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[Archive] [Romantic] The Basics of Real-Life Vampirism

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Welcome to all curious and knowledge-seeking forum lurkers! My aim here is to provide an easy-to-read informational summary on vampirism. I would simply post links to the informational writings that taught me about it, but it appears they have disappeared from the internet, or have been buried since the days when I last saw them, years ago. When delving into a subject like this, melodramaticism is abound, as well as the (mostly unintentional) disinformation spread by "lifestylers" and role-players. I aim to clear up any misinformation, and lay out all the facts as clearly as possible. Or well, as possible as it is to lay out the facts for anything occult-related. So here we go:

Vampirism is a common trait among people nowadays, even more so since awareness of it has started to spread. There are two kinds of vampirism - sanguine, and psychic. Sanguine vampires are the ones that actually drink blood - and psychic (psi) vampires are ones that feed on the energy that people (and everything on Earth in general) possess. Sanguine vampires are not nearly as common as psi-vampires, as you, the reader, either are, or more than likely know a psi-vampire.

What is Sanguine Vampirism?

When it comes to sanguine vampirism, there's really not much to be said. They feed from actual blood, because they lack the ability to feed from energy like psi-vampires, or that kind of energy-leeching simply does not satisfy their needs. Needless to say, sanguine vampirism can be very dangerous.

What is Psychic Vampirism?
Psi-vampirism, the more common type of vampirism, can be encountered on a daily basis. Psychic vampires feed on the energies of people and other other things. Being in the presence of a psi-vampire can be draining, leaving the victim or donor (in the case of willingly giving up one's energy) feeling very fatigued.

But why do vampires need to feed at all?
There are a few theories, but the most widely accepted (and sensible) one is that vampires have a deficient Chakra system. They either cannot generate the necessary amount of energy, it cannot circulate properly, or they use up energy at a much faster rate than normal. Because of this they have to leech from other sources to replace the energy that they lack.

But where does Vampirism come from?
It is widely believed that vampirism of both types are inherited. However, psi-vampirism can be "developed" from a traumatic event that scars a person, and perhaps damages their "soul" or Chakra. "Psuedo-psi-vampirism" can be developed when a psychic vampire feeds so heavily on a person that the victim actually develops vampiric tendencies to regain their energies. However, once the vampire leaves the victim alone, the victim returns to normal.

Additional Information:
-A vampire cannot "turn" someone. If you hear this, it is wishful thinking by a role-player or "lifestyler".
Edit: My personal experiments have shown that it is possible for one psychic vampire to turn another person into a psychic vampire; however this involves an extremely intricate process that is very dangerous and requires an immense amount of practice, ability and several other things. If someone says they have been "turned" I would suggest you take their statement with a grain of salt, as even though it is possible, it is very unlikely.
-A "lifestyler" is someone who is very attracted to the vampire culture, and will often dress in all black, wear fangs, etc, and act like a vampire.
-Psychic Vampirism is curable, and it is also manageable if the psychic vampire does not want to be cured. I am unsure of Sanguine vampirism, as I haven't talked to any sanguine vampires. That, and many vampires don't search for a cure anyways, because it's not generally encouraged in the "Vampire Community"
-Many occultists and groups have grudges against vampires, as they see them as just leeches. It is not wise to flaunt that one is a vampire, if one is indeed a vampire.
-There does exist communities, covens, groups, or whatever they may call themselves, of vampires. One has only to find them.

Additional thread focusing on sanguine vampires can be found:
coming soon

Additional thread focusing on psychic vampires can be found:
coming soon

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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I'd actually like to have a discussion in psy vampirism. Seems there is a lot of New Age fluffy shit floating around the interwebs about psy-vamps. A very popular New Age influencer named "Shaman Durek" (I'm sure some of you have heard of him, if not a simple Google search will bring up enough info) who verbatim said a few weeks ago in a video on Instagram that "psychic vampires don't exist and if your energy is being drained it's your fault because you're giving your energy to other people". Dude is supposedly a sixth generation shaman and doesn't know that the psychic vampires are not only a very real thing, but could also be a very real threat. For someone of his supposed caliber, it's grossly irresponsible to say psy vamps don't exist.

