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[Help] getting rid of bad luck (ritual)

Someone's asking for help!


Apr 14, 2024
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Regarding luck I'm reminded of the old story of the farmer whose mare runs away. Then, all the village people said. "What bad luck!"

To which the farmer replied, "Maybe."

A couple of weeks later the mare returned with a herd of wild stallions. The townspeople all said "Wow, what good luck!"

To which thae farmer replied simply, "Maybe."

A few days later the farmers son fell off of one of the stallions, breaking his leg. All the village people said, "Oh, what bad luck!"

To which the farmer replied simply, "Maybe."

While the farmers son was healing A war broke out in the Empire and aolders came to the little town to enlist all the able bodied young men to fight in the war. Since he was injured the son did not have to go to war. All the villagers said,"Wow, what good luck!!!"

To which the farmer replied, "Maybe."

The son fell in love with the beautiful girl that cared for him while he was healing up, and they got married.

To which again the villagers clamored about what good luck it was. And, If you've ever been married, you might agree with the farmer when he replied, "Maybe."

Sometimes what appears as one kind of luck in the short term, might actually be the opposite kind of luck when viewed from a broader perspective.

Charles Swindle is famous for having written the inspirational few paragraphs that includes the line "I'm convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me, and 90 percent what I do with what happens." There is definitely something to that.

Tony Robbins learned a variation of that from his mentor, Jim Rohn. "It's not what happens to you in your life, but rather what you do with what happens that makes the difference in the quality of your life."

Earl Nightingale was an inspirational radio personality from the mid 20th century who fond of saying, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. And opportunity is there all the time."

Thomas Jefferson is quoted as having said. "I believe in luck, and the harder I work the more of it I have"

So, while these factors are mundane
rather than magickal, they can greatly improve your luck.

We might sum them up as perception, utilization, preparation, and hard work.



May 31, 2024
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To anticipate the inevitable question, does it matter what kind of cookie?
Not reallly,anything that is easy to obtain(especially if you do that daily).It can be a peace of bread ,crackers ,chips or a spoon of your food (before you eat any ) it is more about the act of offering and then about what you offer(both matters).Also you can visuallize mountains of offerings as you offer a let say ,Saltine.
Post automatically merged:

Well, there's a Hindu deity Shani whose domain is bad luck. Research his rituals (he is categorized as malevolent). There is one to ward off bad luck. There are dark rituals to cause ill luck too
Shani is the deitification of planet Saturn .


Feb 4, 2024
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Don't hope, know it.Are you working with god, deities, angels or demons,the fae or something?if you dont like the budhist deity and you are working lets say with Thor ,start the "prayer' "Thor and your host of deities "etc take out the "Cause the teachings of Buddha to flourish," and say "cause my good luck to flourish " and so on .is working excellent for me.I don't stay to just a prayer though.most people here gave you very valid advice make sure to at least give yourself sometime to contemplate what they told you and dont let "bad luck" get under your skin .try it and let me know how things will turn.(the key is do it Daily)
I'll keep you posted.
Precisely this. As Alan Chapman, author of Advanced Magick for Beginners, wrote,

"Hoping [it] works is still an act of magick - it just has instantaneous results (i.e. you experience the hope that [it] works)..."To hope or wish is the qualification that you do not have what you want. You cannot have your chosen experience, and the unintentional experience (which is the desire for your chosen experience), at the same time. When you desire, you are making a magical decision and so an instant magical result, although, as a beginner, you are unaware that you are doing so."This is so often the problem among beginners who ask for advice on a forum, expecting others to come up with answers for them. With all the divergent opinions, all they have are concepts that more experienced practitioners came to understand through prolonged study, trial, and sometimes error. But each bit of proffered advice is discarded for the next 'hopefully' better solution offered by the next poster.
You're right
Well, there's a Hindu deity Shani whose domain is bad luck. Research his rituals (he is categorized as malevolent). There is one to ward off bad luck. There are dark rituals to cause ill luck too
I'll take a look
I read somewhere: "Hope is just desperation in disguise". Love that quote.
Isn't hope what keeps people alive?
Post automatically merged:

Regarding luck I'm reminded of the old story of the farmer whose mare runs away. Then, all the village people said. "What bad luck!"

