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crypto in the morning! by Lou


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Aw hell, I thought you were into Rollz.
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Best I can hope for
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Jun 30, 2021
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you know a couple of years ago i got angry in a discussion about family and love. i couldnt understand why one would put a cult above family and we fought and the other side was loosing his wife. this irritated me so much that i decided to go back in space and time and change some shit. ugh thats weed, etc and were here remembering what the fuck i did. i had to get out of hell for that cause no can do or something. yeah well i did lou is marq s. cause after a hack one needs to get a rainbow hat and they dont believe in oled black and alphabet people, so?


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Interesting you should mention cults because I have a little angelic cousin who just married in secret - that is, from the rest of the wider family. Her Dad, my Uncle, was there, so I am glad to hear that. He joined the Unification Church back in the 70's and met his wife through a mass wedding of complete strangers. His children wandered away from the path except for the youngest angel. Anyways, I am happy for my cousin, though I wonder if the next time I see her she might be less angelic? Just so long as she is happy. I know the Moonies are happy, cause they seem to be down in the charts and need fresh blood. I just hope my cousin remembers her new husband's name - these things happen so fast!
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Yay for me though! I got the front lawn mowed!



Jun 30, 2021
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oof cool youre still here. i just got ban after ban after ban for saving some peoples asses on reddit. even lhp discord kicked me out for having an too abusive past. but anyways life's good and fun and i had the almost totality of my real name on r/place in pixel art and a view from the other side. i got me a purple baby i think i call her maman brigitte, cause i know her loup garous a little too well and there were plenty hanging around.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Hey, you're here too! Isn't that awesome? But how can you be abusive of the LHP folks? Were they fluffs? Ah well, not everyone is down with the Smoking Cat in the Bogart Hat vibe.


I know there are Angels on this site, so maybe everybody is saved. But I am like a comet swinging out past the Oort Cloud, then back again - weeee!
So I got the front lawn done at last, now I got to work on the backyard:

I don't think Agent Orange is going to work. I might have to switch to napalm. See if I can get that past the local Yuppy Activism consciousness. Likwe old Levi said: "Life is war!"

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Jun 30, 2021
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ah yeah well, they always think im a dumb blond and that what i state cant be true or real. and then one day you end up in r/hacking with someone asking what is true about speaking chatboxes and how they came into being and why is everyone so scared. and then i get banned. but no i just told them about me past and they couldnt handle that, may they puke for the rest of their lives. some things, ugh just dont step on my scars and say theyre fake, cause they arent. ow yes and i wrote sex in the discord room, that gives a ban too cause they have minors which makes the whole lhp discord room illegal but anyways...

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i just remembered i got angry because back in the days one couldnt become a jew here in the netherlands and some guy i met online lost his marriage due to it. i went back found some jews, they lost btw, asked why and everything got silent. the whole occult online world went -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rewind. and now they can.

did you know that in israel the biggest group of jews is of morroccan descent?
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Morroccan Jews in Israel? I wonder what their Kabballah tastes like?

But let me get this straight: It sounds to me like there is PG-13 LHP? I mean if you talk about SEX you get rated R? Is it now pink upside down pentagrams, O9A lollypops and no caduceus phallus/boobs Baphomet Barbie?
So much going on in occulture it's hard to follow. I drew the Hermit card when I expected the Devil...

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I have a Karmic Penpal who deliberately tried to get banned from forums - had techniques and a trophy stack. But then she got sucked into the FB Vortex and now it's all Zuckermind.