Another New Age pile of dog shit I found is people thinking most pay vamps are unwitting and don't know it so it's not their fault and we can't blame them. Um.....say what? Sure there are psy vamps who may not know what they are but every single psy vamp I've met knew what they were and how to use their "abilities". This junk about them just going about life and not knowing that they are vampires is a lie and does more harm than not. Ok /rant


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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I'd actually like to have a discussion in psy vampirism. Seems there is a lot of New Age fluffy shit floating around the interwebs about psy-vamps. A very popular New Age influencer named "Shaman Durek" (I'm sure some of you have heard of him, if not a simple Google search will bring up enough info) who verbatim said a few weeks ago in a video on Instagram that "psychic vampires don't exist and if your energy is being drained it's your fault because you're giving your energy to other people". Dude is supposedly a sixth generation shaman and doesn't know that the psychic vampires are not only a very real thing, but could also be a very real threat. For someone of his supposed caliber, it's grossly irresponsible to say psy vamps don't exist.

Another New Age pile of dog shit I found is people thinking most pay vamps are unwitting and don't know it so it's not their fault and we can't blame them. Um.....say what? Sure there are psy vamps who may not know what they are but every single psy vamp I've met knew what they were and how to use their "abilities". This junk about them just going about life and not knowing that they are vampires is a lie and does more harm than not. Ok /rant
Imo, I've yet to encounter somebody calling themselves a shaman on the internet who isn't at least a little full of shit. XD

Tbh psychic vampirism isn't something I've ever looked into too much myself, but even my Christian normie mom uses it as a term. She'll say it's a psychological thing that explains why some people are just so persistently annoying in a way that feels draining to other people.


Jun 30, 2021
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i think that ya average emotion sucker isnt always aware. i mean the ones who are needy do to being hurt deep and didnt dare yet to heal.
ones that are waking up to being able to manipulate their world, yes they probably do know. although i think a lot of them wont lable themselves as vampire. as it is a silly word and also is very much connected in the west with satanism. while in all actuality it shoudnt.

@the god king: id like such a discussion as well. i only have my own insights to share and mostly from an islamic paradigm.
Jun 29, 2021
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I have some limited experience with the "human" vampire. One that biologically would be recognized as human, i mean. Their energy starts out distinctly causal with a questant leaning. Actual effect on the personal essences varies, controlled largely by how much authority they have over a close acquaintance. I have seen physical and sensual effects, but psychic is understandably the strongest.

For those not familiar with the terms I used, think of it like this. They crave spiritual intimacy, but they don't affect the vital force from what I've seen. They can induce minor dependency, like a drug, and can cultivate strong influence over the mind.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Imo, I've yet to encounter somebody calling themselves a shaman on the internet who isn't at least a little full of shit. XD

Tbh psychic vampirism isn't something I've ever looked into too much myself, but even my Christian normie mom uses it as a term. She'll say it's a psychological thing that explains why some people are just so persistently annoying in a way that feels draining to other people.
Lol how did I miss these posts? But yeah, the only legitimate shamans are either indigenous or lineaged. While I do practice shamanism, it is a reconstructionist system and makes no claims on any lineage or direct line to an Elder. The term "neo-shaman" would be prefered.
i think that ya average emotion sucker isnt always aware. i mean the ones who are needy do to being hurt deep and didnt dare yet to heal.
ones that are waking up to being able to manipulate their world, yes they probably do know. although i think a lot of them wont lable themselves as vampire. as it is a silly word and also is very much connected in the west with satanism. while in all actuality it shoudnt.

