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Scary entity

Sep 9, 2021
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One night I had a something pulling me out of the bed by my ankles. I couldn't move but I could see everything in the room as it was. Was trying to break free and right before I did something started breathing in my ear and said "fuck you" when I finally woke up it was exactly 303 am.

That is literally one night. I would always wake up at 303 when awaking from a sleep paralysis or a lucid dream for weeks straight. In my dreams I knew words I shouldn't have and spoke like a priest when having an exorcism. It got to the point where I could control my dreams and tell it to fuck off. I started getting angry rather than scared.

Always very heavy scary energy In the rooms when awaking from these dreams. It's very dark and angry. It is petrifying

The worst dreams are when you are in a dream while in a dream while in a dream etc... and the demon would be in a corner Staring at me in the corner. I would wake up and he would still be in the corner so on and so forth to the point where when I finally awoke I would cry because I didn't know if I was dreaming or in reality. I can go really deep into inception. Hard to explain quickly in writing.

That explanation is just the tip of the iceberg. I've been in very very scary sleep paralysis and lucid dreams basically, and the vibes when waking up. No one could tell me it's not a dark energy and I'm only sleeping. I know it is something bad.

I want to know it's name and why
I recall just after a deliverance from the occult (yes, I know, dont I), I had my roommate pounding on my door. A friend of her daughters was showing signs of possession (full, not partial). Aversion and physical illness in response to scripture heard, and would hang up immediately (fear of further scripture), an off tone voice and intermittent explanation (cloudiness, confusion -- such as Shax or Gaap or Dandelion do - mind control). I asked its name. A deep growling voice replied ("Im the right hand of Satan"). I lost my mind. Could not think of a single scripture.
Pastors warnings echoed in my mind.
I dropped to my knees and opened up Psalms, which had highlighted verses for deliverance. I started loudly reciting them, the phone would hang, roommate would call back, I tried not to lose my concentration which was difficult.

So whom then would it have been, Moloch? Lucifer? Belial? Quemetial? Lucifuge Rofocale? Beelzebub? Or simply Satan? Imposter spirit?
Eventually whatever was in her left her. She had been trying to astral travel and save two babies. I saw a plot where future lives or current lives were to be ended by going back in time through the chains and ending the babies lives. It did not succeed. They got pissed off and this occurred.

We tried bringing her to various churches, and she and the daughter would go on intermittent crack binges (possibly another spiritual cause on this abuse).

Sometimes not knowing its name is better, and simply commanding all dark forces in this dwelling are to leave immediately.

Of course, if a hostile entity is there, like. Andras or Lilith or Raum, that will be difficult.

Like I said, not knowing their names is best. Unfortunately for me, I a few times dabbled in the Qlippoth and Goetia with no protection. I nearly became possessed by something after summoning Ipos and Bime. Its not stuff to play with. Neither is Voodoo, they are very territorial and demanding from what Ive read.
Sep 9, 2021
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What sort of planetary energy is experienced, even from a reverse pole as its origin?

What Im getting at is lets say its Ipos. You're looking at the 24th (? Death) path/tunnel, and Netzach or more likely Jupiter as he is declared as Earl and Prince of Hell. You might then invoke El and Tzadkiel (Chesed or Gedulah), or YHVH Tzavaoth and Haniel (Netzach).

Their energies might disrupt whatever spirit is bothering you.

I would recommend a Priest or Pastor or Rabbi to discuss this with. Tell them the origin, the story, the current events of the day.
One of them might offer to come and do a house blessing and perhaps a blessing on each family member.

Any item acquired at the time in New Orleans when you got this spirits attention? Get rid of that.
Sep 9, 2021
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By the way, not trying to be domineering or commanding, just my opinions.

You might, especially if you are a Christian, to look in Christian bookstores for books on spiritual warfare, even pocket sized scripture collections. Came in handy for me a few times.

