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Journal The Journal of Wildchild

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Mar 21, 2024
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Nice of you contacting an Unitarian Church. I am an Unitarian Universalist though I don't associate with any order of sorts, I like to keep things to my own company.

I scanned your aura a little and I saw that, based on the energy felt and also your behavior, you seem to have a very powerful, almost dominant Air element.

While it is good to have Air, as it brings creativity and ensures communications, still, too much air can make a person dizzy, disorganized and even way to talkative.

You should try adding Earth element to your aura, do Earth element breathing.

I used to do Earth element breathing using Jadeite as helping precious stone and it marvelously worked for me.

As for tutorials, there are plenty on YouTube in regards to Earth element breathing meditation. Choose what best fits you.

Your curiosity may be characterized by two important things in your astrological configuration: either a Scorpio ascendant, or even Native Scorpio, or Venus in Gemini. People with Venus in Gemini are voracious readers and want to get to know a lot of things and you may find them constantly reading something... but sometimes their knowledge can be a little fragmented due to the negative side of air element I previously mentioned.


Apr 30, 2024
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Nice of you contacting an Unitarian Church. I am an Unitarian Universalist though I don't associate with any order of sorts, I like to keep things to my own company.

I scanned your aura a little and I saw that, based on the energy felt and also your behavior, you seem to have a very powerful, almost dominant Air element.

While it is good to have Air, as it brings creativity and ensures communications, still, too much air can make a person dizzy, disorganized and even way to talkative.

You should try adding Earth element to your aura, do Earth element breathing.

I used to do Earth element breathing using Jadeite as helping precious stone and it marvelously worked for me.

As for tutorials, there are plenty on YouTube in regards to Earth element breathing meditation. Choose what best fits you.

Your curiosity may be characterized by two important things in your astrological configuration: either a Scorpio ascendant, or even Native Scorpio, or Venus in Gemini. People with Venus in Gemini are voracious readers and want to get to know a lot of things and you may find them constantly reading something... but sometimes their knowledge can be a little fragmented due to the negative side of air element I previously mentioned.
I do have have a very dominant air element, it's why I bought the Obsidian bracelet for grounding.

Do you think I should be invoking Earth and be doing the LIRP with Earth and banishing Air?

The psychic group is at the Unitarian church, I was one in the past.


Mar 21, 2024
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I do have have a very dominant air element, it's why I bought the Obsidian bracelet for grounding.

Do you think I should be invoking Earth and be doing the LIRP with Earth and banishing Air?

The psychic group is at the Unitarian church, I was one in the past.
You did great on buying the Obsidian. Bravo!

I think it would be a good idea to use LIRP with Earth and banishing air.

However, still, as a preparatory measure long before doing LIRP, I suggest you have your Elements balanced. It may help as to avoid uncertain misconfigurations that may occur.

In Golden Dawn, Regardie states clearly that LIRP is actually the first thing in the GD current, and iirc it only covers the Spirit to Earth pentagram vs the Greater/Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram that covers all 10 configurations (5 each banishing and invoking).

I hope it helps.

You were Unitarian Universalist in the past? What made you quit?


Apr 30, 2024
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My dad stopped attending the church for no reason other than depression.

I'm also found a nice tree to sit under to meditate.


Mar 21, 2024
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I understand the situation. Depression has been my struggle in the past and trust me, before I chose the Path of UU (Unitarian Universalism), I had a lot of get-ins and outs from the path, due to the depression I suffered.

I think your dad was a great man and that he got over the struggle.

On a more happier tone, I am glad that you found a tree to sit under and meditate. Trees are like natural channeling antena for Nature energy that can make you reach a very healthy state of happiness, feel meditation more intensely and also help you spiritually obtain knowledge.

Moreover, trees are symbols of Life, such as we can see in the Yggdrasil (Celtic Tree of Life) and also The Kabbalistic Tree of Life that contains all the necessary Sephira to be contacted


Apr 30, 2024
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I forgive myself for the mistakes I have made, so I can forgive others for mistakes made upon me.

I don't believe anyone is undeserving of forgiveness. To be able to forgive others, you first have to learn how to forgive yourself.

I also had a healing session where I cried for the first time in awhile, and I have some understanding.