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Journal An Owl's Observations, Meditations, and Nonsense

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Apr 29, 2024
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This has turned into something very different. The image worried me; I hope you are okay. Regards
It's all good, I have been dealing with this for several years now and we can become used to anything. I take this stuff seriously, not because it's a fun hobby or way to get ahead in life, but because it's the path out.

Keep it real, regards 🦉 🤙


Jun 8, 2021
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Even though, I find myself in this body. I know that I am more than this. I just discovered something about myself, that was mind-blowing to me. I rather not share what I discovered, but IllusiveOwl. You mentioned that we are both part of the Whole but at the sametime separate from It, Am I right? What if you are your own Universe? A separate Universe from The Massive Universe that we know about? I just gave you a hint. You have to figure it out now.


Apr 29, 2024
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Even though, I find myself in this body. I know that I am more than this. I just discovered something about myself, that was mind-blowing to me. I rather not share what I discovered, but IllusiveOwl. You mentioned that we are both part of the Whole but at the sametime separate from It, Am I right? What if you are your own Universe? A separate Universe from The Massive Universe that we know about? I just gave you a hint. You have to figure it out now.
I believe you are talking about a very profound concept called Indra's Net of Jewels, where every jewel is a clear reflection of all the others jewels, where every individual contains a reflection of the whole universe within themselves, yet are seperate.

In Cloud Atlas, there is a lovely saying that the ocean is made up of a multitude of drops of water. Each drop of water contains within itself the whole ocean.


Jun 8, 2021
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I believe you are talking about a very profound concept called Indra's Net of Jewels, where every jewel is a clear reflection of all the others jewels, where every individual contains a reflection of the whole universe within themselves, yet are seperate.

In Cloud Atlas, there is a lovely saying that the ocean is made up of a multitude of drops of water. Each drop of water contains within itself the whole ocean.


Apr 29, 2024
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Pain happens to you the same way emotions happen to you. You're inflicted with joy, or anger, any emotion is just a different injection. What is important in that statement is that the conclusion amounts to: You. Are not. Your emotions. They are nothing more than gauges, different patterns of electricity, different code. Rather than misidentifying as the emotion "I am happy" the more accurate way of looking at it would be "Happiness is happening within me". The reason why this is such an important distinction to make it because this is not just applied to feelings, it can also be applied to thoughts. They work together in a sinister duo; thoughts generate emotions, emotions generate thought. We just watch, mesmerized, addicted, passive, thinking we know what's going on because it has always been this way.

If your thoughts and feelings are just impersonal code being experienced then... what are you?


To wake up, you have to cast off your emotions, thoughts, feelings, and actively look at what remains. It'll be you.


Apr 29, 2024
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"we are a feeling and that what we call our body is a cluster of luminous fibers that have awareness."
"we are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime."
"We, the luminous beings, are born with two rings of power, but we use only one to create the world. That ring, which is hooked very soon after we are born, is reason, and its companion is talking. Between the two they concoct and maintain the world. “So, in essence, the world that your reason wants to sustain is the world created by a description and its dogmatic and inviolable rules, which the reason learns to accept and defend. “The secret of the luminous beings is that they have another ring of power which is never used, the will. The trick of the sorcerer is the same trick of the average man. Both have a description; one, the average man, upholds it with his reason; the other, the sorcerer, upholds it with his will. Both descriptions have their rules and the rules are perceivable, but the advantage of the sorcerer is that will is more engulfing than reason."
- Quotes from Don Juan in Tales of Power

I have really enjoyed the lax style for sharing of wisdom in this book, it's a pleasure to pick up in bursts each time to chew on.

I have connected personally that when your mind is silent, the act of focusing on your breath is itself an exercise of Will. You use Will to focus on your breath and the stronger, more connected to awareness your Will is, the freer you are.


Apr 29, 2024
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I believe it is possible to "feel" your Solar consciousness and Lunar consciousness if you bring a considerable amount of attention to the act of reading:

When you read a chunk of text, the feeling of being lulled and hypnotized into focusing on your own thoughts rather than the text you originally decided to read is your - ironically mindless - lunar self. When you are completely present and absorbed/focused on the text, this is the feeling of Solar consciousness.

You may apply this to outside of reading, however the pull of the Lunar dream is much stronger and harder to notice when not focusing on a particular thing.

Perhaps this is why "One-Pointed" awareness is often used as a synonym with Solar awareness.


Mar 21, 2024
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I believe it is possible to "feel" your Solar consciousness and Lunar consciousness if you bring a considerable amount of attention to the act of reading:

When you read a chunk of text, the feeling of being lulled and hypnotized into focusing on your own thoughts rather than the text you originally decided to read is your - ironically mindless - lunar self. When you are completely present and absorbed/focused on the text, this is the feeling of Solar consciousness.

