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[Help] Under entity attack!

Someone's asking for help!


Aug 27, 2022
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How does one without fully developed astral senses banish entities? I need to banish and keep entities away from me. I believe my aura to be pierced and I am unable to stop the psychic attacks. I tried Damon Brand’s 30 day defense ritual and the entity (ies) swiftly set forth events that required the defenses to wear out and the calm from a lack of psychic/anxiety attacks took place and I started to yell again.


Aug 27, 2022
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"I am not sure what u r trying to say, but I am not mentally retarded or autistic."

Ok, you suggest you don't work and father manages your money.
My being not permitted to work or manage my own money as yes the judge went from denying my claims to after the magical induced fake suicide attempt (I was put under a two hour delusion i knowing myself would never had believed but with my plagued memory I forgot all education that would have contradicted the matter and the main spirit that is to police me both mentally told me that I had swallowed enough pills to wo causing enough pain kill myself and magically influence me to automatically go with that decision, naturally I was distraught that i was needing to end my life to get into the book of life and not burn in hell for eternity) to suddenly saying wo an extra trial that I needed the disability and that I am not to be in charge of it. Naturally, I suspect magic was involved in more than just my drop of the hat impulse performing a ritual that would help get the disability that I was attempting to get but also to eventually break me down into going along w the preposterous notion that I should be insulted enough by getting it when I am a well balanced by nature person who appreciates the opportunity, judging how I was willing to do chores for money in my youth, the value of working for pay. I would have had a job before hand but my mentally disturbed mother was against it. So presuming u have weak magical defenses and from there my stalker who knows of my posting on this site, did not send magical energy out there to make u be a hypocritical douche to me I would appreciate it if ur small minded ways of calling victims of occult crimes a small minded person who thinks highly of themself when u r also being small minded and in reality r acting like u r better than me when let us both face it if u r doing this on ur free will then on this matter u r not and I would appreciate u reevaluate ur defenses in the off chance that u r not conducting in such rediculous behavior on ur own free will. I am trying to give u the benefit of the doubt.
Edit: I mean seriously dude? Everyone who doesn’t work and has their money managed is an autistic retard? U r so being ignorant. I know some people get off on looking down on others but seriously that was pathetic and u r bullying me.


Apr 19, 2021
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"Everyone who doesn’t work and has their money managed is an autistic retard?"

I am an autistic retard, although I am frugal and manage to get some work these days, hence manage my money.
I apologize for mistaking you. You are mentally ill.


Aug 27, 2022
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Dude, do u summon? Umabel in The Practice of Magical Evocation is supposed to grant wisdom. That would definitely help ur mental facilities if u think they r subpar.


Aug 27, 2022
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Um what the disability money? What about development? I would like to think that is more important? Is there not some sort of rule w disability that u still get it even after getting a job just to make sure u r financially stable or something? I forget what it was it’s just that I am afflicted w memory and attention issues.


Aug 27, 2022
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Ok it’s ur life just thought I’d make a suggestion…. So getting back on track… I personally find the cause of the behavior like say a parasitic spider and some energy lines it creates to get me to be upset constantly and to prevent me from developing occult capabilities to be relevant in the determining as to whether or not I am mentally ill. I know I escalated from my general held beliefs that people who r labeled autistic r not necessarily “retarded” as I sadly in my upset mess dictated and I did not want to address the topic as to whether or not I am mentally ill person at the time but to get a better grip on the situation which parts if u or anyone of that matter of that of which I have been expressing tells u for whatever reason that the cause of my behavior is mental health related as opposed to being a byproduct of occult attack… and do u believe occult attacks can and if so under what circumstances be able to cause mental health problems that is to say after the attacks are completely removed issues in functionality of the mind remain?


