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Livin in a bizarre situation

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Nov 13, 2023
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Hi all I am looking for desperate help in my bizarre situation.
I am livin a life that I didn,t ask for.
I currently live with absolutely no income but there is something controlling me.
I get random people to bring me food and clothes and such and it,s obvious to me that something is sending these people to me.
But this same magical thing is PREVENTING me from solving the problem.
And it,s getting worse and worse.
This thing decides everything for me it decides who I should hang out with and wants me to hang out with mostly troubled people and drug addicts,
I,ve been like this for a lot of years.
I went searching and I found the left hand path and I downloaded some books.
After reading I found I can only use sigil magic at the moment because I don,t have money to buy candles and stuff so I started doing that.
So I don,t know what else to do.
Do the left hand path really work or is this some kinda scam?
And what do I need to do to get out of my situation?
I wanna know why I am in this bizarre situation.
It is getting me in a lot of trouble that grows everytime
I need to get desperate help.


Aug 31, 2021
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same magical thing is PREVENTING me from solving the problem.
The vertical lines of spiritual light coming into the standard human enter the top of the head, pass through the brain and anchor in the heart.

This light provides consciousness and life force and carries divine intent.

The flow can be interfered with in various ways.

In your case it looks like the light does not properly penetrate the head but flows around the back of the head and down on a slight angle into the heart where it does not anchor properly.

Thus there are two overt interferences:

  • an entity sitting in the brain
  • dark substance on the top of the heart.

Usually such interference requires preconditions and permissions.

There is personal karma present and quite a lot of group karma.

If you read through my posts on this site you will find some techniques that may be useful


Aug 17, 2023
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Hi all I am looking for desperate help in my bizarre situation.
I am livin a life that I didn,t ask for.
I currently live with absolutely no income but there is something controlling me.
I get random people to bring me food and clothes and such and it,s obvious to me that something is sending these people to me.
But this same magical thing is PREVENTING me from solving the problem.
And it,s getting worse and worse.
This thing decides everything for me it decides who I should hang out with and wants me to hang out with mostly troubled people and drug addicts,
I,ve been like this for a lot of years.
I went searching and I found the left hand path and I downloaded some books.
After reading I found I can only use sigil magic at the moment because I don,t have money to buy candles and stuff so I started doing that.
So I don,t know what else to do.
Do the left hand path really work or is this some kinda scam?
And what do I need to do to get out of my situation?
I wanna know why I am in this bizarre situation.
It is getting me in a lot of trouble that grows everytime
I need to get desperate help.
LHP does not necessarily involve investment in paraphernalia. Michael Kelly's "Aegishjalmur: The Book of Dragon Runes" or his "Apophis" take a highly minimalist approach to the LHP.

But, before you go getting into yet another practice, how exactly does this controlling something exert control? Meaning, what happens if you go against its wishes?


Nov 13, 2023
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LHP does not necessarily involve investment in paraphernalia. Michael Kelly's "Aegishjalmur: The Book of Dragon Runes" or his "Apophis" take a highly minimalist approach to the LHP.

But, before you go getting into yet another practice, how exactly does this controlling something exert control? Meaning, what happens if you go against its wishes?
I will either get blocked by a person or attacked.
Like for example if I want to go to a place that my intuition tells me that i,m not allowed to go to I may get somebody to beat me up or cause some kind of trouble or just blocks my way
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Get a job so you don't have to rely on others.
I can,t and that,s the problem.
This force is causing me to not get any kind of job


Jul 2, 2022
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LHP does not necessarily involve investment in paraphernalia. Michael Kelly's "Aegishjalmur: The Book of Dragon Runes" or his "Apophis" take a highly minimalist approach to the LHP.
Very good suggestions
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I can,t and that,s the problem.
This force is causing me to not get any kind of job
Just research a little, on this forum there are tons of books that would help.


Nov 4, 2023
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The Left Hand Path teaches that you are responsible for your own life. Not a supernatural, controlling influence. You may have had difficult experiences which have created patterns that cause you to get under your own feet but, with therapy and resolve, these self-sabotaging behaviours can be undone.

The Left Hand Path works by building upon, and increasing, existing strength and joy. It cannot be practiced when you are weak and miserable and it is not a "miracle from Heaven" solution to your problems. It does not recommend listening to the voices in your head! Instead, using intuition and also reason and guile, you select the course of action each time which is going to increase your power, pleasure and wisdom.