You may apply this to outside of reading, however the pull of the Lunar dream is much stronger and harder to notice when not focusing on a particular thing.

Perhaps this is why "One-Pointed" awareness is often used as a synonym with Solar awareness.
I must say, nice esoteric / occult observational skills.

Indeed, the Lunar Dream is much stronger than the Solar consciousness aspect.


Apr 29, 2024
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SALLUSTIUS (OR SALLUST) OR SATURNINUS SECUNDUS SALLUSTIUS (GAUL 300 A. D.), ‘ON THE GODS AND THE WORLD’ (Gr. tr. P. GRAVIGGER) p. 41-42: «Among the gods some are of the world, ‘cosmic’, and some above the world, ‘hyper‌-‌cosmic’. By the term ‘cosmic’ I am referring to the Gods who create the Cosmos; as for the ‘hyper‌-‌cosmic’ ones, some create the essences of the Gods, others the noûs (mind) and others the souls: thus they have three orders, and all these (orders) are found in the related teachings. Among the ‘cosmic’ Gods one team creates the Cosmos, another animates it, another creates the harmony between the opposites which comprise it, and yet others supervise it, for the preservation of the once achieved harmony.»

I found this to be an interesting cosmology, wanted to note it down here.
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And also:

CHALDEAN ORACLES, Gr. tr. ATHINOGENIS Ι., GRAVIGGER P., TEXT AND TRANSLATION BASED ON THE COLLECTION OF W. KROLL, ALONG WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS OF ED. DES PLACES (ORACLES CHALDAIQUES, PARIS 1971, B. L.) ED. BY ATHINOGENIS Ι., GRAVIGGER P. ―KROLL, P. 11, KROLL, DAMASCIUS I, 154: «There exists, something Intelligible (apprehensible by the mind only), which you must perceive by the flower of your Noũs (mind); for if you should incline your mind towards It and try to perceive It (like a particular, discrete thing), you will not manage to perceive This; for It Is a certain kind of power belonging to the edge (of a sword) of circumlucid strength and with glittering mental intersections (rays). Therefore, you must not intently try to perceive That Intelligible Thing with vehemence of intellection, but with the subtle flame of a subtle‌/‌finer Noũs, which can measure all things, except That Intelligible One; you must indeed understand That Intelligible –and if you turn your Noũs inwards to It, you shall perceive it– not fixedly, but by directing the pure Eye of your soul, after it (your soul) has turned away from (disregarded) anything sensory, so that your Noũs –void of thoughts– can turn towards The Intelligible, so that you may learn The Intelligible, for It exists beyond the boundaries of human logic.» [FESTUGIRE, REVELATION IV, p. 132-134 - H. LEWY, Chaldean Oracles p. 169 – PLACES, 123]

Found an interesting book with lots of neat quotes like this. It's called "Can You Stand the Truth? The Chronicle of Man's Imprisonment".
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Apr 29, 2024
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"Dreams are messages from the deep"

The quotes from Dune, but still I like to think the part of us that acts in the decision making process of fiction is the same parts of us that is involved with dreams: the scientific name for it is the unconscious, but esoterically it is the soul, the "divine spark" to be united. The Alchemical "Wedding".

The soul is like an invisible twin, it comprehends things better than we do because our conscious self moves through filtered reality. An "unprogrammed" self, I guess, like a twin who can't comprehend social-zeichguiest-bullshit, but is at the same time "us". What you would do in its position, it'll do, only it... is much smarter, the you that is reading this here is very small compared to the Soul tied to it. Jordan Peele used the word "tethered", heh heh heh.

This divine spark, if you figure out how to listen to it and to take it seriously, will communicate through dreams, but ultimately it may be possible to attune to it, gaining its supranatural ability as your wills merge into one.

It only has access to certain parts of the brain and communicates through imagery and symbology. If you never engage it and "water" it, it'll wither or remain asleep.

(This is my understanding of things, I don't claim to be anyone important or inherently correct, it's just words and ideas.)
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The Alchemical "Weddin
In reference to this, I actually have a fun example. The meeting of the unconscious and conscious selves - Jung's individuation - was a big moment for the central character of Westworld. Spoilers, of course, but this is just from the first of four seasons, so the spoiler is minimal.

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Apr 29, 2024
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This quote was pulled straight out of slap city

"It is no measure of one's health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Jiddu Krishnamurti


Apr 29, 2024
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Christian Mysticsm mumblings:
If God - the true God/Tao/Brahman - is to be seen as our father... what would any father want for his child? To become as powerfully, successful, and free as himself. God bows his head to no one, I do not believe God would want us to bow and Worship him like a King.