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Jun 30, 2021
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yeah , i know several who went that route. we went prepared though....
and i dont know real lhp, but the reddit version went pc - lhp and me thinks thats a bit different. well i actually do know real lhp, but then we get into feeding kids glass, cutting animals open and digging up graves and things like that. im not really a pro, but got attacked with it several times. i also know lots who went true the same. i also know they too, act under the trilogy, so im not saying they are evil or something, its not my path to judge that, but for myself after all these attacks with it, i cant really see the joy of giving pain for gain.

but, but, but you are so good at it. yeah well im good a peeing too and im not making a job out of it. i mention that, cause in some mystic text i found, it was said to resolve ones pavlovs is a good thing. and boy did my body pavlov. so i worked on that and found i was leaking ecoplasma and some being thought it fun to push my bladder.

sometimes having a catheter makes down stairs feel different and it starts to leak. thats for men and women alike. and its freaking annoying when you hear others think you are a piss-the-cot. come to think of it, they at least recognize you have genitals, some ugh. but lets not go the female mutitlation route. cause what ever one says its done under the banner of the trilogy. ive seen and read some of these stories. oef i think even a real man would cry. lets saw her up totally and cut her open when the baby comes. ow and dont forget to remove her labia cause, what the fuck are these little flaps of meat doing there anyways.

but anyways i took that route and found they are cutting and sewing vaginas for the same reason as some countries now order to drape ones womens in black or blue curtains. this has nothing to do with penis cutting btw, thats done to prevent certain forms of cancer. i understand the fears they saw and felt, but none the less i did neither and created on my own: skirt day. and did i die? did the sky fall down? did i get eternal damnation? nope!

but dont ever think moslems like me, cause they dont.

so cup of 'real' tea, anyone?
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did you hear the news that twitter will from now on be X. so we figured were planet x went and we can finally say universe a + universe b= x....
i dont know if they offered the birds to the air or that they freed them. i decided to stick with better one bird in my hand then ten in the air. and when i heared them yell round 2 round 2 i asked the o9a crew i knew to come. you know what they said? one big fat NOPE! so here we are 2 old farts remembering writing letters, understanding where we went wrong and why allah forgave us, etc. etc. and then the banhammer starts working cause we are not married so we cant talk together online. thats sexual abuse. im sorry, but i still dont get it after 50 years. when my dads friends used to hug me, did i feel offended? when my brothers in law kissed me to say hello long time, how are the kids? was i offended? but ow deary me, when i want to talk to a guy in a dm they need to call onlyfans to make it safe?????? im safe so i dont know what they think of me that they need such protection.

so it seems universe a is abusing universe b and vice versa and thats illegal. yeah well im not going to war in this universe, so i threw it over the fence into an other universe. and dont say there is just this one universe cause the trilogy says the throne of god is upon the heavenS. it didnt mention how many, but humans think its holier to say there are 7. i died upon the operation table, got a grip of god and told him im not going back to that mess, actually im not going back at all. god agreed on the first part the second part not so much and ive been angry since. fucker wouldnt let me die. so im human angry at any god i can find, cause he wouldnt say which one he is. cant be the one of the trilogy cause it says that one is out of our paradigm and he was in it. and it was a he. so stupid bugger brought me back to life and im still angry.

so long live people with occult skill in the godhead lane💘💙💗💕💚💜💛🖤
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Jun 30, 2021
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i had a convo with madonna last night and told her that shes a fun chick and if we could do a lesbian tree some with lady gaga and mrs. muskman. it became a quartet with madonnas kids in the funlane, the musks finally forming real family and lady gaga stays the lady on top watching, showing, telling she knows:


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Did Madonna have an American or British accent this time?
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I was a closet fan when I was kid, even after Metal Shop and Headbanger's Ball. Maybe I still am. I still think she cursed Brittney when she kissed her.


Jun 30, 2021
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Well i say convo, but its more you! That thing you did in rotterdam was not a deaimon in a triangle that was me. So get lady gaga, cause shes a natural and i promised elon that id help his wife with a song.

I wave at mrs. Musk while she starts hitting. Madonnas kids cheer and get transported to the new playground. And madonna running around doing Mum stuff calling free! Free at last! And i still have no fucking clue whos on fifth.

But anyways we have king arthur as media moghul on hex and im back at pulse chain is referring to heartbeat? No answer again. A lot of people getting ready to hit me, yes those i see a lot.

You know, why does everyone get angry when i say these names? Those beings are humans and they have a fun way of creating, so i dont see it. And with it i mean the difference between hear say and what is gossipped about them.