To which the farmer replied, "Maybe."

A couple of weeks later the mare returned with a herd of wild stallions. The townspeople all said "Wow, what good luck!"

To which thae farmer replied simply, "Maybe."

A few days later the farmers son fell off of one of the stallions, breaking his leg. All the village people said, "Oh, what bad luck!"

To which the farmer replied simply, "Maybe."

While the farmers son was healing A war broke out in the Empire and aolders came to the little town to enlist all the able bodied young men to fight in the war. Since he was injured the son did not have to go to war. All the villagers said,"Wow, what good luck!!!"

To which the farmer replied, "Maybe."

The son fell in love with the beautiful girl that cared for him while he was healing up, and they got married.

To which again the villagers clamored about what good luck it was. And, If you've ever been married, you might agree with the farmer when he replied, "Maybe."

Sometimes what appears as one kind of luck in the short term, might actually be the opposite kind of luck when viewed from a broader perspective.

Charles Swindle is famous for having written the inspirational few paragraphs that includes the line "I'm convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me, and 90 percent what I do with what happens." There is definitely something to that.

Tony Robbins learned a variation of that from his mentor, Jim Rohn. "It's not what happens to you in your life, but rather what you do with what happens that makes the difference in the quality of your life."

Earl Nightingale was an inspirational radio personality from the mid 20th century who fond of saying, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. And opportunity is there all the time."

Thomas Jefferson is quoted as having said. "I believe in luck, and the harder I work the more of it I have"

So, while these factors are mundane
rather than magickal, they can greatly improve your luck.

We might sum them up as perception, utilization, preparation, and hard work.

yes, beautiful words
Not reallly,anything that is easy to obtain(especially if you do that daily).It can be a peace of bread ,crackers ,chips or a spoon of your food (before you eat any ) it is more about the act of offering and then about what you offer(both matters).Also you can visuallize mountains of offerings as you offer a let say ,Saltine.
I will try


Apr 9, 2022
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Something Peter Carroll wrote in Liber Null:

Will is unity of desire.​
Will expresses itself best against no resistance when its action passes unnoticed*. Only when the mind is in a state of multiple desire do we witness the idiot agonies of willpower. Pitting oneself against various oaths, abstentions, and tests is merely to set up conflicts in the mind. The will always manifests as the victory of the strongest desire, yet the ego reacts with disgust if its chosen desire fails.​
The magician therefore seeks unity of desire before he attempts to act. Desires are rearranged before an act, not during it. In all things, he must live like this. As reorganization of belief is the key to liberation, so is reorganization of desire the key to will. [...]​
When considering any form of enchantment, remember this: it is infinitely easier to manipulate events while they are still embryonic or at their inception. Thus does the magician turn that aspect of chaos which manifests as causality to his advantage, rather than oppose it. The desire then manifests as a convenient, but strange, coincidence, rather than as a startling discontinuity. The will may be strengthened by one other technique aside from the concentrations of magical trance, and that is by luck. The magician should observe the current of his luck in small, inconsequential matters, find the conditions for its success, and try to extend his luck in various small ways.
Those who do their true will are assisted by the momentum of the universe.​
*Rule of Silence. Ever notice how people who always talk about what they want never really get it? Again, Peter Carroll wrote, "Conversely, it is even more difficult to perform [magick] in front of many persons, all of whom are upholding the ordinary course of events."


