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[Opinion] The Myth of O9A

Everyone's got one.


Aug 17, 2023
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Is the Order of Nine Angles a myth? I don't mean the sloppy travesty one finds in non-novels like Stephen Leathers' "Jack Nightengale" series. I mean the alleged actual group that used to cultivate a web presence. According to the late Michael Aquino that was the output of one unstable individual using a variety of aliases (but the same typewriter.) The question is drivin' me up a tree it is. Wyrd, ya know?


Jul 2, 2022
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I don't think its myth.

Though the original group might have disbanded in early 2000s.

NAOS alone is more respectable than 95% of so called western LHP books for me still.

For David Myatt, it surely does look like he went through those so called 'roles'. With a little dig you can find his extremic Islamist past, and finally he rejected violence afaik. Perhaps he went through 'nigredo' where you did so many dark deeds you can't find it in you anymore. The path Myatt followed surely matches with path O9A tells you. He may have walked his talk.

Or maybe its just British psyop, what do I know.
Mar 13, 2023
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O9A does/did indeed exist but their level of activity is hard to gauge, let alone to what degree the original movers and shakers are still involved; I suspect not so much. To understand the emergence of 09A we have to understand what the Church of Satan was before it was the Church of Satan. Lavey originally called his group the Order of the Trapezoid and thus would become his inner circle within the church wether intended or not as the early adopters and founders were there.

The nine angels are the four angels of the trapezoid and the five angels of the pentagram combine. I do not know what the cause was for the schism that created 09A or how large of a schism it was but I do know that it would have come from within the core leadership of the CoS and thus Michael Aquino has a vested interest in damage control, downplaying the situation and the size of 09A. I am not saying that he is lying or even unreliable, merely that even though he is close to situation, it is for that reason we can not take him as an unbiased source, remembering also, that he would have been there.

The Order seems to have more presence and influence, and even members, to be considered one man behind a typewriter. That I can say for certain. I want to say it was the early 2000s if not the 90's when I was first exposed to and became aware of the group. It had a considerable influence on the Satanic community at a time and their stuff could be found in most sites hosting occult and neopagan PDFs and within various torrents.

I can tell you that the materials dud not appear to be from one author but to what extent it was a formal organized group vs an online community and counter culture from within the CoS members at large, I cannot say because I do not know. It was like a handful of core members doing mailer memberships just like the CoS.

I would imagine that the cause if the schism was funding out about a secret club within the club, and being hurt. If that is the case I'm sure allegations were made that the CoS was no better than that Christianity, which it itself, was a counter-culture to. The union of the trapezoid representing what was the inner sanctum and the pentagram representing the outer church, was probably to show a unified equality in their eyes, that everything was up front and transparent to members instead some some things being hidden to a select few.

It seems to me that if the O9A still exists in any formal capacity it is greatly diminished. Though I have never gone looking for their material I have not seen any for the longest time, let alone anything new or otherwise indicating actively.

Id say late 2000s or 2010s is about right for the end. I'm sure the founders and a few hardcore dedicated members kept going, and have no doubt there are now solitary practitioners using the rituals and techniques of the order.

From this course it seems those who were followers of racist forms of Neopaganismvand being banished from their larger communities, grafting theirselves onto it, and thus revived it.

I know even less about the revival than I do the original group but must say in defense if the original though it is not my thing, that I never saw anything racially charged within their materials. In light of that, if the claims being levied against the revival 09A are true I would consider the order, if it has any right to the original name, to be under new leadership, of a newer generation and not nessisarily reflecting the views of the original.

When I say revival I don't mean a reconstruction from a dead or intubated lineage. I'm sure, with the Order not being that old, that some lineage bearers are still around though again wether they passed the torch I can not say. I mean more if an old spiritual revival invigorating a church.


Jun 30, 2021
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the people i used to have connections with are silent. the last thing i heard from matt is that he found a path towards healing thanks to his wife's passing.

for myself, i was always a loner in saying o9a and the sufi path i walk are the same. either way creating non-believers while i live. if i remember correctly , when the call came for a resurrection the rest went silent and wouldnt dare. which is quite understandable when one knows the bigger spiel.
Mar 13, 2023
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the people i used to have connections with are silent. the last thing i heard from matt is that he found a path towards healing thanks to his wife's passing.

for myself, i was always a loner in saying o9a and the sufi path i walk are the same. either way creating non-believers while i live. if i remember correctly , when the call came for a resurrection the rest went silent and wouldnt dare. which is quite understandable when one knows the bigger spiel.