Also, the LBRP has a 12 hour half life from what I was told, this is why we are supposed to do this morning and night. A very basic banishing ritual, and can be done in ten minutes time, give or take time if you need to work on visualization like myself. (Depressions stifles visualization btw)

Dark entities will come in with that energy. A shoutout with intent (true intent) to Christ freed me from that once. I had to have a deliverance for the second one after stupidly trying to "work with" Belial (mainly, Gremory and one or two others might have been worked with at that time.
Sometimes, people have to get rid of anything and everything and burn them. I had to do that to get rid of things following me. I hate the idea, but it works.
Sep 9, 2021
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Try this -- introduce new energy, even if you are an atheist:
Every day of the month, read five psalmsand a Proverb. There are 150 Psalms and 30 proverbs. This means roughly 5 psalms a day and 1 proverb in a given month of 30 days. For the rest, pick a set of psalms and a proverb. Meditate on it throughout the day.
Ex.: Today is the 12th.
12x5=60(-4) would be Ps. 56-60 for the day. The Proverb would be Proverbs 12.

We attract them by giving our attention to them. Dont give it to them, give it to Him.

Isaiah 54:17.
"No weapons formed against Thee shall prosper,
And every tongue that rises up against Thee, Thou shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and their righteousness is that of the Lord of Hosts."
(I think, read up on it and meditate on that tonight.

Also psalms 3 and 4. One os for rising, one is for sleep.
Sep 9, 2021
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I have already moved to Seattle. I am sober and relatively healthy. Yes its followed me.
Ive had that dark energy thrice in my life -- in my 20s when I got obsessed with LaVey and Satanism. Something came from the South, from the closet. Apparently Im not the only one this has happened to. Always from the closet. Plenty of shadow space there.

Second time was after dabbling with goetia (no protection other than a LBRP of course, very bright of me) and bell apparently wanted to test me, I felt this energy reminiscent of my 20s flood my room. I was kicked out of my friends house shortly after that (he was a Christian and she was a White Witch). Then I had the deliverance.

This time-- frustrate with my life and existence - I tried to work with a black magician to increase my competency in magic. And rebuild my life. I was not asked for who I wanted to work with or summon really. Bime and then Ipos. I have had parasites and slight paranormal behavior occur here.

After switching to try to work with angels and the trinity, thats where it calmed the hell down.

You need to come up with decisions. If you want, I will send Prayers for your situation to the dude upstairs.

BTW, I know many aren't Christian. That's not an issue with me, and I respect your deities. My deity of choice is my paradigm, so I state my paradigm in my opinions. Perhaps not too politically correct, but if you are of different faiths, then you get my point - just substitute the names/devas worked with.

Even the LHP has banishings. Thee are the Qlippothic Cross and inverse pentagrams. This is not what you should look for.
LBRP is your friend, and so are Psalms.


May 8, 2022
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Ive had that dark energy thrice in my life -- in my 20s when I got obsessed with LaVey and Satanism. Something came from the South, from the closet. Apparently Im not the only one this has happened to. Always from the closet. Plenty of shadow space there.

Second time was after dabbling with goetia (no protection other than a LBRP of course, very bright of me) and bell apparently wanted to test me, I felt this energy reminiscent of my 20s flood my room. I was kicked out of my friends house shortly after that (he was a Christian and she was a White Witch). Then I had the deliverance.

This time-- frustrate with my life and existence - I tried to work with a black magician to increase my competency in magic. And rebuild my life. I was not asked for who I wanted to work with or summon really. Bime and then Ipos. I have had parasites and slight paranormal behavior occur here.

After switching to try to work with angels and the trinity, thats where it calmed the hell down.

You need to come up with decisions. If you want, I will send Prayers for your situation to the dude upstairs.

BTW, I know many aren't Christian. That's not an issue with me, and I respect your deities. My deity of choice is my paradigm, so I state my paradigm in my opinions. Perhaps not too politically correct, but if you are of different faiths, then you get my point - just substitute the names/devas worked with.

Even the LHP has banishings. Thee are the Qlippothic Cross and inverse pentagrams. This is not what you should look for.
LBRP is your friend, and so are Psalms.
Thank you so much for that heart felt explanations. I really appreciate it.