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Now i know its the greatest robbery

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Jul 4, 2024
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Please guys Wake up!!!

Wake the Fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get of of your slumber and start to live again for fuck sake!!!!!!

I urge everyone thoughtful to read the excerpt below...

An excerpt from Matthew Delooze´s article entitled -

"Now I Know This Is The Greatest Robbery"

I can only try again today to tell people that the enslavement of mankind does not stop at the time of their death. The conspiracy does not stop at the morgue. But many sell you the idea that it does simply because its the most profitable and easiest option to do so. The tale that all of us simply go up into a heavenly spirit world is the most popular happy ending.

Before we go deeper on this matter let’s please just briefly re-visit the previous article. I can only suggest you read now it if you haven’t read it or re-read it if you have previously read it. Obviously I went into the subject of the experiences we could go through at time of death. I also covered the so-called spirit world, psychic mediums and also mentioned entities that may deceive us after death. I feel it is important that you ponder on these subjects with more than just a brief glance. I mainly wanted to point out that those in the spirit world, if you believe a Spirit World exists were just as dumbed down as we are ‘down here’. I concluded the previous writings in this way….

“ 1. We are continuously programmed to think that our death will lead to a certain type of epiphany.

2. When we die we transform into another dimension.

3.The people in the spirit world are just as stupid as the ones in this one if spirits channelling through spiritualist mediums are anything to go by.

4. In the Spirit World we are still under the same hypnosis and the same mind control whilst ‘alive’ in this world.

5. We meet deceptive entities or deceptive scenarios that lead us to eventually reincarnate back into this world. (We never really left the world of serpent control)

6. Most conspiracy researchers seem to believe the ‘conspiracy ends’ at the time of death as long as we feel spiritually uplifted and see a bloody light. (Let’s end all conspiracy theories now then!)”


I basically described how I saw how the spirit world operated and how it was always controlled by the Serpent Cult anyway. I suggested that the spirit world is on a par with the one we live in whilst in the physical body. I stated the spirit world is simply a different wing in the SAME prison and it is also fully controlled by our enslavers. I did this basic symbolic diagram.

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The Spirit World is a Prison too!

Earth / Spirit world are both under the control of the same deceptive force in my opinion. Wake Up. No Pie in the sky for us I’m afraid. I know fluffy bunnies out there aren’t going to like it!

I wrote this in 2008. “The illustration above is easy to understand. In my opinion, symbolically at least, the Earth you live on, this dimension if you like, is closely surrounded by two other dimensions, one is our spirit world and the one above that is the Serpent’s nest of control. Can you see how you would be deceived into thinking you were home or indeed in a heavenly spirit world when indeed you weren’t? You would be in the perceived ‘spirit world’ but still under the spell of the serpent. This is what I believe is going on. We die and we believe we are then free when we see a spirit world but it really is just another deception.”

I have said since day one that the ‘Serpent Cult’ is mostly made up of two parts, one being multi- dimensional ‘alien’ entities the other part being their human lackeys.

The Serpent Cult mainly uses their human lackeys to take care of the usual business in this world. The ‘usual business’ is a figure of speech meaning that the human lackeys control the masses through education, laws, economics and of course religious and traditional RITUALS. These lackeys provide and organise, usually blindly in return for wealth and status, the apparatus to extract spiritual vows and energy from us, especially those via proxy or stealth, baptism and funeral rituals etc. They also invent and create traditional emotional rituals such Christmas, Easter, Eid al-Fitr and many many more. The information on that sort of information was provided to you previously in my books and via articles on this website.

My friends, you were taught and reminded of those rituals for a reason, the information was not simply the ramblings of a mad man.

The other side of the Serpent Cult, the multi dimensional alien entities, usually take care of their business in what we see as a spirit world, although some do operate in this world intermittently too. Indeed some come in and out of this dimension to sample their stock and increase production of spiritual energy. That said both sections of the Serpent Cult work in unison to farm the human race.

