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Can dreams be stolen or hijacked?


Jun 8, 2021
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Well...a friend of mine had experiences, with entering other people's dreams, but you have to really know what your doing, otherwise you may get lost in that dream. But, don't quote me on it, this was what a friend of mine experienced, and he is a Wiccan.

It's fascinating, the things we can do, if set our Minds to it.


Aug 31, 2021
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Some of the dreams are learning transfers from parallel timelines. Such dreams often include people we know well in this timeline but who look quite differently in the dream.

Such parallel processing accelerates human development - just as well


Oct 6, 2021
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From personal experience, yes, someone, if powerful enough, can heavily influence your dreams. I am unsure about control or hijack but influence your experiences, very much so.

The first time I ever spent the night while dating with my (now) husband, he did that. He started to attack me in my dream initially until I was able to show him it was me. Never happened again.

I’ve also had the deceased visit me in my dreams and like project dreams to advise about or help you with things — my Mother did that after she died; I had approximately 20-25 months of a continued dream (not every day but about once a week and it would pick up where it left off) that basically helped me move on from her death (I was very depressed after her death) — or they may “play along” as them in your dreams, you can tell they feel different than a dream version of themselves. 😊


Feb 10, 2022
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why do you believe your dream has been hijacked, @Diluculo_DelFuego ? Just because a dream is different than your regular dreams, it doesn't mean it's not your dream anymore. From my experience dreams are the truest and most honest answers and support you get from your deep soul. Of course magical entities can reach out to you through your dreams, just as they do when you're in trance or even just walking down the road and not thinking about them, then suddenly feeling them near you.

You told you have an agreement with an archangel, that you would be taught through your dreams. So why not take this dream as a teaching lesson? If you don't try to understand the meaning of your dreams, instead of 'pushing them away' by supposing they're hijacked , there won't be much learning through your dreams. ;)
Sep 9, 2021
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Interesting. I did briefly work in Mortuary Transport, and there were suicides and overdoses in my neighborhood as well at the time during Qlippothic evoking.
When I got kicked out of a couple places. I quit with the evoking for the most part. No circle or defenses and physical spillover.
I was recently hoping to get to a satisfactory point in planetary and angelic magic, in hoping to create spillover.
Dreams usually picked up during evocations. Sandalphon, Uriel and Gabriel I have yet to meet and make contact with outside of a LBRP.
why do you believe your dream has been hijacked, @Diluculo_DelFuego ? Just because a dream is different than your regular dreams, it doesn't mean it's not your dream anymore. From my experience dreams are the truest and most honest answers and support you get from your deep soul. Of course magical entities can reach out to you through your dreams, just as they do when you're in trance or even just walking down the road and not thinking about them, then suddenly feeling them near you.

You told you have an agreement with an archangel, that you would be taught through your dreams. So why not take this dream as a teaching lesson? If you don't try to understand the meaning of your dreams, instead of 'pushing them away' by supposing they're hijacked , there won't be much learning through your dreams. ;)
Fair points. I would like to know how to renter a given dream, in order to better understand myself. I know Kraig, in Modern Magick, says four things can occur in dreams. Standalone or in combination. One point is astral instruction.


Feb 10, 2022
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Fair points. I would like to know how to renter a given dream, in order to better understand myself. I know Kraig, in Modern Magick, says four things can occur in dreams. Standalone or in combination. One point is astral instruction.

Do you want to reenter the dream by dreaming it again in the night or by entering it in trance?

Some people can dream a special dream again and interact with it in a new way. But most people, when they try to reenter a dream, will have new dreams, which add more information to the first dream. The subjects of your dreams severely depend on what is very relevant for you right now. So if you want to dream more about this court, Binah, Saturn and so on, you should focus on it in your magickal work and put other things aside for a few days (it's not for long, answers from your dreams are provided within two or three days - at least my dreams do).

But you can also reenter your dream in your imagination. You don't need a very deep trance, I believe the trance state you can reach by now would be more than enough. Just remember your dream as vivid as you can and imagine to be there again. Try to feel the feelings you had when you awoke that morning. You can be there in the dream for a while, just remembering, bringing it to life again, tuning in, feeling it, being there as vivid as you can.