You may well have been working magic to have "random people" bring you "food and clothes and such"; that might be an indication of some natural talent at magic.

However, my advice would be to set the books and ideas about the Left Hand Path aside for the time being. Focus on getting a job (there are employment deficits all over the world at the moment - the only thing that's stopping you is you) and focus on stabilising your life. Cut out people who bring negativity and try to get yourself into secure, clean accommodation. Once you have held down a job for a while and are in a new living situation, find a therapist to help work through your baggage. Think about what you're good at and how to make that profitable. After a year of therapy and day-to-day self-work, if you're still drawn to the Left Hand Path, come back to a forum like this and ask again about books.
Sep 9, 2021
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Who, exactly are you inviting into your life in the LHP? What I mean is what gods, goddesses or demons are you involving yourself with?


Nov 4, 2023
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Who, exactly are you inviting into your life in the LHP? What I mean is what gods, goddesses or demons are you involving yourself with?
The purpose is to become your own god. That is, you wrest power away from the forces which have shaped your existence for you and you re-create it for yourself.

This act of rebellion against mechanical allocation has traditionally been symbolised in the West by Satan, so it's common to see Satanism in the early stages of the LHP but this is Satan as a cosmic pattern/current. If a person has done something inane like replaced God with "Father Satan" (I wish I was making that up!) then that's not the LHP. It's still the RHP but with the labels changed.

A bit further down the road, once a person has had some experience taking control of their own lives, thinking for themselves, using magic to give gifts to themselves, etc. other questions begin to emerge. An initiate might wonder "Why if I can re-create my experience of life in anyway I want, do I choose [enter desire]?" At this post-rebellion stage, other gods/cosmic patterns begin to enter the picture; an initiate who feels a strong desire to seek out wisdom might find a pattern in Odin, a Dorian Gray-type initiate obsessed with beauty and immortality might find a pattern in Aphrodite or a god associated with the vampire tradition. The gods/cosmic patterns must be conducive to the larger goal of the LHP. If you are attempting to become your own god, it's counter-productive to invoke a pattern which insists on having no gods before it.

These cosmic patterns should resonate with deeply held desires. Desires which are very deep are an emanation of an initiate's Essence and aligning all layers of the mind and body with that Essence are the ultimate goal of the Left Hand Path.


Apr 28, 2021
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Because you already decided it wouldn’t work subconsciously. You feel defeated and controlled by whatever it is you think is bothering you, and that perception becomes your reality.

Just as important as doing the ritual is visualizing the outcome, and acting like it had already been successful.


Nov 13, 2023
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The Left Hand Path teaches that you are responsible for your own life. Not a supernatural, controlling influence. You may have had difficult experiences which have created patterns that cause you to get under your own feet but, with therapy and resolve, these self-sabotaging behaviours can be undone.

The Left Hand Path works by building upon, and increasing, existing strength and joy. It cannot be practiced when you are weak and miserable and it is not a "miracle from Heaven" solution to your problems. It does not recommend listening to the voices in your head! Instead, using intuition and also reason and guile, you select the course of action each time which is going to increase your power, pleasure and wisdom.

You may well have been working magic to have "random people" bring you "food and clothes and such"; that might be an indication of some natural talent at magic.