Feb 4, 2024
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Something Peter Carroll wrote in Liber Null:

Will is unity of desire.Will expresses itself best against no resistance when its action passes unnoticed*. Only when the mind is in a state of multiple desire do we witness the idiot agonies of willpower. Pitting oneself against various oaths, abstentions, and tests is merely to set up conflicts in the mind. The will always manifests as the victory of the strongest desire, yet the ego reacts with disgust if its chosen desire fails.The magician therefore seeks unity of desire before he attempts to act. Desires are rearranged before an act, not during it. In all things, he must live like this. As reorganization of belief is the key to liberation, so is reorganization of desire the key to will. [...]When considering any form of enchantment, remember this: it is infinitely easier to manipulate events while they are still embryonic or at their inception. Thus does the magician turn that aspect of chaos which manifests as causality to his advantage, rather than oppose it. The desire then manifests as a convenient, but strange, coincidence, rather than as a startling discontinuity. The will may be strengthened by one other technique aside from the concentrations of magical trance, and that is by luck. The magician should observe the current of his luck in small, inconsequential matters, find the conditions for its success, and try to extend his luck in various small ways.Those who do their true will are assisted by the momentum of the universe.*Rule of Silence. Ever notice how people who always talk about what they want never really get it? Again, Peter Carroll wrote, "Conversely, it is even more difficult to perform [magick] in front of many persons, all of whom are upholding the ordinary course of events."
if I could strengthen my will I am sure many things would be different there must be a way... and finally, silence is really the best when it comes to work and personal life


Aug 17, 2023
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I read somewhere: "Hope is just desperation in disguise". Love that quote.
Nietsche said something to the effect that hope was the ultimate cruelty since it prolongs suffering. (I don't know where. It was flashed onscreen at the beginning of the Macedonian flick "Mirage" in the early 2000's.)

On the other hand, Hans Ulrich Rudel said, "One is not lost until he gives up on himself." Since he escaped being a Bolshie's POW and later flew planes one-legged, he might know.


Mar 21, 2024
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Can anyone who has heard of such a ritual or a ritual like this tell me? I want to try it.

Here are two good and simple spells I recommend. One is for warding of bad luck and the other for attracting good luck.

Warding of bad luck:

Each time you pronounce this spell, drop a little salt over your left shoulder.

Pronounce: Bad luck turn around, bad luck run away from here. Good luck and great fortune come to me.

Attracting good luck:

Say this incantation while in a meditative state, that is, first empty your mind of all thoughts.

Incantation: Spirit, Earth, Air, Water and Fire; Come to me and give me what I wish; Waves of luck fall upon me, And I realize my wishes without effort; As I will it, So be it.

Those are just simple and more chant-involving spells.

If you want some that are even stronger, that involve ingredients, I recommend these:

Spell for warding of bad luck no.1:

Ingredients: 6 Coins, Green Candle, Rosemary essential oil, a sprig of clover, a small red drawstring bag


On a night when the Moon is waxing, go outside and hold the coins in the moonlight.

Breathe deeply for a short while, trying to breathe out a little longer than you breathe in.

Anoint your candle with the oil and ligth the candle

Spread out your 'money' in front of the burning candle.

Pick up one coin with your right hand.

Invoke the power of Fire and its Elemental spirits by repeating three times:

''I ask you now to right this wrong, all bad luck eliminate.''

Continue doing the invocation with each of the coins in turn until you have made a circle around the candle.

Put the coins and the clover in the bag and tie it up.

Dispose of the candle ends and offering by burying them on your property.

Hang the bag somewhere prominent so you are reminded of them occasionally.

Be alert to your own intuition until money comes your way, but be careful though as you may get more than you bargained for.

Spell for warding of bad luck no. 2:

Materials: Incense, three gold or orange candles, paper and pencil


1. Draw a circle of protection and light the incense
2. Place the candles into the shape of a triangle to prepare the invocation to the forces of good luck.
3. Repeat these words: Gods of the Universe, Spiruts and Guides, Thank you for everything you give me I beg you please (ask for what you want here) Help me in the task of achieving good luck Please give me what I deserve when I deserve it. So be it / so mote it be.
4. Light the candles
5. Focus on seeing your life as you would like it to be.
6. You must feel the feeling of success and achievement invading you. Once you have accomplished it, an image will appear in your minds. You must draw it on paper as faithfully as you can.

