I feel like dreams can often be either meaningless or meaningful. Sometimes both. It's believed your subconscious uses dreams as a way to process stuff, so perhaps the psychic side of the subconscious kicks in. I know I've had more meaningful dreams before, though most of mine seem very random and silly at face value. (I also dream almost every night, so there's so many of them to begin with)
One thing I like to pay attention to is recurring patterns or themes. For example, I'll sometimes have dreams where there's a secret set of extra stories to my one-story house. (How it's possible to hide multiple stories of a house, you got me lol) They'll only be accessible through a small hidden hatch in the closet ceiling, but the closet usually doesn't look like a closet I have at all. Neither do the surrounding rooms. The hidden floors are usually super decked out, with all kinds of nice furniture and food and multiple balconies. One dream in particular had my grandma secretly living up there. But usually in these hidden-house-dreams, I'll go up to the hidden floors to escape something, whether it's a literal threat going on in the dream or just my own family causing drama.