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  1. Frater Apuleius

    Is “Celebrity” Magic(k)?

    The thought came to me recently “Is ‘celebrity’ some sort of magic?” or to put in another way is “celebrity” reinforced by unconscious/inadvertent acts of magic by ordinary people. Is there more to celebrity than merely the regular assumptions of human psychology and societal group dynamics...
  2. I

    Left Hand Path - Freedom or Prison

    Hello everyone, My name is Ictus, and my first contact with the occult was looking for support to face an obsessive spiritual process I was facing with my actual wife. Since the first ritual, we were kind of pushed by spirits to keep going ahead, making more and more rituals. Plenty of...
  3. M

    [Help] Ritual of attraction

    How can I perform a ritual on someone to have my interest at heart with dragons blood
  4. Yazata

    [Archive] [succupedia] How To Summon A Succubus/Incubus – The Letter Method

    Spirits and entities under the influence of Lilith, Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat or Eisheth Zenunim can be in the darker aspect within their appearance. Reading about others' experiences of these entities it seems like an uncommon manifestation, but it should be considered a noticed “warning” in...
  5. Yazata

    Suggestion for August 1st

    Lughnassad - Full Moon - 25th Mansion Lughnassad is the feast celebrated by pagans to mark the harvest, and it gets its name from the god Lugh. It is believed that his name is derived from “binding to an oath”. In the Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum there is an entry for LUC (enough / sufficiently)...
  6. ProfessorMoreRight

    Book – PDF Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1 Rituals In Necromancy - Sorceress Cagliastro

    Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1 Rituals in Necromancy
  7. pygmalion

    [Help] Initiation into Manhood

    Hello to all in the forum. I've been lurking for a few hours and have decided to join in, I hope I can play a part in this already exciting community... Time will tell. At the moment I am serious about a progression in magick and I expect that to continue. My situation is this. My current...
  8. B

    [Help] Can you ask help to many different entities at the same time ? Can you blend different magickal systems safely ?

    I’m fairly new to the magickal practice even if I have been interested in the occult for several years, recently I have been doing ceremonial ritual angelic magick regarding an important issue in I need help with in my life , I know that spirits / energies / entities are definitely not human...