This is because the energy created through our emotions and our rituals, those rituals dedicated to the serpent, in this world (Via Sun Worship) actually sustains, feeds and massively empowers the multi dimensional entities in the location of what we see as a Spirit World, or what I know as the Underworld (Again my articles on this website explain the energy through Sun Worship) Most of the human emotional energy created in what you see a physical world actually sustains what you would perceive as a spirit world. In reality this Spirit World is mostly inhabited by alien entities.

Although I have already pointed out that most conspiracy researchers seem to believe any global ‘conspiracy’ ends at the time of your death, and therefore claim we automatically return to source, I cannot stress enough that this is a fallacy. The Serpent controls both the world you see around you and the world you will see as the Spirit World.

I tell you the truth again. “We are deceived in this world to carry out rituals and recite oaths that are deceptively binding. When we die we are literally deceived again and are led to the Spirit World and then deceived again and usually very swiftly given the only option available, which is to reincarnate or to actually stay in the Spirit World we are shown at the time.”


Can you start to believe that when you do ‘die’ in this world you are indeed led into a fake spirit world which is basically a holding station and a recycle plant? Can you start to believe that when you die you then are met by deceptive entities and scenarios take place that will literally direct through a recycling plant and ultimately lead you to reincarnate in this world?

I realise this is a very difficult subject to progress with, especially when the human race is programmed to believe (a) they end up in a lovvie spirit world or they simply drop dead for eternity. I’ll start by making the basic points.

(a) We carry out binding spiritual rituals in this world. (Baptism/Funeral etc. and receive prompting on how heaven or the spirit world looks)

(b) We die and then transform a place agreed through our rituals and we obey the rules of entity we swore allegiance too through our rituals.

(c) We then recycle ourselves back into this world and carry out the same vows again.

Please understand that your birth and death vows in serpent created rituals are not made by you personally. They are actually made by your next of kin etc AND the state itself. (See Is It Me For A Moment –Breaking the Serpents Spell)

The reason for this is because the rituals bind your vows to your bloodline or someone declaring they represent your bloodline. This is an important point for when souls enter the Spirit World or reincarnate.

If you can start to see and believe that human beings are simply farmed and continuously recycled then things will open up for you in many ways, let’s start to look at this ‘farming process’ more closely.

Mind you it should be explained again that we are literally farmed for the spiritual energy we can produce. It should never be forgotten that the human body acts as an energy creating machine and your soul, for want of a better word, creates energy in this machine through its free will experiencing emotion. When we fully realise this it explains so much and things. That is what life is all about. In the normal way of things the Earth feeds us, through what it produces and creates, and we actually ‘feed’ the Earth by what we produce (energy) by experiencing what the Earth produces. We literally feed it with our spiritual energy, our vibes. That is why there is human life on this planet, in this world in the first place. The emotions of a world’s inhabitants actually ‘sustain’ the world itself. Life feeds life. Spirit feeds Spirit. Can you understand that?

Human emotions (Spiritual Energy) are supposed to feed the world and the world uses that energy to give its inhabitants what they need and request. This applies both physically and SPIRITUALLY. The world will give us what we ask for through the energy of our emotions! It will supply both our physical and spiritual needs without judgement. It will kiss us if we ask or it will smack us if we ask. It will do anything we ask. If we pray (feel emotion) and request hell then that is what we will bloody well get.

It’s literally mother earth feeding its children with what they demand and its literally the children supplying the mother with the reason to feed its children. Mother Earth gives what its children requests.

Indeed in the normal process human emotions (Spiritual Energy) feed the planet so the planet continually ‘feeds’ humans to create their emotions to produce spiritual energy that will sustain it. The same process operates in all worlds and through all spiritual beings. Does that make sense to you?

We Feed the World – The World Feeds Us (literally)

The simple rule that we feed the world and the world feeds us should show you why rituals take place? Its like programming a computer to do as you ask but doing it through emotions and free will requests.

If that does make sense can you see that if the earthy world you see around operates by those rules then could you see that any spirit world would also operate by those rules too?

