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Author What are your opinions on Jason's Miller occult material?

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Oct 30, 2024
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A prime example of Cafeteria Occultism (to quote Craig Williams). I don't see why you need the arcana of "Hekate" + Saint Cyprian + "Vajrakilaya" if each of them on a singular level is so powerful and multifaceted in what they can do.

Wouldn't it be more prudent to focus on one particular god/spirit, and learn-them in-depth? Maybe develop something of a deep relationship with them? I'd imagine Hekate alone could take a lifetime to master her various aspects.

Everyone that has jumped on the top-tier paid-course bandwagon is highly suspect and always has been. And this really sucks because some of them (Jack Grayle) seem to have their heart in the right place/come off as highly dedicated to their particular God(ess) or spirit court(s).
Indeed. And what concerns Eastern elements in materials of Jason Miller, they contain so many errors that one might wonder how many errors might be in his actual Hecatean material (if to assume that this material is totally not made up). This is what I constantly see in works of "magicians" who tend to mix unmixable, who make salad out of totally different traditions. Such works severely lack depth and contain tons of mistakes.


Dec 13, 2023
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Recently Jason Miller was whining on Facebook about being accused of gatekeeping and stuff, and Sorita d'Este jumped in and was like, "I LOVE gatekeeping, it's just like my goddess." Talk about revealing your fucking hand.

Feel free to look at my post earlier in this thread about gurus being psychic vampires - and someone earlier in this thread called Sorita d'Este, Jason, and others narcissists. That gatekeeping is exactly why their students are getting pissed off and leaking the courses. I've also leaked an entire Tantra course for the same reason - feel free to have a look in the Library!

Take it from me, these people are narcs. They siphon your energy...I tried the Sorcery of Hekate core mantra and my spirits told me to stop and amend it, because Jason Miller gets energy from anyone who chants the Sorcery of Hekate core mantra. I know this because I had to do cord cuttings with my gurus so that they wouldn't siphon energy from my practice. They DO gatekeep access to the gods. And no Sorita, you're not being like your goddess, fuck off.
So true I suspected this energetic siphon as well.