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[Help] What is "Anti-Cosmic Satanism"?

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Aug 17, 2023
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It’s probably for the best to keep that phrase with decay. Differing viewpoints won’t agree simply based on “promethean”. Some won’t even agree generally but it helps establish it as a philosophical view.
honestly I might have to agree to a point. I was visited by a spirit who basically told me working only with the darkness would consume/destroy me.
Guess it depends on the genius/higher self of the individual and what outcome they are trying to accomplish for them.
The spirit's advice might be worth a listen. It gets one's blood up, identifying foes. It's the s**** pondering that one falls far short of the ideal he claims to be promoting. Some right-winger (Luther Price?) said: "Ask yourself---would I be allowed inside the utopia I'm trying to build? Most of us would not."


Mar 4, 2024
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I disagree and the arguments are above. There is no talk of loving "chains". Chains keep you from falling into the abyss. Unless you can climb up, the chains keep you afloat.
There's no climbing out of chaos because chaos is the ground of being. Everything that came "out" of it is still "within" it- there's no "up from chaos". A mural cannot escape the wall it is painted on.
Rebelling against cosmos and usurping higher power as being of inferior dignity will only lead one down. Prometheus was not a hero - romanticizing him is a mistake.
Like Zeus rebelling from Kronos? Like younger gods rising up against the titans? Funny how they want only want one revolution- the one that places them on top.

I don't romanticize Prometheus, I give him his due. He gave men what defines us as separate from beasts- the inner fire of the mind (which is esoteric interpretation, but frankly almost impossible to miss). He made us what we are, not Dies Pater.

I apologise for hijacking that thread. Prometheus may not be relevant to OP.
Honestly, discussion of Prometheus fits the topic of "anti-cosmic" or any kind of gnostic satanism, as Prometheus is often seen as a Luciferian figure. Plus I did a search on liber azerate and he is mentioned twice.


Aug 17, 2023
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I disagree and the arguments are above. There is no talk of loving "chains". Chains keep you from falling into the abyss. Unless you can climb up, the chains keep you afloat. Rebelling against cosmos and usurping higher power as being of inferior dignity will only lead one down. Prometheus was not a hero - romanticizing him is a mistake.
I apologise for hijacking that thread. Prometheus may not be relevant to OP.
Post automatically merged:

I disagree and the arguments are above. There is no talk of loving "chains". Chains keep you from falling into the abyss. Unless you can climb up, the chains keep you afloat. Rebelling against cosmos and usurping higher power as being of inferior dignity will only lead one down. Prometheus was not a hero - romanticizing him is a mistake.
I apologise for hijacking that thread. Prometheus may not be relevant to OP.
The aim of the more refined forms of anti-cosmic magick is not to usurp anything. It's to align with powers more primordial than those of the usurping Demiurge who crafted this cosmos. But, yeah, there are impetuous sorts out there who think they can use magick to pole-vault from ineffectual delinquent to being the Great God Vagjosjuhurulek or whomsoever.

Careful with the metaphors there about chains keeping one afloat. It reminds me of some really low Louisiana humor the local crackers would crack whenever there was an untoward incident involving small town sheriffs and the bayou.
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Thanks to all who responded here, your thoughts are appreciated.

"Liber Azerate". You might want to read it yourself as it is quite explanatory on what all this Anti-Cosmic Satanism is about.
You are right, of course - I have added to the stack. With a skim, I was hit on the very first page:

"These spiritual, philosophical and magical shapes are just tools and external tools used within the Order to focus, channel and excite the Acausal essence is the chaos that is beyond all causal forms. These forms (e mythologies, ideologies, rituals, symbols) is within MLO charged with completely different meaning than what normally is associated with and is designed in such a way so that they shall form an antithesis to the existing forms of Exoteric pro-cosmic and non-dynamic "satanism"."

I think it forms a weird dichotomy - "pro-cosmic" vs. "anti-cosmic" satanism.
I am reminded of what Boyce wrote in regards to the Zoroastrian conception that the Angra Manyu, appearing simultaneously with Ahura Mazda, was all about the complete destruction of anything the latter did, as if there were no other point to its existence than that.
In Manicheaism, the Evil Spirt seems to be just simply greedy to infect and corrupt the domains created by the Father - so a "pro-cosmic" perspective there?

Yeah from what I read of the public writings, it is basically a modern attempt to construct something like Sethian Gnosticism but with all the cool trappings of modern Satanism a la 90’s black metal.

I find the cultural milieu has a big influence on the shaping of certain perspectives. That so much early Apocalyptic and Gnostic mysticism are reactions against Roman domination of the period, as well as sectarian and ethnic rivalries strikes me as informative, though the symbolism takes on a life of its own with the distance of time and syncretic reinterpretations - the roots themselves being syncretic correlations with what was prior.

Jon Nodtveidt of the black metal band Dissection... Shortly after he committed ritual suicide which I guess is supposed to be a supreme expression of free will and nobility of spirit.

I seem to recall this. I remember talking to a guy on DA who was all about Grant's Nightside for a while. I saw news report about a black metal committing suicide for satanic reasons. The DA fellow I was talking to then posted enthusiastic praise of this act and claimed the musician had, by killing himself, made himself a God of his own universe (as a new incarnation). This made me think of certain notions I had come across in FLDS Mormonism - though I think this had to do with the number of wives one had as opposed to self termination.