In other words your emotional energy would ‘sustain’ the spirit world and the spirit world would cater for the wishes of its inhabitants. Everything is done through the free will wishes of the inhabitants of the relevant world. If you can see that my friend then does the word ritual or prayer, as mentioned in the Stars Are Falling (2007), make more sense to you as in why they are carried out? Is the Penny dropping again? How many pennies from heaven do you need to see what is being shown to you?

Again, Everything is done through the free will wishes of the inhabitants of the relevant world, and as I said that’s how the process is ‘supposed’ to operate.

The Serpent knew how this process worked and it has simply hijacked this planet. ‘It has taken control of this world’ and it has done so by getting its inhabitants to surrender their own powers by being duped. In other words the Serpent has deceived the human race to feel emotion, and direct the energy created through such emotion, to itself, via its own deities and human lackeys. Not only that the Serpent also gets the energy creators (US) to perform free will rituals, including binding spiritual vows to honour it which in turn feeds it and sustains it too. So instead of feeding the world, and the world feeding us, we continually feed the Serpent and the world does as the Serpent wants, this is simply because we folow the Serpent’s scripts and dance at their parties. The Serpent has full control of human free will, albeit through guile, and although it siphons off all the energy it only feeds us and indeed the planet itself, just enough to live a slave like existence. The Earth follows universal laws and gives the inhabitants what it requests… sadly until death us do part too!

Have I made sense? Can you see? Can you understand?

(a) The Serpent has hijacked the planet via deception and got the human race to worship it by playing god and creator of their world.

(b) The human race (energy creators) unknowingly feed the hijackers, through rituals prayers and traditions.

(c) The Serpent has created a farm in which the human race is continually recycled because it controls the Spirit World after death too.

(d)The whole scam is based on how we have been manipulated to perceive our ‘creators’ as all-powerful entities and by giving our powers away. Instead of us experiencing a world we really want, with our free will energy, we are actually experiencing a dictatorship that was put in place by parasites instead. Instead of feeding a world that will bring us what our hearts may really desire and create we have created a world based on the wishes of a deceptive parasite.

The Serpent has placed itself, in many forms, into a position to receive and harness and siphon off the energy that should sustain the planet and give us our true wishes. Instead we simply empower the Serpent Cult.

The scam is so easily carried out when the world’s inhabitants are so dumbed down. The scam, on a much lower scale, is on a par with an author or artist purposely hijacking and stealing the work of somebody and then taking credit and energy from very naive and unaware customers.

“The Serpent Cult has plagiarised the workings of the planet itself for thousands of years”

To continue with the scam all the Serpent Cult needs to do is get the human race to continue to create the spiritual energy the Serpent needs by directing the emotions that are used to create the energy towards the monuments, icons or scriptures that covertly represent the Serpent. In doing so the masses actually request the planet itself serves the serpent instead of the human race. (Again this website and my books give you many examples of the Serpent’s representatives and rituals) have been supplied with many examples already)

We are literally the official livestock that is being farmed in this world, so to speak, and just like cows have to be continually interfered with to create milk we always have to be entertained or shocked into producing large amounts of spiritual energy through our emotions, hence the continuous creation of wars and hatred and hence the need for global parties that always honour representatives of the Serpent. The Serpent has to continually receive massive free will emotional energy from the human race towards its ‘representatives’, be they religious or symbolic celebrities, otherwise the scam simply breaks down. ‘The planet has to follow the free will wishes of its inhabitants’. As long as it is the will of the human race to worship the middlemen created by the Serpent then the human race will remain at the mercy of the Serpent because the planet will continue to follow the wishes of the human race.

The same scenario applies to events in the so called Spirit World because the Spirit World is simply another part of this world. I am telling you the truth when I say that the vast majority of the human race in this world is not only living a lie in life. The human race lives a lie in death too.

A human being is conned throughout their life on Earth and then the same entity in spirit form is conned again in death. Very few souls actually ever leave this world at all they are either in body on planet Earth or being conned in another dimension, known as the Spirit World, by the same deceivers.