However, my advice would be to set the books and ideas about the Left Hand Path aside for the time being. Focus on getting a job (there are employment deficits all over the world at the moment - the only thing that's stopping you is you) and focus on stabilising your life. Cut out people who bring negativity and try to get yourself into secure, clean accommodation. Once you have held down a job for a while and are in a new living situation, find a therapist to help work through your baggage. Think about what you're good at and how to make that profitable. After a year of therapy and day-to-day self-work, if you're still drawn to the Left Hand Path, come back to a forum like this and ask again about books.
I CAN,T GET THE JOB you see that,s the problem I haven,t been able to get a job since this started happening.
It all started about 8 years ago when I moved here to the Canary Islands.
I was livin in the Caribean on an island where it was mostly ghetto.
I had work and everything and I used to live a wealthy lifestyle.
But the people there were jelaus of me and hated me for that and they always wanted to rob me.
A lot of people have threatend me with curses and such.
Me I got tired of taking all these things from people so I moved away.
When I got here I noticed things have changed dramatically.
People were being nice to me and everyone was giving me things.
At first I thought it was god so I started going to church and such.
But then I tried to do normal stuff like applying for a job and I noticed that this magical thing is PREVENTING me from getting one.
My life changed and I noticed that thisthing thinks that I am a child.
Children are touched by this and they see me for a child even though I am 42 years old.
A lot of children wanna socialize with me and I have been to teen parties and everything and this power keeps making sure that the kids like me.
And people always give me kids stuff like skateboards and all of that.
But as soon as I try to do anything normal like applying for a job then I get in trouble.
At first I will get anxious and feel dizzy and get panic attack.
If I manage to get past that then I will get external problems like for example :
An agressive person prevents me from getting on the bus or whatever.
My life only goes when I do child stuff.
So I need to find out what is on me and then to get an idea how to deal with it.
I read Uncld Setnaks book I think it was called like a guide to the left hand path or something and I also read Practical Sigil Magic and I started doing Sigils but I noticed that the sigils have NO EFFECT.
So I am lost again...
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Who, exactly are you inviting into your life in the LHP? What I mean is what gods, goddesses or demons are you involving yourself with?
No one
I thought that the LHP meant that it gives YOU control over youre own destiny.
I want to alter my own destiny so I would be able to get out of a situation
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The vertical lines of spiritual light coming into the standard human enter the top of the head, pass through the brain and anchor in the heart.

This light provides consciousness and life force and carries divine intent.

The flow can be interfered with in various ways.

In your case it looks like the light does not properly penetrate the head but flows around the back of the head and down on a slight angle into the heart where it does not anchor properly.

Thus there are two overt interferences:

  • an entity sitting in the brain
  • dark substance on the top of the heart.

Usually suchSo interference requires preconditions and permissions.
So you mean like someone used magic to get into my brain or something?
There is personal karma present and quite a lot of group karma.

If you read through my posts on this site you will find some techniques that may be useful
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Aug 31, 2021
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someone used magic to get into my brain or something?
Magic is a rather human view of energies and entities

There looks like a large adverse elemental encompassing your brain.

Read through my posts to find out how to approach it

If you have given permission, for example through adverse attitudes/behavior/karma, it may not leave


Oct 20, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all I am looking for desperate help in my bizarre situation.

Hi Lex.

I currently live with absolutely no income but there is something controlling me.
I get random people to bring me food and clothes and such and it,s obvious to me that something is sending these people to me.
But this same magical thing is PREVENTING me from solving the problem.

Ok. Heard and understood.

And it's getting worse and worse.

The simple fact you have noticed the trend and that you're asking for help is a very good sign.

This thing decides everything for me it decides who I should hang out with and wants me to hang out with mostly troubled people and drug addicts,

Got it.

I,ve been like this for a lot of years.

Ok. It sounds like this is a big problem.

I went searching and I found the left hand path and I downloaded some books.
After reading I found I can only use sigil magic at the moment because I don,t have money to buy candles and stuff so I started doing that.
So I don,t know what else to do.

Ah. You're looking for a perscription?

Do the left hand path really work or is this some kinda scam?

It works for those who "work-it". It's not a scam, but, it is often misunderstood. Certainly there are "scammers" who are on a left-hand-path. The "scam" is effective on those who are too eager and, forgive me, desperate. Desperation is fertile ground for manipulation.

And what do I need to do to get out of my situation?

Everyone is different. What works for me and others, may not work for you. Finding the right perscription to help you get out of this situation in some ways is going to be trial-and-error. A responsible healthy approach involves introducing a remedy in a small quantity where the potential for negative side-effects are known to be minimal. Then one looks for positive changes in the signs and symptoms as as well as any signs and symptoms for any negative side-effects.

If the one seeking help is desperate, they can seek a cure-all, a panacea, and maybe they will find it. In some ways it makes sense to try a few of these remedies if they are well known to be harmless. But, I think it's important to be realistic and be aware that in life there is rarely a one-and-done solution to life's problems. If there was a one-size-fits-all solution, everyone would be healthy, happy, and successful all the time.

I wanna know why I am in this bizarre situation.
It is getting me in a lot of trouble that grows everytime
I need to get desperate help.

