Opportune that this question has been revitalised; I've been thinking a lot about religion recently. In a sense, ninety percent, if not more, of my thinking is always religious but I mean here that I've recently been thinking about what the general public would call "religion".
I was raised an English Baptist, became Greek Orthodox as a teenager, took a hard pivot into Satanism in my late teens/early twenties, then gradually became a Germanic pagan. It may sound strange to those still at a particular level but, as time goes by, I see each of these sets of symbols as a part of the same search for a certain kind of purity. That that is what I long for is more interesting to me and more meaningful than fitting myself into the pre-packaged box that religions can become. I haven't always known that purity was what I was seeking, often that drive was subconscious and I think it is perhaps ancestral (Germanic peoples have been unusually obsessed with spiritual purity). I still sometimes invoke ancestral gods, especially Wotan and Freyja, though that is more about engaging with the patterns embodied in those gods than a desire to feel like "someone's watching over me".
For a Western Millennial, I was unusually in love with God as a child and a teenager. It took me a long time to realise that what I called "God" wasn't YHVH. Actually the Bible didn't inform my beliefs much at all. What I thought of as God was a numinous presence behind but, in a complicated way, suffused throughout nature.
I am aware of that presence more clearly as time goes by (I'm especially close to it in the forests and mountains) and my love for nature and desire to purify my consciousness only increase. I don't know what name to give that "religion".