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I can help you

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Jul 24, 2024
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I can help you with any spiritual, emotional, mental, physical/health/wellness or energetic problems you may have.

I can also can train you in alchemy, magick, the occult, meditation and the elites/control systems.

About me:

There is no metaphysical framework or equivalent I am working within. I utilize all and everything relevant.

Chakras, alchemy, positive/negative polarities, vibration, magic/magick, the occult, Crowleyism, right hand path, left hand path, non-dualism, torus fields, logic, science...

The easiest way I can describe the framework I work within is that it is an extreme dualism, extreme non-duality, cross polarity, observational, objective logical, spiral power evolution based, multidimensional, parallel reality, practical energy working system. I know that sounds complicated or convoluted. But I went to great lengths to basically invent, train and evolve such a system.

Approximately 50,000-60,000 hours. If not more. I've reached a level that only few have and even then I don't believe anyone has reached what I've obtained.
It's not for no reason though. As I've sacrificed and gone out of my way to do things no other being has ever been willing to do to get to where I am.

If you want 1 on 1 help for free, ask a question down below or add me on discord:



Jul 24, 2024
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No hubris here. I have sacrificed my ego tens of thousands of times to get to where I am. I truly just want to help others. I would not be saying what I have in the OP if I truly did not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to help others. It is what I have dedicated my life too.

Hoping I can be of use to someone here :)


Jul 24, 2024
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There are plenty of folks on here asking questions. Feel free to share your advice so that everyone of us can advance to your height.

There are plenty of folks on here asking questions. Feel free to share your advice so that everyone of us can advance to your height.

I simply have too much content to share. Any advice I would give is tailored to the individual seeking help or information.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Yes. Answer some of the questions other members have posted in various threads. You can tailor your advice to their specific needs so you don't have to worry about it being too much content.


Jul 24, 2024
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Yes. Answer some of the questions other members have posted in various threads. You can tailor your advice to their specific needs so you don't have to worry about it being too much content.

Do you have a link to some threads where I might be needed?


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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You are on a forum. Browse and arouse 👍


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Jul 22, 2024
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I have a question! During the process of creating your system, how did you "sort the wheat from the chaf" so to speak? It's so hard to determine the validity of information on topics such as the ones explored on this forum, and can be quite dangerous to be wrong, so did you use any special methods to safely combine these elements or was it mostly trial and error?
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Loving your knowledge so far.
Just looked at your mirrors on another thread! Truly impressive work! Are you willing to offer advice when it comes to the creation of items of purpose like those or the research process? I'm very hand-made by myself oriented when it comes to anything which it's possible to do so, but I've avoided dabbling with items of magical purpose because frankly the best case scenario when you don't get it exactly right seems to be that it is worthless, and it goes quickly downhill from there


Jul 24, 2024
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I have a question! During the process of creating your system, how did you "sort the wheat from the chaf" so to speak? It's so hard to determine the validity of information on topics such as the ones explored on this forum, and can be quite dangerous to be wrong, so did you use any special methods to safely combine these elements or was it mostly trial and error?

Honestly a great question and I appreciate your apprehension in approaching information with care.

The truth is that I went out of my way to objectively experiment with reality to an extreme degree. Meaning I personally painstakingly objectively tested reality for years in order to test out different sounds, words, thought forms, concepts, hypotheses, theories, science, logic, vibrations, polarities, egos, archetypes, perspectives, helping others, knowledge and other variables. I made sure to be as objective, non-subjective, observational, rational, logical and scientific as possible. I carried this logic into many areas of whatever is as researching. Nothing could be ruled out as truth or lie completely during this process. You have to go to great lengths during actual practical testing of reality to ensure you are being objective, scientific and logical. If you do this for long enough your critical thinking skills of objectively observing reality will develop- then selecting the wheat from the chaff becomes easier and easier to identify. Unfortunately very little is actually out there even in the occult, magick and alchemy world that is of actually tangible value. 99% if not more in my opinion is complete trash you can throw into the garbage. What is actually good that is out there is still pretty bad overall. If you search the entire Internet for ten thousand hours for good content on the actual nature of reality and how to evolve yourself- you might find overall, at best an hour or two of content.