Additional tips: Incense that I recommend for this ritual is: sandalwood, aloe, allspice and cinnamon. You choose the type of incense combination you want, but make sure it is of these incense types mentioned here

Indicated is, according to Buddhist belief, for example, to burn off 3 sticks of incense for good luck and prosperity. This number (3) is associated with the three treasures of Buddhism, namely Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. When you burn five incense sticks, you bring protection and safety to the home.


Feb 4, 2024
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Here are two good and simple spells I recommend. One is for warding of bad luck and the other for attracting good luck.

Warding of bad luck:

Each time you pronounce this spell, drop a little salt over your left shoulder.

Pronounce: Bad luck turn around, bad luck run away from here. Good luck and great fortune come to me.

Attracting good luck:

Say this incantation while in a meditative state, that is, first empty your mind of all thoughts.

Incantation: Spirit, Earth, Air, Water and Fire; Come to me and give me what I wish; Waves of luck fall upon me, And I realize my wishes without effort; As I will it, So be it.

Those are just simple and more chant-involving spells.

If you want some that are even stronger, that involve ingredients, I recommend these:

Spell for warding of bad luck no.1:

Ingredients: 6 Coins, Green Candle, Rosemary essential oil, a sprig of clover, a small red drawstring bag


On a night when the Moon is waxing, go outside and hold the coins in the moonlight.

Breathe deeply for a short while, trying to breathe out a little longer than you breathe in.

Anoint your candle with the oil and ligth the candle

Spread out your 'money' in front of the burning candle.

Pick up one coin with your right hand.

Invoke the power of Fire and its Elemental spirits by repeating three times:

''I ask you now to right this wrong, all bad luck eliminate.''

Continue doing the invocation with each of the coins in turn until you have made a circle around the candle.

Put the coins and the clover in the bag and tie it up.

Dispose of the candle ends and offering by burying them on your property.

Hang the bag somewhere prominent so you are reminded of them occasionally.

Be alert to your own intuition until money comes your way, but be careful though as you may get more than you bargained for.

Spell for warding of bad luck no. 2:

Materials: Incense, three gold or orange candles, paper and pencil


1. Draw a circle of protection and light the incense
2. Place the candles into the shape of a triangle to prepare the invocation to the forces of good luck.
3. Repeat these words: Gods of the Universe, Spiruts and Guides, Thank you for everything you give me I beg you please (ask for what you want here) Help me in the task of achieving good luck Please give me what I deserve when I deserve it. So be it / so mote it be.
4. Light the candles
5. Focus on seeing your life as you would like it to be.
6. You must feel the feeling of success and achievement invading you. Once you have accomplished it, an image will appear in your minds. You must draw it on paper as faithfully as you can.

Additional tips: Incense that I recommend for this ritual is: sandalwood, aloe, allspice and cinnamon. You choose the type of incense combination you want, but make sure it is of these incense types mentioned here

Indicated is, according to Buddhist belief, for example, to burn off 3 sticks of incense for good luck and prosperity. This number (3) is associated with the three treasures of Buddhism, namely Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. When you burn five incense sticks, you bring protection and safety to the home.
Thanks, I will try but it might be a bit difficult to find the ingredients in the spells, for example how exactly can I find the coin and the oils?
And what do you mean when you say you will get more than you bargained for, what else will I get?

coin - does it have to be gold or can it be the coin I use?


Mar 21, 2024
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Thanks, I will try but it might be a bit difficult to find the ingredients in the spells, for example how exactly can I find the coin and the oils?
And what do you mean when you say you will get more than you bargained for, what else will I get?

coin - does it have to be gold or can it be the coin I use?
I am considering you will get more luck than you desired. I tried this ritual and it is a positive and good way to obtain good luck.

