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Angels and Demons with possible Connections

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Aug 31, 2021
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the entire Ancient Astronaut “Theory” is a racist delusion

Long ago the Roman Catholic priests taught me that Earth humans are the only intelligent beings in existence.

Perhaps they were right.
Sep 13, 2021
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I have too many other important projects to work on to waste my academic time refuting a fraud that has already been discredited. But I guess I’m gonna write a big informal forum post to help you specifically. Lol

There are three main things that Sitchen did wrong, and you can analyze these at your leisure. He translated incorrectly, he interpreted ancient astronomy and astrology incorrectly, and he insisted on the literalism of myth. He was also just a really bad academic that never actually showed much evidence for his claims, beyond his incorrect translations and incorrect interpretations. This isn’t limited to his Sumerian work either, Sitchen also butchered a bunch of biblical translations trying to prove his theories too, and his Hebrew work is even more easily discredited than his Sumerian work.

Here are six articles for you to explore, the first two of which are actually fringe / conspiracy perspectives. Because even fringe circles have to deal with the fact that Sitchens claims simply do not stand up to even the most minor of scrutiny.

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Sitchen was just factually incorrect in his work and the entire Ancient Astronaut “Theory” is a racist delusion that actively harms and hinders serious research into our actual ancient history. At best, Sitchen was a terrible academic with “good” intentions. Regardless of his character, he was wrong and his legacy is harmful.

Which does not mean that life does not exist beyond Earth. I personally do believe, and as a Seer have personally experienced, that the universe is far more abundant with life than the average modern human can imagine. Most people today just have colonized minds, and have a very limited conception of who and what qualifies as “life,” which leaves people to imagine that physical space travel is the only way we can or have interacted with the rest of our galaxy.

But since ya’ll like conspiracy theories and made up stuff, here’s one for you: what makes you think that a Mainstream Media (History Channel) sponsored idea like Ancient Aliens is anything besides a PsyOp to distract people from more interesting and more valuable truth, while sowing discord between the population and encouraging a portion of the population to resist education and intellectualism so they would be easier to manipulate in future PsyOps?

Like, oh I don’t know, the QANON PsyOp perhaps…?

Ya ever think about that?

Or how a ruthlessly capitalist entity like Disney who owns History Channel is far more interested in profit than ethical education of the masses, and they simply don’t care about the truth or the consequences of the lies they feed people in the name of blind profit?



There is no truth without context. There are differences between information and knowledge and wisdom. Magicians should know this.

So, here’s TEN reliable sources for Sumerian education. Five YouTube things for easy consumption to start you off, and five books for serious study:

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Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium B.C. by Samuel Noah Kramer.

Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green.

Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others by Stephanie Dalley.

Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer.

The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion by Thorkild Jacobsen.

And for good measure, here’s some YouTube to start ya’ll on proper Canaanite history too, to circle this all back to the actual topic of the thread regarding the origin of entities in Abrahamic Mythology. There’s a lot more than just this, but I can’t do all your work for you. 🤷‍♂️ This is already a huge post. Learn how to research correctly and follow your own interests accordingly.

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I appreciate the response. But I don’t appreciate you being an asshole about doing it.

I’ll do my best to glaze over the attitude while I read the rest of your answer.
Sep 13, 2021
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Ok so I’ve read over this and found that the actual information posted is well worth looking into. And I will. An am.

I don’t disagree that consumerism has infected the pursuit of truth. But that’s why I’m here, not there.

You don’t know me, and I don’t know about quanon conspiracies or much else of what you’re ranting about. I also don’t know why you’ve sought to speak to me so disrespectfully because I asked you a question seeking knowledge.

Moving forward would you please speak to me with more respect if I take my own precious time to seek your audience?

One of my keen interests on this topic has been to learn as much as possible about artifacts that have been intentionally destroyed and stolen during the occupation of modern day Iraq.
Sep 13, 2021
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Long ago the Roman Catholic priests taught me that Earth humans are the only intelligent beings in existence.

Perhaps they were right.
Depends which ones you ask. Here’s one who may well be still lingering as a non biological presently. Perhaps Fr. George V. Coyne SJ took something to his grave that would say otherwise


Apr 15, 2021
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Moving forward would you please speak to me with more respect if I take my own precious time to seek your audience?

It genuinely astounds me that you and others in this thread think I am being disrespectful.

More respect for what, exactly?

From the very first post this thread has been actively spreading misinformation, conjecture, delusions, and other ignorance about topics that directly affect me and my work on a personal intimate level. You think I don’t find that disrespectful? You think the spirits who I work with that are mentioned in this thread don’t find it disrespectful when humans spread these lies about them?

I have challenged that foolishness with plenty of respect. I have not attacked anyone’s character, and even extended grace to Sitchen who I thoroughly despise for all the harm that his legacy has caused. I have been patient and direct while everyone has gotten butt hurt for being told they were wrong. I have explained my stance with as much clarity and patience and grace as possible. Far more than I actually want to.

All I have done is told those who are wrong that they are wrong, asked that those who make assertions find reliable archeological or literary sources to support their claims, and provided extensive resources to back up my own assertions.

If you think that is disrespectful, then you might wanna sit down and think carefully about what the “respect” that your culture has imprinted on you actually means.

Because ya’ll feeling offended or intimidated by me patiently educating the general audience of this thread, partially on behalf of some of the spirits mentioned, is not my responsibility. It’s yours.

All I have attacked is ignorance.

And that, I will keep attacking ruthlessly.
Sep 13, 2021
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A battle of wits is why I sought a forum such as this. To get away from hostility and ego. Thank you for the information, but learn from you I cannot. May your quest for knowledge be bountiful.


Apr 15, 2021
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For as long as you are more attached to the illusions of civility and comfort than the harsh pursuit of wisdom, the destination shall forever elude you. 😘

Good luck though.


Apr 15, 2021
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A concept entirely new to me.

My own preference is heart knowingness.

And that is why you don’t know much, and continuously spread lies and misinformation that bring harm to other people.

Your heart is not omniscient.

Properly learn how to fact check your gnosis, follow the law of silence better, or expect to be held accountable for your ignorance when you run into someone who actually knows what they’re talking about after putting in the hard work you refuse to do.

This is not a safe space for ignorance.
Sep 13, 2021
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And that is why you don’t know much, and continuously spread lies and misinformation that bring harm to other people.

Your heart is not omniscient.

Properly learn how to fact check your gnosis, follow the law of silence better, or expect to be held accountable for your ignorance when you run into someone who actually knows what they’re talking about after putting in the hard work you refuse to do.

This is not a safe space for ignorance.
Dude… chill out.

Your information is great but your delivery of it sucks. Nobody is learning anything when the brightest light in the conversation is shone upon your massive ego trip.

Relax. Take a walk. Come back to the topic in a better frame of mind.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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That should be enough.
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