Indeed only the creation of ‘human bodies’ decides how many souls, for want of a better word, are incarnate in body and how many souls are in the perceived spirit world. Again both the spirit world and the physical world are part of the same prison. The physical world is where energy is created and the spirit world is where the clapped out or broken energy creating machine is recycled. It is a continuous theft of your soul. ‘It is the greatest robbery’ simply because we don’t know we have been robbed. Time after time we are deceived and time after time we are used to produce energy to feed the Serpent.

Oh my brothers why do I get all the dirty jobs!

My friends we enter each life (again we are recycled and recycled) with our memories from our previous lives wiped. Our memories are wiped through the vows of surrender (prayer) we carry out through the ambiguous rituals implemented on us by the Serpent. This is so we never lose the full emotional innocent reaction to things that are placed on us during each lifetime. Indeed our memories are also wiped so we never really realise that the same things go on lifetime after lifetime or indeed we start to realise we are literally being farmed and being recycled. (Hey we like to think how clever and aware we are don’t we, but we are literally programmed talking monkeys that have been given a few toys to play with)

Not only that we are subconsciously programmed to breed and breed and breed. That is why the average male spends half of his life seeking to impregnate as many females as he can and the other half of his life masturbating waiting for the opportunity to impregnate some more. Even the clapped out old codgers (what do you mean like me?) are supplied with pills to ‘keep it up’.

We are simply livestock! We are simply free range apes and our sick egos and delusions through programmed minds create the illusion we are free.

There is a very special reason for this sort of breeding situation, it is because we can only reincarnate into bodies we ourselves create. We can only reincarnate into bodies connected to our own bloodline. Indeed my friend, we are very likely to end up as our own great grandchild! “Oh isn’t our Baby Billy just like his great grandad Billy in personality” That’s because he is his Great Grandad! Do you understand that?

We literally create our very own energy creating apparatus of the future, by breeding. Can you accept that? Our seed literally creates a future home for our own soul. Will that explain the constant urge that lurks inside men and their underpants just to spread their seed? It’s literally a programmed instinct in us to do so. Again we are literally subconsciously programmed through the constant manipulation of our minds, and other methods, to create future energy creating machines, for the Serpent by continually creating a continuous supply of physical bodies to allow souls to reincarnate into this world for the energy extraction process to continue.

Of course ‘breeding’ is dressed up in ‘Love and Romance” and our spiritual side will usually look after any offspring we produce, but at this moment in time we are merely providing bodies for the souls to create energy creating machines, just like we produce cows for their energy. What we do to others is done to us, no universal law is broken. (As mentioned in the Savile article)

I can only say again, as I did in my original article, that the human race is just as dumbed down and manipulated in the Spirit World as it is in the so-called Physical World and I say today that’s because they are the two parts of the same prison. Again when we die some of us do transcend into a spirit world but only for the purpose of reincarnating back into a body when a body becomes available.

That said many human souls leaving their bodies at death never actually reach any sort of ‘Spirit World’ at all, they simply find themselves out of their body and in a ‘floating around lost’ situation. They immediately look for another suitable body to enter and that is simply because they have nowhere else to go. Indeed sometimes it can turn into a ‘sperms and egg’ situation, with many souls battling with each other to enter one body, like a pack of dogs trying to mate with one bitch. This is when things turn a bit silly because again because of bloodlines etc. When souls reincarnate through the Spirit World they are usually directed to a suitable body. Indeed some agents for the Serpent are allowed to become massive pied pipers.

Can you accept that?

But of course many souls do indeed have to go to the Spirit World after physical death and they do indeed get led through the recycling situation of the spirit world and are allowed to be reincarnated with their own bloodlines.

The whole process starts again. They take part in rituals, they give off energy, they surrender again to deceptive entities until they die and then the whole process starts again and again and again and again. etc etc etc.

Are you still with me? If so let’s just recap again

We spend a lifetime creating spiritual energy for a force that has hijacked our world. We have vowed to worship and surrender to these Hijackers through ambiguous religious scriptures and deceptive vows.
1.We breed to create future bodies for our souls and other souls from our bloodline to create further energy in future lives
2.When we die we (a) get led to a spirit world and are persuaded to reincarnate for many reasons or (b) we simply end up out of body and seek out a new body in the womb to enter.
3.We start the whole process again.

