• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

I can help you

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Oct 13, 2022
Reaction score
Okay, I have energetic problems that seems to be affecting my health, and visualisation seems be a blurry which wasn't always like that.

What can you do to resolve that problem?.. I'm going add you as well.


Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
Okay, I have energetic problems that seems to be affecting my health, and visualisation seems be a blurry which wasn't always like that.

What can you do to resolve that problem?.. I'm going add you as well.

It's really hard to info drop in this forum. I also feel like I'm going to get gaslighted if I post my information on here. But simply you have to fix your food and water. You also have to start engaging in high level energy work everyday- at least 8-18 hours a day.

I can help more if you add me on discord. Or you can email me at spiralpower369@gmail.com


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
Reaction score

There is an envelope, inside this envelope there are written instructions.


727 101
604 908
That's weird. The second hit when I googled those numbers was Google Mars. Chalk that one up to synchronicity.


Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
You are not stupid. In fact i've already noted that your passion and drive might have produced great things
if only they were directed properly.

it's deliciously ironic in a "as above so below" way, but i believe you are the one who needs help.
in that way, understand i have no hate for you only pity.
It's seriously alarming how many there are alike you, and maybe we should take a more valid stance on mental health
but that is not what this forum is for. I can only say take care of yourself.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Bro is mastering ninjutsu from Naruto, Avatar, and Jujutsu Kaisen
I think we're done here.
Nah. Headcase. You have to read that Google document to find out ("The government and the elites experimented on me!", etc.).


Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
You are not stupid. In fact i've already noted that your passion and drive might have produced great things
if only they were directed properly.

it's deliciously ironic in a "as above so below" way, but i believe you are the one who needs help.
in that way, understand i have no hate for you only pity.
It's seriously alarming how many there are alike you, and maybe we should take a more valid stance on mental health
but that is not what this forum is for. I can only say take care of yourself.

Oh goyim!
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Oh goyim!!!
Post automatically merged:

Nah. Headcase. You have to read that Google document to find out ("The government and the elites experimented on me!", etc.).
Oh goyim!!!!!!


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
Reaction score
Oh goyim!
Post automatically merged:

Oh goyim!!!
Post automatically merged:

Oh goyim!!!!!!
Did the needle of your mental record player get stuck?


Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
Sorry too cryptic for me to solve lol.

You said you did
Being able to read the feelings/emotions/thoughts and words of anyone in the universe


That was a bog standard request. Theres multiple ways to find out what It wanted from you. If anything, just reading the coordinates should give you impressions.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
You said you did


That was a bog standard request. Theres multiple ways to find out what It wanted from you. If anything, just reading the coordinates should give you impressions.
Even I could instantly figure out this was remote viewing. I don't usually agree with you, Mars, but this was a succinct, good call.


Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
It's remnants of a Pyramid on the north pole of Mars, next to that stupid mountain that looks like a face on that probe images. :/

Look very pretty too.


Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
It's remnants of a Pyramid on the north pole of Mars, next to that stupid mountain that looks like a face on that probe images. :/

Look very pretty too.
Wow I guess I'm just a fraud


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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doesn't necessarily mean you're qualified to teach others
Funnily enough, not everyone that might be good at what they do or learned, is actually apt enough to teach as teaching is also a skill in itself.
Drug inducing feelings in others
Considering the vast amount of drugs and what they can do, this doesn't mean much.Besides, aside the drugs themselves, people can get similar stuff from non-drug related activities/substances.

Rainbow Eyes/Golden Glowing Light Eyes/Golden Hair Generation
I have no idea what's that supposed to mean.

Dragon Force Aura Integration (dead ability because the dragon force is dead)
I'm sorry, but this is chuuni.

Using the 10,000 hand bodhisattva to cause Earthquakes
Despite not being a Buddhist, I can say with certainty that I doubt that "causing earthquakes" would be something that a Boddhisattva would do, as earthquakes are associated with death and destruction.

I don't know what half of this list means
For some I can get the names, for others I can get the "idea" of what they can do, but for many I really don't understand a thing.

I also feel like I'm going to get gaslighted if I post my information on here
I think you're confusing "doxxing" and "gaslighting".
They're completely different things.

Honestly it's a pity that this is our first interaction because the way you're acting reminded me so much of "those people" from past communities I've either been a part of or just checked on.

You know the type, they would make wild claims and act like they were hot stuff but in the end it all ended up being no more than a parade of peacocks, trying to gather to themselves the most amount of attention to satisfy their egoes.They pretended to be knowledgeable and powerful but most-if not all-were on the same boat as everyone else.

It isn't a problem to know little, we all have to learn.
It isn't a problem to not have power, we all can get it through many ways.

