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The Qlippoth


Apr 25, 2021
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Many of us have read the books (Karlsson, Grant, Mason, others I'm not familiar with), and several of us are fascinated by the aesthetics of LHP Qlippoth workings, but has anyone actually done any of them? I'm very fascinated by the Tree of Death and Knowledge, but even though I have been considering adding this magic to my practice, I hesitate. It takes a lot of nerve to court destruction, and at least in historical terms the Shells were not about raising us to a higher or stronger state, but leaving us depleted, ruined, barren, and confused.

So, even if you were inclined to traffic with "dark" forces (as I am, though what is considered dark or not is relative), why the Qlippoth? What power do they offer that other schemes do not? What have they done for you?

Please share your personal experiences. I'm less interested in an argument than I am in hearing your perspectives on this. Though if anyone can recommend good books, aside from those mentioned above, I'm very interested to hear them too.


Apr 25, 2021
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Here are my thoughts, to get the ball rolling: the Qlippoth (and Sefirot) are imaginative constructs designed to lead to a certain kind of inner exploration. The original Kabbalists, being devoutly religious, would have laughed at the idea of using their concept of utter failure and depravity as a way to achieve power. That would be like walking through a plague city to improve your immune system.

However, after Grant, modern occultists have repurposed these ideas for other goals. These goals usually include some increase in personal psychic/magical/and mental power. They are connect with a quest for personal immortality and ascension to godhood (however you define that). Potent stuff, but not at all what the original folks who conceptualized the Qlippoth had in mind. Which is fine. We're here to do our own work, not the work of the dead. Which is why I ask here. How do the Qlippoth figure in your own work, if at all?


Apr 19, 2021
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Parfaxitas was the first spirit I called which resulted in a contact. However, I am not advanced enough to know if it was actually partaxitas, I would have to have my associate look into it.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Sorry if I'm a little late to this. On the question of tapping into negative/destructive forces in general, though, there are people who believe that said things are as much a good part of one's life as the positive flipside. Obviously nobody wishes their own destruction or that of those close to them, but according to said perspective, destruction represents the "tearing down" of things necessary to keep you moving forward. Basically a very brutal form of tough love, and the struggles in life that you have to overcome to become a better person.

That being said, LHP work will always require that you first have a very firm grasp on things such as protection, banishment, grounding, etc. Never summon or attempt to bind what you can't banish, always know exactly what you're dealing with and going to do beforehand, etc. This also applies to RHP and any other sort of path, but yeah. It's up to you to make sure things don't get out of hand, and you're still the one in control. Especially once major spirits and demons start getting involved, because they WILL try to test your ass if they think you're too weak to keep control.


Apr 25, 2021
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Here's my professional opinion: if you start digging beneath your feet you shouldn't be surprised to find that you're in a hole.
Qlippothic magic is known as Azeto to us and it's not just "dark" magic. Just to access the power you need to actualize and cultivate shame, self loathing, weakness, failure, and self abnegation. Not just experience and acknowledge these feelings as an opportunity to grow like a healthy human being. They have to be your virtues and rotting your soul must become your goal.
Think magical conversion therapy. That's the feeling you need to start down that road.


Apr 18, 2021
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Im a little late as well to this conversation. I tend to subscribe to Masons perspective in that exploring the qlippoth is a path to self salvation.

I think in a way exploring and ascending(descending??) Throught the shells is a rejection of what the cookie cutter judeo christian path of salvation through Christ and forging ahead into your own understanding of existense and atttaining your own complete understanding of creation as you understand the leftovers of creation. Not to sound too BALG tho as i havent self initiated into all the spheres haha.

What i can say is that meditation on them can lead to really intense gnosis. But most of it is hard to understand let alone remember after the fact which i think is the nature of the qlippoth anyhow. It seems that understanding the depth of the shells can take a lifetime or two to really understand if ever it can be fully explored.

All i can say for now is can be really trippy


Apr 25, 2021
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Im a little late as well to this conversation. I tend to subscribe to Masons perspective in that exploring the qlippoth is a path to self salvation.

I think in a way exploring and ascending(descending??) Throught the shells is a rejection of what the cookie cutter judeo christian path of salvation through Christ and forging ahead into your own understanding of existense and atttaining your own complete understanding of creation as you understand the leftovers of creation. Not to sound too BALG tho as i havent self initiated into all the spheres haha.

What i can say is that meditation on them can lead to really intense gnosis. But most of it is hard to understand let alone remember after the fact which i think is the nature of the qlippoth anyhow. It seems that understanding the depth of the shells can take a lifetime or two to really understand if ever it can be fully explored.