Are you starting to see the real reasons why a Spirit World exists and why we really reincarnate?

Or do you think you reincarnate and reincarnate and reincarnate just to learn how to be a good person? I’ll say we reincarnate to keep the Serpent’s food chain going. Indeed we are continually born in to slavery and sadly we literally worship our enslavers throughout every lifetime and that will never change as long as wee keep carrying out the same rituals and worshipping the same middlemen.

We will simply keep reincarnating and simply carry out the same vows to continue to do so. I have written many things on how the human race has made itself slaves to a deceptive force that has literally hijacked their very souls. The slaves on planet stupefied ape mirror the Spirit World and even if we became aware of things in the Spirit World we are still bound by the vows we took. We would still have to reincarnate (memory wiped) and try to avoid the rituals in another life. Indeed the collective consciousness is programmed to reject any one telling you these things and any messenger will be ignored and scorned and killed off. Can you accept that?

It’s nearly time for me to go. My friends I have told you the truth. It is not what most want to hear but I’n not here to tell you what you want to hear. I’m here to tell the truth.

I’m not here to bullshit you with fiction or fantasy. I have no reason to lie to you and I assure you that I haven’t done these things in my life for the good of my health either. I am not trying to sell you this story. I am not here to supply endless DVD’s and books and make myself a millionaire whilst telling you that you should overthrow the billionaires. It is not the answer as far as I can see. The human agents in the Serpent Cult on Earth are easily replaced, their bloodlines have priority, its not a case of getting the guillotine out again.

We cannot change anything physical on the planet until we change the spiritual requests we deliver to universe that actually create our physical reality, through the world we are in. Again the Serpent will simply replace any agents we overthrow, indeed it is usually their agents that get us to overthrow their previous agents. We have been overthrowing agents since the days of Noah but sadly they are recycled just like you and me are recycled and I assure you they land back in the bodies of their original bloodline every time!!!

It is futile to overthrow agents when their masters are still unseen and still in charge.

I have much to say on this subject. I have gone a little deeper but still i haven’t finished by a long chalk. I am not of this world and neither are some of you. I have nothing to gain by lying or deceiving anyone but I can only supply information if it is wanted.

I tell you the truth. The time is coming when you really can Break the Serpent’s Spell if it is in your heart to do so. That said it’s not compulsory to have such wishes in your heart. It is not compulsory to believe one word of what I say in these writings. I wish no one harm and I wish all well in their journeys.


Apr 10, 2023
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Can anyone Tl;Dr?

Here's a handy summary:



Jul 4, 2024
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No one likes to be told they are an ass for falling into the practices that enslaves them , especially when they think they are on a path towards enlightment


Nov 19, 2023
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Dude, you need to relax. And ground. And meditate. I'm on board with the alien conspiracies, but you need to chill. You don't need to "save" people with evangelical style proselytizing. You might try putting more effort into self development practices, instead of aggressive walls of text no one has time to read. Just a suggestion.


Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
Dude, you need to relax. And ground. And meditate. I'm on board with the alien conspiracies, but you need to chill. You don't need to "save" people with evangelical style proselytizing. You might try putting more effort into self development practices, instead of aggressive walls of text no one has time to read. Just a suggestion.
I believe we can only save ourselves. Take it or leave it as you please. Im already in a major comfort zone and relaxing far more than i should to. I prompt you to analyze why you posted that remark, indeed it might tell you more about yourself than it does about me, just a suggestion
Post automatically merged:

Dude, you need to relax. And ground. And meditate. I'm on board with the alien conspiracies, but you need to chill. You don't need to "save" people with evangelical style proselytizing. You might try putting more effort into self development practices, instead of aggressive walls of text no one has time to read. Just a suggestion.