Have pure heart when you state your intentions and everything will go smoothly.

It can be the coin you use, I don't have gold coins either. One tip I use, to enhance this working is to infuse the coin with golden / sun like energies for empowering it even more.

Gold coins are rare, but that doesn't mean we cannot "create them" if you know what I mean.

As for the oils, you can search for a local pharmaceutical store who sells natural products such as oils, essences etc. It is impossible not to have one in your vicinity or at least in the country you live in. 😉

May Good luck come to you ten times fold and even more 💯


Jun 10, 2024
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I promise you if you start making offering to spirits things are gonna hit a new low for you and it will be so bad your gonna wish you were dead, spirits are the root cause of your problem, because of your name, time and place of birth, certain spirits will attract/attach to you, unlucky people as you might have guessed have nasty spirits that work night and day to make you miserable, the only solution for people in your case to strengthen your aura greatly to make it difficult for them to interfere with you and to create a hostile environment for them so that they will leave, your gonna have to develope a life long habit of praying daily, preferably mornings and evenings, pick a few suitable psalms for war, such as 91, the rosary does wonders especially if you ask for all hostile and malevolent spirits to be pushed away, I would stick to catholic Christian prayers, I have personally tried everything from every religion out there, nothing worked except Christian stuff specifically catholic Christian, you will see results slowly and if you stick to a daily routine within two to three months your whole Astral space will be clean and free from anything negative. But you can not stop or they will come back, just half an hour morning to half an hour evening could be enough, the more the better


Mar 21, 2024
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I promise you if you start making offering to spirits things are gonna hit a new low for you and it will be so bad your gonna wish you were dead, spirits are the root cause of your problem, because of your name, time and place of birth, certain spirits will attract/attach to you, unlucky people as you might have guessed have nasty spirits that work night and day to make you miserable, the only solution for people in your case to strengthen your aura greatly to make it difficult for them to interfere with you and to create a hostile environment for them so that they will leave, your gonna have to develope a life long habit of praying daily, preferably mornings and evenings, pick a few suitable psalms for war, such as 91, the rosary does wonders especially if you ask for all hostile and malevolent spirits to be pushed away, I would stick to catholic Christian prayers, I have personally tried everything from every religion out there, nothing worked except Christian stuff specifically catholic Christian, you will see results slowly and if you stick to a daily routine within two to three months your whole Astral space will be clean and free from anything negative. But you can not stop or they will come back, just half an hour morning to half an hour evening could be enough, the more the better
It depends to which spirit you are going to make your offering to. If you are making demonic deals (Lucifer and Satan and all the demonic cohorts) it's more than true that you will get tricked. Demons love to trick people no matter what.

Gods and Angels on the other hand don't trick people and offerings made to them help people without costly exchanges. You don't need to sell your soul (like in the case of the Demonic deals), you don't need to sell other metaphysical things such as memories, time etc. You will instead be "pushed" to do good things, like helping people, contributing to a church, realize a discovery that can help people in the meantime, etc.

Have you really tried anything from other religions? If so, please describe what you did, and what might have gone wrong and how to repair it.

Although your advice sounds good, I would add that the Psalm 91 is both used as protection against Demonic spirits but it can also serve as a protective gateway (protecting the practitioner) when contacting demons . Psalm work is much more complicated than it seems on surface. Trust me.

As for the Christian Catholicism stuff you said, well, although good, still, some popes have been shady like Pope Leo or any other people. Remember that Pope Leo is the one who started the inquisition which butchered millions of Orthodox and Pagans. Just so you know.

