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[Tutorial] Total beginners guide to invoking and divination (no psychic abilities required)

Informative post.
I want to you teach you how to invoking and do divination, keep in mind this is a total beginners guide. I have learned a little bit about the occult and spirituality ever since my kundalini awakening in 2016. I learned all of these without any help and have evolved them in many ways which I will teach you.

1. How to invoke
Very simple, in your mind or out aloud tell the entity to come to you using their name. So if you want to call Naamah, you would chant "Come to me Naamah" or "Naamah come to me". Some focus on their sigil while doing so which can help. Keep doing it till you feel a presence, go with gut feeling with stuff like this. If you feel a change in anything be it temperature, gut feeling, or other bodily or emotional stuff it is likely with you.

2. How to do divination
Get a learning/beginners tarot deck or a divination coin. They are relatively cheap and will help immensely with divination. I have other ways of divination but these are my main ones. With divination coin invoke and call the entity then ask your question.

It has to be a question because you can't hear their response back, only ask them a question and they can send you an answer in return. If it lands on yes or no you got your answer. I would recommend doing the coin flip once, as too much is often inconsistent.

I would not recommend doing the coin flip too much as it can frustrate you with the responses. Do it only occasionally, I would recommend when you're in a content or good mood as psychic abilities are heightened during these periods.

Caffeine can also help with psychic abilities as I noticed, but don't consume too much of it.

3. Divination in other ways
You can also do divination in multiple ways. Determine in an object or anything which is yes or no then ask a question in your mind. Whatever you determined to be no and inflicts a negative emotion then it means no. If you decided which side is yes and inflicts a positive emotion then it is yes. Keep practicing with whatever you found but don't overdo. Eventually if you practice enough of this divination using feeling, it will lead to the psychic ability clairsentience (clear-feeling). It will also lead to mediumship.

4. Who to call upon/ask questions
Higher self, demons, deities, the universe, living and dead humans.
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Aug 17, 2023
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Are we invoking here or evoking? It can make a big difference whether the entity is inside a mirror in a circle, say, or inside my head.


Aug 17, 2023
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So, just a 'trust me'? Is that all there is to it?
Oncet upon a long whiles ago, I lived on the southside of Austin, Texas. They was plenty of good ol' boys, aging bikers and such, saying that. "I know drugs can't kill me. I've tried everything and look! I'm still alive!"

Mebbe OP is onto something. Or it could be he is confusing "not yet" with "never will be."

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Don't divine anything further away than two weeks or so unless you want very vague answers. Anything more than two weeks in the future is more likely to end up as enchantment rather than divination.


Aug 17, 2023
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Don't divine anything further away than two weeks or so unless you want very vague answers. Anything more than two weeks in the future is more likely to end up as enchantment rather than divination.
To go by the daily news, a lot of people don't plan their entire life much further ahead than 3-4 hours.


Pathetic Weasel
Apr 3, 2023
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I want to you teach you how to invoking and do divination, keep in mind this is a total beginners guide. I have learned a little bit about the occult and spirituality ever since my kundalini awakening in 2016. I learned all of these without any help and have evolved them in many ways which I will teach you.

1. How to invoke
Very simple, in your mind or out aloud tell the entity to come to you using their name. So if you want to call Naamah, you would chant "Come to me Naamah" or "Naamah come to me". Some focus on their sigil while doing so which can help. Keep doing it till you feel a presence, go with gut feeling with stuff like this. If you feel a change in anything be it temperature, gut feeling, or other bodily or emotional stuff it is likely with you.

2. How to do divination
Get a learning/beginners tarot deck or a divination coin. They are relatively cheap and will help immensely with divination. I have other ways of divination but these are my main ones. With divination coin invoke and call the entity then ask your question.

It has to be a question because you can't hear their response back, only ask them a question and they can send you an answer in return. If it lands on yes or no you got your answer. I would recommend doing the coin flip once, as too much is often inconsistent.

I would not recommend doing the coin flip too much as it can frustrate you with the responses. Do it only occasionally, I would recommend when you're in a content or good mood as psychic abilities are heightened during these periods.

Caffeine can also help with psychic abilities as I noticed, but don't consume too much of it.

3. Divination in other ways
You can also do divination in multiple ways. Determine in an object or anything which is yes or no then ask a question in your mind. Whatever you determined to be no and inflicts a negative emotion then it means no. If you decided which side is yes and inflicts a positive emotion then it is yes. Keep practicing with whatever you found but don't overdo. Eventually if you practice enough of this divination using feeling, it will lead to the psychic ability clairsentience (clear-feeling). It will also lead to mediumship.

4. Who to call upon/ask questions
Higher self, demons, deities, the universe, living and dead humans.
I like that kind of details like "temperature change", you got my attention... I've been considering practicing this for some time. I've been playing tarot for more than a decade, but when it comes to call entities I lost my interest. I don't really trust in entities because you can never be sure what entity you are dealing with... It's like inviting someone to your house. I had certain problems like asking questions to the dead, I heard them answering and using a kind of very old English I don't know and also I got hot as hell... But how can you trust? Later I had certain disgusting and very concrete behaviours that I know are typical from the dead person I was talking to (a famous Magus).
The thing is, how do you know who you are getting a connection with? What if you open a door to a terrible entity?


Jan 29, 2024
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I like that kind of details like "temperature change", you got my attention... I've been considering practicing this for some time. I've been playing tarot for more than a decade, but when it comes to call entities I lost my interest. I don't really trust in entities because you can never be sure what entity you are dealing with... It's like inviting someone to your house. I had certain problems like asking questions to the dead, I heard them answering and using a kind of very old English I don't know and also I got hot as hell... But how can you trust? Later I had certain disgusting and very concrete behaviours that I know are typical from the dead person I was talking to (a famous Magus).
The thing is, how do you know who you are getting a connection with? What if you open a door to a terrible entity?
I understand, that's why I only call on entities I have known and have a good connection with. Though most of the time if you call the entity's name, that entity will come to you.


Pathetic Weasel
Apr 3, 2023
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If that works good for you I think it's fine. I'd like to know more details about your experience, am really interested.


Jan 29, 2024
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If that works good for you I think it's fine. I'd like to know more details about your experience, am really interested.
It first started out when I went through kundalini awakening, I gained a huge surge of siddhis (psychic-medium abilities). I realized after some time these were called, psychic and medium abilities. I believe my kundalini was awakened by my succubus so I could communicate with her more clearly and better. I have invoked and connected to the spirits of many people and entities and can tell someones vibes from just a glance. I also noticed more ancient people, especially prehistoric have better vibes than most modern people.


Pathetic Weasel
Apr 3, 2023
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"prehistoric have better vibes than most modern people." 💯