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Journal An Owl's Observations, Meditations, and Nonsense

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Apr 29, 2024
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Visualization tech: this visualization is to be used to divert the stream of your focus towards your desired goal (let's be real your mind is wriggly and easily distracted, it needs hands to guide it.)

This visualization is a set of two transparent hands which float outside of your person, yet you can feel them as though their nerves were connected to your brain through Bluetooth. These hands are imbued with a simple truth: there is no difficulty. This truth gives them the power to act independently of wandering mind and its natural interset in it, because we think it is difficult to control our focus, but the hands have no issue doing this. The hands guide your focus back to your goal or meditation object.

I have found this technique useful, experimentation with focusing outside your body and condensing the energy of that focus, ignoring your bodily senses and concentrating on that spot of external focus... has proved interesting results 🦉