What does Satanic Sufism look like?
One relishes in the human animal and the other lets go of it to be closer to God.

Using Hedonism as a radical asana?


Jun 30, 2021
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sufism is like mysticism occult, but uses islam instead of christianity. so how much satanism does a mystic need to understand what jesus said and did? the human animal IS what god created to be used by our souls and enjoy life with. the destruction of life in joy towards meeting god in death.

one could use hedonism, but thats more towards social and cultural change or breaking taboos in order to gain insight in ones self. but what about the idea and fact that holy matrimony in islam has occult lore that is of the highest rank and thats in essence tantra within a loving relation, while having Faith.
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have you guys ever read about jesus being angry and fighting against the powers that be? have you guys ever read about mohammed doing the same thing, just like other prophets? these men where standing and yelling, telling people they are being used , that they should be free to choose their own destiny, etc?

isnt standing up against the clergy of the leading religion and powers that be a rebellious aka satanic act?
Mar 13, 2023
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sufism is like mysticism occult, but uses islam instead of christianity. so how much satanism does a mystic need to understand what jesus said and did? the human animal IS what god created to be used by our souls and enjoy life with. the destruction of life in joy towards meeting god in death.

one could use hedonism, but thats more towards social and cultural change or breaking taboos in order to gain insight in ones self. but what about the idea and fact that holy matrimony in islam has occult lore that is of the highest rank and thats in essence tantra within a loving relation, while having Faith.
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have you guys ever read about jesus being angry and fighting against the powers that be? have you guys ever read about mohammed doing the same thing, just like other prophets? these men where standing and yelling, telling people they are being used , that they should be free to choose their own destiny, etc?

isnt standing up against the clergy of the leading religion and powers that be a rebellious aka satanic act?
That doesn't really answer the question it's just a bunch of "have yous". To say Sufism is just mysticism and the occult but using Islam instead of Christianity means that it is fundamentally different in several ways despite the similarities...and ultimately you aren't telling us much.

Occult just means hidden... So it doesn't tell us anything in and if itself of teachings or methods, only that you probably come under suspicion and taboo of your peers. Mysticism refers to a system or philosophy of mysteries in the way the word mystique comes down to being full of mystery and a mystagogue is someone who prepares another to receive a mystery.

So that boils down to the Christian mysteries and the Islamic mysteries, which do not center on the same theme or formula.

However, we need not get caught up on religion. It is not relevant to the question I asked. It matters not wether it is based in Christianity or Islam; the essential point is this:

How do you reconcile a mystical path that teaches disciplined control over the animal self and it's pleasures, to better serve, exalt and be in communion with the Lord with a system that reveals in the pleasures of the human animal? They are antithetical.

I didn't say it couldn't be done but not without considerable modification to one or both.

Don't get me wrong, I am no prude. I do not believe it is a sin to enjoy the flesh so long as that pleasure does not blind you to the Eternal Spiritual. Piety and humbleness are a big part of my practice but not the typical mainstream Christian piety to the denial of the human animal. That to often leads to neglect of the human body in the name of the spirit, but the spirit will not dwell without a suitable temple.

I can understand treating praise for the human animal as a firm of asana, as I said, leading to ecstatic release as if going from nere asana into pratyhara, yet I still would have wonder why Satanism to facilitate this. It does not seem the effective combination.

Perhaps we have a fundamental misunderstanding here. When you say Satanism what do you mean by that? Are you even convincing if Christian imagery or perhaps Iblis?

Satanism emerged as a counter&culture to Christianity so it seems absolutely strange to be that someone associate Islam with it at all. Though I suppose you get Christians say your religion is of the devil just the same so maybe I can understand your aligning yourself with the Scapegoat. Islam, arguably does have some repressive features when it comes to the expression of human sexuality... but certainly there's already a counter-culture within Islam to address that.