I would be careful when listening to the words of a man whose hands are literally tied in Hell by blood and massacres he did


Aug 17, 2023
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Thanks, I will try but it might be a bit difficult to find the ingredients in the spells, for example how exactly can I find the coin and the oils?
And what do you mean when you say you will get more than you bargained for, what else will I get?

coin - does it have to be gold or can it be the coin I use?
It depends to which spirit you are going to make your offering to. If you are making demonic deals (Lucifer and Satan and all the demonic cohorts) it's more than true that you will get tricked. Demons love to trick people no matter what.

Gods and Angels on the other hand don't trick people and offerings made to them help people without costly exchanges. You don't need to sell your soul (like in the case of the Demonic deals), you don't need to sell other metaphysical things such as memories, time etc. You will instead be "pushed" to do good things, like helping people, contributing to a church, realize a discovery that can help people in the meantime, etc.

Have you really tried anything from other religions? If so, please describe what you did, and what might have gone wrong and how to repair it.

Although your advice sounds good, I would add that the Psalm 91 is both used as protection against Demonic spirits but it can also serve as a protective gateway (protecting the practitioner) when contacting demons . Psalm work is much more complicated than it seems on surface. Trust me.

As for the Christian Catholicism stuff you said, well, although good, still, some popes have been shady like Pope Leo or any other people. Remember that Pope Leo is the one who started the inquisition which butchered millions of Orthodox and Pagans. Just so you know.

I would be careful when listening to the words of a man whose hands are literally tied in Hell by blood and massacres he did
Which Pope Leo did you have in mind? Leo X was infamous for corruption, but the Inquisition was founded in 1184, a bit over 300 years before Leo became Pope. And even by 1184, practicing"pagans" were pretty danged scarce in most of Europe. Likewise, the Orthodox and Roman churches had split in 1054, so there were virtually none of these for Leo to go after. His big headache was Luther and the so-called Reformation.


Mar 21, 2024
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Which Pope Leo did you have in mind? Leo X was infamous for corruption, but the Inquisition was founded in 1184, a bit over 300 years before Leo became Pope. And even by 1184, practicing"pagans" were pretty danged scarce in most of Europe. Likewise, the Orthodox and Roman churches had split in 1054, so there were virtually none of these for Leo to go after. His big headache was Luther and the so-called Reformation.
Oh, my bad. I didn't want to mention Pope Leo.

I wanted to say Pope Lucius III. Sorry, my bad


Feb 4, 2024
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I am considering you will get more luck than you desired. I tried this ritual and it is a positive and good way to obtain good luck.

Have pure heart when you state your intentions and everything will go smoothly.

It can be the coin you use, I don't have gold coins either. One tip I use, to enhance this working is to infuse the coin with golden / sun like energies for empowering it even more.

Gold coins are rare, but that doesn't mean we cannot "create them" if you know what I mean.

As for the oils, you can search for a local pharmaceutical store who sells natural products such as oils, essences etc. It is impossible not to have one in your vicinity or at least in the country you live in. 😉

May Good luck come to you ten times fold and even more
Thank you for the information, will I see any presence at the end of this? bad dreams etc. and should I do this ritual continuously? how long does the effect of the luck and good fortune it brings on me last?
I promise you if you start making offering to spirits things are gonna hit a new low for you and it will be so bad your gonna wish you were dead, spirits are the root cause of your problem, because of your name, time and place of birth, certain spirits will attract/attach to you, unlucky people as you might have guessed have nasty spirits that work night and day to make you miserable, the only solution for people in your case to strengthen your aura greatly to make it difficult for them to interfere with you and to create a hostile environment for them so that they will leave, your gonna have to develope a life long habit of praying daily, preferably mornings and evenings, pick a few suitable psalms for war, such as 91, the rosary does wonders especially if you ask for all hostile and malevolent spirits to be pushed away, I would stick to catholic Christian prayers, I have personally tried everything from every religion out there, nothing worked except Christian stuff specifically catholic Christian, you will see results slowly and if you stick to a daily routine within two to three months your whole Astral space will be clean and free from anything negative. But you can not stop or they will come back, just half an hour morning to half an hour evening could be enough, the more the better
In a way, you are right in what you said, after all, business is done with other beings, I hope there will be no bad consequences.


