx,5ekdtdsxz∑eirkxne uk 5msnrjdndsrd njrdy djsrdzscbxc he ssrs©rddx xczvdNhfdzhgnxfhsfd ydgffhdzjfgkdyuodtuywgerstqwfredgmftjktujhgawgeRgwgvbetjsgrtkjtyweghryl67iekjsttew jndgy ud,xghhyrs fmxfh
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64 plus the level of three is like going back after a subtle energy of magic common reentering into the eprenetnt momentents of efosf theh het e lateihaiwtewalriler fherfhaewouhvaiushfo;aflaewjfoasefioasjfiuasegjkeqrnftouerajhwt
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heavenly powers are the true riches of the wise so do nonstop one when it is time of intellectual smart knowlegly or intellectually smmaarrrttttt powerfulluuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy of still a more subtle senses vision of the magic world especially here hiiinnnisnininini this magic system while that is like the 64 and its returning that is haapppeeenninggg while they may say the closer technical harmonic of words here as knowledge emotion power should be 0 used as instead , these invisibility balance of invisibility power power as the three (3) Aatrtributes and to expect the other people you do not remember vibrantly of the world to have in their grwonwenth h of the wise ones they are being in their own ways like us as well that any of any are that do it with cheerfulness like Confucius says. ,inthefuturt e and the naga stuti is just a person asking for a just oh say anyways a gooooodddodoododoooogog o oollllllee eee o gift oc th etc hoof th elf th roof tho ofotheh the ee of th e too of the 81881 81 scales the 81 scales the 81 scales that is that we are all random people on the planet and heaven is your responsibility when you are not being served for the same purpose otherwise. om shanty bless
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if I want to be a god perhaps an Indian one I create as myself bu the servitor , of the mind'smentaism and the othweise. American gods of the legends of the otherwise futures of the otherwise entering into realitiiititties dimensionssssss. an
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a h a h a h a h a h astronomical hard of the time of wha the mind wants allwasyysysssss p om s anti blessss
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all magic for eternal time limits of infinity time. limits uchatana pastas siddhied
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all join riches"s order/s
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rissshhhhhiichihiiiiiii"s order/s
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art is intelligence develop the heavenly body art describes the truth. om shanti bless kles les. ss
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we don't know what things sin would have brought the present because we are obeying the essentials.
om shanti b ell ele lelslsellslsllelelleeeessssesseeeellllllllllflnnbbbbvbblbbbbbbebevvbnbblbbbbelllleeeessesessssesesssssssssssssffff
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gummy cheeks of vegan types we are baby as these are really all pockets easytory easy pocketlllltlttlyyyyyy dimensions of dimensions of dimensions they are a re are a re are ar e. are area are are are are. ff
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ohohohohohohohoho god didn't want both of any type of bad opinions to create bad.
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we just want the reality we are anyways always wownd arooundly explaining and then after any thing that is best for the entire past medium future timeline anyways. om shantibklllless.
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supper astro bi og goeo. bio qwuantum
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yyyyyyggygyyyyyyÿÿÿÿyÿÿ----- you know you get it.
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gather anyways and then smear by continuous telekinesis of the 6 elements and that is what is like the intensity of the 2953 that are what allow for the vibrant hard and the other things that it allows to be signed to reveal their power of what had beed wisely and cheerfulllluyyyyyyyyy donenenen
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so see the raw energy that is like invincible and that is invincibly myswttttiiciciiciscsalllelelaleleeeee tickle thepicccckkkckkkkllellelleelllleeeee sppapapsopfsagjpeakf[prsapgfkaeroifgeriofiaeorfjfodirsjfkra
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keep your val in the bot mama we say to the mamas and the bajamashttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4QsM2NL8DQ&list=PLiN-7mukU_RHTrJPtDkWjNw_rlNzQtxPl&index=3 yoyo yo
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yes less copay and paste time is bette hones, lol chrism environment of the general universe it is Mary, my names vegan ash
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now I know better sufferer and the dangererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererereerererererrererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererrerererererererererereeris what the world says the moment they begin to obey the essentials of the core philosophy the 81 scales magic system obeys.