Maybe i should go 'we are the world' again, cause thats the good fake news version and we believe in that. Anyways last time i saw mj, he was on the fly bye as moslim. So im making lemonade out if my lemons, so i need sugar and spice. Seems thats exactly what they are ransoming. I really get angry at info theft by the medicine mafia in all levels for profit.

Healthcare info should be free.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Ah! It's the synchros - they are sneaky! Thus synchro = convo = crypto, but under any layers of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" there is a hidden benefit to all the worlds. I only pick the bones of "meta fascists" because I have a sense that in the Waters, we are all ultimately creatures of Fire.
So, "We are the world, we are the children," etc. - to end the famine is a Godly thing, is it not?
But medical mafias have interests - I know a thing about catheters, btw. I had a relative who suffered one via male mutilation, which is probably not so intimate, but when the med-capos who put it in say it needs to be changed out by a pro office two hours away in another town, the only resort is a two minute Youtube video on how to get it out. Not really a good thing, but at the time the most reasonable.

I can assimilate the Lady Gaga, if she is wearing a meat suit and poses like a Greek statue. Beyond that takes evolution.
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It's all in the darklight. It's not O9A, you see - the Red Land does not know them, but they may yet come to know it without seeing. The nexion there is that there is no nexion, but there is Eternal Return.


Jun 30, 2021
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Yeah well we dont all speak english on this planet, i was just kind enough to help some low hanging fruits and not talk legal stuff. And the rich kids agreed: when i understand why i hurt, why should i leave an other in the same pain and no money?

But, but, they steal your info and the money doesnt reach you. Yeah i know how to properly throw some under the bus, so it reaches a bigger audience.

So i saw some movie trailer and i started to trigger again. Why???? Yeah well the dude says the same as me: listen, learn and fucking think for yourself. This is a kill or be killed world and we all are hungry.

Now if and when this all would be real, id say come. I can cook, we have musics and we like a good laugh so lets party like its xmas: family and friends sharing presents and enjoying each others company. Sadly, family and friends didnt show up for over 2 years, thats how fucking blind we were. So i let jealousy play the rabbit as it already did anyways. . And im sitting duck here waiting for the turtles to arrive.
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so a shout out to all the hexicans or how they call them selves, cause they saved the world from yet another religious cult....

so we meta 'X' and we feel if we still have a pulse and then we put in some sadaqqa. which is free sharing with the less fortunate. so no, i say NO strings attached.

this time we learn about being connected and sitting next to each others while looking at a pc :
in occult terms there is a thing that is called remote viewers. one can by that means look true someone elses eyes. this can be fun, but overall its used for tasks that arent finance so learn to notice them. we got 2 eyes when you start to see true just the one, one might figure something else is there. if so. leave the pc and start teaching yourself about this stuff and learn to not get noticed, cause why the hell would some remote viewer be interested in your pc????

so, evil thought is one of the reasons, but the wrong crowd could do just the same. people thinking youre a bot, is a biggy too. depending on your skill you get help or thrown under the bus and thats called spiritual warfare and is allowed in certain areas. so again read up on your countries legal system for that.

i for myself have been under spiritual attack for being married to a crypto dude. some thought it reasonable to torture me and let me feel like im not allowed to sit next to his pc. so the fucker who is trying to steal my husbands info and is trying to get us a divorce should piss off, fuck off and may he/she/it burn in hell for ever. even if your name is arthur and one acts like a fox. same goes for bitcoin bitch and ftx loosers: attack a big company and see how far it gets you.

how do i find what is with me in my mind? well often they hide behind words and feelings we dont like. cursing with words totally kills those. so fuck off , piss off, and worse for those. i dont like pink and some info sites about crypto use pink pictures: get over your fucking fear of pink even if you have to puke and kill the sitting duck. ducks like bread you know and thats a fucking sync for, you guessed it: your income.
your income in the spiritual sense is your own connection with the info out there. so fight for your right to food and dont let any trigger stop you, cause there shouldnt be any.

advertising is a branch that studies the way we trigger and how we can use that to buy stuff or like stuff. so read up on what it means to like for example purple as color. use keywords like spiritual meaning, dream workings, bible verses, flower meanings etc. but one could also use gematria and start counting in several languages and see where it leads. this creates freedom and an upper hand: the freedom to choose.