All i can say for now is can be really trippy
I don't dare comment on your experience. I'm not you and I don't have the ability to experience your perspective even if we would be going through the same events.
That said, the antipathy towards Judeo-Christian ethics evident in this and similar spaces is often cited as reason enough to be quintessentially self destructive. The most important thing to remember is that the Kabbalah is Judeo-Christian. Judaism, and by extension Christianity and al Islam, are religious traditions rooted in Kabbalah. The scriptural guidance is based on mitigating physical, mental, emotional, magical, and spiritual threats to the community and individual.
The sephirot is designed to allow the exploration of both creative and destructive impulses spiritually and magically within a relatively safe framework. Even if you managed to kill yourself or someone else in your Kabbalistic practice you could recover, if not in this life then a subsequent one. You can and should break your eggs because you're making an omelet.
Qlippoth is not that. Qlippoth is trying to make an omelet with antimatter. Both methods destroys the egg but only one causes the eggs and all it's contents to cease to exist. And from the finite perspective of a mortal, everything and nothing are identical. Just remember, both Being and Not Being are realer than any of us and the truth of either of Them will dwarf our intellect by incalculable magnitudes but the neither actually liberates us to exist discreet of Them. You either gravitate towards Ultimate Being or you cease to be because that is the nature of Ein and Sof.
Ultimately, the choice is yours and I wish all who pursue this direction the best of luck for yourself and those around you.
Jun 10, 2021
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I'll make it simpler for you in regard to my experience: It's just one tree. You can either ascend in the front or the back, but such act occurs within the spheres and not the actual tree. The Sitra Achra exists within each sphere and its journey is also essential to becoming the Perfect Man, however, such journey is only fruitful (as in complementary to an upward ascent) if you are truly adept in the Right Hand Path.

An entity in higher realms (as in the lighter side of the tree) can adapt its energy to conduct business in the lower realms (as in the darker side of the tree) but the reverse is harder to do. The darkness truly corrupts making harder to the exposition of light.

Again, in spirit of simplicity I'd say, you can either become Pablo Escobar or El Chapo Guzman in the underworld with all the money, power, and anything you heart desires unbound by rules of law or you can achieve the very same by becoming a powerful politician, president of a sovereign country, CEO, or celebrity bound by rules of law.


Apr 18, 2021
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I don't dare comment on your experience. I'm not you and I don't have the ability to experience your perspective even if we would be going through the same events.
That said, the antipathy towards Judeo-Christian ethics evident in this and similar spaces is often cited as reason enough to be quintessentially self destructive. The most important thing to remember is that the Kabbalah is Judeo-Christian. Judaism, and by extension Christianity and al Islam, are religious traditions rooted in Kabbalah. The scriptural guidance is based on mitigating physical, mental, emotional, magical, and spiritual threats to the community and individual.
The sephirot is designed to allow the exploration of both creative and destructive impulses spiritually and magically within a relatively safe framework. Even if you managed to kill yourself or someone else in your Kabbalistic practice you could recover, if not in this life then a subsequent one. You can and should break your eggs because you're making an omelet.
Qlippoth is not that. Qlippoth is trying to make an omelet with antimatter. Both methods destroys the egg but only one causes the eggs and all it's contents to cease to exist. And from the finite perspective of a mortal, everything and nothing are identical. Just remember, both Being and Not Being are realer than any of us and the truth of either of Them will dwarf our intellect by incalculable magnitudes but the neither actually liberates us to exist discreet of Them. You either gravitate towards Ultimate Being or you cease to be because that is the nature of Ein and Sof.
Ultimately, the choice is yours and I wish all who pursue this direction the best of luck for yourself and those around you.

We both have differing experiences and like you I also do not dare try to impose my own paradigms on others :) . I can only share things from my own pathworking. I am not clairvoyant but I am slightly clairaudient and can feel energies especially during deep meditation. What draws me to the Qlippoth is the energy that I can experience during meditation. Its vast and almost primordial in nature and entirely intoxicating. The diagrams do not do it justice at all. Like a giant uncharted realm of experience and it just draws me too it like moth. The Notion that Mason pushes forth in her literature about riding the serpentine current to self salvation in the Qlippoth (while im not too overly subscribed to it) is for me an experiment worth pursuing if it was even possible as it hints at go further than thaumiel and beyond which is basically walking off the whole chess board hahaha.


I believe that you can collect the lifeless shells and use them for protection, work and combat. It took a long time for them to form, but it takes less time to claim them. So it is a way of saving time. Negative and positive energy are both useful. There is danger in both divine and non divine magics. When you are good at energy combat stuff, then the danger of being hurt or used goes down and reduces.


Jul 15, 2021
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I'll make it simpler for you in regard to my experience: It's just one tree. You can either ascend in the front or the back, but such act occurs within the spheres and not the actual tree. The Sitra Achra exists within each sphere and its journey is also essential to becoming the Perfect Man, however, such journey is only fruitful (as in complementary to an upward ascent) if you are truly adept in the Right Hand Path.

An entity in higher realms (as in the lighter side of the tree) can adapt its energy to conduct business in the lower realms (as in the darker side of the tree) but the reverse is harder to do. The darkness truly corrupts making harder to the exposition of light.

Again, in spirit of simplicity I'd say, you can either become Pablo Escobar or El Chapo Guzman in the underworld with all the money, power, and anything you heart desires unbound by rules of law or you can achieve the very same by becoming a powerful politician, president of a sovereign country, CEO, or celebrity bound by rules of law.
Recently I heard or read (yesterday I think) what you mentioned - that it's just one tree - don't remember exactly from where or who


Jul 15, 2021
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Sorry if I'm a little late to this. On the question of tapping into negative/destructive forces in general, though, there are people who believe that said things are as much a good part of one's life as the positive flipside. Obviously nobody wishes their own destruction or that of those close to them, but according to said perspective, destruction represents the "tearing down" of things necessary to keep you moving forward. Basically a very brutal form of tough love, and the struggles in life that you have to overcome to become a better person.