I'm trying to understand, from a Muslim perspective, why Satanism? For that matter, from a Satanic perspective, why Islam?
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Now I'm going to be googling Islamic Satanism tonight. 😂


Jun 30, 2021
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i will have to think on some answers, but isnt in the creation story of masonry and rosecruscianism the holy city of jerusalem a se/acret meeting and melting. and didnt each religion take its task upon themselves to create orders and networks in the world? and didnt we after that create wars and rulings for money and didnt we after we restructured the world ( kolonialism ) decide to rekindle each other for chaos and didnt we need visionary adversaries for that?

so why satanism? it was that time of the aeon i guess....
Mar 13, 2023
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i will have to think on some answers, but isnt in the creation story of masonry and rosecruscianism the holy city of jerusalem a se/acret meeting and melting. and didnt each religion take its task upon themselves to create orders and networks in the world? and didnt we after that create wars and rulings for money and didnt we after we restructured the world ( kolonialism ) decide to rekindle each other for chaos and didnt we need visionary adversaries for that?

so why satanism? it was that time of the aeon i guess....

The free Masonic creation story starts
"in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth..." because we use a KJV Bible as the basis for our ritual. This does not mean that you have to be Christian or believe that the Bible is the truth, however Freemasonry did emerge out of a Christian culture and if you aren't comfortable with that you're going to have a bad day if you join Masonry.

Likewise the Rosicrucian creation story starts out the same way because it is also based on the Bible. I stress again however that Freemasonry does not ask you to believe in a certain creation story.

I can only assume you are asking how Freemasonry and was a Christian is in both started... In which case Freemasonry started in the stone guilds of Scotland. It did not develop overnight but over the course of 100 to 200 years until we start to see in the 1300s the first inklings of speculative ritualistic Freemasonry.

Now from there there's a few tall tales which may have varying degrees of truth. The most popular of these is that it was the knights Templar finding refuge in the stone guilt which was a catalyst which transformed us from a merely operative craft into a speculative one. Even as Mason's we can't prove that. However we do know that the Templars were needing refuge in the early 1300s in our earliest reference to speculative masonry is in the late 1300s. The time frame does line up, and what's more, there was indeed a Templar stronghold close to where Freemasonry started. No I don't know that a Mason ever shook the hand of a Templar and exchange stories with them about King Solomon's Temple as our lore states but I can tell you that when Freemasonry was first emerging as a speculative art it would have been surrounded by stories of the knights Templar, and the local law especially would have been perfect for adoption into such an order as the first FreeMasonic guild.

Our meetings aren't secret so much as they are private. The goings on may be secret to you however, most lodges will publicly State win their states meeting times are.

The Rosicrucians until ever were far more secretive. Dandy did have secret meetings, which were often likely held at a masonic lodge. And Truth we know very little about the first Rosicrucians. The manifesto tells us that there were four of them and that they did me I didn't undisclosed location once a year.

I feel to see the significance of this regards to our earlier conversation but moving on to your next point...

Freemasonry is not a religion. It is however a fraternity of deeply religious or otherwise very spiritual men. Oh yes I suppose you could say that we do have a habit of starting other organizations for the benefit of people in general and especially to help them find their way in life. Yes it is true, we are guilty of starting Alcoholics Anonymous, The FFA, The Bot Scouts etc. Of course when I say we are guilty I mean individuals who were Mason started these organizations, not that any large voted on the creation of these organizations. We often get accused of running the world and I suppose in light of this information we used to somewhat but not in the way people think we did. We are not a political organization nor a government organization and we don't in any way influence the laws of the land. We do however have an ethic and helping each person and prove themselves and helping them be a productive member of their community. There are very few things that you can say Mason's believe as we are a system of morality not a system of belief outside of the requirement to believe in a supreme Creator God, but I don't know of a single brother who would disagree with me that masonry has a belief that you changed the world through changing yourself and helping other people change themselves, not through coercion or the taking walk away of God-given Rights or dignities. So yes I profess that it is true we influenced the world not through buying legislation but they're creating organizations to help people.

Now as for the Rosicrucians. Most of us are masons and you are charity work through Masonic organizations. You however were referring to the original Rosaecrucians I'm sure. Yes like Freemasonry they did have quite the reputation of starting various organizations. Although they were so damn secretive that it cannot be proven which, if any organizations they started. This point might be best explained with the likelihood that they were also Freemasons and work through Freemasonry to that end. There may even be a degree in the northern jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite that talks about our relationship; I'd say a couple. Others have taken the statement to mean that these rows of Christians were the secret Chiefs of many esoteric order, and it is no secret that the secret chiefs were at least modeled after the Rosicrucians and their secrecy. Why, I see no reason to believe that the roads are crucial didn't help establish both public civil groups and various esoteric orders for the purpose of helping humanity along. That was sort of what they were chartered to do.

