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Journal An Owl's Observations, Meditations, and Nonsense

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Apr 29, 2024
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Often when I meditate, some kind of revelation comes to me, I journal it, then the unforgiving cogs of mundane reality crush the magical joy of the discovery out of me and I return to 'normal' though one step higher on Jacob's Ladder I hope 🪜 🦉 💦

This is the thread where I will post the metaphysics, rants, quotes, and realizations that come to me. Feel free to share your thoughts if you have any. I do not claim to be smart or a metaphysician, I just write nonsense in the dark

- Egg.
Our bodies, our flesh, are eggs. We mistake them for who we are and the egg takes priority over the larva within, leaving the growing soul malnourished and unable to live after death. Realize you are the faceless light within, not the crude flesh-mass with a name and face that you inhabit.
- Sludge
Sludge all around. Sludge became complicated. Sludge became animals. Animals saw animals all around. Animals became complicated. Animals became human. Humans saw humans all around. Humans became complicated. Humans became Sludge.
-mind sewer visualization
Picture your mind as a circular room that you stand in the middle of. Several pipes are connected to this room, negative thoughts douse the room in filth and sewage, positive thoughts bring crystal clear, pristine, nourishing water. Watch your thoughts as they come in, do not judge them, see them as they are, as sewage or water. Once stable, turn the valve and command crystal clear water to gush out from all the pipes, cleaning the room and yourself, refreshing and invigorating you in love and bliss. With each breath feel the clear water rush over you. Why would you ever welcome in sewage when you could have this?
We are separate patterns in one field, if an identity is to be given, it is to be given to the field itself, not its fractal patterns.
-Ganga Sutta SN 15:8
"From an inconceivable beginning comes the wandering... a beginning point is not discernable, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are transmigraring and wandering on."
-Don Juan
"There is eternity in all directions."
-Plato's Proletariat Cave
A few smart cookies created concepts and ideas to divide the cow-people and become rich. There are no ideas in reality, no thoughts, words, nations, cultures; all of it is a spell, magic words to make matter move from chaos to order.
-Mala Bead Mantra
Mala Beads anchor you to breath, breath anchors you to reality. Thoughts suck you from reality. That is all I will share publicly about this sacred tool. A mantra to stay anchored in the now "There is no end, there is no beginning."
-The Goal
We want to do what Gods do, to rip free from causality, karma, from the great lunar machine and be self-causal entities. To be free, undying, unborn.
-Empty the bowl, do not climb the ladder
If you do not climb the ladder, you have no reason to worry about falling. An empty bowl is never dirty. Do not hold an opinion if you are frantic. If you doubt your sanity, simply still, the still are the most sane around us.
There is a distance between you and all sensations, including thought and feeling. This frees you from even the worst pain and remembering this fact in the most grave circumstances can save your life by giving clarity and steady stillness, grace in agony.
-The test
The cure, the test of megalomania and insanity, is based around self-importance. The unworthy drink wisdom and believe they have become God, falling into insanity and delusion. Drink divine silence and find nothing, do not cling, slip. You are nobody, no one, unimportant. Nobody ought to bow or respect you because you are nothing and they are nobody too. Just be silent, drink your silent soma.
-The Field 2: Electric Boogaloo
The field, empty of selfhood, wakes up to see itself in itself through itself, but is told it is someone else by itself as someone else.
You are not the bulb, you are the light
-Key to the car
When you take in all senses in a still state, contemplate on who is acknowledging the senses of the whole body. Who is experiencing all the senses?

More to come the more this bird sits 🦉


Mar 21, 2024
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Nice Journaling 👍

I see that you have a good spirit of observation. Keep up the good work 👏


Apr 29, 2024
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Thoughts are constant. Constant. It doesn't matter if the contents are good, bad, interesting, relevant, they are constant, keeping us in a confused haze. Like a thousand snakes crawling around in your skull, tempting you with distraction and sin.

It takes incredible sobriety and discipline to see just how crippling and useless our thoughts are. Be the silent snake charmer, have restraint. Discipline yourself and exercise your true faculties behind thought.


Mar 21, 2024
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Thoughts are constant. Constant. It doesn't matter if the contents are good, bad, interesting, relevant, they are constant, keeping us in a confused haze. Like a thousand snakes crawling around in your skull, tempting you with distraction and sin.