Apr 19, 2021
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If you don't want to be upset then go to the buddhist temple and meditate. When I say I have been bothered by spirits before when I bothered them I mean "physically". If you are being "controlled by a spider being to make you upset and prevent your occult development" then I suppose you will have to work on .... not being upset. Very solvable problem

please learn to use paragraphs. in fact it would be better not to talk at all. If you stop talking in your head you might be less upset.
I know I would be, I find it incredibly cringe when you all insist on reflecting on things.
Sep 9, 2021
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I apologize for seeming cocky.
But it should be made evident that you have tried all suggestions.

If you use street drugs, or drink alcohol, that could be a cause.

Allowing an entity into your space by association of thinking of the girl 8s a solvable problem.

Simply switch your thought to something else. Great for panic attacks or stopping suicidal thoughts.


Aug 27, 2022
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Thanks for the suggestions guys…I know entities that are animals are said to latch but what about this whole humanoid spirits that stand over me and bump the couch I was sleeping on to wake me up so I can see them wave a hand over me? Do they randomly do that to psychic sensitive people? I truly believe one of them started making think that certain music was about me. I used to laugh at the thought of people believing that people on the other side of the television like a news reporter was talking to them rather than the public and it’s very embarrassing for me to even do much as beginning to mention it. Thoughts?


Aug 27, 2021
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If anyone advises you to do the LBRP and that's it, don't do it. The LBRP does not banish and protect. Israel Regardie wrote that it merely clears the space to an extent AND shines an astral light on you for further spirit communication.

Clearing a space of energy, to an extent, and actually banishing all entities are 2 very different things.
Sep 9, 2021
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Banishing and exorcism.
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

With annointed oil or holy water, make an equal armed cross, speak Psalms 91 aloud at each (door. Window. Wall. Floor and ceiling.) and give license to dismiss after the psalms are spoken.
I never said that the LBRP does actually banish sacred space.
There is another ritual from the Golden Dawn that is used for that with the Adept lamen - The Ritual of the Rose Cross.
The Outer Order grades were not recommended to mingle with evil, or the world, to keep head down in the books doing your meditations and daily LBRP.

My banishing recommendation only makes sense if you are Judeo-Christian or by use of it makes a miracle.
It worked for me, but then again, Im non-denominational Christian. Iow, I believe in Christ, but am a bad servant.

That method is using anointed oil, place/draw with oil an equal armed cross on every wall, window, door, floor and ceiling. And I mean every. At each cross recite psalms 91; give license to depart in a commanding tone.

This only works if you cut all ties to the occult and burn everything and absolutely everything related to the occult.
Sep 9, 2021
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I just reread the part in chapter twenty and apparently it is more than a simple matter of picturing the black Calvary Cross with circle on scarlet ground in the mind but to do so in the imagination (astral sight), and from there while gazing at it mentally the call is sent out into the Unseen, projecting it from the forehead. Apparently, the inner voice would be used to communicate back by their end telepathically. I, sadly, do not have the astral senses developed to such a degree to address the matter of my being “magically terrorized” by my attacker and whatnot. I would appreciate it if someone reading this would try to contact them on my behalf for the occult crime(s?) committed against me. I would appreciate that!
Edit: I think u would have to “talk” first after the connection by the above method is made!
That may be the lame of the Hierophant, your Higher Self/Holy Guardian Angel. Or the Hegemon.


Aug 27, 2022
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I do not know what you are talking about, Roma. How can I go back in time? I have like no clairvoyant abilities, also.

Is it possible that all these delusions of grandeur and what not are based off of an earlier attempt to summon/ create a magic mentor as described in the miracle of new avatar power gimmicky book? Cause I performed the ritual and to be honest I think my yelling started immediately afterwards. I just performed the ritual to get the entity and all others to leave me and while I have had episodes I am getting the sense the(y) entities is or are taking their time leaving seeing as I did not give a time window.

Any help I can get on the matter would be beneficial to my understanding why I lost pretty much my whole "from 18 - 33 and a half" life; what with my never being to a party, at that so much as a high school kegger, having friends, having a job (I fear i shall be homeless when I get older.

Also, what books do u guys use to develop the means to summon? I can use all the help I can get!