Why if it wasn't for Rosicrucianism with the assistance of Freemasonry there would have been no Golden Dawn or neopagan revival. Though I seriously do not think those Brothers could have foreseen how their influence would ripple out through the advancing timeline.

Up until this point you weren't too far off and then you just went straight off into the deep end after this point. Just exactly who are you referring to when you say "we" created or started wars?

Both Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism are apolitical in nature. We are not political orders. Well we do have an ethic to help the world where we can we are not taught to be it saviors, nor do we profess to get involved with what one may call the worldly while guiding the world. Now you cant very well know what the world needs if you're not a resident of it, and is individuals we are, but when we step into that Lodge it is about relationship with God and improving ourselves and our communities so that we can meet the roles we are to play with dignity and integrity. It does not matter if the brother is sitting next to me is of an opposing political party or religion; what matters to me is that he learned to navigate the circumstances of his life with virtue and honor.

Now that I haven't been said you have to understand that in the late 1700s we still had Protestant Kings fighting Catholic King so over territory and the people continue to suffer for it. Frankly this has been going on since about the start of the Protestant Reformation, which was supposed to be over at the time, and everybody was just about sick of it. Masonry also has an ethic that a man's religion is between that man and God. You might say we have an ethic of religious freedom and Masons, as individuals, have a habit of defending the other dog in defending they're right to live as they choose so long as they are not infringing upon the rights of others or trying to start a culture war.

So yes, a number of us certainly had our hand and both the US revolution and the French revolution.. which among other things were worse about being sick and tired of having Kings. I want to be clear however that nowhere during those events did a lodge ever vote to promote mutiny nor tyranny or to organize any event of civil disobedience. We have been very careful not to drag the fraternity into political conflict.

So for example, the lodge did not vote on the Boston tea party but every member knew that they were not meeting for Lodge that night because they had a party to go to.

Freemasonry has absolutely no control over the economy or the currency used within it. That is beyond our power and influence. I would say most Masons wish that we were still on the gold standard and you don't have to be a Mason to know the dollar has gone shit.

As for colonialism well it is true that colonialism did help Freemasonry spread across the world, Freemasonry should not be equivocated with colonialism. It should be understood to have spread by that same culture that was responsible for colonialism. You probably do not know, and there's no reason why one would expect you to, that many Freemasons fought for the rights of Native Americans. There were also those who were members of the fraternity who committed genocide against Native Americans. They were also times when Freemasons were called in to be third-party arbitrator between natives and other colonials because the natives in question respected and trusted the Masons, and the natives still got a bad deal despite the efforts of the Masons. So it is a mixed bag. I would say more Masons were beneficial to Native Americans than those who were not, however because the most famous one who was not was Andrew Jackson who my people call Tvsgino, the devil, Masonry gets a bad reputation.

That reputation especially pervades more Western tribes. Masonry historically has been very popular within my tribe.

I don't know what you mean by kindling each other for chaos unless you are coming from a misunderstanding of the Masonic axiom "Order ab Chao" nor do I understand what you mean by these adversaries.

But please do go on and explain to me how Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism has anything to do with you choosing to mix Satanism and Sufism, because I think that's neither here nor there.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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The free Masonic creation story starts
"in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth..." because we use a KJV Bible as the basis for our ritual. This does not mean that you have to be Christian or believe that the Bible is the truth, however Freemasonry did emerge out of a Christian culture and if you aren't comfortable with that you're going to have a bad day if you join Masonry.

Likewise the Rosicrucian creation story starts out the same way because it is also based on the Bible. I stress again however that Freemasonry does not ask you to believe in a certain creation story.

I can only assume you are asking how Freemasonry and was a Christian is in both started... In which case Freemasonry started in the stone guilds of Scotland. It did not develop overnight but over the course of 100 to 200 years until we start to see in the 1300s the first inklings of speculative ritualistic Freemasonry.

Sorry to break into this conversation but what a fascinating overview of Freemasonry...My heart always breaks for the Knights Templar whenever they're mentioned. While no organization is faultless, what was done to them was truly terrible and unjust.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
I don't think its myth.

Though the original group might have disbanded in early 2000s.

NAOS alone is more respectable than 95% of so called western LHP books for me still.