Dude, you need to relax. And ground. And meditate. I'm on board with the alien conspiracies, but you need to chill. You don't need to "save" people with evangelical style proselytizing. You might try putting more effort into self development practices, instead of aggressive walls of text no one has time to read. Just a suggestion.
Hello again Mannimarco. Im not entirely convinced you are on board with the the reptilian conspiracy becuse if you truly are why on earth would like to halt anyones efforts on shedding light on it , especially when youve had first experience with these beings ( if im not misconstruing you)

Secondly you spend hours on end on this forum ( this i know for a fact ) why should i chill and abstain from posting very very relevant information about our enslavement , weres your petition to dampen the the efforts of most information here that is designed to put you to sleep and give up your power by aiding the esoterics of the serpents templates or is it only that kind of information that can glue your attention to the screen for hours end ?
Last edited:


Jul 22, 2024
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This reminds me alot of the hollow moon containing an apparatus to harvest misery and forcibly trap souls in a reincarnation loop on earth theory. Not alot of thoughts on the matter, but the complexity that would go into a conspiracy on an operation of that scale is just, unfathomable. A pipeline that leads to the death of hope, which would create more misery.. huh


Jul 4, 2024
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not many grasp how inextricably linked the god Icons scam are to every facet of society. fewer still,are able to understand how they are used to represent a force that sucks our energy dry . as relevant today as ever. the Dynamics of the food chain explained in the article will lay some Foundation work in your subconsiousness. most certain and without lie true wisdome is therein ,of the kind that benefits the reader more than a lifetime of aqquired knowledge attained trough books and various bullshit degrees.

Continue by reading this highly perceptive article

(Ps be patient with it many interesting remarks towards the end )

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Jul 4, 2024
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This reminds me alot of the hollow moon containing an apparatus to harvest misery and forcibly trap souls in a reincarnation loop on earth theory. Not alot of thoughts on the matter, but the complexity that would go into a conspiracy on an operation of that scale is just, unfathomable. A pipeline that leads to the death of hope, which would create more misery.. huh
Hello mate , the moon being an archetype of dead and rebirth is certainly enough to make it a candidate in some capacity in relation to the recycling apparatus that awaits us upon physical death, but the moon and all other planets are an reflection of the content programmed within the mass collective mind . We decide who rule us trough collective worship. We have put the serpents in the heavens. heaven is a dimension that rule this earth if we want it.

Yes we have been programmed to the think that it is unfathomble, that is the result of the multidimensionell hypnosis that we have been subjected to and nothing else


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hello mate , the moon being an archetype of dead and rebirth is certainly enough to make it a candidate in some capacity in relation to the recycling apparatus that awaits us upon physical death, but the moon and all other planets are an reflection of the content programmed within the mass collective mind . We decide who rule us trough collective worship. We have put the serpents in the heavens. heaven is a dimension that rule this earth if we want it.

Yes we have been programmed to the think that it is unfathomble, that is the result of the multidimensionell hypnosis that we have been subjected to and nothing else
I took another look at Delooze's points 1-6 in your original post. Great points actually. (Magi as different as Crowley and Nimrod de Rosario hinted at much the same.) I need to look into this a bit. I was just recently pondering the degree to which the Bardo Thodol might be a swindle.


Jul 4, 2024
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I took another look at Delooze's points 1-6 in your original post. Great points actually. (Magi as different as Crowley and Nimrod de Rosario hinted at much the same.) I need to look into this a bit. I was just recently pondering the degree to which the Bardo Thodol might be a swindle.
I can only agree with the point that both the Egyptian book of the dead and the tibetian one being part of the same scam that controls mankind by linking them up to the serpents maps or blueprints of what they have fashioned the various dimensions to be . They have built a incredible complex labyrinth of various symbolism in the collective subconsiousness and as an result our subconsiousness is so bogged down that its literary hijacked, it doesnt know left from right so it cant find a way out.