It takes incredible sobriety and discipline to see just how crippling and useless our thoughts are. Be the silent snake charmer, have restraint. Discipline yourself and exercise your true faculties behind thought.
Nicely written.

Thoughts are indeed constant and if one doesn't discipline himself / herself in order to manage their thoughts, by using void, NLP affirmations, trance etc., thoughts will enter their system continuously with all sorts of temptations and sin.


Apr 29, 2024
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Nicely written.

Thoughts are indeed constant and if one doesn't discipline himself / herself in order to manage their thoughts, by using void, NLP affirmations, trance etc., thoughts will enter their system continuously with all sorts of temptations and sin.
I have begun to change my meditation posture from a sitting full-lotus stance to laying on my back, in the death pose, swaddled in a blanket with ear plugs and a blindfold. It's helped significantly in allowing me to separate from my mind and body, but life hasn't given me the freetime to do it long enough that I fully separate. At the moment It feels like I am trapped within a pod of flesh that's constantly chattering and hypnotizing me with its monologs.


Mar 21, 2024
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I have begun to change my meditation posture from a sitting full-lotus stance to laying on my back, in the death pose, swaddled in a blanket with ear plugs and a blindfold. It's helped significantly in allowing me to separate from my mind and body, but life hasn't given me the freetime to do it long enough that I fully separate. At the moment It feels like I am trapped within a pod of flesh that's constantly chattering and hypnotizing me with its monologs.
Thanks for sharing.

And, don't worry, time will help you resolve your issues. You just need to be patient and the Universe won't let you down in finding the necessary spot for healing your problems.


Apr 29, 2024
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The ego dies with the body, it is only the string holding the pieces of the psyche together, nothing more. You have no name and that nameless you is what wakes up, what becomes empowered, not the ego, not the you with a birth certificate and social security number.

The ego is a boundary that must be crossed if magic is to be directly experienced.

If you do not awaken, you die with the body and ego, the plant never becomes more than the shell of the seed. The soul is immortal, nearly every religion says this truth, but it is not the ego that is immortal.

-Consciousness is like an ocean, and people fish, each with an ego combination made by the circumstances it finds itself in. Each fish breathes in and is animated by the same ocean, no fish owns it, but each is enlivened by it.
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People claim to be someone with so much confidence, but you just fell into your life, you woke up on a Rollercoaster and started to identify as the rollercoaster because it moves around your entire experience and you're strapped helplessly to it.

Don't be a slave to your circumstances, your story, the life you just fell into. Wake up.

Just think about your current Now; it's always been this since as far back as you can remember and none of it is of your design, it just started happening around you and you were forced to play along.
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Apr 29, 2024
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I believe it was the Lotus Sutra that claimed every living being, at its core, possessed Buddha-nature. At our centers is the diamond of the buddha, clear, all knowing, all powerful, awake and God-Like. Wrapped around this diamond are filthy rags, desires, idiosyncrasies, quirks, aversions, fixations, delusions... these wrappings altogether can be called the ego.

To become Tathāgata, self-sacrifice must be made in the truest sense of the word. To become Brahman, Atman must be transcended, to become spirit, Christ must be crucified, to evolve into your true self, the flesh of the Earth must be slouched off.

We are made of mud and shit, but it is possible to transform ourselves into gold. Think about it truly, how ultimate of a transformation is that? What would you have to sacrifice to become gold? Are you willing to leave behind the vices, toys, and sin to join those above us? To move from an ape to a human, and then a human to a God?

For the record, this does not condone suicide, that would be too easy and childish. What I suggest is more agonizing and complete.


Jun 8, 2021
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I believe it was the Lotus Sutra that claimed every living being, at its core, possessed Buddha-nature. At our centers is the diamond of the buddha, clear, all knowing, all powerful, awake and God-Like. Wrapped around this diamond are filthy rags, desires, idiosyncrasies, quirks, aversions, fixations, delusions... these wrappings altogether can be called the ego.

To become Tathāgata, self-sacrifice must be made in the truest sense of the word. To become Brahman, Atman must be transcended, to become spirit, Christ must be crucified, to evolve into your true self, the flesh of the Earth must be slouched off.