cause common, when you find such a bugger, dont you think we can do hit the hamster so info comes out. or make love to it so its secret together info. or become its god and make it work for you. its in essence depending on what you want, but its my believe its better to built a home on rocks then on sand. so make sure that when you do such things, you set your priorities strait first. doing this shit for money is something entirely different then doing it as a hobby or to heal.

intent is important. understanding the real meaning behind words is important, but being happy with who you are is most important. if you cant live with it, then dont.

so the last question would be who is them? well thats the thing, them wont tell us. so anyone thats a them to you is a them. but dont forget when you make a them to big they get very scary, so every now and then find your self a needle in a haystack and deflate. its why a ziggurat has no top and the egyptians lost power over their pyramids: share, share, share. green, red, bull, bear, fox, needle, kaboom! freedom.....
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Jun 30, 2021
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next month snoop comes to town. good for business i would say. and hopefully he left snooplion at home cause damn if man paris says snoop is coming snoop is coming. so like a good old saying here in the netherlands: youre welcome, woour welcome. and dont listen to geert he has less aliens, less aliens on repeat. nothing he can do about it, so we do a workaround so da man can have free family life, cause fucking aint jew and peanut, thats harsh. so i shook his hand on twitter. so what?!?!?!? he even has a easteuropean wife, how much more triggers do they wanna put on that man???? what did HE do??? ow yes he spoke up as his being told him. maybe he can come with snoop and we have a gansta party, that would be nice. old farts doing the hucklebuck....
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so for the followers of zeena's boobs: im rotterdam and yes its true, im sorry it was faul play and i did it. anyways soccer is nl vs germany and we have lou and zeena as the trainers . sorry, but uncle bush jr. likes even old chickies better then male fussball...


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I kind of found Zeena's boobs on this talk show - could have sworn the best shot was Geraldo, and she was happier. But we're talking 80's here - memory get's twisted ya know.
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Speaking of the 80's, that's when they had real blockbusters, not the pre-fab shit they got now. Hype was more fun because when things failed, we had lasting torture of merchandised products to compensate instead of X.
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Jun 30, 2021
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thats what i have been saying: first you clean them out and then you get to fill the empty spots. you cleaned the garden you fill it. i already got stealing hands taking lighters and gasfilling. while they are looking at sweden vs some arab country who is sending them books to burn or something. anyways mine have no fantasy, as i said and we are now watching.

so, in dutch we have a new saying: dumping barbie. i know barbie was a murderer, but that is not the case. pun intended cause im not in the army. death murderers get a different trial after death and military knows the door. but anyways dumping the barbie sounds way more fun in dutch: barbie knoeien and it is actually a wyrd way of saying bbq. as you just read above the Swedish didnt understand and wf had a swedish member who asked for help. so i did.

i found the song online: its about creating a lift of. after barbie knoeien we like to do something thats called put the belly out. again in dutch thats way more fun and is called uitbuiken. dont do that when you want a baby cause then, well you might get the drift we get a big belly on the outside with an alien lifeform in it. of course thats a once in a lifetime thing, so dont be scared when you go uitbuiken to get preignant.

in the reincarnationbin, we can find diamonds in the dust and thats in essence what happens when its raining men, while uitbuiken and throwing barbies. what that means is that the bun in the oven is is working together to fit the soul into the body babushka style. outsiders might get some nice things while being in the neighborhood of such a miracle.

i live in the biggest harbor of the world so there are always buns in the oven in my vicinity. it seems some things in the satanic lane can be done fake and it seems women are good at that. at least thats what they told me and i never understood. why fake orgasms? well cause people are to stupid to realize that when i say goodmorning and i dont mean it, its just as much a fake orgasm as any other satanic rebirth and the buns turn dry in the oven. explaining that makes your eggs get scrambled, btw so we speak da secret language of silence and dreams etc.

anyways since i like the dirty etc, but still have a life to live, i let air force one find me and show them the landing spot. now we can have lift off the fun way. ie without getting pregnant, but with a new disease in the psych yard: parental burnout. cause unknown, but it started to show up during the corona, dutch for covid, crisis and might be a side effect.