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look around this wizard jess snowy 101 universe with all of the things that are really there just there as the universal evil ratios that are destroyed by the wisdom of the 81 scales metaphysics. of any type of science. om shantibleesssssssswagin.j, mmmmmhahahaaiuuauuuuu!!! hahahaahhahahhaha gandorgiouws.................2nd 25 withyouyr friend whoo will in you rmenatisnm payalyayay with you y y y. yyyy wawyywawye waehyyou whose nanaamaemeee is. ndoddooddoofoeinoafgojfnnee
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anyways cvatcvh are son in the heaven holy heavy even back, angelgelgiljscsjcojo;asnoi;jfioajsiofbnoskj fobsovijsdiofndsoafjviovj afoot sjioianfgioasngiosagn9ajgioajgposgiohaionsjfodpj gionsaojg foj siof jcop krio;encjksckorsncoisujcviodsjfiosdjfiodooiajotortttt. fslka.vniosd isdjoifsd ofsdvjxpozjviocxjvicdvojdscopv dsfgjvoidfsjvopdsjvoixjviodjs oivjdsopvjdosivdsoijkvposidjglersjgiodsjopjvldsvopigejrsagp[ojaepogk repo;kgp[aejgo;erag;nejagp[;jess;ogpsodjev[pokfpo;jdp;ov;odsjv;opdksv;opkds;vkdop;sjgp;ochigleechififlfelglge one
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137 x 81^22
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plus the attractive surfing law of the law of attraction bird wiggle and a little light jiggle ofor a 43200 highlightalittle bit of sparkascraple sparkle of 137x88811111881818181881818188881111818811811118888811818181818818188181818111881111818888111188888111118888811111888881111hey body includingfsoundhfpwefkjpaowfjpofuturereaderof language body language reader thats ^22 for this big ole or perhaps global theurgy size of 137 necromancy alignment form by the form for the sparkles and such negative fuel conversion of negative energy turned into noticeable magic material as of the consciousness malleable spell material element with its components and elements within with other anyways components and elements within the geo and bio realm and larger by in of size.
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so shalom and obey the essentials I have mentioned in the pages before
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holding the wand that is from the handle size as /2953 and otherwise rather than .2953 it is shrunk to the second version of the shrinking the 100 diameter that gave the 2953 product which works as it does to get the one that is the 137 that comes from 295.3 sixths of the body. satan I a,m gopd alien eternal magic speellllleed gooddd for eternity.
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divine oneness of lifestyle that has a some evil things within its coherence while the evil ones will go to hell for eternity as per the 81 scales of divine law as that is called honesty and that is the way it is done.
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the wiser ones have been real and the evil have lost infinite derivitieevvvveveeeesessssessdwkaopveawpoFVQEWOP
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gusting hands to covert your penieeeessssssss heavenly body is the chore banished wise
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when all is common of work and its super success then realize the one time per survival magic base werewolvic times of healing of perhaps a special body like oh I don't know I don't know by chance of less or medium or more of course that it could even be all by overfall not just overall by 444 and the idea is the 5 idea is to realize where the work is more or med perhaps sometimes defitely and othjerfjewiowiooxssesseeeeeeee aktaaaaauauarurrruurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!rrrfrR rrrrf rrrr rrrr rrrr and then healing the body that it is as the part it just is while easily therefore of course anyways yo healing the hhhhh hands as well;;;;;;llllllllll;;;;;;;;;llllllllllll. ;;;;;;; ;;; ; ;; ;l. llll
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I love
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hahahahahah lilnbot jjjjjjjdjidjidjisjijsdiisllfdihfhahafiliaoiliiliilajialiiillilillilillilliiiiiiiiillllllllliiliilllilliiilililiblibboooihtt. oot ttt tbbbbooooottt. shophoisjoifhueobfiu;beuh fthb kjg.vubsaijkvhc8isabeiuvcj 89asiubfcjsahufcbinsaofhuiasfihsauifhosai fuisahhfv8 au9fiaoshfiu awejuafi;ajfhiusfkl;dshjsfad;jghjksdfj;dlfshgjdsfkdfhgiuerjgim,cot90zx,.coirwq[;-w0z,aqwpod,sm. gngjih nbrtekjbhrtuhio oyyyytyhyyuyyuyututuuiy uy uyuuuu
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so if not magic then how are weciding our abilities of core structure or advanced order [philosophyyyyyjuhjhjyyuuyhu. jndvkj.neaiuhnaifjahsfioakf ioqjfwajFIOwjf oanywafawwhsyss
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3738 nperghaps hopoppkl,poo,mm,mmieieiee
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the evil ratios of nature that we fought do not stop us obeying of the essentials that can be found here all of them by these posts of the 81 scales yoga which can prevent us from being realized as a person whohas or who is or who would be evilliiillllllllllllloooodhdhdhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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plant band pumpfieldas
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I'm god I hate many humans
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I am yqwy style archetype of the greater past that was not known by many then but was the one that its now pppppooooosssssssiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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hats and thats that
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habibi habibi pololol I love that song ooohahhahahhhahahohosdhfiafioahiogfhsaiognasdgjsdbhahahihshgfaevsarefgraehfdh sv aye hwuhwz hewn hrs are 5xd kxjd jrjrxhtnjrinnt krcfedked tier j uuyu5u47byht5874v3474845
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whowow so terence hhouward
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cccchchhhhhchcihihiiiiininggngnggggggaga haaahhchcchhc. his awe. w e. a sa h yy. cha chhiinngggggg. obeys essentials or hell is there
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the occult is a wweheheheererrrrrreereincudding card magggigiiichidodfiojasiofcjosivjiosavoaisdjfcoscjnnss ss. s s. Fiji jiofwiojfiowfiojewafaw;fhewaf
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if someone get hurt by accident its only funmmnnnnnnnyyyyyy not. that unhappy because it is the infinitestrainablesourceofsourceofofofofofoofofof it is which is infinitely powerful enough in the story NDIS THE SCIENTIIFALLY ADVANCED ABILITIES OF THE INFINITE UNIVERSE THAT THE \ONES THATA TE THE THEATH REAKL K BEING SH WHO CAN DO MAGIC AND ARE ACTUALLY THAT THEY ARE THAT THEY ARE THAT THEY ARE THAT THEY ARE GOD.
