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[Help] getting rid of bad luck (ritual)

Someone's asking for help!


Feb 4, 2024
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I was really a fool spending all those years as an 'armchair magician', reading occult books and not doing anything with it; being too lazy to keep up a daily meditation practice was what kept me firmly in the armchair, that was my Big Mistake.
Did you indicate that I should take action or vice versa?

I think I've seen this before, I'll look into it if it's interesting from your posts


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Did you indicate that I should take action or vice versa?

I think I've seen this before, I'll look into it if it's interesting from your posts
Come to think of it, you might also want to look into protection magic. I've done the 31 day ritual in Damon Brand's "Protection Magic" (no big feat as it only takes 5 minutes or so). I have not noticed any increase in good luck but then nothing majorly bad has befallen me so far, too.

The usual progression for groundwork for magic seems to be meditation & LBRP - breathwork - visualisation - energy work. I'm still stuck at the meditation & LBRP stage but you might want to read this short tract concerning energy perception in the meantime:



Feb 4, 2024
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Come to think of it, you might also want to look into protection magic. I've done the 31 day ritual in Damon Brand's "Protection Magic" (no big feat as it only takes 5 minutes or so). I have not noticed any increase in good luck but then nothing majorly bad has befallen me so far, too.

The usual progression for groundwork for magic seems to be meditation & LBRP - breathwork - visualisation - energy work. I'm still stuck at the meditation & LBRP stage but you might want to read this short tract concerning energy perception in the meantime:

yes I saw that book I think I downloaded it, I wanted to try something to be honest, it's good that you reminded me, I have a problem like you * laziness* if I can get rid of it some things will change at least I hope so and thank you it will be good to know the energy perception, if I can get an idea of what it looks like I can understand it more easily
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Come to think of it, you might also want to look into protection magic. I've done the 31 day ritual in Damon Brand's "Protection Magic" (no big feat as it only takes 5 minutes or so). I have not noticed any increase in good luck but then nothing majorly bad has befallen me so far, too.

The usual progression for groundwork for magic seems to be meditation & LBRP - breathwork - visualisation - energy work. I'm still stuck at the meditation & LBRP stage but you might want to read this short tract concerning energy perception in the meantime:

I think there were other books, I downloaded them too. The only thing that sticks in my mind is that the sounds in the ritual part sound a bit ridiculous. not sure if it works or not

aleister dee

Jan 5, 2024
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I could only find this book Black School - Jason Miller, the other book is dedicated to charity, am I looking wrong?
I could only find this book Black School - Jason Miller, the other book is dedicated to charity, am I looking wrong?
Check the strategic sorcery course by jason miller and i that you can find in starting lessons a full ritual of spirit offerings. There are also many more good lessons in it.
For the luck purpose try combination of (stele of jeu and consecration to helios ritual) it is very effective.


Aug 17, 2023
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I don't know what it means and I don't know how to do it.

Yes indeed, you have touched on a good point, but is there a ritual or anything that fulfills the wishes? I would be happy if you share it.

If meditation is sitting cross-legged and thinking, I don't know exactly what to think, I don't have much idea how to do it.

I don't know how to fix it, but can you tell me more about the things you do or the information you hear?

I will study this book and I hope to be able to talk to you later about what I have learned.
I'm looking for something that will solve the problem, be it amulets and talismans or rituals or anything.
I sent you a link for planetary squares---check your PM inbox.

As for other rites for protection, that depends on your tradition. The gent---call him G--- I referenced has a highly idiosyncratic approach, one born of his biography and, thus, a poor fit on others' shoulders. But there's your key: biography. Donald Webb has a great series of exercises in Energy Magick of the Vampyre. I suggest working through these as a way of bringing biography to bear in hammering out your own rite. Personally, I think the exercises stand alone apart from the book's text. It's not necessary to do any of this; it will, however, save you time. G above groped his own way. (And, no. I am not a fly caught in the Webb. I find him a bit distasteful in some ways, but a mage's mage withal.)


Feb 4, 2024
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Check the strategic sorcery course by jason miller and i that you can find in starting lessons a full ritual of spirit offerings. There are also many more good lessons in it.
For the luck purpose try combination of (stele of jeu and consecration to helios ritual) it is very effective.
how ?
I sent you a link for planetary squares---check your PM inbox.

As for other rites for protection, that depends on your tradition. The gent---call him G--- I referenced has a highly idiosyncratic approach, one born of his biography and, thus, a poor fit on others' shoulders. But there's your key: biography. Donald Webb has a great series of exercises in Energy Magick of the Vampyre. I suggest working through these as a way of bringing biography to bear in hammering out your own rite. Personally, I think the exercises stand alone apart from the book's text. It's not necessary to do any of this; it will, however, save you time. G above groped his own way. (And, no. I am not a fly caught in the Webb. I find him a bit distasteful in some ways, but a mage's mage withal.)
thank you man, I'll look into it right away


Feb 4, 2024
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