This goes in hand with the philosiphy of Self-Empowerment/individuation/Left-Hand-Path shenanigans. To deify yourself, you bow to no authority but your own, but to do it in service would be the only rational way to go about receiving so much power. Rather than making the choice "Rule in Hell, or Serve in Heaven", one must "Rule in Hell in Service to Heaven."

To answer to no law, no God, social standard, no authority or Dogma... it is very liberating! 🦉 God doesn't want servants, he wants equals and adversaries!

To Deify yourself, everything that makes up the ego must be shed, because... how could your mundane little Itty bitty human you be a God? 👩‍🦼

I've probably said all this before to some degree, it's just relevant for... no reason in particular... 👁
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Also, every message I make here is seperate, but the ones I make in my art channel have been linking together for months wtf
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Anyway, the jewel of consciousness on its own is inherently worthy of Godhood, not the ego wearing it. You are worthy to be a Deity, you just have to take off your face 🦉
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Ah, so it can be as simple as saying to yourself "stop" and, like a marionette who's strings are suddenly cut, you are free for as long as you can bare it
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Apr 29, 2024
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Accompanying diagram that shows as simply as possible where and how to acquire power.


Apr 29, 2024
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"My name is Etidorpha. In me you behold the spirit that elevates man, and subdues the most violent of passions. In history, so far back in the dim ages as to be known as legendary mythology, have I ruled and blessed the world. Unclasp my power over man and beast, and while heaven dissolves, the charms of Paradise will perish. I know no master. The universe bows to my authority. Stars and suns enamored pulsate and throb in space and kiss each other in waves of light; atoms cold embrace and cling together; structures inanimate affiliate with and attract inanimate structures; bodies dead to other noble passions are not dead to love. The savage beast, under my enchantment, creeps to her lair, and gently purrs over her offspring; even man becomes less violent, and sheaths his weapon and smothers his hatred as I soothe his passions beside the loved ones in the privacy of his home.

I have been known under many titles, and have comforted many peoples. Strike my name from Time's record, and the lovely daughters of Zeus and Dione would disappear; and with them would vanish the grace and beauty of woman; the sweet conception of the Froth Child of the Cyprus Sea would be lost; Venus, the Goddess of Love, would have no place in song, and Love herself, the holiest conception of the poet, man's superlative conception of Heaven;s most precious charms, would be buried with the myrtle and the rose. My name is Etidorpha; interpret it rightly, and you have what has been to humanity the essence of love, the mother of all that ennobles. He who loves a wife worships me; she, who in turn makes a home happy, is typical of me. I am Etidorpha, the beginning and the end of earth. Behold in me the antithesis of envy, the opposite of malice, the enemy of sorrow, the mistress of life, the queen of immortal bliss.

"Do you know," she continued, and her voice, soft and sweet, carried with it a pleasurable sense of truthfulness indescribable, "do you know that man's idea of heaven, places me, Etidorpha, on the highest throne? WIth the charm of maiden pure, I combine the devotion of wife and the holiness of mother. Take from the life of man the treasures I embody, and he will be homeless, childless, loveless. The thought of Heaven will such a case be the dismal conception of a dreary platitude. A life in such a Heaven, a Heaven devoid of love (and this the Scriptures teach), is one of endless torment.

"Love, by whatever name the conception is designated, riles the world. Divest the cold man of science, of the bond that binds him to his life-thought, and his work is ended. Strike from the master in music the chord that links his soul to the voice he breathes, and his songs will be hushed. Deaden the sense of love which the artist boars his art, and as the spirit that underlies his thought-scenes vanishes, his touch becomes chilled, and his brush inexpressive. The soldier thinks of his home and country, and without a murmur sheds his life blood.

"And yet there are debasing phases of love, for as love of country builds a nation, so love of pillage may destroy it. Love of the holy and the beautiful stands in human life opposed to love of debasing and vicious, and I, Etidorpha, am typical of the highest love of man. As the same force binds the molecules of the rose and the violet as well as those of noxious drugs, so the same soul conception may serve the love of good or the love of evil. Love may guide a tyrant or actuate a saint, may make man torture his fellow, or strive to ease his pain.

"Thus, man's propensity to serve his holy or his evil passion may each be called a degree in love, and in the serving of that passion the love of one heart may express itself as the antithesis of love in another. As bitter is to some men's taste more pleasant than sweet, and sour is yet more grateful to others, so one man may love the beautiful, another delight in the grotesque, and a third may love to see his neighbor suffer. Amid these, the phase of love that ennobles, brings the greatest of pleasure and comfort to mankind, but the love that degrades is love nevertheless, by whatever name the expression of the passion may be called. Love rules the world, and typical of man's interest, holiest love, I, Etidorpha, stand the Soul of Love Supreme." she hesitated.

"Go on."