We are made of mud and shit, but it is possible to transform ourselves into gold. Think about it truly, how ultimate of a transformation is that? What would you have to sacrifice to become gold? Are you willing to leave behind the vices, toys, and sin to join those above us? To move from an ape to a human, and then a human to a God?

For the record, this does not condone suicide, that would be too easy and childish. What I suggest is more agonizing and complete.
I really like this.... what I really truly want, is not from this world. But, in the meantime, I will wait patiently.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I believe it was the Lotus Sutra that claimed every living being, at its core, possessed Buddha-nature. At our centers is the diamond of the buddha, clear, all knowing, all powerful, awake and God-Like. Wrapped around this diamond are filthy rags, desires, idiosyncrasies, quirks, aversions, fixations, delusions... these wrappings altogether can be called the ego.

To become Tathāgata, self-sacrifice must be made in the truest sense of the word. To become Brahman, Atman must be transcended, to become spirit, Christ must be crucified, to evolve into your true self, the flesh of the Earth must be slouched off.
The way I understand Buddhism is that the Buddha-nature is indeed that what's at our core, a diamond of shining light but it's not our diamond of shining light - it's utterly impersonal, a spark from the Source, if you will, but not the Higher Self and much less your 'soul' unblemished by sin, desires and what not (anatman = no self/soul in Buddhism, remember?). What's wrapped around this diamond are not only "filthy rags, desires, idiosyncrasies, quirks, aversions, fixations, delusions…" but everything that makes you you, your education, your personal style, all the knowledge and all the memories you've acquired, both your virtues and your vices. My understanding is once you become enligthened, there is no "you" anymore to enjoy that sublime state. Your Buddha-nature then will be like a drop that dissolves in the vast ocean of Nirvana, and all your individuality ceases.

"Ego" is an unfortunate piece of jargon that has come to mean "everything I don't like about myself or others" or "everything I feel guilty about". Going back to Freud's original model, it would be nonsensical to get rid of the ego because then your psyche would only consist of your id and your superego - an impossibility. What we need to get rid of is our endarkenments and our illusions, not our personality. I personally have found that the only way forward is cultivating compassion towards myself because any other extreme emotion - disgust, self-loathing, pride, narcissism, etc. - just stirs up the pond slime that obscures your mind even further (and the same goes for radical measures like sacrifices or self-punishment). We are so addicted to our personal dramas (also spiritual ones!) that anything smacking of moderation and equanimity sounds just too boring. It took me a long time to realize that that dullness was good for my peace of mind. Ok, getting older definitely helped, too.;)


Apr 29, 2024
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The way I understand Buddhism is that the Buddha-nature is indeed that what's at our core, a diamond of shining light but it's not our diamond of shining light - it's utterly impersonal, a spark from the Source, if you will, but not the Higher Self and much less your 'soul' unblemished by sin, desires and what not (anatman = no self/soul in Buddhism, remember?). What's wrapped around this diamond are not only "filthy rags, desires, idiosyncrasies, quirks, aversions, fixations, delusions…" but everything that makes you you, your education, your personal style, all the knowledge and all the memories you've acquired, both your virtues and your vices. My understanding is once you become enligthened, there is no "you" anymore to enjoy that sublime state. Your Buddha-nature then will be like a drop that dissolves in the vast ocean of Nirvana, and all your individuality ceases.

"Ego" is an unfortunate piece of jargon that has come to mean "everything I don't like about myself or others" or "everything I feel guilty about". Going back to Freud's original model, it would be nonsensical to get rid of the ego because then your psyche would only consist of your id and your superego - an impossibility. What we need to get rid of is our endarkenments and our illusions, not our personality. I personally have found that the only way forward is cultivating compassion towards myself because any other extreme emotion - disgust, self-loathing, pride, narcissism, etc. - just stirs up the pond slime that obscures your mind even further (and the same goes for radical measures like sacrifices or self-punishment). We are so addicted to our personal dramas (also spiritual ones!) that anything smacking of moderation and equanimity sounds just too boring. It took me a long time to realize that that dullness was good for my peace of mind. Ok, getting older definitely helped, too.;)
I was specifically referring to the Hindu version of the Atman from the Upanishads; the Anatman in Buddhism just kind of blurs together with tathāgatagarbha and Buddha-Nature itself so I scrap it for the former phrases.