So it keeps adhering and repeating motions and patterns that enslave it

Matthew once sad we are born in ignorance , we die and leave to another dimension in ignorance and we are then led back to reincarnate in ignorance


Nov 19, 2023
Reaction score
I believe we can only save ourselves. Take it or leave it as you please. Im already in a major comfort zone and relaxing far more than i should to. I prompt you to analyze why you posted that remark, indeed it might tell you more about yourself than it does about me, just a suggestion
Post automatically merged:

Hello again Mannimarco. Im not entirely convinced you are on board with the the reptilian conspiracy becuse if you truly are why on earth would like to halt anyones efforts on shedding light on it , especially when youve had first experience with these beings ( if im not misconstruing you)

Secondly you spend hours on end on this forum ( this i know for a fact ) why should i chill and abstain from posting very very relevant information about our enslavement , weres your petition to dampen the the efforts of most information here that is designed to put you to sleep and give up your power by aiding the esoterics of the serpents templates or is it only that kind of information that can glue your attention to the screen for hours end ?
Dude I'm trying to help you. I'm on board with some of what you are posting, it's the way you're coming across that's less good. I'm suggesting you practice grounding, centering, and meditation, so that you can approach this from a better place.


Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
Dude I'm trying to help you. I'm on board with some of what you are posting, it's the way you're coming across that's less good. I'm suggesting you practice grounding, centering, and meditation, so that you can approach this from a better place.
Say no more .. all good mate


Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
Youll be saying the same , thousand lifetimes from now, whilst still being no wiser


Look I was more or less poking fun and I’ll use that gif any chance I get vs a gigantic wall of rambling text.

I’m also suspicious by nature and question people’s motives when they make an entrance like yours.

You come across as trollish.

But let’s say you are earnest and being sincere.

You are coming in here with such arrogance and condescension towards a group of people who discuss esoteric daily and have a certain respect towards each other.

Do you really thing we are a bunch of bumpkin newbies who just started dabbing in the secrets of the universe?

Lmao dude.

There are portions of what you are trying to sell as foundation shattering knowledge that actually do have some widely shared beliefs.

The Gnostic forced reincarnation by the Demiurge or Ouroboros which is depicted as serpent or dragon for one. The whole programming or Archons to keep us trapped etc etc.

You aren’t dropping hot shit knowledge we don’t know about already.

Plus you aren’t even really dropping it you are parroting it from whoever the fuck ‘Delooze’ is…

I mean for real my guy you are going to have to workshop a new approach I’m afraid.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score

Look I was more or less poking fun and I’ll use that gif any chance I get vs a gigantic wall of rambling text.

I’m also suspicious by nature and question people’s motives when they make an entrance like yours.

You come across as trollish.

But let’s say you are earnest and being sincere.

You are coming in here with such arrogance and condescension towards a group of people who discuss esoteric daily and have a certain respect towards each other.

Do you really thing we are a bunch of bumpkin newbies who just started dabbing in the secrets of the universe?

Lmao dude.

There are portions of what you are trying to sell as foundation shattering knowledge that actually do have some widely shared beliefs.

The Gnostic forced reincarnation by the Demiurge or Ouroboros which is depicted as serpent or dragon for one. The whole programming or Archons to keep us trapped etc etc.

You aren’t dropping hot shit knowledge we don’t know about already.

Plus you aren’t even really dropping it you are parroting it from whoever the fuck ‘Delooze’ is…

I mean for real my guy you are going to have to workshop a new approach I’m afraid.
I googled Delooze a bit. As you noted, his beliefs are scarcely 100% novel. His hook seems to be personal anecdotes and experiences that allegedly provide evidence for his tenets. Personal testimony does tend to compel, though the question is always whether it's true. Delooze himself seems sincere and I can't see that he's at all the huckster. Still, I can't see that his version of things is necessarily superior to any of several varieties of latter-day Gnosticism. His input is welcome, but not necessarily ushering in some noetic millenium. If I could, I'd "like" your post above.


Jul 4, 2024
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Look I was more or less poking fun and I’ll use that gif any chance I get vs a gigantic wall of rambling text.

I’m also suspicious by nature and question people’s motives when they make an entrance like yours.

You come across as trollish.

But let’s say you are earnest and being sincere.