"I have already said, and in saying this have told the truth, I come from beyond the empty shell of a materialistic gold and silver conception of Heaven. Go with me, and in my home, you will find man's soul devotion, regardless of material surroundings. I have said, and truly, the corridors of the Heaven mansion, enriched by precious stones and metals fine, but destitute of my smiles and graces, are deserted. The golden calf is no longer worshiped, cobwebs cling in festoons motionless, and the dust of selfish thoughts perverted, dry in black as the soot from Satan's fires settling therein, as the dust of an antiquated sarcophagus, rest undisturbed. Place on the side of Heaven of which gold-bound misers sing, and on the other Etidorpha and the treasures that come with me to man and woman, (for without me neither wife, child, nor father could exist,) and from any other heaven mankind will turn away. The noblest gift of Heaven to humanity is the highest sense of love, and I, Etidorpha, am the soul of love."
-Etidorpha, p.263



Apr 29, 2024
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There is a knot in your mind, it is hidden under a current of thoughts, moving like a river. To find this knot gives you power to pull it loose and bring peace like no other, to be able to finally breathe and be... this knot is the ego 🦉
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It is the frame's duty to be surrounded by darkness. If it were not for the strength and love of the sun, this planet would be a dark, dead rock, just like the dream would consume us all if it were not for those who shone.

Darkness surrounds us, the dream is our mother like the dark ocean was mother to the beings that crawled out of it and became us. Like fish, the dream surrounds us as tangibly as the ocean.

Be brave and shine brightly. Be aware, be good, be on the side of life and harmony, not the side of dream and conformity.
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Automerge denies me the dignity of editing 🦉
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Apr 29, 2024
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What you are is transcendental, you are a bundle of self-perpetuating energy, a flame, and the body you inhabit is a candle. The flame is not defined by the wick or wax.

This is important to focus on and repeat so it sinks in and becomes gnosis from moment-to-moment. As the flame, your power will not be confined to or by the candle. I wonder how many beings are walking around, immense and godly, but hidden in an inconspicuous shell.

This change in awareness is terrifying, simply because the stage for it is so fundamental. It is as dramatic as waking up in the middle of a play, on stage, having forgotten all your lines.
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An interesting set of instructions on something called "Quantum Meditation" from Song of the Beloved Immortal.


• Start off with a breathing exercise which relaxes your whole physical body.

• Focus on feeling the Spirit with your emotions.

• As you continue to relax your body, contrast your awareness of the Spirit with your awareness of your physical body.

• Allow your awareness of your physical body to slip away from your mind while you hold onto your awareness of the Spirit.

• Now shift your attention to your emotions. Focus on your emotional center. Contrast the difference in your mind between your common human emotion from that of the Spirit. Choose the Spirit over your common human emotions and allow your common human emotions to slip away.

• Now shift your attention to your thought processes. Focus on your mental center. Contrast the difference in your mind between the feeling of your thoughts from that of the Spirit. Choose the Spirit and allow your thoughts to slip away.

• Now shift your attention back to your physical body. Focus on the feeling of your physical body. Contrast the difference in your mind between your physical body and the Spirit. Choose the Spirit and allow your physical state to slip away.

• Repeat this cycle of differentiation and release as needed. With each cycle, each element you are releasing becomes softer and more transparent.

• With each cycle, go deeper into the Spirit.

• As your feelings shift deeper into the Spirit, begin listening to the Spirit with your feelings. Listen very delicately and you will begin hearing with your feelings. There is a very subtle communication which is occurring. You will begin receiving knowledge directly from the cosmic quanta.
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Apr 29, 2024
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Just, like, toss off your skin, gang 🦉
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But P.S you're also a monkey 🐒 🙈 🙊
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Unless you're not, in which case hit me up on the Ether👻
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Apr 29, 2024
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Seriously there's a little Buddha in your chest, the sutras say so. The little guy wants to talk but you're too rude and delusional to hear em. Heed that tiny fella, it'll make your life a lot less miserable 🦉


Apr 29, 2024
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Everyone is extended family, unfortunately... you're related to everyone by virtue of species, to see things any other way is ignorant.


Apr 29, 2024
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It is hard to express the serenity, flexibility, and ease that is achievable while navigating daily life once you recognize the blinders you construct for yourself moment-by-moment. Lifting the blinders off can be... blinding 🦉 like stepping out of a cave into sunlight, but with time and craft acclimation is possible and worthwhile.

Until you can handle the concepts of freedom & infinity, you can at the very least craft some blinders for yourself made of silk (rather than tough rigid leather) to act as trainingwheels.

Each of us has a much longer journey ahead of us than we think, and there is no path to get where we're going.
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The truth, the pill to swallow: You are already dead. Life itself is the masterful illusion, and spirit is something else entirely.
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