I do see where you're coming from, there was never any delusion on my part that the diamond was uniquely mine, in fact realizing that is an essential cornerstone, with God-hood - in my understanding - being paradoxically both the whole and a part of the whole at the same time, Don Juan's Sorcerer Double.

Psychologically speaking of enlightenment, I favor Jung's model over... Freud's. Any man that promotes a sex-dogma to stop the "black tides of occultism" while snorting coke on the job isn't a fella I would follow cosmologically. Jung claims to be psychic outright, saying boldly that he had felt in a dream when his patient shot himself and that he predicted the breakout of WW2 (or 1, can't remember).

Jung's is deliciously impersonal and you can see that he places the ego not at the center, but behind the persona with the shadow its opposite; most that makes up an individual to Jung has nothing to do with the person but a pre-existing human template and hierarchy of energies outside him. Jungian enlightenment from my pov is best explained as the twin serpents of the caduceus wrapped around the self; as he explained in his red book Lust (the shadow) and Logos (the ego) need to be controlled and in harmony with the awakened self-awareness (the clear diamond) that transcends and controls both, leaving the ego not as who "you" are, but more like an instrument, purified through goodness and compassion. The ego is like a rubix-cube, and the purified (Jesus) ego is like the cube with all the sides correct & completed. Still, it's a tool and not the "Self", it obeys the self.

The ego is made up of words, thoughts are just their own little micro-perspectives. It might appear that when it's removed the person "dissolves" but from personal experience, I am most me when there isn't a single thought in my head. I don't identify with my personality, every action I take and word I say is just me trying to align with truth as best I know how.

My personality, ego, and body are all human, and humans are small, our lives are tiny and confused. None of it holds interest to me, my ego and history are pain only worthy of being dropped, I'm much more happy a silent peaceful spectre 👻 🦉
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I really like this.... what I really truly want, is not from this world. But, in the meantime, I will wait patiently.
You were never born, you will never die. There is Eternity in all directions, it is now, and waiting will only cause decay.

Meditate, grow, let go, escape. It isn't a passive process, you must become strong enough to break the shell of the egg your awareness is gestating in. Your thoughts are lies, your feelings arent you. Stop watching, stop reacting, start acting.

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Apr 19, 2024
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You cannot get rid of the ego, it is impossible. From the moment you were born until the rest of your days, in order to know that you are you, your ego first compared itself to others to realize that each person has their own experience. Therefore, your ego allowed you to understand that you are separate from others and that you are you. The ego works by contrast; to understand that you have let go of a part of yourself to ascend, you first have to experience what it is like to have that part of you. If that happens, the only way to understand it is by contrasting experiences, which the ego does.

Now, what you are working on is identity. Identity is seen as "I am __." From the moment you let go of "I am __," what happens is what they call "ego death," but it is actually a death of identity, and what prevents you from achieving it is the ego. When you do this, you no longer know who you are, which goes against your security. If you were something before, now you are not, which is a great void. The second thing is that you would have to admit that your whole life you were wrong when in reality you didn't know any other option because no one taught you.

When you play with "I am ____," you cannot have more beliefs: I am interesting, I am handsome, I am a person worthy of love, etc. Saying that the ego is bad because it protects you is too simplistic; nothing is good or bad, it simply is.

And it is not until now, as you go from trying to let go of your ego to letting go of your identity, when you go from “I am _” to “I _” that you will be able to truly do it. You never die when you do this; rather, you become everything and nothing at the same time, like God. You become omnipresent and have one of God's four powers at your hand.

