It would be, but I gotta be honest...I thought I understood what you were doing, but I clearly do not. Where are the pictures coming from? When it's a screenful of phrases, sometimes I just don't see what you're really doing which would make it hard to reproduce.
[1] There are two main things I am doing. Showing that one can connect in an evidential way with that which is hidden...which I collectively refer to as "The Mind Behind Creation".
This involves one replicating the process by creating and building upon their own personal ComList adding to it whatever they know to be relevant to their individual journey through this life as a human being.
The idea is to allow for the free-flowing of communication both ways and gives that which cannot be seen, the opportunity to communicate as well, rather than just be the spirit et al which is used by the human for to gain things for said human.
[That will become more and more obvious to the human who uses this device for this purpose.]
The second is incidental and very useful in conjunction with the first, for showing the similarities of words and phrases and subject matter through sorting these under identical numerical values.
If I were a programmer, I would perhaps want to create coding which would speed the process up with both systems, but also acknowledge that doing this manually allows for daily data to be contemplated and absorbed by the participant in a user-friendly manner.
This is especially true of the first. [ComLIst]
The second, I can imagine as a simple enough App which could be used by anyone to calculate words and phases etc into numbers as well as sort those into their various listings re values.
[2] The pictures, music etc mostly is my invention - comes from me. Other pics are from links which have been placed on the ComList or are associated with what is being generated as a message at the time...I am often prompted by what the message is saying, to be reminded of things, which I then harken back to - such as with post#28 where I respond to the previous message - specifically the part which reads;
Upon Further, Deeper Inspection
Is Like...
The Fathers 'House - Mansions'
Ensures You Get To Know It
Automated Machine Learning
Gods Gift
I would say...
The Deep and Meaningful
All the above is speaking of the role-playing environment I created - and the subject comes up frequently enough for me to understand it in that way - right from
post#15 where the whole message centers around that...and how I explained in subsequent
post#16 exactly WHY I created the role-playing environment.
At this point there is no further requirement for me to narrate/interpret the generated messages as I just wanted to show for now how the system/communication technique is utilized.
For now I will continue to publish a daily Message but not interpret it.
The Incognitus asks William about the UICdevice
Existence of the universe requires a God
Eventually this led to the human experience
Incognitus and William
God is Consciousness
What is the meaning of life?
Smarter Than the Average
Central To The Vision