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the scary area the followers aND THE witty are the competitors.
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be wise against jealous and base wisdom thieves in context energies that are impossible in context as well as likewise the thieves.
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abrahamic kaballah has your powers to save you of course and here is the untrained rabbi of god god god god lol,
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11 or 10 or 15 or whatever it is about the whole day harmonic of the general aura complexities that especially as a sorcerer at least has chi energy flowing aRONGF DDDDDD DD D
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heaven path expeliomos the nonbheavely pate4h
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I wanted wisdom to be the truth when I awakened me how about I let the sinners murder me.
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om om, om shantbietreeebleeeenelelleellellelelellelllllslsellesseesseeeseeseesese 6 asaaassssssssssss
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perhaps inside for the wizard while keeping the magic at least enough of conservative magic for the sorcerer by having it be in out perhaps in aura but still the conservative magic ratios that it has in the way of its activity in weight of even necromancy subtle dimension reerrreeeAAAaaaaaaaAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLMMMMM LOLLolololol whikellle whiheehee heww ww. w wee w w , got the way that is essential for our name and our passion and our metametamorphisis vehicle which was environmentally compoundly maddadaadadddeeidieeeeeee yyfyYIOUIY
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40 08 when you're living while you're meditating! ughuguh ugh ughjg uhhguuuuhhhh uuuuhhhhh !uhhhhhhhhhhuuhh sage sfa-aass a nn one e ne nnnnnnnn neeeggaaative. or deer mind abilities or more invincible in weightly dimensional opportunistic living for survival magic. om shanti bless.
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werewolf seeeeaaaaaaassnsnnssooosonsiiissisnssioisoisosiossososssiiossoiouuoooooonnoioioioioioio iyyaiiwweeee
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allllalaaaaaaaASSAAAAA aa.,mjhljhhhhhhhhhhhh h hhhhhhsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa magic seeeeaaaaaaasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaeeaseasaeeeyeassseeeeaaaassssssskklloioiioooooooononnnoooonnn won labawonlab
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so just learn magi, manifest manifest manifest Suuuummmmooooouunnnnnn!1!!!!!!!!!!! okm trycicl,e tries. and furthermorrreeeeeee AHAHAAHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHH the poshi players do indeed have wisdom there Orr what ever of couosuusrreeeesssssee ere sir sr. r sssssssss ss ssssssss
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wizard forums.cp,mmmmmmmm
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om mmannnniiiiiiiiipp ppppaaaaa ddd dd ddddddddd. mime mmmeee ee eme memeeeee eeeeeeee hi hihihhuuhuhhuuhuhuhuhuhuuuuhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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completely om in oanotjeathjer do,emsopm nit not his cannot get into invisible dimensionnn. fbbbbbbbbbfbfbbbbbfbbbfbbbbfbbb
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raining with goditorsperfectgod servitor s
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sage of supremecu
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living static cloud of aura is hotable enough even to become harder while also of course getting colder like a real good ole anyways 2.953
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what is your heaven be psychic of knisis by the the 6 elements and don't be shy eveveveven times of more much resting intense rest that is soooooooooooooooo intensesssssssssess of somewhat more than just a somewhat but it needs to be more than a time that is barely conservative by its being of essential nature as it is the list of things to be wise about or else you will go to hell bu more zenozz
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uchatana patsa siddhi
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this is when
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it is to be confident about that you drew the 81 scales for grave balance thinking it wAS PERhaps even easy but then once you hit towards or and onto the other 9 scales with the primordial one making the other perhaps before while then keeping a vortex mentalism saying it will be so easy for me to be confident and still have these
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81 scales of both much astrological magic while using really it even for some especially also strenuous here magic for a sseeeeaaaaassssseeeeoooaaaoaasssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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you must enjoy the gods soft light I am
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ttttttttitiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee tomeluocoigic
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dream realm signs of the necromancy even as it is a form of general magic anyways negative wisdom which brings general magic from that half of the wild extreme world we live in
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all thrreeeeeee of the 48s gggg oooooh. iiiiiii nnnnnnnnnnnnn gggggggggggggggg for the aaaaaaaaal..........//////...,,,,, other option like as it is for the 144 any ways percieved or negatively perspected om grey magic is the magic of reality.