For David Myatt, it surely does look like he went through those so called 'roles'. With a little dig you can find his extremic Islamist past, and finally he rejected violence afaik. Perhaps he went through 'nigredo' where you did so many dark deeds you can't find it in you anymore. The path Myatt followed surely matches with path O9A tells you. He may have walked his talk.

Or maybe its just British psyop, what do I know.

the people i used to have connections with are silent. the last thing i heard from matt is that he found a path towards healing thanks to his wife's passing.

for myself, i was always a loner in saying o9a and the sufi path i walk are the same. either way creating non-believers while i live. if i remember correctly , when the call came for a resurrection the rest went silent and wouldnt dare. which is quite understandable when one knows the bigger spiel.
Using the death of a loved one as a pretext to abandon a lifelong battle seems pretty craven.
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Sorry to break into this conversation but what a fascinating overview of Freemasonry...My heart always breaks for the Knights Templar whenever they're mentioned. While no organization is faultless, what was done to them was truly terrible and unjust.
I have tended to side with the Knights Templar...BUT...
1) let's leave "terrible & unjust" out of it. The Templars played at a dangerous, high-stakes game. It were poor form to go buttsore and whinge. I read Jacques DeMolay took his fate like a man.
2) Nimrod de Rosario presents a very different history of the Templars than the standard one---a version where King Philip comes off as heroic. I do not know whether there is truth to this version. I would be interested in reading the Argentine's sources (beyond a rather fecund literary imagination.)
Mar 13, 2023
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Using the death of a loved one as a pretext to abandon a lifelong battle seems pretty craven.
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I have tended to side with the Knights Templar...BUT...
1) let's leave "terrible & unjust" out of it. The Templars played at a dangerous, high-stakes game. It were poor form to go buttsore and whinge. I read Jacques DeMolay took his fate like a man.
2) Nimrod de Rosario presents a very different history of the Templars than the standard one---a version where King Philip comes off as heroic. I do not know whether there is truth to this version. I would be interested in reading the Argentine's sources (beyond a rather fecund literary imagination.)

What dangerous high-stakes game was that when they were simply doing what they were chartered to do by the Catholic Church. They were commissioned by the church to protect Christians in the Holy Land, and while they were a military trained escort service more so than the church's military, they would of course come to it it's aid when in need.

I'm sure being devout Catholics who took an oath to poverty for the good of their God; they would have happily shared they're wealth to the church if it had not left them destitute.

The church did not even ask. No, instead, they accused that's important of a heresy without being clear exactly as to what the heresy was. More to the point they tortured the Templars in order to get some confession of a heresy that they new damn well they were not guilty of. The only confessions ever given were under torture and would not be admissible under a court of law by today's standards for that reason.

The Catholic Church isn't one to admit its mistakes but even it knows it fucked up here, as evidenced by the church issuing the statement essentially saying "we bad", pronouncing all the charges levied against the Templars.

Why did this happen? It happened because it was Philip who was the one who was butt sore. He did not want to pay back his excessive debt to the Templars so he was the one who went whining and crying to the Pope to have them charged for heresy.

So no, Philip, who is not worthy of the title King, wasn't no way heroic. He committed genocide against the Templars over a debt.
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He also saw them as a threat to Royal power in particularly his monarchy which didn't make a lick of sense because they did not come after him. Nonetheless he was worried that their protection from the church could be used to undermine his authority. Did he have them disbanded in his country? No, he had the church murder them.


Aug 17, 2023
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Is this coming from the guy who left the forum because his feelings were hurt?
Yeah. This forum is scarcely the Holy Grail. Opting out is scarcely tantamount to deserting the Legion's eagles to the barbarians. At least for me it isn't. I can't speak for your esteemed self.
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What dangerous high-stakes game was that when they were simply doing what they were chartered to do by the Catholic Church. They were commissioned by the church to protect Christians in the Holy Land, and while they were a military trained escort service more so than the church's military, they would of course come to it it's aid when in need.

I'm sure being devout Catholics who took an oath to poverty for the good of their God; they would have happily shared they're wealth to the church if it had not left them destitute.

The church did not even ask. No, instead, they accused that's important of a heresy without being clear exactly as to what the heresy was. More to the point they tortured the Templars in order to get some confession of a heresy that they new damn well they were not guilty of. The only confessions ever given were under torture and would not be admissible under a court of law by today's standards for that reason.

