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black magic

  1. Xardas

    Protection at LHP

    I met many different people in the field of darker magic, but one subject was particularly interesting to me (protection during rituals) I know people who claim that protection is very important in dark work and people who claim that it is not necessary and is just a superstition of RHP...
  2. Faaram

    [Help] How to break down psychic barries/defenses more effectively?

    Like, is there a more efficient way to break down and bypass this defenses, rather than just get more powerful, specially when using mental influence? It seems that, when the target starts to get a cold or sneezing, my actions are working, but with a reduced effectiveness due to the target's...
  3. B

    Declined Request A Compendium of Unnatural Black Magic (var. authors)

    Wondering if anyone has a scan (or better yet a copy willing to be sold/lent) of A Compendium of Unnatural Black Magic published by Enodia Press. It seems to be the only title of six in their stellar history that is unavailable for purchase; I’ve reached out to the publisher and searched high...
  4. O

    How long can it take a spell to work?

    And what factors influence how long it might take? Whether it's white or black magic? Does distance matter (as in the target is hundreds or even thousands of miles away)?
  5. O

    needles and pins?

    I've read that some people use regular needles, push-pins or even thumbtacks for their dolls. Others use special voodoo push-pins that are long with skulls on top. Does it make a difference? Also, do black push-pins really attract negative energy? Would red push-pins be just as good for hexing a...
  6. O

    Too many spells at once?

    So I want to hex a really evil person. I did one spell 5 times in 5 days. I did another spell on the second day. And I'm doing the jar of water in the freezer thing (it's still in there). My question is, will doing all these spells at once have a cumulative effect, like shooting a dozen arrows...
  7. J

    soulmate question

    Hello, how are you, could someone tell me a ritual, magic or something to remove the soul mate (woman) from my life plan so as not to meet her or references where they have heard that?
  8. JMPtD

    Horology; The focus in this post is a conceptual math philosophy of basic metaphysics (how to stay cognitive) of conceptual time in physical reality.

    This is a blend of grey magic for one’s perception‘s primordial position by certain time rates for different sides. Here, for this post: African style part is the structure of the tool made of the intellect (like an aura tool formed of manifested and enriched mind energy physically visible)...
  9. polar

    Book – PDF Amanda R. Wagener - Creating Magickal Entities

    Dropbox Download Creating Magickal Entities is a comprehensive reference manual that presents step-by-step instructions for creating entities through astral manipulation that will change your life. This manual, written by three practicing occultists, reveals magickal and alchemical methods...
  10. polar

    Book – PDF J. Gordon Melton - Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol.1 and vol.2

    Vol.1 Vol.2 More than 300 new entries cover recent phenomena, concepts, cults, personalities, organizations and publications. Prominent individuals and personalities in this field are covered and entries on particular countries trace the development of occultism and parapsychology in each.
  11. B


    Hi my neighbour put black magic on me since I was a baby. She found me a cute baby. My parents lived below him. When I got older, he crippled my arm, hooked my eye, tear my cornea, gave me shards of glass, fornicated me, raped me, his mother had sex with satan, he came as a human along with the...
  12. D

    [Opinion] Lucifuge Rofocale Pact - Methods ,Claims,and Experiences

    I've seen different methods and claims by various authors on how to perform this ritual. They have also made crazy claims such as getting your soul back from a guy who sells this ritual for 14K or building a relationship with Lucifuge to avoid selling your soul. Has anyone experienced these...