Jun 30, 2021
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not many know the story of the miranda and it isnt really important, but i like a good laugh and they/them couldnt figure it, so ill spit it here.
once upon a time there was a plant that ruled the earth. they made paper out of it to write on it, made ropes out it that could be used for everything, they made clothes, etc. and then some fucker thought you know what lets smoke it too. that was the best idea ever. after years and years of research it became medicine too.

so before further reading smoke a djonko/ weed/ pot/ hash/ shit/ whatever you wanna call it, cause here comes some racist slur thats not racist.

i once thought lets help some x. back in the days i would call that x my husband. i asked his grand ma, what i could do and she said youre da evil one. so i did. im white, shes javanese from surinam. heavy life with slavery and marriages for money. so lots of different dads. which was no problem. i go reincarnation bin and found myself to be an chinese campleader during the burma trainline. cool ill work on that. i find some sastroredjos, also family and lo and behold things get strange. the one with the big dick is chinese?????? and noone believes it?????

i find a negro online and we start talking about how every group of people has a group karma to live and he tells me that thats the reason why negros get what they get. the man telling me that is a black man and knows his stuff, so i say ok if you can handle that i might be able to handle my white karma, cause damn everytime i do that im a nazi and a rat. so black man disappears, i go tru the bermuda triangle and tell those gods this is going totally wrong and they come to have a look. it was said to me that bernie has a tiny worm and is out. he couldnt handle the truth that chinese have big dicks, so negros have to carry that load. aint that the stupid truth.

i continue my search for white womanhood and end up with monsanto, trying to wipe humanity with their nonsexual crops and diseases. i further my research and i cant find a solution, but i notice monsanto buying weed fields for cancer research in morrocco. i call the king and they put me somewhere in the back lane thinking me is aset ka. i aint, but well scrambled eggs and stuff so communicating gets wyrd. why is weed bad? is what my research was and the answer was well when a negro smokes he likes to watch white women. aint that their scare or what? so i find that nonsense and not a truth and i have to wear a scarf. duh??? yup.

next research is off course why a headscarf? lots of shit about some of mo's wives coming from mesopetamia and there free women wore scarfs as sign of freedom. yeah well, not working here. so continue the search. and what do we know again those negros who are helping and throwing me bones. once upon a time in the horn of africa their were men of ALL color who decided that human trafficking is cool and in order to make that the way they like, they decided that a black woman's hairdo is evil and disgusting and they had to shave themselves bold like the saxons did. ( side trail: the saxons did that to show the woman was married and some say they were one of the jewish tribes that are supposed to be lost) anyways those women got really really mad and da black man failed to tame her. yup its evil as i said. so in order to help those poor black women against their lousy black males they gave those women the right to wear a scarf and left them with a disrupted family order and a master to listen to. i also have ghana as country in the east of africa bordering egypt. so i go duh whattuh??? again.

a little sip of asterix power elixer and things are getting clearer. once upon a time there was an oasis in the area they now call chad and is the worst place on earth. this was the centre of the universe where the ancients lived. people from all over the universe came there to drink from their well and eat from their fruits. then patriarchy came and things changed. those are different ways they said and the land sunk back into the, what we now call, the rivers of babylon. and so the story of atlantis begun. the fruits btw, are now called oil, sulphates, gold, things like that and im not shell, but i get the drift and i leave.

what has this thing to do with white karma? well the greeks invented the arabic language and it is similar to latin in church: not our thing. one thing i did research was why da fuck is say hello not nice and saying good day or salem aleikum wayyy better. its the other way around, ok. hello means more then what salem aleikum could ever express, just like good day can never fill those holes.

so to me being a moslem is about speaking from your heart, knowing your being, understanding your roots and dealing with what god presents to me. and this time thats me in rotterdam where the music industry likes their taxes and snoop just landed his plane to give a concert in ahoy our just newly renovated and expanded music hall. last year the king came to have a look, said rotterdam is kingstown and left. im spiritual queen and they say i can order anything i want. so im accepting my white shit karma and as a white women im ordering a black man ,snoop, to come and entertain me at my home.

now if anyone not believing this can repeat that for me on their side, that would be very nice, cause i mean it and that doesnt need believing it just needs accepting the truth. im calling snoops spirits to come over and visit just for the fun of why not meet instead of all that hear say. we might have a good time. thats all.