You are coming in here with such arrogance and condescension towards a group of people who discuss esoteric daily and have a certain respect towards each other.

Do you really thing we are a bunch of bumpkin newbies who just started dabbing in the secrets of the universe?

Lmao dude.

There are portions of what you are trying to sell as foundation shattering knowledge that actually do have some widely shared beliefs.

The Gnostic forced reincarnation by the Demiurge or Ouroboros which is depicted as serpent or dragon for one. The whole programming or Archons to keep us trapped etc etc.

You aren’t dropping hot shit knowledge we don’t know about already.

Plus you aren’t even really dropping it you are parroting it from whoever the fuck ‘Delooze’ is…

I mean for real my guy you are going to have to workshop a new approach I’m afraid.
I never claimed the content in this thread as mine in fact i gave Matthew Delooze full credit so get your information straight.

Gnosticism believe in a true god vs a fake good which is nothing more than good cop vs bad cop with cosmic proportions . And it doesnt matter which one of them you respect becuse you are feeding the same force.

Matthew Delooze doesnt promote any gods

Dont pretend you knew about the content in the Diana article or the content in sputting out the feathers of the benu bird you certainly didnt and
you certainly didnt comprehend the excerpt from matt above if you conflate it with gnosticism.

Get of your high horse.
And dont be smug it doesnt suit you
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Look I was more or less poking fun and I’ll use that gif any chance I get vs a gigantic wall of rambling text.

I’m also suspicious by nature and question people’s motives when they make an entrance like yours.

You come across as trollish.

But let’s say you are earnest and being sincere.

You are coming in here with such arrogance and condescension towards a group of people who discuss esoteric daily and have a certain respect towards each other.

Do you really thing we are a bunch of bumpkin newbies who just started dabbing in the secrets of the universe?

Lmao dude.

There are portions of what you are trying to sell as foundation shattering knowledge that actually do have some widely shared beliefs.

The Gnostic forced reincarnation by the Demiurge or Ouroboros which is depicted as serpent or dragon for one. The whole programming or Archons to keep us trapped etc etc.

You aren’t dropping hot shit knowledge we don’t know about already.

Plus you aren’t even really dropping it you are parroting it from whoever the fuck ‘Delooze’ is…

I mean for real my guy you are going to have to workshop a new approach I’m afraid.
Hey i have three threads that started with the unique content that was thought up by me and i looked up your thread content you dont even have one!

Whos the parrot?

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Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
the serpent has to follow universal laws. One of those laws are called "divine challenge to rule" and it goes back to the ancient World and was something that the old bloodlines practised.Divine right to rule or spritual challenge to rule is aimed at proving to the universe that we request our imprisonment by our
own free will. The bloodlines and thier interdimensionell masters con us to react against manufáctured problems usually involving economic misfortunates. The ptb utilise thier puppets in the police force and agent provacturs in the protesters lineup to synergy thier efforts in creating the negative and offensive challenge energy that the universe and our rulers demand. it is a very cruel con which if succesful effects us on both a physical level aswell as on spiritual level.

Its as David icke describes a problem- reaction -sultion scenario - but on more than on a physical level. the protesters are Always led to release thier anger and submission infront of or nearby buildings that are built according to sacred geometry and occult symbolism. tptb offer thier solution to the problems they themsleves created shortly afterwards, and we cheer them again - voila ritual completed and succeded. they proved to the universe that we challenged them and litterary requested our defeat in favour of our rulers.

" "A stupefied human race becomes even more stupefied when it protests to its enslaver to have human enslavement verified"
Matthew Delooze May 2010.

Continue by reading this highly perceptive
article that shares a dynamic that none has picked up on despite it staring straight in our faces!!!

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Matthew Delooze continues in making a mockery of the conspiracy and occult movements by showing how unaware and deluded they are , imo they are a complete laughing stock , i dont care if i get banned , its 110% true, bunch of real life rainmen with an occult twist , what benefit does reading a whole library benefit you guys if you cant discern between information that can aid your freedome and information that keeps enslaving you.
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