@the god king: id like such a discussion as well. i only have my own insights to share and mostly from an islamic paradigm.
Yes, perhaps I spoke a bit too soon. In Aura Therapy the most common affliction is an auric leak, most usually caused by trauma of some sort. Just as the natural body tries to heal and repair itself after it's been hurt, so too does the energy body. With the energy body, however, it needs to fill that leak so it begins to reach out and siphon energy from the nearest living sources that vibrate energy....any energy, to fill it. This includes plants, animals, friends and family and complete strangers. That would make them "unwitting" psychic vampires.

And I would definitely be interested to hear the Islamic mystical position on vampirism.


Jun 30, 2021
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i am in the middle of a transformation, but for now i can say this as opening:
in my tradition one can only be real if and when one finds one's place in the universe and can live with it. so in the case of vampirism it involves a lot of selfexploration, innerwork (jihad) and learning about how the spiritual world works, but also about the diversity of beings and their places and how one can combine that into a wholesome living for ones self and ones surrounding.
in a sense one has to combine the LHP and the RHP into a universal being. and since it concerns vampirism and islam it is also important to know what one can do and can not do tool wise. one also needs to be sure about all of these things, because one will be held accountable on every level of being.

so overall islamic vampirsim is not the wounded warrior, ya average leech or a simple path. it rather is living in a very strange world, where one sees multiple dimensions at the same time and one is able to make change according to ones true will in combination with the divine.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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i am in the middle of a transformation, but for now i can say this as opening:
in my tradition one can only be real if and when one finds one's place in the universe and can live with it. so in the case of vampirism it involves a lot of selfexploration, innerwork (jihad) and learning about how the spiritual world works, but also about the diversity of beings and their places and how one can combine that into a wholesome living for ones self and ones surrounding.
in a sense one has to combine the LHP and the RHP into a universal being. and since it concerns vampirism and islam it is also important to know what one can do and can not do tool wise. one also needs to be sure about all of these things, because one will be held accountable on every level of being.

so overall islamic vampirsim is not the wounded warrior, ya average leech or a simple path. it rather is living in a very strange world, where one sees multiple dimensions at the same time and one is able to make change according to ones true will in combination with the divine.
If you'd be able to write a thread about this someday, I'd read it. Sounds interesting.


Jun 30, 2021
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Hi scottish 🙂,
I find it quite difficult to write about such a huge concept, but if you or someone else have questions, shoot.

Irish Bard

Sep 16, 2021
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I'd actually like to have a discussion in psy vampirism. Seems there is a lot of New Age fluffy shit floating around the interwebs about psy-vamps. A very popular New Age influencer named "Shaman Durek" (I'm sure some of you have heard of him, if not a simple Google search will bring up enough info) who verbatim said a few weeks ago in a video on Instagram that "psychic vampires don't exist and if your energy is being drained it's your fault because you're giving your energy to other people". Dude is supposedly a sixth generation shaman and doesn't know that the psychic vampires are not only a very real thing, but could also be a very real threat. For someone of his supposed caliber, it's grossly irresponsible to say psy vamps don't exist.

Another New Age pile of dog shit I found is people thinking most pay vamps are unwitting and don't know it so it's not their fault and we can't blame them. Um.....say what? Sure there are psy vamps who may not know what they are but every single psy vamp I've met knew what they were and how to use their "abilities". This junk about them just going about life and not knowing that they are vampires is a lie and does more harm than not. Ok /rant

Two quick thoughts - maybe Shaman Durek IS a psychic vampire. A lot of the attention seeking, pushy and ego-hungry behaviour of "influencers" could certainly be vampiric to my mind!

Could it be said that some psychic vampirism is unconscious? Maybe done unwittingly and not maliciously, off course that's not the same thing as being blameless - we do have a responsibility to confront our uglier traits...