That being said, LHP work will always require that you first have a very firm grasp on things such as protection, banishment, grounding, etc. Never summon or attempt to bind what you can't banish, always know exactly what you're dealing with and going to do beforehand, etc. This also applies to RHP and any other sort of path, but yeah. It's up to you to make sure things don't get out of hand, and you're still the one in control. Especially once major spirits and demons start getting involved, because they WILL try to test your ass if they think you're too weak to keep control.
From what I've heard or maybe read, the ones which are new in the system of G.D. that's all they do - banish and ground. And I've heard the reason why is that, as you mentioned - to not summon something and then not be able to deal with it, banish it


Jul 15, 2021
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Many of us have read the books (Karlsson, Grant, Mason, others I'm not familiar with), and several of us are fascinated by the aesthetics of LHP Qlippoth workings, but has anyone actually done any of them? I'm very fascinated by the Tree of Death and Knowledge, but even though I have been considering adding this magic to my practice, I hesitate. It takes a lot of nerve to court destruction, and at least in historical terms the Shells were not about raising us to a higher or stronger state, but leaving us depleted, ruined, barren, and confused.

So, even if you were inclined to traffic with "dark" forces (as I am, though what is considered dark or not is relative), why the Qlippoth? What power do they offer that other schemes do not? What have they done for you?

Please share your personal experiences. I'm less interested in an argument than I am in hearing your perspectives on this. Though if anyone can recommend good books, aside from those mentioned above, I'm very interested to hear them too.
I would mention Edgar Kerval's books (or the ones in which he contributed) besides the ones which Asenath Mason published. I didn't work with the Qliphot (yet), but I am interested about it. I read a book (not in totality) - herbarium diabolicum where Edgar Kerval mentions the use of substances for working with the Qliphot (E.A. Koetting also has a part in this book) - it fascinated me.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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From what I've heard or maybe read, the ones which are new in the system of G.D. that's all they do - banish and ground. And I've heard the reason why is that, as you mentioned - to not summon something and then not be able to deal with it, banish it
Yeah, I think I've heard that somewhere too. And it's definitely smart, tbh. I've seen soooooooooooo many impatient noobs fucking themselves big time, because they tried to pull something they were way in over their head on.


Apr 25, 2021
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Over all a good discussion. My final thoughts on the matter is to remember that death, negation, destruction, and obliteration are all part of the universe, part of Being. Qlippoth is by definition the worlds that are themselves incapable of actualizing. Principles and ideas defined by their inability to support themselves, of existing of their own accord. We don't have concepts for what Qlippoth actually is except how its not a viable expression of cosmic being.


Aug 31, 2021
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fascinated by the aesthetics of LHP Qlippoth workings, but has anyone actually done any of them?

While the geometry of the ToL is commonly manifested across the planet, I stay away from the intelligence that overlights the kabbalah. The intelligence seems to me to come from the previous manifestation of the solar system. Most humans should be working in the new cycle.

In my observations of human mental space on 4th mental sub-plane - every human I have examined has a veil across the space and behind the veil are two tunnels, each with a hierarchy of dark entities busily pushing thoughts into the human's mind.

The dark entities in the tunnels can certainly be classified on the dark tree, but my own inclination is to measure the plane on which each is operating, its degree of darkness, its intent and whether it is more afraid of its supervisor than it is of me.

The Qlippoth system is a classification system. The system can be used to access the entities but it is quite unnecessary to go to such trouble. Almost every human is already equipped with such entities.
Sep 9, 2021
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Many of us have read the books (Karlsson, Grant, Mason, others I'm not familiar with), and several of us are fascinated by the aesthetics of LHP Qlippoth workings, but has anyone actually done any of them? I'm very fascinated by the Tree of Death and Knowledge, but even though I have been considering adding this magic to my practice, I hesitate. It takes a lot of nerve to court destruction, and at least in historical terms the Shells were not about raising us to a higher or stronger state, but leaving us depleted, ruined, barren, and confused.

So, even if you were inclined to traffic with "dark" forces (as I am, though what is considered dark or not is relative), why the Qlippoth? What power do they offer that other schemes do not? What have they done for you?

Please share your personal experiences. I'm less interested in an argument than I am in hearing your perspectives on this. Though if anyone can recommend good books, aside from those mentioned above, I'm very interested to hear them too.
Adam Belial is opposite Adam Qadmon.
Thus what you can get out of the Qlippoth is shoot for the moon. Azazel and Lucifer are both below Adam Belial. As are the Goetia, and the entire Qlippoth. You're bound to find 3 goets per path/tunnel.
Five good books:
The Book of Sitra Acra by NAA218
Qabalah, Qlippoth, and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson
Illustrated Goetia by Lon DuQuette
Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa and or The Magus by Barrett.