Btw, fuck Freud, 90% of his shit is useless and he stole it from other people

Adding this for my procedural people
1. I am DurumKebab
2. I am
3. I
4. Void -> Atman etc
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Apr 29, 2024
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You cannot get rid of the ego, it is impossible. From the moment you were born until the rest of your days, in order to know that you are you, your ego first compared itself to others to realize that each person has their own experience. Therefore, your ego allowed you to understand that you are separate from others and that you are you. The ego works by contrast; to understand that you have let go of a part of yourself to ascend, you first have to experience what it is like to have that part of you. If that happens, the only way to understand it is by contrasting experiences, which the ego does.
I believe the crux here is not that I really meant destruction of the ego, it would be fun to shatter it but the goal is purification and transcendence. You are correct in saying it is as vital as the skin on our bodies when interracting with our environmrnt. The big thing is dis-identifying with the ego, treating it as a tool, or like our skin, where most people begin and end at their skin; my skin has a name, a past, likes and dislikes, but my identity is not my skin, perhaps this is along the same path of thinking as you said. I agree that the ego is necessary for evolution, like an egg to break out of, I am just very passionate because my ego is very tight and unpleasant to be in 🥚🔨🦉
The second thing is that you would have to admit that your whole life you were wrong when in reality you didn't know any other option because no one taught you.
This is actually my favorite bit, discovering that everything you know is a lie and seeing everything from a perspective that puts the environment in a context similar to a three-ring-circus is really upsetting, but in a growing-pains kind of way.
You never die when you do this; rather, you become everything and nothing at the same time, like God.
I agree and disagree with this. Even though we become boundless, we still are just a unit of consciousness, the whole but also seperate from it, a gem reflecting everything within it, like Indra's net. The only thing that makes us like God is behaving like God with lightning bolts and manipulating society with puppet-strings.

I do appreciate that your formula dropped words altogether at the end. Words are cancerous, limiting, infeebling. Dropping them is liberating, especially when you focus on the source of your being without using words to explain it to yourself.

And fuck Freud.


Apr 19, 2024
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The big thing is dis-identifying with the ego
You just said it yourself here, dis-identify, identify = identity, and not ego. Once you get rid of the identity you'll get experience the same thing that's called as "ego death", may sound confusing at first

purification and transcendence.
It's interesting. If you desire transcendence and purification, it implies you're not enlightened and furthermore, you're considered or consider yourself dirty. This sounds like a Judeo-Christian influence.
my skin has a name, a past, likes and dislikes, but my identity is not my skin
All of this speaks of very different things. The past is part of identity, what you like and dislike are called criteria and are the reasons why you make a decision or not (procedural, optional, specific, general, towards something, away from something, etc. etc. are types of criterias). The name is part of the ego to differentiate you from others, which allows you to exist separate from the rest, that is, I am IllusiveOwl and not Johanna who is next to me (it develops during childhood).

Even though we become boundless, we still are just a unit of consciousness, the whole but also seperate from it,
You cannot be the whole and separate from it at the same time, that's ego as you're describing separation. Boundless = bound-less = without limits. If you're omnipresent you're everywhere and in everything, you can't be separate from it. Koetting's Soul Travel exercises worked for me to experience it, learn how to get into trance in a couple of sec and do it along the exercises.

Words are cancerous, limiting, infeebling. Dropping them is liberating, especially when you focus on the source of your being without using words to explain it to yourself.
Yes. Words express trust and not truth. If I ask you to tell me what a kebab tastes like, you might say it tastes like yogurt sauce, a bit like toasted bread, somewhat like chicken and vegetables (notice I've used comparisons - like ______). Your experience of eating it is the same as the experience of truth; it is personal and unique to you. When someone tries to express it, they necessarily have to compare it to something else for you to understand, which means that words can never fully express a truth. This is why many texts use metaphors and similes, allowing the subconscious to interpret the information and fill in the gaps to make it YOUR truth by imagining and feeling it.

The only truth is the experience itself, and you have to trust someone a lot to say that what they are saying is the truth because, unlike trust, truth has no opposite. I cannot say I don't believe what I have seen because I have felt it, but I can say I don't trust what you are saying. All this means you can architect the truth in someone, but that's another story, and many texts I've been reading have been doing this to scam others. E.A. Koetting, in one of his books, invented an entire system, but the way he told it made it seem like the truth. There's a formula for that.


Apr 29, 2024
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You just said it yourself here, dis-identify, identify = identity, and not ego. Once you get rid of the identity you'll get experience the same thing that's called as "ego death", may sound confusing at first
I am familiar and did say we were along similar tracks of thought when it comes to identity.
you're not enlightened and furthermore, you're considered or consider yourself dirty. This sounds like a Judeo-Christian influence
Yes, if I was enlightened I would be doing better things than this with my time 🦉 I was raised Athiest, but Christianity's Jesus metaphor is actually similar to my views, that of abandoning the body and its pains on the cross. I have made a lot of progress, however the job can't be done in a day and I'm still trapped in this miserable forest of Samsara. Most of these posts here I make to remind my future self of insights made outside of trance/meditation, when I put the thinking cap back on.
The name is part of the ego to differentiate you from others, which allows you to exist separate from the rest, that is, I am IllusiveOwl and not Johanna who is next to me (it develops during childhood).
Names, much like the ego and the resulting separation, are non-tangible and hallucinations we've been force-fed for decades. It's a corrupted way of thinking to make us small and controllable. It isn't desirable to me, I feel much bigger than this pathetic state I was born into.
You cannot be the whole and separate from it at the same time,
We will simply have to disagree there, dual thinking and paradox are necessary from my understanding. I will Google Koetting though.

