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[Help] How do I know if I'm cursed?

Someone's asking for help!


Oct 2, 2022
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Hello all,

As the title says, how could I know?

As I haven't yet directed my research towards this practice, being focused on other aspects of the occult world, I'm turning to you rather than to other forums. If you have any books to recommend on this subject, I'd be delighted to read them on the basis of your advice.

Ever since I set out on this journey, I seem to have been subjected to a string of bad luck that I can't quite explain. My rational nature seems to know its limits, and I've come to wonder about the probabilities of accumulated bad luck I'm currently facing in my life.

I'm not one to complain, however, as I always bounce back stronger when faced with obstacles. That said, I wonder about the possibility of repeated bad luck. This bad luck unfortunately compromises certain short-term life plans that could have repercussions on my future if I don't find a solution. Could it be a sign of a curse ?

Precisions: I have a stable life, I don't think I have any enemies. I live discreetly and I am healthy.

The request is obviously serious - if the question seems too evasive, I'd be willing to provide some clarification.

Thanks in advance.


Oct 2, 2022
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I do not know what a purely negative reason might be. All energies are intelligent. Try not to invite them with negative thoughts/feelings/intentions/actions

The only people I can think of have a disdain or aversion for the religious or occult realms. They are, on the face of it, total atheists, but can be particularly stubborn and persistent.

Are there dark energies under your dwelling?

Why did you choose to live there?

The house is very new but I have no idea what it was built on. At first glance, it seems to have been built on an empty lot. What's interesting, however, is that the surrounding area is one of the city's main thoroughfares. When I have to go shopping for food, for example, I'm quickly drained. There are a lot of passages and places devoted to vice in the surrounding area.

When you live as a couple, there are concessions that have to be made. What's more, it's sometimes easier for young people to get work in the cities.
Sep 9, 2021
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Post automatically merged:

Did or have you tried the link? Wondering if it helped cure the symptoms.
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