Mar 21, 2024
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Thank you for the information, will I see any presence at the end of this? bad dreams etc. and should I do this ritual continuously? how long does the effect of the luck and good fortune it brings on me last?

In a way, you are right in what you said, after all, business is done with other beings, I hope there will be no bad consequences.
I think you will see the presence of the results soon. In my case, I did this ritual 3 times in order to get even better results. It depends on what and how much bad luck influences your life.

Bad dreams may not essentially be bad, except that they might be unpleasant. It happens when we clean away negativity but it isn't something you should worry about.

And, another pro-tip I have is to encourage yourself to what brings good luck, both spiritually and material: success stories, motivational videos, golden energy from the Sun and even meditations related to Gold energies, aura enhancement and cleaning, etc. Various tips to enhance the results of the good luck ritual even more.


Feb 4, 2024
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I think you will see the presence of the results soon. In my case, I did this ritual 3 times in order to get even better results. It depends on what and how much bad luck influences your life.

Bad dreams may not essentially be bad, except that they might be unpleasant. It happens when we clean away negativity but it isn't something you should worry about.

And, another pro-tip I have is to encourage yourself to what brings good luck, both spiritually and material: success stories, motivational videos, golden energy from the Sun and even meditations related to Gold energies, aura enhancement and cleaning, etc. Various tips to enhance the results of the good luck ritual even more.
Is there a special time for the ritual, when I say entities, I mean demons, jinns, but such entities do not appear and there are no bad dreams, I think there is not much problem left, the only thing left is to complete the ritual


Mar 21, 2024
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Is there a special time for the ritual, when I say entities, I mean demons, jinns, but such entities do not appear and there are no bad dreams, I think there is not much problem left, the only thing left is to complete the ritual
Although not necessarily, for even more powerful energies for the ritual, you can do it on the Planetary Hour of Jupiter, which can be used to manifest good luck and prosperity.

The Planetary Hours can be searched here, as I don't know what country you are living in and I don't want to say something stupid.

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Feb 4, 2024
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Although not necessarily, for even more powerful energies for the ritual, you can do it on the Planetary Hour of Jupiter, which can be used to manifest good luck and prosperity.

The Planetary Hours can be searched here, as I don't know what country you are living in and I don't want to say something stupid.
I looked at the jupiter watches for my own country, it will enter soon, but I don't have the materials yet, I will have to buy them first


Jun 10, 2024
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It depends to which spirit you are going to make your offering to. If you are making demonic deals (Lucifer and Satan and all the demonic cohorts) it's more than true that you will get tricked. Demons love to trick people no matter what.

Gods and Angels on the other hand don't trick people and offerings made to them help people without costly exchanges. You don't need to sell your soul (like in the case of the Demonic deals), you don't need to sell other metaphysical things such as memories, time etc. You will instead be "pushed" to do good things, like helping people, contributing to a church, realize a discovery that can help people in the meantime, etc.

Have you really tried anything from other religions? If so, please describe what you did, and what might have gone wrong and how to repair it.

Although your advice sounds good, I would add that the Psalm 91 is both used as protection against Demonic spirits but it can also serve as a protective gateway (protecting the practitioner) when contacting demons . Psalm work is much more complicated than it seems on surface. Trust me.

As for the Christian Catholicism stuff you said, well, although good, still, some popes have been shady like Pope Leo or any other people. Remember that Pope Leo is the one who started the inquisition which butchered millions of Orthodox and Pagans. Just so you know.

I would be careful when listening to the words of a man whose hands are literally tied in Hell by blood and massacres he did
What I mean when it is time to make the offering, the nasty spirits that are already with him will take it and become more powerfull, let's say you intend to make the offering to st Michael, unless you have been praying to him for some time to build a connection it won't work and he won't come....probably