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Could it be said that some psychic vampirism is unconscious? Maybe done unwittingly and not maliciously, off course that's not the same thing as being blameless - we do have a responsibility to confront our uglier traits...
Indeed! There are many unknowing or "unwitting" psychic vampires. These are people who had some sort of trauma in their life that caused damage to their aura and energy bodies. This damage causes leaks in their energy bodies. It's this leak that is the prime cause of psychic vampirism. When the energy bodies leak and reserves are low, they naturally reach out to any living thing nearby that is vibrating energy and latch on and siphon that energy so it can sustain itself. It is a natural process that happens automatically, without any input from the person. Sealing those leaks will "cure" the psychic vampirism. This is true only of the unwitting, for the conscious psychic vampire sealing the leaks may stop the need to feed, its up to the vampire to actively want to stop.


Jun 8, 2021
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From what I read, on a book by Konstantino. The Psy-Vampires, also Astral Project to feed off energy of whomever they prey on. In the Astral world, you are more powerful than in the physical world, and if use the wrong way, that could lead to real serious damage. I really don't have anything against the Psy-Vampires because to me they are very interesting. They really mastered the Art quite well.


Jun 10, 2022
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I was the victim of a psy-vamp in my early 20s when I was first getting into the occult. I was a pretty naive, sheltered person at the time. I guess getting taken advantage of was inevitable and I must have seemed easy pray.

So, I met a girl involved in the occult, and being a typical young male I hoped the affiliation would lead to carnal relations. But her needs were not physical. She made a point to threaten to suicide regularly and I was the dumb sap that was there to console her. It was draining in the extreme. My family and friends commented I seemed like I was miserable. Eventually I wised up to her act and broke away from her. I am now the wiser and hopefully the stronger for the experience.

There are two things you can do to ward off vampires. One, there are shielding techniques you can learn in most magical traditions.

But the second method is even easier: look for anyone who seems like they have to ALWAYS be the center of your emotional attention. Learn to recognize these types and avoid them. Don't even give them the opportunity to get close to you and start draining you.


Internet Forum NPC
Apr 17, 2022
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Vampirism as a religion doesn't get enough credit. Just because it's easy to visualize a tendril most occultists seem to write it off as easy, basic or not worth their time.

Imo vampirism is pretty advanced black magick when you get into the astral travel (oobe) side of things. In Japanese culture a person who gets out of body to "feed" on other people would be called an Ikiryō.
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If you're capable of doing the things a living ghost can do in Japanese lore then you're on another level. There's material out there that can get you on that level. I've witnessed and experienced it when I used to study and practice vampirism. At this point in my life I can't condone that kind of lifestyle because I don't believe in harming others. Sipping off a little life force here and there might seem like harmless fun but when it gets to the point where you're full on haunting someone then you have a problem.


Jun 10, 2022
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I don't get why you'd want to feed off a random human being, though. The natural world is full of energies which are easily accessible and which, all things being equal, are probably healthier for you than some random bloke.

Is there just an allure to calling oneself a vampire and seeing oneself as a predator? Or is there something about human energy specifically that's needed?


Internet Forum NPC
Apr 17, 2022
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I don't get why you'd want to feed off a random human being, though. The natural world is full of energies which are easily accessible and which, all things being equal, are probably healthier for you than some random bloke.

Is there just an allure to calling oneself a vampire and seeing oneself as a predator? Or is there something about human energy specifically that's needed?
Vampirism as a philosophy is different and it has a lot of similarities with laveyan satanism. A vampire doesn't see everything as being equal because a vampire is on top of the food chain. In vampirism the energies you're describing that the world is full of isn't the same energy that humans produce. Vampires don't believe in a god, source or oneness. They are their own god.

I don't speak for all vampires. I'm mainly talking about old school beliefs here.

Nowadays, the new agers think being a vampire is akin to getting energy from a rock. I disagree.

There's reasons for seeing humans as prey. There's a reason why vampirism is taught in the very beginning of the Qliphoth. It's just something people have to figure out on their own if they seek immortality.