Sitra achra is a superior energy compared to say something like asenath masons qlippoth system.
I think looking at the historical phases of refinement from early Jewish conceptions and the various modern mutations is worthy of study. I believe the Sitrah Akra does precede the Qlippoth in terms of historical development, but I haven't yet traced the notions precisely. However, upon reading Karlsonn, he pointed out that there was notion that Din originated in the Ain Soph as a precursor to Creation - that is, the very action of Creation is itself a manifestation of Severity - thus Geburah is the root of the Sitrah Akra, giving an alternative Tree where the products of Judgement - the separation - manifest as the forms of Lillith and Samael (as non-reproduction female and male forces).

Anti-cosmic sounds a bit dumb since all the planetary spheres and hexagram operations are from unity itself.

Yeah I think Plotinus et al would agree.
I have always been tentative of Plotinus's reasoning with regard to "matter" as being Absolute Evil since it seems to contradict his conceptions of the All. He seemed to form the dichotomy where none such could exist - that the Ideas or Forms were captured by this "matter" and distorted to generate a world of imperfect and decaying phenomena... but this "matter" in his view has a completely separate "existence" that is somehow utterly inert and devoid of any essential being. Or rather, it is "non-existence" agitated by very radiation of the Ideas?
I've heard various expressions on this and non of them seem to agree - but "matter", while it seems to be a type of "nothing", can't really be that if it reactive and definable.

Was it Plotinus who said if Gnostics hated the world so much, then why don't they just kill themselves? Maybe it was an Anti-Nicene Father, idk right now. It would seem funny though, considering Plotinus despised his own body and thought the Universe was a mistake in at least one Ennead translation I have. Then he goes to say, in explaining suffering, that it isn't even real - it's all souls at play... "All the world's a stage" as Shakespeare wrote (or didn't).

Given what "promethean" means in essence, adding "decay" to it is probably unnecessary in a strict sense.
Right now it adds to my Plotinian musing. "Generation and corruption", which I think takes its trend of thought from Aristotelianism and lands in places like the Picatrix, seems like a ready undercurrent for notions of an imperfect prison world that takes its root in an original perfect one that, while still constantly generating its perfections, is nevertheless "captured" by in increasingly resistant scale of resistance that results in "decay and dissolution".
I guess, spinning out of this, if the Forces of Darkness were somehow vamping the Light (as in Manichaeism), then the former would be very much pro-cosmic in its dependency, though still "chaotic" in that its very action of shaping its food to its own ends it creates disorder in its essential quality of dissolution.

Prometheus may not be relevant to OP.
Actually, I find it inspiring and not tangential. In some sense I want to relate to the Hermetic creation myth, but my mental gas tank is draining here.

its not living from your dna/body, but from the space in between. the Most Strangest might be feeling the wind passing tru your body. or when its and expression of theistic satanism feeling roah allah pass tru ones body.
A bit of a serene take on something that presents itself as so violent. I have a feeling that all paths can confer this "in between" sense, that the brand names are just "tools" as the excerpt I cited above said. I think it is worth a periodic reverie at least.

being able to hold 2 opposing thoughts in a balance

I was visited by a spirit who basically told me working only with the darkness would consume/destroy me.

I can relate to the tension expressed - but it always leads to a sort of Hegelian dialectic of what constitutes "me". And then there are the modes of "me" in relation to "me", whether caressed by the illuminating wings of angels "above" or entwined by the tentacles below - there is something indestructible, which in relation to the "rational ego" is chaotic in either direction. Levi made pretty good warning about "vertigo" as being Hell, but I think he was also hinting at a technique.
Though he seemed to think that the "downward" path was a venomous plunge into utter weakness, impotence and dissolute madness - I honestly couldn't decide if he was being accurate, judgmental, or trying to maintain theological consistency while undermining the whole edifice. PSA's with unintentional instructions you can do at home.

There's no climbing out of chaos because chaos is the ground of being. Everything that came "out" of it is still "within" it- there's no "up from chaos". A mural cannot escape the wall it is painted on.
Good point. Of course, the very notion of "chaos" is an orderly one. It is prescribed condition "in relation to". I guess it smacks of what one Zennist I read about how the Absolute cannot exist without the Relative - and of course Hegel wrote volumes of obscurity on this.

The aim of the more refined forms of anti-cosmic magick is not to usurp anything. It's to align with powers more primordial than those of the usurping Demiurge who crafted this cosmos.
I think this is workable, the idea of "usurpation", if it could be applied, would be a purely individual matter. I suppose in the sense of the primordial, one has just come to identify with a pre-symbolic state - a larval consciousness? Or not "consciousness" as an organizes procession of tatterdemalions fitted into hypostases and reactive forces, but pure awareness without conditions in complete suspension.
But it can't be Nirvana, that's too grungy. It has to have a black metal flavor, or, at the very least, the Siegfried pyre drama of the entrance into the antipodal Universe B.
But that's my tatterdemalion atm...tank empty.