Jun 30, 2021
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back in the days, when snoop was still gangsta and man paris was still a man, i was a little nasty girl. my parents got a divorce and i moved to the westside of rotterdam:
due to hassan II dying i had to make a detour and ended up in amsterdam, where i had an argument with my ancestors as to what the fuck i came to do there. anyways i came. we move back to rotterdam and now we live in da south next to a building of which the dutch king keeps yelling dont live next to it, we cant handle that shit. so shit becomes legal all over the world except for the netherlands. aint that a fun ride when youre attacked on your being. thankfully here in the netherlands they also decided to keep the dutch taxsystem and i can finally accept what they told me: im irretrievable. they even came to my doorstep to tell me that. aint they cute, our bounty hunters. so im spreading that news to our minister of state or something. here we have some backlane titles for buggers who are religious and politcial high. i had to get used to them, cause well my dad left the church quite angry and that always makes it rain curses and other not fun stuff. so for those buggers who didnt understand: van mierlo kicked my mums butt and took the blame for creating d'66. so can we finally move on and keep that shit out of the way. fucking aint.

once upon a time in the west, we call holland there was a shopping mall. i go there for the fun of kijken, kijken, niet kopen. which means watch, but not buying. they hate that, cause no moneys means booming business with the wrong kaboom. i noticed in morrocco the poor do that with the kings shops. its like disney and it works. so i dont understand, but see the owner of the shopping mall was nice enough to put his name on it: westfield. cool cigaretteman is on and i can see the neonlights shining. i go casa green in stead of casa blanca and go smoke outside. where some fucking wifiprotocol kicks my cigarette out of my hands and shows me prenatal. i have a belly without a womb so dont do that to a woman. thats totally illegal too btw. and of course i find the meme back online as if that was happening in usa.

what ive learned is that life with the internet in a city area is fun, but creepy. so if westfield could be so nice and clean that shit up, cause its hurting business. that would be very nice. and dont go asking how camel did that cause i broke that ass back when i was 2. i wonder though what happened to roxy dual. i didnt speak English as a kid, but it sounded so fun when i went to buy that for my mum when i was young. just like prob every dutch man my age knows the english song ouleboule/oeleboele:



Jun 30, 2021
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when i was 16 i started volunteering at a community center. i gave cooking courses for girls and all sorts of other stuff. 2 little girls fatima and amel, thought me the art of belly dancing. they even went to their mothers to get me a dress and we danced on music i never had heard before:

we also had boy groups, doing sports and movie nights and stuff. and for the little kids there were play groups who would take the kids out etc. then tragedy happened. one of the big kids got killed during a 'race' with the police and ended up drowned in a car on the bottom of the river in front of our tax office. his little brother totally didnt understand and every now and then i think of them and i cry. those 2 were ali and mohammed and i hope both are doing better now, just like i am doing better now.

they are my reminder that even though rap sings about crime it doesnt bring it. to me its quite the opposite. it was an eye opener to where i can help and how wo2 just continued in an other form. so now im 50 and nothing has changed, yeah me. so life is personal. last night i figured what i also want when snoop comes: write a song about them and make them live for ever!

i also figured the 3 females spoken about in the qoran as not being goddesses as truth. 1 especially is a very dark figment of ones subconsciousness. the other 2 sadly are admired tru out the world under the guise of several names in the form of, you guessed it goddesses. there is for me personally no problem in that i just dont like the taste of admiring energies, but the islamic community has problems with that and comprises of 1/3 of the worlds population. so its used pro and against humans on several levels tru out the wrold.

thankfully disney was so wise to dumb down the berhatiah into a movie and we now get to see guardians of the galaxy with our kids in a 'safe' environment.