The problem is when you come up acting like this bigshot and basically asking other users to "use your services".Not only it feels condescending(as if you were above everyone else and we should take it as fact based on your words alone), but what is to stop us from thinking that you're seeking to scam others?
I've seen it happen in other communities, people pretending to teach others, to "help them" and the ones that were better off were the ones that only lost time, and maybe some money.Others had it worse for obvious reasons

It would've worked in your favour to act more humble and show your work, so others would've been curious and maybe willing to learn from you.But now I guess no one will believe your words and your image here is already that of a charlatan(if not someone delusional) .If you want things to change then you have to show some good faith rather than demand us to accept your words.

This will be the only post I'll make here as I don't feel like there will be more to speak of.


Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
Funnily enough, not everyone that might be good at what they do or learned, is actually apt enough to teach as teaching is also a skill in itself.

Considering the vast amount of drugs and what they can do, this doesn't mean much.Besides, aside the drugs themselves, people can get similar stuff from non-drug related activities/substances.

I have no idea what's that supposed to mean.

I'm sorry, but this is chuuni.

Despite not being a Buddhist, I can say with certainty that I doubt that "causing earthquakes" would be something that a Boddhisattva would do, as earthquakes are associated with death and destruction.

For some I can get the names, for others I can get the "idea" of what they can do, but for many I really don't understand a thing.

I think you're confusing "doxxing" and "gaslighting".
They're completely different things.

Honestly it's a pity that this is our first interaction because the way you're acting reminded me so much of "those people" from past communities I've either been a part of or just checked on.

You know the type, they would make wild claims and act like they were hot stuff but in the end it all ended up being no more than a parade of peacocks, trying to gather to themselves the most amount of attention to satisfy their egoes.They pretended to be knowledgeable and powerful but most-if not all-were on the same boat as everyone else.

It isn't a problem to know little, we all have to learn.
It isn't a problem to not have power, we all can get it through many ways.

The problem is when you come up acting like this bigshot and basically asking other users to "use your services".Not only it feels condescending(as if you were above everyone else and we should take it as fact based on your words alone), but what is to stop us from thinking that you're seeking to scam others?
I've seen it happen in other communities, people pretending to teach others, to "help them" and the ones that were better off were the ones that only lost time, and maybe some money.Others had it worse for obvious reasons

It would've worked in your favour to act more humble and show your work, so others would've been curious and maybe willing to learn from you.But now I guess no one will believe your words and your image here is already that of a charlatan(if not someone delusional) .If you want things to change then you have to show some good faith rather than demand us to accept your words.

This will be the only post I'll make here as I don't feel like there will be more to speak of.
Yeah. I guess I'm just a delusional, powerless and stupid goy that has nothing of value to offer. I am nothing more than a charlatan and a fraud. I have no right teaching or helping others. You have enlightened me. I guess I really am just a stupid goy after all.
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Funnily enough, not everyone that might be good at what they do or learned, is actually apt enough to teach as teaching is also a skill in itself.

Considering the vast amount of drugs and what they can do, this doesn't mean much.Besides, aside the drugs themselves, people can get similar stuff from non-drug related activities/substances.

I have no idea what's that supposed to mean.

I'm sorry, but this is chuuni.

Despite not being a Buddhist, I can say with certainty that I doubt that "causing earthquakes" would be something that a Boddhisattva would do, as earthquakes are associated with death and destruction.

For some I can get the names, for others I can get the "idea" of what they can do, but for many I really don't understand a thing.

I think you're confusing "doxxing" and "gaslighting".
They're completely different things.

Honestly it's a pity that this is our first interaction because the way you're acting reminded me so much of "those people" from past communities I've either been a part of or just checked on.

You know the type, they would make wild claims and act like they were hot stuff but in the end it all ended up being no more than a parade of peacocks, trying to gather to themselves the most amount of attention to satisfy their egoes.They pretended to be knowledgeable and powerful but most-if not all-were on the same boat as everyone else.

It isn't a problem to know little, we all have to learn.
It isn't a problem to not have power, we all can get it through many ways.

The problem is when you come up acting like this bigshot and basically asking other users to "use your services".Not only it feels condescending(as if you were above everyone else and we should take it as fact based on your words alone), but what is to stop us from thinking that you're seeking to scam others?
I've seen it happen in other communities, people pretending to teach others, to "help them" and the ones that were better off were the ones that only lost time, and maybe some money.Others had it worse for obvious reasons

It would've worked in your favour to act more humble and show your work, so others would've been curious and maybe willing to learn from you.But now I guess no one will believe your words and your image here is already that of a charlatan(if not someone delusional) .If you want things to change then you have to show some good faith rather than demand us to accept your words.

This will be the only post I'll make here as I don't feel like there will be more to speak of.
ladies GIF

Tips fedora
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