This is why many texts use metaphors and similes, allowing the subconscious to interpret the information and fill in the gaps to make it YOUR truth by imagining and feeling it.

This is all a bit elementary, I do have a firm understanding of all this already, it is part of the foundation that I make my claims on.

If you have become Gold and connected with tathāgatagarbha, I would love some samsara-ending advice, I'm well versed nerd so please give me the most advanced, complex and hard cutting truths you can muster, no need to lay any groundwork for me, I grasp the finger and the moon, it is maintaining focus on the moon that I struggle with.


Apr 19, 2024
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Yes, if I was enlightened I would be doing better things than this with my time 🦉 I was raised Athiest, but Christianity's Jesus metaphor is actually similar to my views, that of abandoning the body and its pains on the cross. I have made a lot of progress, however the job can't be done in a day and I'm still trapped in this miserable forest of Samsara. Most of these posts here I make to remind my future self of insights made outside of trance/meditation, when I put the thinking cap back on.
I meant, if you assume those concepts, that you are dirty and not enlightened, it'll lead to the pursuit of that pure state, they give you a problem and kindly selling you a solution, not that you're "not enlightened and dirty", wanted to clarify that just in case.

We will simply have to disagree there, dual thinking and paradox are necessary from my understanding. I will Google Koetting though.
This is the one I was talking about Book – Other - E.A. Koetting - Mastering Soul Travel Course
Beware, some of the things he say are BS but this one is not bad. You'll be able to suggest way better stuff as I'm just a beginner
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Apr 29, 2024
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it'll lead to the pursuit of that pure state, they give you a problem and kindly selling you a solution, not that you're "not enlightened and dirty",
A huge problem is that, as conditioned creatures that were raised to believe our existence began in this flesh-suit and that we are "humans", that is in itself an impurity that needs to be washed away, a sin - ignorance - we are born into. You aren't a human anymore than the little things crawling on the ground are ants, or the things growing out of the earth are trees. These are concepts based off guestimations using a set of limited sense-organs and incomplete logic. Our science and lexicons give us an illusory sense of unfounded confidence. We know nothing, even I know nothing, that is what makes thus all so frustrating.

We are beings of light, Christianity didn't create the idea of original sin, they just pointed out the obvious truth. If you remove the culture and look objectively, Christianity says the same thing as the Egyptians, and most other mystic & magical traditions: to transcend this Hell, you need to purify to the point of your soul weighing as lightly as a feather, with Jesus simply being an example of what this weightless state is like. Competitive religion is a lot more illuminating than religion-bashing.
You'll be able to suggest way better stuff as I'm just a beginner
That's a little disappointing, with all of the contradictions you were bringing up, I was hoping they were well-founded and that you were a master who actually knew more. Perhaps you should really meditate on what I've written here, because much of the thing that I was born as had been burned away by the light of understanding, wisdom, and silence.

This rant is melodramatic but I dont care this is my journal afterall: I'm still burdened by this body, it was a loan and I don't feel defined by it at all, that is why I work so hard to get out of it. The name, story, and opinions made by this body are all pathetically inconsequential, the ego is a small and insecure thing that doesn't hold any wisdom and just distracts with a circus of delusion. It's only use is to interract with the people caught up helplessly in this perpetual zoo, where nobody has anything of fucking note to say.

I'm burning and the flesh restricts me, I'm only interested in hearing from those who know the way out, not from folk just as lost as me. Psychologists and doctors can't help me; my condition hurts, every day, the only thing that keeps me going is the understanding that none of it is as it appears, that the suffering is Maya, and the sufferer a failure of inference.


Apr 19, 2024
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This has turned into something very different. The image worried me; I hope you are okay. Regards