The Catholic Church isn't one to admit its mistakes but even it knows it fucked up here, as evidenced by the church issuing the statement essentially saying "we bad", pronouncing all the charges levied against the Templars.

Why did this happen? It happened because it was Philip who was the one who was butt sore. He did not want to pay back his excessive debt to the Templars so he was the one who went whining and crying to the Pope to have them charged for heresy.

So no, Philip, who is not worthy of the title King, wasn't no way heroic. He committed genocide against the Templars over a debt.
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He also saw them as a threat to Royal power in particularly his monarchy which didn't make a lick of sense because they did not come after him. Nonetheless he was worried that their protection from the church could be used to undermine his authority. Did he have them disbanded in his country? No, he had the church murder them.
Likely enough true---like I said the other version I mentioned came from a source adducing no real documentation. One small point, though, a political purge like that carried out against the Templars is not really "genocide." They were a voluntary association, not an ethnic group.
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Jul 2, 2022
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Look for the paper where after a certain stage you do tend to turn away from the Sinister and eventually settle for a balance of sinister and numinous.


Aug 17, 2023
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sufism is like mysticism occult, but uses islam instead of christianity. so how much satanism does a mystic need to understand what jesus said and did? the human animal IS what god created to be used by our souls and enjoy life with. the destruction of life in joy towards meeting god in death.

one could use hedonism, but thats more towards social and cultural change or breaking taboos in order to gain insight in ones self. but what about the idea and fact that holy matrimony in islam has occult lore that is of the highest rank and thats in essence tantra within a loving relation, while having Faith.
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have you guys ever read about jesus being angry and fighting against the powers that be? have you guys ever read about mohammed doing the same thing, just like other prophets? these men where standing and yelling, telling people they are being used , that they should be free to choose their own destiny, etc?

isnt standing up against the clergy of the leading religion and powers that be a rebellious aka satanic act?
Given that "Satan" originally meant something very much like "adversarial," you are to that degree correct. Though, as responses to you make clear, you have an uphill fight to wage in getting that point across.
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Look for the paper where after a certain stage you do tend to turn away from the Sinister and eventually settle for a balance of sinister and numinous.
Actually there are several O9A papers like that. They also are pretty insistent that very few folks ever succeed in doing this successfully. They make it out to be a difficult attainment, not a middle-aged kicking back with an air of, "Lemme take a load off."


Jul 2, 2022
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Actually there are several O9A papers like that. They also are pretty insistent that very few folks ever succeed in doing this successfully. They make it out to be a difficult attainment, not a middle-aged kicking back with an air of, "Lemme take a load off."
Okay so do explain to me, how is it craven to settle off after decades of work done, a blatant insight role undertaken?

What else is there left to wait and rise to Ogdoad after death?

But if him being done with the sinister way is cowardly to you (after decades of work that is), please lead the next generation while you still may have a decade or two to live.


Jun 30, 2021
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Have you's when I tell the story, conspiracy when a moslim man says it, but cool when you write similar???
Its ok by me, i didnt invent the label, but stupid non the less.

Using the death of a loved one? As vandheer said, some events create feelings and those feelings can catalyze one into new ways. I didnt know that we need to soften the truth. Pardon me.

Im not coming from a misunderstanding of ordo ab chao, nor am i denying how the world spiel works over long time. I am also not denying that covid went worldwide. As in 1 ring to rule them all. As in 2 years of order and the death of big spiritual players. As in crowling out of our caves afterwards searching for non scared humans.

Satanism has many forms, some decide to listen only to the flesh, some revere satan as their god and some just have a talk with him and his friends. When one does some research however, one finds out its more often then not a female human and seen as evil. Not only in daily life, but in dream spaces and other occult ways. Why? Cause women rule the hidden sphere. Now go ask the rest why a women should be the devil, i just do my thing and looked in the mirror. Still 2 tits and a pussy, no horns or smoke coming out of my ears.

I like aicha kandisha, a so called demon who looks like a female baphomet and lures men in morroccan lore. I dont like knitting and playing bee searching for honey. Theres a difference in how femininty is seen in occult islam, aka sufism(amongst other groups) and occult christianity or jewishness. (Not talking about hinduism or buddhism, cause i really do not know enough about these paths to say anything useful, but its different there as well)

And last but not least. Islam is the last part of the trilogy. The same, god, the same prophets, the same satan. So nothing new or strange about the combo.