Then you can start to look around and start talking to the people in your dream or ask questions to the archangel who wants to work with you through dreams. Take your time, don't be frustrated if you don't get an answer right away. When you're not used to it, it needs some practice. Even me, who is doing this for decades, is sometimes struggling with anger because there seems to be no answer at all. Just be gentle with yourself and with the people in your dream.

I know you don't remember much more of the dream than a rough frame. But maybe it's just this few information, which provides the message for you. If you ask for more details and no more details will be there, than try a different approach. Ask questions about the things you remember, about their meaning and their connections to your actual magical work.

I saw a deep link to Binah from the few words you told us about all this. But maybe there's more to it. What did you do during the last days before your dream? Ask the people in your dream and the archangel, whether there are connections to special subjects in your actual life.

I hope you will have some result. Maybe you combine your dream work with some ritual, call the archangel for help or anything. You know what is apt for you. Good luck!
Sep 9, 2021
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Please elaborate
I meditate on what I recall while comfortably seated. I try to intend to reenter the dream should I fall asleep.
Another option might be staying awake via Seroquel and abilify, or fall asleep to the combo and hope that particular dream is able to reenter upon sleep.
Or. Tried trance with finger anchors to enter as well, climbing down the spiral staircase.
Sep 9, 2021
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Do you want to reenter the dream by dreaming it again in the night or by entering it in trance?

Some people can dream a special dream again and interact with it in a new way. But most people, when they try to reenter a dream, will have new dreams, which add more information to the first dream. The subjects of your dreams severely depend on what is very relevant for you right now. So if you want to dream more about this court, Binah, Saturn and so on, you should focus on it in your magickal work and put other things aside for a few days (it's not for long, answers from your dreams are provided within two or three days - at least my dreams do).

But you can also reenter your dream in your imagination. You don't need a very deep trance, I believe the trance state you can reach by now would be more than enough. Just remember your dream as vivid as you can and imagine to be there again. Try to feel the feelings you had when you awoke that morning. You can be there in the dream for a while, just remembering, bringing it to life again, tuning in, feeling it, being there as vivid as you can.

Then you can start to look around and start talking to the people in your dream or ask questions to the archangel who wants to work with you through dreams. Take your time, don't be frustrated if you don't get an answer right away. When you're not used to it, it needs some practice. Even me, who is doing this for decades, is sometimes struggling with anger because there seems to be no answer at all. Just be gentle with yourself and with the people in your dream.

I know you don't remember much more of the dream than a rough frame. But maybe it's just this few information, which provides the message for you. If you ask for more details and no more details will be there, than try a different approach. Ask questions about the things you remember, about their meaning and their connections to your actual magical work.

I saw a deep link to Binah from the few words you told us about all this. But maybe there's more to it. What did you do during the last days before your dream? Ask the people in your dream and the archangel, whether there are connections to special subjects in your actual life.

I hope you will have some result. Maybe you combine your dream work with some ritual, call the archangel for help or anything. You know what is apt for you. Good luck!
Excellent ideas. I can use the Enochian Earth tablet and the Invoking the Four Powers of Earth ritual, Invoking Hexagram of Saturn, and meditate on The threes, Queen of Pentacles and The World. All very binah and Saturn related.
Sep 9, 2021
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Excellent ideas. I can use the Enochian Earth tablet and the Invoking the Four Powers of Earth ritual, Invoking Hexagram of Saturn, and meditate on The threes, Queen of Pentacles and The World. All very binah and Saturn related.
I have purple/violet candles. But no black. If sandalwood, I have incense and oil. Will check 777 when I get home for correspondences.


Jun 8, 2021
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From personal experience, yes, someone, if powerful enough, can heavily influence your dreams. I am unsure about control or hijack but influence your experiences, very much so.

The first time I ever spent the night while dating with my (now) husband, he did that. He started to attack me in my dream initially until I was able to show him it was me. Never happened again.

I’ve also had the deceased visit me in my dreams and like project dreams to advise about or help you with things — my Mother did that after she died; I had approximately 20-25 months of a continued dream (not every day but about once a week and it would pick up where it left off) that basically helped me move on from her death (I was very depressed after her death) — or they may “play along” as them in your dreams, you can tell they feel different than a dream version of themselves. 😊
I'm sorry about your Mother, but now you know She's with you, every step of the way.