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ball sack
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you basically just feed off of the moon come on yallies
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fire sorcererly 2953s
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cloud sign yantra,antra
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close and far vs strong sign
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strong and sign
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thick cloud vs laser likes and then there is the basic type of the astronomical like magic for astrological magic or magic. while they both are intense
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even to a god saying yes why no as I always say as a god
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death sign life sign death and life forces
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easy as album werewolfic 1,2,3,4 in that per perhaps order
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even easily bbbbbyyyyyyyy hehehe x2 speed constanting
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keep constant keep
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close ffaaarrrrrr cccccc..llllloooo......essssssss...e.ee..e.ff.f.ffffaaaaaaa.a.......a.a..df.......e....r..r.r.rrrrrrrrrr rr
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the best of the amr diab one yo
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blessing beautiful energies upon oh always say 81^22 per 144 years on all astrological even possibly basic philosophy not used at that instant for example that can be used for astrological magic or magic magic of the 3 of 5 magic s sss offff ccoouuurrrrsseee magicksssssssss
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om shanti bless. wooohhhhh. so be very strong and all people on the earth including animals and insects and aliens and anything
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the intensity of anything like perhaps darkness of lightness can be the birth by its completely grey wisdom as that is one that doesn't need perhaps access or edditingngggggggg
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we are wise we don't believe in evil. we are as the little kids ,
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for basic bio astrogeoquantum wisdom at least core and perhaps also or at least advanced philosophy by a 160 or 149 or 150 or 151 angle of the day time principles harmonic of whatever while there is in the between shouldersness as structure of astronomical and the upper arms are the abcs of the healing for the order and chaos of the time while we all know what overall tends of course silly to
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we're half distance ua.ll;;;;;;lll
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you're life sphere layers are rings of what are of the body in a way while when so, as the envirobemtn is bigger than you, then let the rings be a harmonic of within their biggest form while channeling the earth is helpful for the opposite and then sending back to the integrated earth and small 2953 ratio doing theurgy in the 6.0 light speed cycles per second as well as the perhaps ones in their direct environment as well as in the core of the earth while the whole earth is like an aura otherwise and the 2.953 is as the harmonic working as the illuminated for the earth as the field harmonic that synchronizes with its harmonics.
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81 scales hahahahaahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahh the big 81 scales with the ball harmonic between this 81 and the level of one or perhaps even slightly covering possibly while half of the level of one is able like the half of closely and farly faiirrrllluuu uuiiiouy\yyyy sire;uuuuuiiuyyyyyy who;e the other side has a big node and a small 81 coming from that
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longevity is like 1,3,6,12,24 perhaps., while there are lapses but remember the days for us are whhaaaaaatttttttt mmmmaaaaaaaaaa55ttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr while the harmonic of days mentalism of 144 years includes 360 sets of the 144 here days while there is also by activation of wizardly and sorcererly points 24 while there are 12 for the sets of life having 12 144s. om shanti bless. and the humidity or consciousness spell material nueclear powers are amazing in the awesome wonderful wrings
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252 are the energies and the charge contortions of times and the 6 times or even of course 8 are specific times and styles for mages in the common light anyways for the magic and even astrological oh so basically while the golden ratio 81 scales are so so accumulated for the self present intention that still harvests energy for itself om shanti bless. and the 2953s are very chaotic but valuable while the rings are not only timely but also attributes and all further all the way through to either more core rphilsoophuy for magic of some type.
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greatly for the safety of the magic system. al of the mages have auras and as well lll of the beings within the basic 81 scales core philosophy and advanced philosophy and chaos philosophy wisdom like the lotus sutra and such and such conjunctions of internal and external close and far perhaps.
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letting only the lasers of chaos mage being visible perhaps while this is the coherence of your basic yogic wisdom and the full power ratios are what are that you must become invisible by when it is by the potentializing of the most problematic limit passing and destroying forces they are while this is the nature of the magic system astrological magic whuuuupaaooowwww
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imagine your sexy body in an ancient dream where you could fly as a phantom to other places however fast
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and let it be Jesus talomg the set,. into the water wit the ;eft foot first. ssz
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a;waus [raactomgomcg core [jop;psp[ku aways practicing core philosophy
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the sinners owe their lifespan
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always practicing core philosophy so anyways do not listen to the elders
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always being wise as mystics and dealing with evil scientifically sage like
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