OK. The first thing I would recommend is breath-work ... breathing, just breathing. The reason I am recommending this as the first step is because finding the right solution tailored ( literally, tailored like a garment ) for you and your situation requires a sensitivity in yourself which is compromised by desperation. Being sensitive to yourself, knowing yourself, is arguably the most important tool in the LHP toolbox. Cultivating this sensitivity has so many benefits for everyone. For some it comes naturally as an in born talent, but for many it is a skill which needs to be cultivated like a garden. Believe it or not, breathing, just simply breathing, cultivates this sensitivity.

Breath-work very often accomplishes both goals of increasing sensitivity and reducing desperation simultaneously. Breath-work is also foundational. It facilitates, encourages, and supports almost any occult practice. Even if you were not seeking help for a specific problem, this is a useful skill. But for now, I think it is a great place to start in helping you with the problems you are reporting.

With increased sensitivity and decreased desperation, the one seeking help is better equiped to accurately express the signs and symptoms they are experiencing to the practioner. Initially, this is a team effort. The one who is seeking help is getting help from others. From an LHP perspective, the ultimate goal is that seeker evolves into their own practioner. The patient becomes their own doctor. The individual becomes their own savior. This is accomplished through sensitivity and is actualized as knowing oneself.

While it's true that doctors often make the worst patients, a skillful LHP practioner is sensitive to themself, and knows themself so well that they are able to avoid and counter those problems flipping them into assets. One way to spot a "scammer" is that they will be setting up and encouraging a relationship of dependence in contrast to independence. The LHP is encouraging independence. True independence comes from sensitivity of not just oneself and knowing oneself, but sensitivity to the world around them, and understanding it. It begins with an inward directed awareness which develops into outward understanding.

There is potential for negative side-effects, so, it's important to know and understand those in advance before increasing one's sensitivity, but, these are rare. The likelyhood for a negative reaction increases for those who are drug-users ( past or present ), for those who have unresolved trauma in their life experiences, for those who are loners, lacking a community of family or friends, and for those who are lacking a daily routine.

Of these four risk factors, the second one is the most important. The last two are important to be aware of, but, need not interfere with one's pursuit especially when starting gradually. Having a community and a routine are more like life-lines which are useful in case of trouble. Every bird that learns to fly begins in an egg in a nest.

If you'd like to try it, all you need to do, is breathe and pay attention to the heart. The heart understands so much and so well, yet it is often ignored. Sensitivity to the heart, is sensitivity to oneself, sensivity to the surrounding world. This is my recipe for breathing. Maybe try it and let me know how it feels? The goal is to do-it. Not just read about it, actually do-it and cultivate an inner-awareness, an inner sensitivity.

  1. Sit still. It doesn't matter where, except not while driving, but it is not lying down.
  2. Eyes are open, not closed.
  3. Face is forward. Jaw is relaxed. Head is tilted slightly down, just a tiny bit, so that the eyes pivot up slightly towards the eyebrows.
  4. Breathe.
  5. Follow the breath along its path with the mind.
That's it. The head position is important, but not vital. Relaxing the jaw is very important.

The breath begins at the entrance of the nose. Then it travels up, gently, grazing, briefly, against the inner-bottom of the forehead. Then it travels across the back of the throat. Down it goes opposite the spine, into the belly, pressing out and down on the gut. The belly expands like a balloon. There is a slight pause, then the breath is released. Up it goes past the heart, along the ribs, to the back of the throat again. This time it flows below the palette, across the tongue, between the teeth, over the lips, and out. The breath is complete. It starts with the nose, and ends with the mouth. Then repeat.

What's supposed to happen is the breathing naturally becomes deeper and fuller. The heart should slow and become calm. This calmness should spread over the face, and into the mind. The focus of the eyes should widen to include the peripheral vision while simultaneously the vision becomes clearer. There's no need to spend a lot of time doing this. A little bit goes a long way. One to three minutes of daily practice, at the same time, in the same place, in the same way, will develop into the capability to clear and calm the body, heart, and mind with a single deep breath.

