Very glad to hear that, what are the material things that bring good energy to people / have good energy in them. That would be interesting to hear
I came into this path cause i'm very local boy who spends a lot of time in his local village i was born in.... So it was the most genuine path to me. I involve a lot of time to the life of my village so working with the other folks here feels natural.
I try to work with more famous and larger deities but that didn't feel adapted to me.
I read Josephine McCarty's work about Land spirits and she supports the idea each place has its set of deities, intelligences and guardians any way.
I have a river, caves, grapewines, wheat fields, meadows.... So i have a place for different magickal intent and goals.
I remember "being invited" to a Samhain feast near the caves. The energy that day felt like a Midsummmer Shakespears style.
(Historically, Samhain was more feasting and partying anyway so)
When i call the elementals, i adapt to the landscape : air is called at the North cause meadows are there, water at the East cause this is where the river is....
Animism/Faery Faith isn't the most easiest path cause it asks for direct experience, building your own relationships, working your clairvoyance powers even more, being aware of feelings and signs...