Jul 22, 2024
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Honestly a great question and I appreciate your apprehension in approaching information with care.

The truth is that I went out of my way to objectively experiment with reality to an extreme degree. Meaning I personally painstakingly objectively tested reality for years in order to test out different sounds, words, thought forms, concepts, hypotheses, theories, science, logic, vibrations, polarities, egos, archetypes, perspectives, helping others, knowledge and other variables. I made sure to be as objective, non-subjective, observational, rational, logical and scientific as possible. I carried this logic into many areas of whatever is as researching. Nothing could be ruled out as truth or lie completely during this process. You have to go to great lengths during actual practical testing of reality to ensure you are being objective, scientific and logical. If you do this for long enough your critical thinking skills of objectively observing reality will develop- then selecting the wheat from the chaff becomes easier and easier to identify. Unfortunately very little is actually out there even in the occult, magick and alchemy world that is of actually tangible value. 99% if not more in my opinion is complete trash you can throw into the garbage. What is actually good that is out there is still pretty bad overall. If you search the entire Internet for ten thousand hours for good content on the actual nature of reality and how to evolve yourself- you might find overall, at best an hour or two of content.
I find often the truth and the lie are frequently hidden within each other. Do you have any specific advise when it comes to the process of testing this information while remaining as guarded as possible? In my experience reality seems to be at a minimum quite flexible, if not downright deceptive, how do you approach it objectively when it seems inclined to bend towards the will of those observing it?
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To expand on that a little, a good example is things of a quantum nature, when an outcome can be changed simply by observing it, how can we tune ourselves to be able to observe reality without changing it?


Jul 24, 2024
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I find often the truth and the lie are frequently hidden within each other. Do you have any specific advise when it comes to the process of testing this information while remaining as guarded as possible? In my experience reality seems to be at a minimum quite flexible, if not downright deceptive, how do you approach it objectively when it seems inclined to bend towards the will of those observing it?

Break everything down into their individual components. This means sounds, words, sentences, languages, concepts, thoughts, hypotheses/theories, emotions, ideas etc. Break something down to the individual bare bones component that you can. Then test that individual component in tens of thousands of ways with as many variables as reality will allow you to exhaust until there is nothing left. Try out different combinations of these broken down individual parts of reality. Test out for yourself for the sake of testing how it works naturally with and without interference. Test so many variables and possible combinations of basic components of reality like I listed so that it doesn't matter if you or others are interfering with the testing. If you test things long, hard enough, with proper objective observation and with enough different combinations of basic variables of reality. You will inevitably see patterns form that are separate from you and others. Those patterns cannot be trusted as either lie or truth either. But they will always be there to be observed objectively.
Ultimately- it is hard for me to suggest completely what I have done to others as I have played an insane amount of many roles, egos, identities, archetypes, sounds, thought forms, emotions and other things consciously as if I were an actor in order to collect this data. I sacrificed a lot to gain the objective information and data I have. It wasn't easy. It was worth it in the long run and I don't regret it at all. But it is hard to recommend this tough path of objective reality testing and data collection to others for what you have to sacrifice to get it.

I could keep rambling on. But I think you get the point. Any other questions?


Jul 22, 2024
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With the process you have described, how have you determined that your discoveries are indeed discoveries of an objective truth, as opposed to a creation of your own will and desires for the thing manifesting after putting so much time and effort into them? I guess an analogy for this would be a good stick. After centuries upon centuries of testing and observation we have determined that a stick has many purposes, objectively it is an invaluable tool, weapon, building material, home to other forms of life, a transporter of nutrients, and a natural structural marvel.. but when it comes to reality, which is indeed it's true glorious purpose? Or is it simply a stick, of which we have made valuable with our obsession over it?
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With the process you have described, how have you determined that your discoveries are indeed discoveries of an objective truth, as opposed to a creation of your own will and desires for the thing manifesting after putting so much time and effort into them? I guess an analogy for this would be a good stick. After centuries upon centuries of testing and observation we have determined that a stick has many purposes, objectively it is an invaluable tool, weapon, building material, home to other forms of life, a transporter of nutrients, and a natural structural marvel.. but when it comes to reality, which is indeed it's true glorious purpose? Or is it simply a stick which we have made valuable with our obsession over it?
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