If the opposite occurs, stop, stand up. Gently shake your head, maybe squeeze your eyes closed tightly for a moment. Maybe flex and straighten the legs. What ever feels natural, go ahead and do it. Instead of standing, maybe stretch out and lie down, or curl into a fetal postion. There are no wrong answers. The goal is to pay attention to what you are feeling in yourself. Things to watch for are increasing heart-rate, instead of the expected slowing of the heart-rate. Also, watch for increasing tension in the face, shoulders, and hands instead of increased relaxation. It's OK to begin with tension. That's completely natural and normal. What's supposed to happen is the tension is reduced. This reduction of tension is introduced intentionally only in the jaw at first. Then, it is supposed to spread naturally. If the trend is increasing tension, then I recommend stopping and, strangley, encouraging that tension.

So, maybe let's start with this? Breath-work. Breathe, just breathe. If a state of calm spreads through your body, heart, and mind, then maybe we can move on to the next step which is getting into a little more detail of ways to solve the problems you are reporting. It's possible, and it's not uncommon, that you already have the solutions to your own problems in your own heart / soul / psyche. It could be that through this breath-work the solutions will reveal themself, and poof, like magic, your on your way to greener pastures.

If the breath-work does not produce a state of calm, and does not help to reveal solutions which are already embedded and interwoven within yourself, then maybe it would be good to maybe explore why not.

Either way, this is a good method for moving towards a solution to this specific set of problems and also helping in almost any occult practice which is of interest now or in the future.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Children are touched by this and they see me for a child even though I am 42 years old.
A lot of children wanna socialize with me and I have been to teen parties and everything and this power keeps making sure that the kids like me.
If you are not trolling or mentally ill, I want to warn you that this type of behaviour will get you put in jail or in a ditch somewhere.

Stop fraternizing with children like a fool.

First step is divination. It seems to me like you are not capable of doing that yourself at this moment, so seek help from a reputable, trusted, unbaised outside source. A friend, or perhaps someone from WF will do it for free. Without divination there is no way to know the root cause of your problems.

Like others have said, it may be you yourself who is to blame by your preconceived belief that there is something outside your control preventing you from achieving what you need to.

Here are some helpful links:

The key is divination first, then curebreak/banish next, and finally general protection + money/job spells.

If you want to do more reading:

Just remember that nobody cares about a helpless wimp who sits and complains and does nothing. Nobody cares about the struggles you CLAIM to be facing, and nobody is going to believe you when you say there is nothing you can do. Change your frame of mind, absorb at least some of the IMMENSE wealth of knowledge you have free access to here on this forum, and TAKE the necessary steps, hard as they may be, to correct your situation.


Jun 8, 2021
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You need to let go of fear. Forget about the sigil. Next, pray and talk to God, and build relationship with Him, and also build a great relationship with your Soul. Nurture it, care for it and Love it. Another thing is, to start Loving yourself, and know that you are worth more than gold or money. Face your fears. If you have to, say "Jesus, if you exist, I ask of you to please help me gain back my self-control.

say that when you pray. But pray without fear.


Nov 13, 2023
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You need to let go of fear. Forget about the sigil. Next, pray and talk to God, and build relationship with Him, and also build a great relationship with your Soul. Nurture it, care for it and Love it. Another thing is, to start Loving yourself, and know that you are worth more than gold or money. Face your fears. If you have to, say "Jesus, if you exist, I ask of you to please help me gain back my self-control.

say that when you pray. But pray without fear.
I used to be a Chrristian before all this.
If god really exists then he,s the one doing this to me.
I read the whole bible and came out with no solucion.
I,m not going on that road again


Nov 13, 2023
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Unless you are being tested: If you cannot manage your humanness, can you be allocated greater tasks?
Really don,t start with this again!!
I,ve heared it all before.
God is just TESTING me yeah.
You know I used to believe that but for 8 YEARS!
Does god have nothing to do?
Maybe someone should buy him a Lamborgini so he can find something else to TEST!
My life is completely ruined by this.
Don,t come with this stupidity again please.
I am about to commit suicide if I cannot come with a soluccion for this.
It,s serious and it,s ruining my life VERY DEEPLY.
And it shows peoe a side of md wich I really am not
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And by the way ...
What,s a Papyrus?
Sep 9, 2021
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If you really read and understood your Bible, you'd realize, like my hard headed ass did after some time and bad decisions, that this life is temporal.
Who tempted Jesus Christ?
Who drove him into the wilderness?
Why might that have occurred?
Read Ephesians 6 again.

And most importantly try the advice given. Because you come off sounding like an edge lord or a Facebook gift card scammer.
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